Page 89
popularity as President, 361, 375, 391, 426, 457, 499, 502, 505–6, 558, 560, 581, 645n17
hubris, 411, 469
indecisiveness, 367–8, 370, 375, 392–4, 424
signs of age, 490, 494, 531
monarch and courtiers, 321, 466, 503–4, 553–4, 561, 581
attacked over wartime past, 553–8, 565
and architecture, 560–1, 570
foreign policy:
Europe, 157–9, 271, 328–9, 339, 366–9, 371, 373, 377, 379–82, 388, 392, 471–7, 479–81, 482–4, 490, 512–13, 515–19, 566–7, 582, 632n26, 643n49, 644nn2, 4 & 6–8, 655nn21–2
Germany, 65–6, 125–6, 383–4, 472–81, 483–4, 499, 516, 520–1, 551, 566–70, 654nn9–10 & 15, 658–9nn55–6
Middle East, 340–53, 377, 436, 490–1, 494–5, 498, 501–2, 512, 639nn17–18, 641n35, 656n35
Middle Eastern terrorism, 344–7, 349–51, 353, 412–22, 427–8, 436, 447–52, 639–41nn20–28, 30–2 & 34, 648–51nn48–54 & 59–60, 653n27
Russia, 292–3, 326–8, 330–3, 335–9, 377, 396–400, 403–6, 439–41, 497, 511, 638nn8–10, 646–7nn28, 32 & 35
break-up of Soviet empire, 471–2, 474, 481–2, 507–11, 647n35, 654nn15 & 17, 655n19, 656n40
Yugoslavia (Balkan wars), 511, 519–27, 536, 538, 543–9, 658–9nn53–4
Rwandan genocide, 494, 537–44, 549, 551, 660nn1–3
United States, 271, 290, 312–3, 322–6, 328, 331–9, 377, 392, 396–8, 400–6, 439–42, 496–7, 511, 513–15, 568–71, 646n28, 651–2n9, 658–9n55
Third World, 334–5, 377–8, 470, 486, 541
nuclear disarmament, 323, 329–33, 392, 438–42, 536–7, 537n
see also Africa; Yasser Arafat; George H. W. Bush; China; Mikhail Gorbachev; Israel; Helmut Kohl; Ronald Reagan; and Margaret Thatcher
final months:
retirement, 564–5, 568–70
meditations on death, 565, 572, 575–7, 661nn6–7
last illness, 571, 573–4, 577–8, 661nn8–9
Mitterrand, Geneviève, 575, 578
Mitterrand, Gilbert, 7, 124, 210, 287, 454, 553, 577–9, 661n8
Mitterrand, Jacques, x, 8, 18–21, 32–3, 39, 42, 112, 114, 595, 599nn17–18
Mitterrand, Jean-Christophe, 124, 128, 135, 210, 213, 287, 339, 491–2, 574, 574n, 579
Mitterrand, Joseph, 15–17, 19, 33, 37–8, 43, 63–4, 122–3, 600nn23 & 30
Mitterrand, Justine, 454
Mitterrand, Marie-Josèphe, 101, 600n21
Mitterrand, Olivier, x
Mitterrand, Pascal, 123–4, 214, 283, 614n11, 628n17
Mitterrand, Pascale, 454, 628n17
Mitterrand, Philippe, 20, 63
Mitterrand, Robert, x, 63–4, 80, 219, 240, 551, 558, 573, 600–1nn30–1 & 33–4, 631n18
childhood and youth, 15–16, 18–20, 22–4, 26, 28, 32–3, 149, 599nn11 & 17
marriage, 21, 30, 42
in wartime, 37–9, 41–2, 58–9, 603–4nn2 & 18
in politics, 140–2, 243
Mitterrand, Yvonne (née Lorrain), 15, 17, 19, 33
MNPGD (Mouvement National de Prisonniers de Guerre et de Déportés), 99–100, 102–6, 108–9, 114–15, 117–19, 585, 608–9n45, 609–13nn52, 66, 68–9 & 71
Mobutu Sese Seko, 492
Moch, Jules, 618n12
Modrow, Hans, 654n15
Moldova, 656n40
Mollet, Guy, 189, 239, 249, 263, 269, 275, 289, 466, 617n3, 630–1nn17–18, 632nn28 & 30, 637n3
and Algeria, 180–9
and de Gaulle, 193, 195–7, 201
and Communist Party, 230, 242
and Socialist Party (SFIO), 202, 227–8, 243, 258, 260, 264
