by Philip Short
Royer, Jean, 278
RPF (Rally of the French People), 138, 146, 153–6, 161, 275n, 586
RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front), 538, 540–3, 586, 660n1
RPR (Rally for the Republic), 275n, 305, 309, 424, 430, 435, 456–60, 467, 469n, 492n, 533–4, 586, 643n52, 651n60
Russia, 16, 36, 166, 186–7, 230–1, 239, 247–8, 254, 257, 272, 290, 307, 312–13, 334, 338, 478, 514, 536, 547, 634n5, 641n35, 647n36
in wartime, 40, 52, 68, 71, 94n, 131
fears of domination by, 145–6, 158–9, 162, 281, 312
and Mitterrand, 292–3, 295–6, 302, 326–8, 330–3, 335–9, 377, 392, 397–400, 403–6, 439–41, 497, 511, 636n23, 637–8nn1 & 8–10, 646–7nn28, 32 & 35, 656–7nn42–3
economic system, 272, 404n, 439, 646n27
and Afghanistan, 307, 323, 398, 406 656n33
and nuclear deployment, 323, 329–32, 396, 398, 401, 404, 439–40, 587
and espionage, 326–8, 396, 401, 638nn8–10
‘special relationship’ with France, 330, 404
and Western Europe, 330, 335–7, 398, 440
and Germany, 472–5, 480–1
break-up of Soviet empire, 471–2, 474, 481–2, 507–11, 519, 647n35, 654nn15 & 17, 655n19, 656n40
and Balkan wars, 521, 546, 548
Rwanda, 494, 537–44, 549, 660nn1–4 and Operation Turquoise, 542–4, 551
SAC (Service d’Action Civique), 225, 255
Saddam Hussein, 349, 496–501, 650n58
Sadegh, Mohamed, 649–50n53
Saint-Just, Louis-Antoine de, 220, 222, 226, 630n7
Saint-Simon, duc de, 211
Sakharov, Andrei, 398–90, 646n24
Salan, General Raoul, 185, 192, 215, 556, 586, 623–5nn18 & 33, 627n5
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 31
Saleh, Fouad Ali, 449
Salem, Selim Abu, 640n27
Salengro, Roger, 6, 532, 659–60n58
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty), 329, 442, 587
Salzmann, Charles, 292, 305, 307, 311, 635–6n17, 646nn24 & 26
Samedi Soir, 148
Sanguinetti, Admiral Antoine, 313
Sangnier, Marc, 600n23, 615n22
Sarajevo, 523–5, 544–8
parliamentary list, 549–50
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 1, 393, 534, 560, 569, 629n3, 645n17
Sarrazin, Francis, 37
Sarrazin, Marie-Claire, 60, 66–8, 76, 88, 112, 603n21
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 3, 233
Saud bin Faisal, Prince (Saudi Foreign Minister), 497
Saudi Arabia, 340, 498
Saulnier, General Jean, 444
Saumur, 38
Saunier, Georges, x
Savary, Alain, 185, 203, 264, 275, 586
and Congress of Épinay, 265–8
and ‘schools quarrel’, 314, 386–8, 390–1, 644–5nn12, 14 & 16
Schaala, 54, 62, 65–7, 577, 602n13
Scheer, François, 328
Schlesinger, Helmut, 528–9
Schmidt, Helmut, 328–32, 359, 474
Schoelcher, Victor, 315
Schuman, Robert, 144–6, 148
Schumann, Maurice, 93, 158, 255, 605n21, 607n37, 609–10n52
Schuschnigg, Kurt, 441
Schweimowitch, Jakub, 612–13n71
Sciences-Po (Institut des Sciences Politiques), 25, 32
SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative), 396, 400–5, 438, 440, 587
Séchan, Madeleine, 288, 635n17
‘Second Left’, 298–300
Seguela, Jacques, 307–8
Séguin, Philippe, 456
Séguy, Georges, 249
Serbia, 52, 519–26, 544–8, 658nn53–4
Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 7, 207, 227, 233, 259
Servant, Henri, 649n51
Service d’Ordre Légionnaire, 68
Seurat, Michel, 419, 421, 427, 649–50nn53 & 58
Sève, Lucien, 636n21
