Forged in Flames

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Forged in Flames Page 3

by Harper Wylde

  At the core of my being, I knew these new powers didn’t fit into that category.

  A soft knock sounded on my door and I scrambled to gather the evidence of what I’d been up to. I wasn’t ready to share my obsession over the island with everyone else, although it was one of the unspoken elephants in the room, this rebellion being the other one, until today. Now it was all any of us could talk about.

  When I was sure I had the surface area clean, I called out, “Come on in.”

  “Hi.” Nix peeked around the door, offering me an easy smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She seemed unsure whether she should bother me, and I hated that my closed off behavior had put that look on her face.

  “Hi.” I smiled and stood from my chair, walking to the door and opening it farther so she knew she was always welcome. “What do you have there?” I smiled at the plate of food and the tall glass of soda she balanced in her hands.

  “I brought you lunch. You disappeared when we got home and I know you didn’t eat much while we were out at the cafe.” Her chocolate eyes met mine as she looked up at me, and a sparkle of happiness finally shone from their depths when I leaned down and gave her a light, lingering kiss.

  “Thank you, mikró pouláki.” I took the plate from her while she carried the drink over to my desk and set it down.

  “What’s all this?” she asked, eyeing the mess littering the floor around the trash can.

  “Nothing,” I answered dismissively, hoping she would drop it. Instead, she arched an eyebrow at me and propped her free hand on her hip.

  “Listen, Ryder, I know you’ve had a lot going on lately… even more than the rest of us. I don’t blame you at all for needing some down time to yourself to process everything, but it’s been days. You’re not yourself…” Trailing off, she tilted her head, watching my reaction.

  I sighed and plopped down in the computer chair again, swiveling it from side to side as I tried to figure out how much to tell her.

  Truthfully, I felt like a jackass. Yes, I had an overload of shit going through my brain, but she’d been through more than any of us had. I didn’t know how she was holding up. I knew she didn’t always see it in herself, but she was so incredibly strong. Sometimes it was a quiet strength, the kind that grew from simply continuing to live life in the face of all the hardships. Sometimes, it was in the way she stood up for herself, or in the way she balanced my brothers and me so seamlessly. She just fit, and I thanked whatever greater power sent her our way every single day for the gift she was to all of us.

  Holding out my hand, I waited for her to take it, and then pulled her forward and down into my lap. She folded her frame into me, sitting sideways and bending her knees up, and resting her back on the arm I had around her. Twisting so we were facing each other, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  I ran my knuckles over the exposed golden skin of her lower back where her shirt had risen. “I’m sorry, Nix. For so many things. The first being that I’ve been quiet and reserved lately. I just… I needed time to process everything.”

  “That’s understandable.” The sweet sound of her voice soothed me but I shook my head, not accepting her easy forgiveness.

  “I know, but in retrospect, it’s not what I should have done. I just haven’t wanted to burden everyone with my spiraling thoughts when we had so much going on. I’m used to sharing shit with the guys whenever I’m ready, and usually they don’t press, but things are different now. We have you and that changes things. Everything's better with you. You bind us together. You’re like the glue that makes us all stronger and better than we were before. I shouldn’t have closed off. I should have brought you in and shared with you what was bothering me…” I rested my free hand on her leg and rubbed my thumb over the dark denim of her jeans.

  “I do the same thing. Most of us seem to, it’s normal and not something to be sorry for, really. It’s just that we’ve all seen what closing off can do to us as a group, what hiding things can do. We all have to learn to open up, but it won’t be an immediate thing and we’ll need time occasionally.” She shrugged, letting me off the hook. “We always have so much shit going on at the same time that I tend to prioritize and keep the rest to myself. I’m not saying it’s always the right call, but I am saying that I understand the coping mechanism. I wish you’d talk to me, though. I know you’re worried about your sister.”

  “Getting right to the point.” The smile I tried to give was weak and broken, and she reached up to gently stroke a finger down my cheek

  “With how serious things are getting, I figure we shouldn’t waste time beating around the bush. Everything we learned this morning comes with very real consequences.” Her tone dropped to a hushed murmur as she spoke, almost as if she was worried the wrong ears would hear her words.

  I simply nodded. “The Council is dangerous enough already. Getting caught… it would seal anyone’s fate,” I whispered to her. She brought her hand around my neck, and cupped my cheek as she leaned forward and rested her forehead on mine.

  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt. You all mean so much to me…” Emotion filled her words and pulled at my heart. I was in so deep for this girl, and I wanted nothing more than to tell her that. I needed time with her, just the two of us, and soon. However, I kept quiet, sensing she wasn’t done with her statement yet. “But… I also think it’s a risk worth taking. I won’t decide for any of you, though. This decision is one we need to make as a group.”

  “A family,” I agreed.

  “But enough about that and back to what we were talking about. Really, what is all this?” Nix pulled away enough to eye the mess on the floor and the stacks of paper I’d thrown hastily together earlier.