and Mitterrand, 180, 232–3, 253, 262–9, 274, 277, 282, 622n15, 624n26
and Congress of Épinay, 265–8, 301, 535, 634–5n8
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 166
Le Monde, 184, 194, 215, 233, 237, 247, 254, 281, 295, 358n, 401, 408, 410, 458–9, 470, 558, 562, 622n15, 623n20, 647n29, 648n44
Monnerville, Gaston, 221, 241, 629n4
Monory, René, 445
Monroe doctrine, 337
Montaldo, Jean, 558–9
Montenegro, 522
Montgomery, Field Marshal (Bernard Law), 96, 610n58
de Montherlant, Henry, 22
de Montjoye, Jacques, 69–70, 76, 78–80, 134, 606n29, 609n47
Montmaur, 69–70, 76–8, 81, 83, 130, 134, 603–4nn9–11 & 15, 609n47
Moreau, François, 128
Moreau, Robert, 106
Morin, Edgar, 75n, 78, 117, 605n20, 612–13n71
‘Morland’, 84–5, 90, 103, 607n31
Morocco, 170–3, 174n, 188, 491, 655n21
Morot-Sir, Édouard, 45
Morvan, see Nièvre
Motherwell, John, 610n60
Moulin, Charles, 122, 142, 606n26, 611nn64 & 66, 628n12
Moulin, Jean, 80, 83, 94n, 109, 315
Moussawi, Hussein, 351
Mouvement Unifié de la Résistance (MUR), 81
MRG (Left-Radical Movement), 276, 282, 295–7, 314, 322, 467, 530, 549–50
MRPGD (Mouvement de résistance de prisonniers de guerre et déportés), 81, 88, 91–2, 99, 585, 608–9nn45 & 48, 611n64
Mubarak, Hosni, 573, 579
Mujahideen (People’s), 348, 412, 448, 641n29
Mulroney, Brian, 403, 568
Munier, Georges, 610–11n62
Munier, Ginette, see Caillard, Ginette
Munier, Jean, 112, 122, 130, 574, 578
in captivity, 54–5, 63, 612n70
and the RNPG, 79, 84–5, 89–90, 98, 100, 102–4, 106, 113–14, 117, 605n25, 608–10nn40, 47 & 61, 612–13n71
Mururoa, 406–7, 536, 537n, 568, 647–8nn36 & 38
Museveni, Yoweri, 660n3
Mušić, Zoran, 565
Mussolini, Benito, 28, 31, 38, 226n
Naccache, Anis, 348–9, 412–13, 417–19, 421, 448, 584, 641n30, 653n27
Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 403, 436
Nallet, Henri, 409
Napoleon III, Emperor, 2, 154, 199, 561, 563
Napoleon Bonaparte, 189, 222, 255, 318, 330, 335, 380, 386, 531
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 173, 351
National Assembly, 133, 138, 145, 151, 466
1946 elections, 133–6, 616–17nn27–9, 618n20
1951 elections, 154–6, 618nn17 & 20
1956 elections, 178–180
1958 elections, 200–1, 230
1962 elections, 218, 230
1967 elections, 243
1968 elections, 255–7, 634n44
1973 elections, 276
1978 elections, 296–7, 306
1981 elections, 321–2, 637(Ch11)n4
1986 elections, 375, 377, 391–2, 396, 419, 422–9, 650–1n59
1988 elections, 467–9, 653nn3–4
1993 elections, 490, 502–3, 530–1
National Front, 424–6, 428–9, 443, 459, 461, 464, 468, 530, 562, 580–1, 625–6n40, 650n56
National Liberation Committee, 83, 86, 95, 105
National Resistance Council (CNR), 83, 94, 99–100, 105, 108–9, 138–9, 611n67
NATO, 159, 271, 323, 325, 333, 338, 400–1, 440, 474, 480–3, 546, 548, 655n19
and de Gaulle, 13, 239, 247, 337
and nuclear doctrine, 329, 331, 438–9
and US military presence in Europe, 441–2, 513–15, 654n18, 658–9n55