Shamir, Yitzhak, 352, 494–5, 502, 655n28
Sharon, Ariel, 343–4
Shevardnadze, Eduard, 476, 479
Shultz, George, 336, 342–3, 639n17
Sihanouk, King Norodom, 579
[Le] Sillon, 31, 600n23, 615n22
Simon, Alain, 627n9
Slovenia, 519–21
Smith, Ian, 446
Soares, Mário, 292, 315
Socialist International, 272–3, 293
Socialist Party (1920–69: SFIO), 146, 160, 192, 202, 242–3, 260, 263, 385, 586
and Mitterrand, 132–3, 135, 156–7, 198, 226, 232, 256, 615n20, 617n29
in tripartite governments (1945–1947), 130, 135, 137–40
and 1956 elections, 180
and 1958 elections, 201
and Communist Party, 230, 632n29, 634n5
and 1965 presidential election, 228, 231–2, 235, 235n, 240–1
and 1968 elections, 256–7
and 1969 presidential election, 258–9
Socialist Party (1969–71: New), 264–8
Congress of Épinay, 265–8, 288, 634–5n8
Socialist Party (post-1971), 276, 296–7, 314, 322, 369, 428–9, 443, 468, 499, 505, 534
and Mitterrand, 13, 263–70, 273–8, 282–4, 288–9, 298–304, 319–20, 362–3, 372–3, 376, 395, 426, 459, 465–70, 488–90, 502, 507, 531, 535, 554, 556, 578, 580–2, 636n1
(1972) ‘programme of government’, 269–70
‘Common Programme’ with Communists, 270–3, 276–8, 282, 290–7, 364, 385, 636n20
and 1974 presidential election, 277–9, 279n, 282
financing, 295, 299–300, 487–8, 492n
and Rocard, 298, 300–2, 535, 549–50
‘110 Propositions’, 302, 304, 308, 384–5, 459
archaism, 363–5
and austerity programme, 366–7, 372–4, 376, 393, 643n52
and ‘schools war’, 385–90, 393
and 1988 presidential election, 459–60, 653n23
and poverty, 484–6
and 1992 local elections, 507
and 1993 elections, 529–31
Society of Mary, 25
Society of St Vincent de Paul, 31
Soir-Express, 129
Solidarnos̗ć, 335, 471
Solutré, 467
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 292
[La] Sorbonne, 25
Soros, George, 486, 487n, 528
Soucelles, 89
Soudet, Laurence, ix, 235n, 240, 246–7, 288, 593, 595, 631nn20 & 22, 635n17
Soudet, Pierre, 240
Soustelle, Jacques, 181–2, 185, 207, 215, 583, 586, 610n56
Spain, 3, 50, 293, 315, 321, 324n, 346, 346n, 379n, 437, 555, 579, 584, 659n56
Special Operations Executive (SOE), 72, 85, 89, 94n, 96–7, 587, 610nn58–9
Spinelli, Altiero, 158
Split, 523
Stalag IXA, 48–54, 56–8, 60, 63, 66, 68, 72, 79, 84, 87, 142, 355, 522, 575, 601n38, 601–2nn1, 4, 6, 8, 12 & 14
Stalin, Joseph, 40, 93, 271, 400, 405, 471–2
Stalingrad, 71
Stasse, François, 631n20
Stavisky, Alexandre, 1
Steg, Adolphe, 359, 528, 551–2
Stendhal, 32, 211
Steverlynck, Pierre, 103–4, 612–13n71
Stibbe, Pierre, 233
STO (Service de Travail Obligatoire), 98
Strausse-Kahn, Dominique, 506
Styron, William, 315
Suez crisis, 186–7, 263, 623n17
Super-NAP (Noyautage des Administrations Publiques), 77, 86–7, 104, 587
Suslov, Mikhail, 293
Sweden, 315, 486, 518n, 643–4n53
Switzerland, 54, 207, 312, 379n, 420, 443, 498, 639–40n23, 652n16
Syria, 345, 347, 351–2, 414, 419–21, 448, 501, 641nn34–5, 649nn49–51 & 53, 656n35
Tangmere, 89, 609n49
Tanzania, 544
Tapie, Bernard, 549–50
Tarot, Jean-Pierre, 553, 565, 573–4, 577–8, 660n9, 661n9
Teissier, Elizabeth, 321, 577
temps modernes, 233
Terrasse, André, 34, 38, 41, 43–4, 56–7, 602n15
Terrasse, François, 101
Terrasse, Jean-Marc, 600n31
