Forged in Ice

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by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Forged in Ice

  The Forged Chronicles

  Alyssa Rose Ivy



  Books by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  1. Ainsley

  2. James

  3. Ainsley

  4. James

  5. Ainsley

  6. James

  7. Ainsley

  8. James

  9. Ainsley

  10. James

  11. Ainsley

  12. James

  13. Ainsley

  14. James

  15. Ainsley

  16. James

  17. Ainsley

  18. James

  19. James

  20. Ainsley

  21. James




  Mary Anne

  Copyright © 2016 Alyssa Rose Ivy

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written approval of the author.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Photo and cover design by Sara Eirew Photographer

  Created with Vellum

  Books by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Flight (The Crescent Chronicles #1)

  Focus (The Crescent Chronicles #2)

  Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3)

  First & Forever (The Crescent Chronicles #4)

  Soar (The Empire Chronicles #1)

  Search (The Empire Chronicles #2)

  Stay (The Empire Chronicles #3)

  Savor (The Empire Chronicles #4)

  Storm (The Empire Chronicles #5)

  Seduction’s Kiss (The Allure Chronicles #0.5)

  Lure (The Allure Chronicles #1)

  Lust (The Allure Chronicles #2)

  Dire (The Dire Wolves Chronicles #1)

  Dusk (The Dire Wolves Chronicles #2)

  Dawn (The Dire Wolves Chronicles #3)

  Forged in Stone (The Forged Chronicles #1)

  Forged in Ice (The Forged Chronicles #2)

  The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards)

  The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards)

  The Hazards of Sex on the Beach (Hazards)

  The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards)

  The Hazards of Sleeping with a Friend (Hazards)

  Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology)

  On The Rocks (Mixology)

  Derailed (Clayton Falls)

  Veer (Clayton Falls)

  Wrecked (Clayton Falls)

  Life After Falling

  Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1)

  Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #2)

  Enduring Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #3)

  New Release Newsletter

  [email protected]



  There was absolutely no post-sex awkwardness. It was as though we’d been together for years, and it scared me. Nothing was supposed to be this easy. Relationships were hard. Sex only complicated them.

  “You okay?” James whispered in my ear as we lay together in the darkness.

  “Yes. Surprisingly.” My body felt more alive than it ever had. Nothing hurt, but I desired plenty. My body desired more of James, and I wasn’t sure what to make of the feeling.


  “This is the time when I’m supposed to be awkwardly searching for my clothes.” Or overanalyzing every moment of what just happened.

  “And you don’t want your clothes?” The stubble on his chin tickled my cheek.

  “No. Not at all.” Instead I wanted to stay in his arms. His body was hard but warm, and I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been as comfortable.

  “And this is a bad thing?” His voice was teasing. No one had ever made teasing sound so sexy before.

  “No. Just a surprising one.”

  “You would probably need help with your dress anyway.”

  The mention of the dress brought it all back to me. Somehow the details of being in another world had disappeared, and all I’d been thinking about was James. “Yeah… that dress.”

  “You’ll get used to the dresses… or you could start wearing pants. I like the dress on you though.” He ran his hands down my body making me question whether he liked me wearing the dress, or if it was more about taking it off of me. I shivered thinking about it.

  “I doubt I’ll be here long enough to get used to anything.” I wasn’t sure if I actually believed the words I spoke. The thought of saying goodbye to James stung, and combined with the want already building up again it almost seemed impossible.

  “Where were you planning to go, you know since you have no interest in putting your clothes on?” He ran his lips over the sensitive skin of my neck.

  I gripped the blanket with both hands. I needed to stay in control. I’d never wanted someone more. “You mean it isn’t considered proper in Energo to run around without clothes on?”

  “Not exactly.”

  I snuggled into James’ arms. “Too bad. I thought it would be fun to go streaking.” The snuggling backfired as I came into contact with the indisputable evidence of his arousal.

  “That fun has to be limited to inside my house.”

  “So I can’t just find someone else’s house?” My teasing words came out far easier than normal for me.

  “Not a chance. I am not letting you go.” His voice had a rough edge to it I hadn’t heard before. It didn’t scare me, but it made me pause to study his face in the moonlight. His expression was neutral, but his eyes were heated.

  I pushed off the blanket and enjoyed the light breeze on my warm skin. Sleeping in an atrium open to the sky had its benefits.

  “This is when I wish there was more light.” He cupped one of my breasts in his hand. He squeezed lightly, making me moan. “Now that’s a sound I love.”

  I closed my eyes. “Can we skip the part where I beg you for more? I’m embarrassed enough about it as is.”