La Nef, 230
Netherlands, 40, 44, 330, 381, 477, 483, 515, 518
Neuwirth, Lucien, 597n4
‘New Left’, 202–3, 219, 227, 231, 264
New Caledonia, 149n, 446–7, 463–4, 484, 585
New York Times, 166, 401, 524, 546
New Zealand, 406, 409–10, 648n40, 655n21
Nicaragua, 337
Nicolay, Pierre, 142, 186, 620n37
Nièvre (département de la), 208, 211–12, 384, 572, 618n11, 620n38, 625n35
parliamentary constituency, 134–6, 148, 154–5, 179, 201, 203, 218, 229, 243, 255, 262, 565, 597n1, 616–17nn27 & 29,
Niger, 491n
Nixon, Richard, 277–8, 639n22
Noir, Michel, 455, 458, 648n40
Nordling, Raoul, 107
Normandin, Jean-Louis, 449, 452
Norway, 639–40n23
Nouvel Observateur, 234, 276, 278, 283, 567, 631n20
Nouvelle Revue Française, 22
Nucci, Christian, 489
nuclear disarmament, 323, 329–33, 392, 438–42
Geneva negotiations 404, 406
test ban treaty, 536–7, 537n
OAS (Secret Army Organisation), 215–17, 238, 556, 585
Observatory Affair, 1–9, 12, 169, 205–8, 210–11, 213, 217, 219–221, 226, 230–1, 238–40, 320, 409, 411, 532, 597nn1 & 4–7, 620n38, 626–8nn3–10 & 12
ORA (Organisation de résistance de l’armée), 77, 79, 85–7, 89, 98, 586, 608n43
Oradour-sur-Glane, 342
d’Ormesson, Jean, 567
Orsenna, Erik, 319, 492
Ouvéa, 463
Owen, David, 545
Ozal, Turgut, 472
Pagnol, Marcel, 245
Paillole, Colonel Paul, 96, 624–5n33
Pakistan, 537n
Palestine, 339, 341
de la Palisse, duc, 134
Palme, Olaf, 315, 355, 486
Papegay, Marie-Claire, 287, 317
Papon, Maurice, 557
Pâris, Jacques, 98, 101
Paris Match, 559–60, 659n57
Paris-Presse, 3, 597n4, 624n29
Parodi, Alexandre, 105–7, 110, 613n72, 617n6
Pascal, Blaise, 211
Pasqua, Charles, 390, 434, 443–5, 450–2, 461, 463, 534, 560, 652n19
du Passage, Colonel Pierre, 89–90
Passy, Colonel (André Dewavrin), 87–8, 91, 97, 313, 558, 583, 610nn56 & 59
Paumier, Robert, 99–101
Péan, Pierre, 75n, 553–4, 557, 559–60, 612–13n71
Pei, Ieoh Ming, 561
Pelat, Roger-Patrice, 51n, 54, 55n, 130, 133, 207, 355, 432–3, 454, 456
in captivity, 50, 63, 71
and RNPG, 84–5, 100, 103, 108, 113, 117–18, 605n25, 610–11nn62–3
and Christine Gouze, 101, 112, 114, 122
and financial scandals, 487, 529–31, 558–9
Penkovsky, Oleg, 327
Penne, Guy, ix, 595
Perdriel, Claude, 278, 307
Pereira, Fernando, 406
Peres, Shimon, 339, 343, 579
Perez de Cuellar, Javier, 648n40
Périer, Jean-Claude, 183–4
Pernin, André, 106
Perrimond, Guy, 648n44
Perrin, Jean, 418
Perrin, Joseph, 156, 220
Perse, Saint-John, see Léger, Alexis
Peru, 378
Pesquet, Robert, 4–9, 205–8, 233, 320, 597nn5 & 6, 626–8nn3–4, 6–7 & 9–10
Pétain, Philippe, 60, 65, 70–2, 77, 84–7, 98, 127, 133, 554–5, 565, 601n1, 603n6, 618n15
and de Gaulle, 13, 61–2, 193n, 198
and Mitterrand, 9, 61, 63, 66–8, 71, 76, 80–2, 88, 92–3, 139, 201, 203, 238, 553–4, 565, 568, 607–8n39, 611n65
and anti-semitism, 73, 73n, 74, 74n, 98, 554–5
Peyrefitte, Alain, 218, 631n23
Peyroles, Gilles, 414–15, 418, 421
Pezet, Michel, 487, 655n24
Pfister, Fanny, 89, 608n44