Terrasse, Marie-Louise, 33–6, 38, 40–4, 46, 56–59, 63–4, 72, 101, 112–13, 115–16, 148, 197, 209, 213, 319, 600–1nn26, 28, 31 & 34, 604n18
Terrasse, Marthe, 35, 43–4, 57, 600n28
in Brittany, Corsica and the Pays Basque, 346n
Middle Eastern, 344–7, 349–53, 412–22, 427–8, 436, 447–52, 639–41nn20–28, 30–2 & 34, 648–51nn48–54 & 59–60, 653n27
Thatcher, Margaret, 296, 329, 333, 338–9, 374–5, 383, 418, 420, 436, 470, 483, 507, 519
and Mitterrand, 377–82, 394, 399, 400, 404, 406, 440–2, 474–5, 477–81, 497–8, 512, 561–2, 568, 570, 644nn1 & 8, 651–2nn9 & 17
and Chirac, 437–8
and break-up of Soviet empire, 471
and German reunification, 475, 477–9
Thénard, Baron Louis, 618n11
Thevenin, Georges, 101, 121
‘Third Force government’, 137, 146, 156, 228
Third Republic, 130, 137–8, 617n3
Thorez, Maurice, 118, 142–3, 229–30, 239, 270, 617nn1 & 8, 630n13
Thorp, René-William, 235n
Tillion, Germaine, 614–15n12
Tillon, Charles, 144
de Tissot, Noel, 605n19
Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 522, 538
Tixier-Vignancour, Jean-Louis, 169, 207, 236–8, 278, 627–8nn6 & 9–10, 631–2n25
Tjibaou, Jean-Marie, 585
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 313
Togo, 493–4
Tolstoy, Count Leo, 16, 32, 298
Torri, Paul, 452
Toubon, Jacques, 643n52
Touffait, Adolphe, 627n6
Tourlier, Pierre, 354n, 355n, 552–3, 578, 660n9
Touvent, 16, 21, 23–4, 101, 246, 454, 565, 599n17, 633n34
Touvier, Paul, 556–7
Traboulsi, Samir, 486, 487n
Trefusis, Violet, 246, 633n35
‘Tripartite government’, 130, 134, 137, 139, 144
Tron, Ludovic, 629n1
le Troquer, André, 624–5n33
Trotot, Caroline, x
Trotsky, Leon, 608n43
Truman, Harry, 118, 143–5
Tudjman, Franjo, 523
Tunisia, 170–3, 174n, 188, 342, 449n,
Turkey, 472, 500, 583
UDF (Union for French Democracy), 275n, 305, 424, 428–9, 445, 457, 459, 467, 469–70, 492n, 534, 587
UDSR (Democratic Socialist Union of the Resistance), 133, 139, 149, 153, 156, 158–9, 161, 179–80, 192, 195, 198, 202–3, 274, 587, 616n24, 617nn1–2, 618n20
and Mitterrand, 138, 140, 146, 153–4, 156–7, 179–80, 188, 190, 198, 208–9, 219, 229, 235, 274, 275n, 289, 299, 319, 616–17nn25 & 28, 618–19nn16 & 26, 631n22
and Algeria, 176, 188
UFD (Union of Democratic Forces), 202
Uganda, 537–9, 544, 586, 660n3
Ukraine, 474, 476–7, 510–11, 656n40
Ullman, André, 607n34
UMP (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire), 469n, 586–7
Union of the Left, 256, 264, 268, 282, 289, 291–2, 295–7, 301
L’Unité, 277
United Kingdom, 129, 141n, 143, 153, 186, 199, 214, 220, 247, 248n, 269, 273, 275, 293, 317, 344, 346, 352–3, 362–3, 378, 388, 397, 422, 440, 443, 449n, 470, 475, 486, 506–7, 536, 538–9, 541, 581, 632n28, 638–40nn9, 23 & 26, 643–4n53, 657n44
pre-war, 19, 28–9, 32, 37–8, 40, 478, 598n4
in wartime, 40, 52, 62, 65, 68, 73n, 96–7, 105, 120, 149–50
colonial policy, 150, 655n25
and Europe, 329, 339, 377, 380–2, 477, 483, 512–18, 518n, 519, 528–9, 561–2, 644nn2, 4 & 6–8, 645n9, 658n50
and United States, 330, 378, 404, 436, 511, 513, 515
hostages in Lebanon, 412, 414, 418, 420, 452, 649–50n53, 652n16
and first Gulf War, 496, 498–500
and Balkan wars, 520–2, 525–7, 545–6, 548–9
UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force), 522, 525, 544–6, 548, 587