  With a deep breath, I dove in. “They are drawings,” her eyebrows rose, “of what I recall from the island.” Sympathy radiated from her gaze at my words.

  “You’re trying to remember it all.”

  “Yeah. I hoped it would help us when we finally decide what to do. I know Theo is working on tracking who owns the island, and I get that he wants to be sure of his findings, but I know the Council is behind everything going on there. I just don’t know if it’s one, a few, or all of them. That song, Nix, it’s haunting every waking moment.” Her fingers played with the short hair at the back of my neck, and it helped ease some of the tension I’d been holding there. “I never had answers about my sister. I always thought she was dead.” I nearly choked on the last word. “But the song would have died with her. The fact that I heard it that night, my mind is running wild with various theories. You were on that island for a day and fuck only knows what happened to you.” My voice strained just thinking of the unknowns we still had no answers to. I felt Nix tremble in my arms but she remained silent, letting me vent my frustrations and fears. “It’s been years since I’ve seen my sister. If she’s alive… if they’ve had her this whole time—” I couldn't continue past the giant knot in my throat, and I swallowed hard, willing myself not to fall apart in front of Nix. I’d kept it together this far, letting my anger sustain me, but actually giving a voice to the desolate feelings swirling through me these last few days made it all seem more real. It gave the thoughts more life and fuel, and suddenly I had to move.

  I gently pushed on Nix and she crawled off my lap, then I jumped up, pacing the few steps across my room, back and forth. I couldn’t stand still, and my hands dove into my hair again, tugging at the strands as I attempted to center myself.

  “I don’t have all the answers. I wish I did, but you’re not alone. I’m here. So are Hiro, Damien, Theo, and Killian. We’re not going to let this drop and we will figure out what’s going on with the island… and with your sister.” She walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my middle, making me pause in my stride. Her cheek pressed into the space between my shoulder blades and she held me tightly. I covered her hands with mine. The heat of her body warmed my back and I felt her magic surround me, twining and sparking with my own. The effect sent a shiver sli
ding down my spine.

  “I know this whole thing is so fucked up, but we’re truly at a crossroads. We can’t just leave and bail on Theo and Damien’s family, let alone the friends we have here, and we can’t storm the island—at least not yet. We don’t have any idea what we’d be walking into or how dangerous it is. I know you want to make a move, to find a way to get more answers, but everything is interconnected. We’re still trying to figure out whom we can trust and turn to for help and whom we can’t. I know asking you to wait is nearly an impossible request, but we’re all working to find a solution. At least we have a little more info now that we’ve meet with Ciar. Just… just have faith,” she whispered.

  Confidence radiated from her, and I latched on to it. She was being so fucking strong for me, and I was enough of a man to take the support she freely gave. We were more than physical attraction and flirtation. We were there for each other in the hardest moments, and she had my back as much as I had hers. Each one of us was a pillar on our own, but when you put Nix, my brothers, and me together, we were a fucking fortress.

  Turning in her arms, I cupped her face. “I do.” My lips crashed down on hers in the next breath. Her soft mouth glided against mine roughly, her sweetness bolstering me and pulling me from the darkness roiling inside. Breathing her in, I backed her against the wall, sucking on her bottom lip before diving back in. The kiss deepened, becoming a battle of clashing teeth, and dueling tongues. I needed her like I needed air. I was desperate for her to know how much I cared for her. I wouldn’t push her, but my Ceraptor and I wanted her in every way—in my bed, as my mate… someday as my wife. Every moment I spent with her only made me fall harder and deeper for her, and I poured all of that into this moment, hoping my actions would convey what I hadn’t said yet.

  Her hands slid over my abs, chest, and shoulders, landing in my hair as she grabbed hold and dragged me closer. I followed easily, groaning low when she arched her back and pressed her body to mine, molding against me. I knew she could feel the need I felt for her growing hard against her stomach, and I ground my cock into her, drinking in every breathy little moan she gave me in return.

  By the time our kisses slowed, all I could think about was throwing her onto my bed and exploring her body, but I wanted to do things properly. I wanted to take her out and romance her.

  “Go on a date with me.” Her chest rose and fell as she panted for breath, and those beautiful eyes flicked up to my face. Surprise shone from their depths, but warmth quickly followed and was mimicked by a slight blush of color tingeing her cheeks. I loved the openness and eagerness in her expression. “Please,” I added, with a sly smile tipping my lips.

  “Are you sure… with the timing and all?” She bit her lip and studied me.

  “I think we’ve let these people take enough from us already. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I have a feeling life isn’t going to slow down anytime soon, so we should grab our time where and when we can.”

  “Then, yes.” That three letter word had never made me so happy. Swooping down again, I captured her mouth with mine. My Ceraptor neighed loudly in my head, prancing proudly. We were going to take our woman out, and for the moment, we were filled with peace and contentment. I didn’t want it to end. The storm that had been raging inside of me for days had been wearing me out. I was physically and mentally exhausted from going around in circles about everything. I knew it was a temporary reprieve, but I’d take what I could get while it lasted.