Pfister, Lieutenant-Colonel ‘Marius’, 85, 89
Pflimlin, Pierre, 190–4, 197, 624 n31
PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), 640nn25 & 27
Philip, Bruno, ix
Philippeville (now Skikda), 182–3, 622n12
Piano, Renzo, 561
Piatzook, 607n38
Pierre-Bloch, Jean, 607n34
Pilven, Pol, 79, 84, 89, 606n29, 608–9nn40, 44 & 47
Pin’–Mitt’, see RNPG
Pinay, Antoine, 189, 197, 233, 631n18
Pinel, Jean, 195, 625–6nn35–6 & 39
Pingeot, Anne, ix, 212–14, 240–1, 243–7, 283–5, 287–8, 304, 310–12, 321, 354, 359, 454, 457, 550, 560, 564–5, 571–3, 575, 577–9, 595, 628n17, 633nn34–5, 635–6nn16–18
Pingeot, Mazarine, ix, 12, 283–5, 287–8, 304, 311, 354–6, 453–4, 457, 527, 552, 559–60, 573, 575, 579, 635–6nn17–18
Pingeot, Pierre, 212
Pingeot, Therèse, 213
Pinot de Périgord de Villechenon, Maurice, 130
at Commissariat for PoWs, 70, 76, 104, 603n1, 607–8n39
and RNPG (Pin’–Mitt’), 77–8, 81, 84, 87–8, 90, 586, 605–6nn23 & 29, 609n47, 611n65
Pisani, Edgard, 289, 447
Pisar, Samuel, 313
Pitt, William, 391
Plenel, Edwy, 358n, 647n29
Pleven, René, 149, 152–6, 160–1, 190, 275n, 618nn18–19, 623–4nn22–3 & 26
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation), 339, 341–3, 346–7, 350, 352, 414n, 448, 491, 494–5, 498, 501–2, 639n22, 641n35, 655n30
Poher, Alain, 258, 281
Poincaré, Raymond, 146
Poland, 310, 471–2, 474, 477, 480–81, 568
Pompadour, marquise de, 318, 505
Pompidou, Georges, 243, 279, 288, 314, 340, 392, 430–2, 441, 456, 561
and de Gaulle, 194, 238, 254, 257, 269
and Mitterrand, 227, 233, 250, 253, 255–6, 277, 293, 435, 627n8
and ‘May 68’, 249–50, 252–7, 310
and 1969 election, 258–9
and presidency, 245, 260–1, 289, 309, 462, 554, 645n17
and Europe, 329, 377
illness and death, 277–8, 293, 307, 358
Poniatowski, Michel, 279, 281
Poperen, Jean, 264, 267, 275, 277, 637(Ch11)n3
Popular Front, 6, 31, 138, 272, 313, 632n29
Portugal, 324n, 477
Poujade, Pierre, 179, 223, 429, 650n56
Poujade, Yvette, 179
Poujadist Party, 179–80
Pravda, 399
(Prisoners’) Mutual Aid Centres, 70, 76–9, 84, 99, 119–20, 585, 603–4nn3 & 13–14, 606n26,
Proust, Marcel, 3, 23,
Prouteau, Commandant Christian, 353–5, 358, 358n, 559, 642n38, 647n29
PSA (Autonomous Socialist Party), 202, 219, 586
PSU (Unified Socialist Party), 226, 231, 233–4, 258, 268–9, 274, 278, 288, 586, 636–7n2
Quesnot, General Christian, 540–2, 660n3
Queuille, Henri, 134, 146–9, 555, 616–17nn27 & 29, 617–18nn10 & 18
Quilès, Paul, 302, 311, 365, 569, 636–7n2, 637(Ch11)n3
Raad, Reza, 650n54
Rabelais, François, 251n
Rabin, Yitzhak, 344, 351, 639n22
Racine, Paul, 85, 87
Radical Party, 139, 160–2, 189, 208, 260, 275n, 617n2, 619nn24–5, 621n41, 624n27, 628n11,
supports Mitterrand, 133–4, 154, 179–80, 226, 230–1, 235, 235n, 241–3, 253, 256, 616–17nn25 & 27–8, 617n10, 618n20, 632n28
opposes de Gaulle, 192, 221
splits, 260, 276
Radjavi, Massoud, 348, 412, 448
Rafiqdoust, Mohsen, 418
Raimond, Jean-Bernard, 432, 450