  He turned us so he was hovering above me. “Do you really think you will ever have to beg me for anything?”

  “I don’t know. I probably should know you better considering what we’re doing right now.”

  He moved onto to his knees. “You know me well.” He brushed his lips against mine while his knees pressed against me.

  “Do I? Do I really know you well?” I struggled to calm my racing heart. He was so close. I could have him in seconds if I only adjusted our positions.

  “You know me better than most.”

  “That’s not saying much.”

  “I am an open book. You can ask me anything.” His knees pressed more firmly against me.

  I couldn’t take it. I reached up and pulled his head to mine. He took the hint and kissed me hard, quickly pushing for access into my mouth, while his hand once again squeezed my breast.

  I reached up and took him in my hand. I moaned again.

  He broke the kiss. “I am going to take all this as a good sign you want more of me already.”

  “I need you.” Need was the right word. Want didn’t cover what I was feeling.

  “I am here.” He thrust into me, skipping over any foreplay to give me exactly what I asked for.

  I closed my eyes and opened up to him, drinking in the sensation of him moving inside me as though he were the water I needed to quench my thirst. He moved from his knees so his weight pressed against me. I wrapped my legs around him, as I held onto his back
. I needed all of him, and I had no patience.

  “I’m here. You can have me all you want.” He seemed to be reading my mind as he answered my unsaid request for more.

  “I want all of you.” I thrust up against him.

  “You have all of me,” he whispered against my neck while he pushed me further than I’d ever been pushed before. “You can have all of me anytime you want.”

  “You promise?” I panted.

  “I promise.” He continued to move inside me until he pushed me over the edge. He reached his release a moment later and stayed inside of me.

  “I’m not usually like this.”

  “Like what?” He made no motion to move.

  “This needy.” Now that I’d had him I felt silly about wanting him so bad. I had no idea what had gotten into me, but it wasn’t normal.

  “Neediness that involves wanting to have sex with me is not a bad thing. In fact, it is wonderful.”

  “Why am I not surprised you’re saying that?”

  “Because you are everything I want.”

  His words sent a thrill through me. I wanted to be wanted by James. I wanted to have his attention and never lose it. “Good.”

  “But in all seriousness, that means you have to stay with me. I cannot let anything happen to you.”

  “You mean until we figure out who broke into the house?”

  “Or longer. I am not letting you out of my sight until I know for sure.”

  “Out of your sight? Isn’t that a little bit extreme?”

  “No.” He pulled out, leaving me feeling slightly empty. “Your safety is important to me.”

  “So what now?” I leaned up on my elbow.

  “I guess that depends.”

  The barest hint of sunlight revealed itself above us. “Depends on what?”

  “Whether you have had your fill.”

  “My fill?” I could joke about my desire for him now that the need had been satiated.

  “Uh huh. It is nice to be wanted though, so do not worry if you need more.”

  “I’ve had my fill.” I had. I was happily satisfied even though I already knew I’d want more of him soon.

  “For now.”

  I laughed. “The same could be said for you.”

  “Absolutely. I am not pretending any of this is one sided.”

  “So assuming we’re both satisfied, what now?”

  “We get breakfast. I meet with a few contacts. You get to explore more of the castle.”

  “You meet with contacts while I explore the castle?” I arched an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound like keeping me in your sight.”

  “I will amend that. Keep you in my sight other than small periods of time when I leave you with Charlotte.”

  “Why Charlotte?” I appreciated he wasn’t sexist and insisting I stay with a guy.

  “She is powerful and understands how important you are to me. You will be safe with her.”

  “What if she doesn’t want to babysit me?”

  “It is not babysitting, and why would she mind the company? She always complains about the lack of women around.”

  “All right. But you’re going to have to start filling me in on these meetings.”

  “I will when I have something worthwhile to share.”

  “You promise?” I ran my hand down the side of his face. I was already beginning to memorize the lines.

  “You really like getting me to promise things.”

  “I do, but only when it’s for a good reason.”

  “Sure, sure.”

  “Wow.” I gazed up at the rising sun.

  He followed my gaze. “Nice, huh?”

  “I suppose this makes an alarm unnecessary.”

  “I have never understood the appeal of waking up to an artificial beeping noise.”

  “There is no appeal. It’s out of necessity.” And I preferred music to the beeping.

  “Do you find that sort of depressing?”

  “I wouldn’t call it depressing. Just reality.”

  “Then are you glad your reality has changed?” There was hopefulness in his voice that made me pause before giving my answer.

  “Is this really a new reality? I mean, it’s not permanent.”