  Hopefully, this break would give me a clearer head.

  Pulling away from me, Nix bent down and picked up one of my discarded drawings. Smoothing it out, she ran her fingers over the untalented markings that marred the white page.

  “You know, Killian might be able to help you with this. Damien too, since he was there. Kill helped me draw out the shards of memories I remembered after the island.” Breaking away from my gaze, she looked toward the ground and her hair cascaded off of her shoulder, acting like a curtain between us.

  I reached out and tucked it behind her ear, then tapped her chin with a finger, bringing her focus back to my face. “Did it help?”

  Blowing out a breath, she nodded. “Yeah. I don’t have all the answers, but it was good to get all the pieces I could remember out of my head. Everything is still hazy and choppy, but I feel better for having purged it onto paper—or letting Killian do it for me. Talk to him, alright?”

  “I will. Maybe it will help me feel more settled.” Taking Nix’s hand, I pulled her toward my bed and she followed me, settling in at my side when I laid down. Having her pressed against me, curled up and comfortable, was like heaven. The ache inside of me hadn’t diminished in the slightest, and I shifted slightly on the bed to ease the strain of my jeans.

  “You haven’t been sleeping, have you?” Her finger traced the dark circles under my eyes, a soothing gesture that I couldn’t resist turning my head into.

  “Like I said, that lullaby and the little girl who was humming it have been infiltrating my dreams. I just can’t get her out my head.” I wished I had Killian’s talent with drawing. Maybe if I could get her face exactly right, rather than the shifting image in my mind where it merged with my sister, it would stop haunting me every time I closed my eyes.

  “I didn’t even see them and they haunt mine,” Nix murmured against my chest. “The idea of the Council stealing children is sickening.” Tension made her body taut. “I have no idea what they do on that island, Ryder, but every time I think about it my skin crawls.” Nix grew quiet, and although I knew she wanted to say more, I had a feeling she stopped herself, realizing how I funneled everything she told me back into my worry about both her and my sister. Leaning down, I kissed the crown of her head.

  “We need the rebellion.” Steel coated her words and I felt her tension as her body grew more rigid in my arms. “It’s the only way we can get the numbers to change things. To take on the island. To take on the—”

  “I know.” I placed a finger over her lips, lightly running it over the soft flesh as I cut her off. Something that Ciarán had said had stuck with me.

  Rule number four. Stay alert—assume someone is watching. Someone is always watching and listening. You need to make sure it’s you.

  We’d already said far too much within these walls with only our basic wards in place. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier.

  Mentally, I reached out for Damien. We need more protection around the house. I pushed for him to share my thoughts with the group. Both to keep our conversations and our actions more private, and also to up our security.

  I agree, Theo chimed in, and I was happy Damien was projecting the conversation to everyone.

  I’ll reach out to Ciar, Damien and Killian said in unison, and Nix and I both chuckled.

  They have to have some serious security measures in place and that would be a good place to start, Damien added.

  How soon can you make this happen? The comment came from Theo. As the leader of the group, our safety was his first priority, always. We’ve probably taken too many risks already, and I’d like to rectify it as soon as possible.

  I’ll reach out today. Kill’s mental voice was weary, and I knew today had been hard on him. However, he was probably the best person to reach out to his brother. As he, Damien, and Theo continued their conversation, working out the details, I threw my mental wall back into place to tune them out.

  “Good idea.” Nix beamed up at me.

  “I’m glad you think so.” The cheeky smile I gave her was full of flirtation. Being with her was making me feel more and more like myself again. She was a breath of fresh air in the stale bitterness I’d been feeling over the last few days. “I’m full of good ideas.”

  “Oh yeah?” She took my bait. “What else you got?”

  Instead of answering, I slid down in the bed so I was more in line with her body, and leaned in to place a sweet, lingering kiss on her lips.


re genius,” she breathed into the scant few inches between us. The way she bit her lip while she was absorbed with staring at my mouth made my cock strain harder against the zipper of my jeans.

  “I thought so too.” Without another word, we tangled ourselves together. Her lips were a balm to my soul, and when I swept my tongue against the seam of her mouth, she opened for me, letting me in and giving me the solace I desperately needed in return.



  I pushed my glasses farther up my nose as I scribbled my findings into my notebook. I’d have to take the time to type everything up neatly this evening, but right now my computer was running an intricate search as I looked into the offshore accounts that were associated with the island.

  The need for answers was driving me, and I glanced at the running sequence again, triple checking my work before returning to my handmade notes. A second later my computer dinged, a notification that I had an email, and I turned my attention to the screen, navigating to my inbox. The sight of Councilman Ishida's name had me gritting my teeth as I quickly read over his message. I had a dozen more like it from the other Councilmen as well—each one looking for information on when the database they'd requested would be completed. Truthfully, I was close to being finishing, but I continued to stretch out the work, unwilling to give the Council a tool that could be that powerful—especially after recent events.


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