Rainbow Warrior, 406–7, 409–11, 428, 464, 647–8nn36–44
Rainier, Prince, 579
Rajai, Mohammed-Ali, 348
Ramadier, Paul, 138–40, 144, 146, 148, 196, 617nn4–5
de Rastignac, Eugène, 25, 53
RDA (African Democratic Rally), 151–2, 180, 586, 618n20
Reagan, Ronald, 23n, 296, 312–13, 322, 342, 351, 360, 363, 375, 378, 383, 420, 437, 470–1, 494, 514, 638n7
and Mitterrand, 323, 325–6, 328, 333–8, 362, 396–406, 436, 439–41, 472, 637n1, 638n13, 641n35, 658–9n55
and ‘Option Zero’, 331–2, 338, 438–40, 442
and Iran-Contra Affair, 351, 410, 417, 421, 648–9n48
and SDI (‘Star Wars’), 396, 400–5, 438, 440, 587
Red Army Faction, 346, 346n, 462
Red Brigades, 346, 346n, 462
‘Red Hand
’, 172, 182
Reichstag fire, 145
Rejectionist Front, 342, 345, 346n, 347, 352
Reliquet, Jean, 184, 188, 205, 623n18
Renaud, Jean, 89, 608n44
Republican Party (US), 275n, 581
Resistance, 6, 9, 75, 75n, 77, 79, 86, 88, 104, 107–110, 119, 139, 144–5, 164, 168, 177, 182
development of, 65, 69, 72, 80, 83, 94n, 97–8, 116, 118
and Mitterrand (in wartime), 7, 13, 67–70, 76–9, 81–4, 86–95, 97, 99–101, 104–5, 108, 197, 598n8, 606–7n30
at war’s end, 116–18
and Mitterrand (post-war) 9, 115, 127, 156, 207–8, 219, 228–9, 261–2, 285, 309, 467, 578
and political parties, 129–30, 138 see also UDSR
and Mitterrand (1981–95), 313, 315, 477, 553–5, 557–8
de Retz, Cardinal, 12
Réunion, 378
Revers, General Georges, 77, 89
Revue Montalembert, 32, 37
Reynaud, Paul, 160, 218
de Richelieu, Cardinal, 10, 222
Rhodesia, 446
Riboud, Jean, 321, 368, 371, 573
RNPG (Rassemblement nationale de prisonniers de guerre), 70, 76–9, 81–4, 86–95, 97–9, 120, 197, 585–6, 603–11nn9, 23, 25–6, 29, 35–45, 47–9, 56, 58–61, 62 & 64–5 (afterwards MNPGD)
Robespierre, Maximilien de, 220, 365, 373, 630n7
Robrieux, Philippe, 293, 636n23
Rocard, Michel, x, 268–9, 288–9, 314, 375, 391, 445, 477, 488, 531, 533, 586
and Mitterrand, 203, 234, 263, 298–9, 303–4, 320, 363, 395, 455–6, 460, 465, 468–9, 473, 484, 486, 489–90, 503–5, 549–50, 569, 578, 642n44
(1978–79) leadership challenge, 298, 300–2
(1988–91) as Prime Minister, 465, 470, 484–6, 496, 502–5
presidential ambitions, 258–9, 303, 506–7, 550, 652n20
as Socialist Party First Secretary, 535, 549–50
Rogers, Richard, 561
Rol-Tanguy, Colonel Henri, 105, 107, 558
Romains, Jules, 39
Romaneix, Zénaide, x
Romania, 226n, 492
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 79–80, 83, 93–4, 118, 271, 405
de la Roque, François, 26, 599n19
Rosselli, Carlo and Nello, 29–30
Rostropovich, Mstislav, 292
Rotman, Patrick, 595
de Roualle, marquis, 134
Rouillan, Jean-Marc, 462, 462n
Roussel, Jean-Albert, 67–9, 78, 88, 603–4nn9 & 12, 606n29
Rousselet, André, ix, 51n, 195, 212, 243, 284, 320, 353, 504, 571, 573, 575, 595, 598n9, 607n32, 614n2, 621n41
and Observatory Affair, 6, 8–9, 12–13, 207–8, 628n12
and campaign finance, 235n, 279n
Rousselet, Anouchka, 573
Rousselle, Olivier, 531
Roux, Ambroise, 392
Roy, Claude, 22, 599–600n20