  “Would it be so bad if it was? Are you really that anxious to return to your jobs?”

  “Not my jobs.”

  “Or your family?” He spoke softly.

  “I need to see my mom eventually.”

  “And you will, but that does not mean you need to return to that life.”

  “Let’s not worry about this now.” I rested my head on his chest. “Let’s watch the sun rise.”

  “That is a great idea.”

  “Don’t say I don’t have any.”

  “I was not planning on it.” He kissed my forehead.



  There were more thoughts going through my head than I could count. Ainsley was with me. She had given herself to me in the most intimate way possible—twice, but I could not come completely clean to her. The truth would send her running, and she could no longer do that. She was bound to me in a way no one ever should be. I would find a way to reverse what my father did, but it would not be easy. I needed time, and all I could do was hope Ainsley would give me that.

  I never wanted to leave the bed, but I knew we had to. The sooner I had her safe with Charlotte, the sooner I could start working on a plan. I found I could not think straight with Ainsley lying naked in my arms. My thoughts were too jumbled and tangled up with needs and desires.

  “Am I correct to assume you don’t have modern plumbing in your house?” She curled up against me.

  “I am afraid not, but we can get over to the castle in minutes.”

  She seemed to debate things for a minute. “If I’m going to be spending a lot of time here, you’re going to have to change that.”

  “And you will be spending lots of time here.” Every night. Well, unless we were in the castle. I was fine with that too, although I would always prefer my own home.

  She sat up and pulled the blanket with her. “I guess I’m getting back in that same dress again.”

  “We can find you plenty of other clothing. But for right now, it is all I have besides my clothes.”

  “I’ll stick with the dress.” She stood and started to dress.

  I helped her tie her dress without worrying about my own clothing.

  She turned and looked at me. “You’re still naked.”

  I looked down. “I am.”

  “You helped me before getting yourself dressed.” Her eyes were wide.

  “I will always see to your needs first.” I would do everything in my power to ensure her happiness and wellbeing.

  “Which is sweet, but you could have put your pants on.”

  “Seeing me naked makes you uncomfortable.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m just surprised.”

  “Then why are you averting your eyes?”

  “I have to get used to it.”

  “You do. You are going to be seeing a lot of this.”

  “I know I am.”

  I stepped into my pants. “I am guessing you want to find breakfast at the castle?”

  “What’s the alternative?”

  “I can make something here, but the food will be better there.”

  “The castle then, but I need to use whatever it is you use as a restroom.”

  I pointed out back.

  She made a face. “Ok. I can do this.”

  “I will be sure to have the plumbing taken care of for you.” I would make it a priority. I wanted to make her feel comfortable in my home because it was going to be her home now too.

  I finished dressing while I waited for her to return.

  A few minutes later she walked back inside. “Not as bad as I expected.”

  “I am glad to hear it.”

  I had not heard my father’s voice again, and part of me wanted to believe it had all been my imaginati
on. I adjusted the neckline of her dress. The mark of my family name was still there. Somehow I needed to figure out if the mark was a normal part of becoming a kindred. The question was how I could do it without arousing anyone’s suspicion.

  “Do I have something on me?” She turned her neck to see what I was touching.

  “Nothing to worry about.”

  “What is it?” She touched the spot. “What is that, James?”

  “You are my kindred.” I had not spoken the word out loud until now.

  “But I’m not from here.” She shook her head. “It makes no sense. We didn’t kiss before or anything weird like with Liam.”

  “You know what it means? The significance of being my kindred?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “At least what Samantha has told me. I was meant for you in some way, and we’re connected. And I won’t age the same way I normally would have.”

  “That is most of it, but do you also know how rare it is? How unlikely?”

  “Yes. Which is why I don’t understand how it’s possible. Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe I’m not.”

  “At one point I would have agreed with you, but not now. You are my kindred, I can feel the connection, and the mark is further proof.”

  “Is it obvious?” She struggled to see it. “Samantha didn’t warn me about a mark.”

  That did not mean anything. Samantha might have been sparing her the details. It could still be normal. “No. It is barely noticeable. It is more a touch thing. Plus, it is under your clothes. “

  “Yet another reason I can’t go streaking.”

  I laughed even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. I had to keep things normal. “Exactly. I did not even know about the marks before. It must be a private thing between a Guardian and his kindred.”

  “But then how do you know it means anything?” She wrinkled her brow.

  “It was not there before, was it?” I should have kept quiet. There was no reason to worry her more than necessary.

  “What does the mark look like?” She touched it again.

  “Remember that mark I recognized on the paper?”

  “Of your family name?” She narrowed her eyes.


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