United Nations Security Council, 342, 352, 451, 496, 499, 511, 526, 541–2, 545
United States of America, 23, 38, 40, 52, 68, 145, 158–62, 214, 216, 228, 239, 244, 247–8, 251, 275, 278, 353, 378, 384–5, 388, 422, 429, 443, 470, 519n, 536, 539, 541, 556, 581, 643–4n53, 657n44
wartime role in France, 79–80, 83, 105, 107, 118, 125–6, 149, 615n15
and French Communist ministers, 323–5, 328, 637n1
and Mitterrand, 290, 304, 312–13, 322–6, 328, 331–9, 367, 375, 377, 392, 396–8, 400–6, 439–42, 496–7, 511, 513–15, 568–71, 646n28, 647n29, 658–9n55
perceived in France as a hegemon, 186–7, 302, 325, 335–8, 401–3, 514
and Middle East, 342–4, 346, 348, 350–2, 412, 414, 417, 436, 448, 452, 501–2, 639–40nn17, 23 & 25, 641n34, 648–9n48, 656n35
support of Latin American dictatorships, 334, 337, 378, 397
and ‘enhanced interrogations’, 104n, 177n
and Europe, 325, 329–30, 331–3, 335–7, 362, 366–7, 375, 402, 404–6, 438, 440–2, 481–3, 512, 527
and nuclear deterrence, 329–32, 438–42
military presence in western Europe, 513–15, 651–2n9, 658–9nn55–6
and Russia, 335–6, 396–8, 400, 403–6, 439–40, 508, 511, 638n9, 646–7nn28 & 32, 651–2n9
and Germany, 336, 402, 472–5, 478, 654n18
and first Gulf War, 496, 498–500
and Balkan wars, 521, 525, 527, 545–8
Urbanet, 488
USSR (Soviet Union), see Russia
Vance, Cyrus, 522, 545
Varenne, Max, 67
Vaujour, Jean, 174n
Vauzelle, Michel, 318
Védrine, Hubert, x, 337, 506, 509, 529–30, 533, 546–7, 551–2
Védrine, Jean, 84, 88, 119, 604n14
Veil, Antoine, 555
Veil, Simone, 555–6
Vendroux, Jacques, 252
Verbrugge, Pierre, 356
Vercingetorix, 572
Verdier, Jean, 3
Verdun, 45, 61, 66, 383–4, 554, 579
Verlaine, Paul, 3
Vernier-Palliez, Bernard, 343–4
Vetrov, Vladimir, see Farewell
Veuillot, Archbishop Pierre, 597n2
Viansson-Ponté, Pierre, 227, 233, 237, 281
Vichy, 73n, 74n, 75, 75n, 76–7, 79–81, 98, 110, 122–3, 127–8, 139, 162, 182, 197, 313, 585–7
and Mitterrand, 9, 13, 60–5, 67–74, 73–8, 82–3, 84–7, 89–90, 92–3, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110, 112, 117–18, 127–8, 165, 197, 203, 233, 238, 261, 313–14, 339, 553–5, 557–8, 565–8, 581, 604n18, 607n34
Vienne (département de la), 617n27
Vietnam, 160–2, 247–8, 323, 324n, 350, 526
Vigier, Jean-Louis, 620n35
Vigouroux, Robert, 655n24
Villiers, Georges, 235n
Vilnet, Mgr Jean, 645n14
Voiron, Maurice, 661n6
Voivodina, 522
Votre Beauté, 129
Waldeck Rochet, Émile, 229–30, 232, 239–40, 242, 249, 257, 270–1, 630n16
Wałęsa, Lech, 471
Walters, Vernon, 338, 403, 479, 654n15
Warisse, Jean, 90, 608n42, 610–11n62
Warsaw Pact, 473, 481–2, 511, 655n19
Washington Post, 166
Weinberger, Caspar, 350, 401, 449
Welles, Orson, 147
Western European Union, see European defence
Westgate-on-Sea, 23, 599n14
‘White Hand’, 172, 182
Wiesel, Elie, 74, 565–6, 576, 660–1(Ch16)n1
Williams, Lieut.-Cmdr. Philip, 610n59
Wilson, Harold, 272–3
Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, 14
Wybot, Roger, 164–5
Yalta, 271, 405
Yanayev, Gennady, 508–9
tsin, Boris, 509–10, 548–9, 567, 579
Yugoslavia, 417, 511, 519–27, 536, 538, 543–9, 658–9nn53–5
Zeller, Colonel Henri, 85
Ziegenhain, see Stalag IXA
Zimmermann, 140–1, 617n8
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