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His Twin Baby Surprise

Page 23

by Patricia Forsythe

  “I know. I was there.”

  He grimaced as he set the glass down on the bed table and wheeled it out of the way. “And I wasn’t. I’m sorry. I got a few miles out of town and realized I was a first-class fool. I turned around and went back to your house, but you were gone. Scared me to death until I called Gemma who told me that you were here and too busy to talk.”

  Ben snagged his shirt off the back of a chair and pulled it on, doing up the buttons as he stood beside the bed. “And I’m here, holding my son and daughter because I’ve been a complete idiot. I love them, and I love you, Lisa. I’ve been falling in love with you for weeks, but I was too stubborn and fixated on my own concerns and projects to understand what was happening. Can you forgive me?”

  She looked up at him, then over at the twins, then around the room before meeting his eyes again. “I know I didn’t have strong pain meds, but I think I’m hallucinating. Did you ask me to forgive you?”

  “Yes.” He gave her a rueful smile, his dimples pocking his cheeks. “Even living with you—looking after you these past few weeks, finding out what your life had been like growing up—my focus was still on my projects, my own concerns. I didn’t take this as seriously as I should have—this business of becoming a father. I was focused on everything I thought was so important, things I wanted, wanted to do, instead of what was truly important—these babies, and you and how much I love you.”

  “I never thought I would hear you say that.” Her lips trembled. “I love you, too.”

  He chuckled, put down the railing on the side of the bed and leaned over to gingerly gather her into his arms. When he kissed her, warm, sweet happiness spread through her. “I’ve never said it before. I love you, Lisa, and I admire you for everything you’ve accomplished, everything you’ve overcome.”

  “I love you, too, Ben. My feelings for you have been growing for months, but I didn’t realize until yesterday just how much I love you.”

  Ben kissed her again, then sat beside her and took her hand in his. “I know this might not be the most romantic moment to ask this, but will you marry me? Make a life with me and our kids? Are you willing to marry a man who’ll probably be underfoot a lot, make mistakes, annoy you to pieces, but who’ll love you and our kids forever?”

  Lisa gave him a teasing grin. “That depends. Do you think you can be married to a woman who still wants to be mayor someday? Someone who takes on too many projects and does too much?”

  “I’m willing to take the chance if you are.”

  “Well, then, yes. I’ll marry you.”

  He kissed her again and let her go reluctantly when the door opened to admit Gemma and Carly.

  “The entire population of Reston is in the waiting room,” Carly announced, marching straight over to the bassinet to admire the babies.

  “If I don’t take these two so they can be seen through the nursery window by their legions of fans, we’re going to have a riot on our hands,” Gemma added.

  “Go ahead,” Ben said. “My fiancée and I would like a little time alone.”

  “All right,” Carly said, giving Gemma a high five. “Our husbands owe us a weekend away. Lisa, we told them Ben was in love with you.”

  “You were right,” Lisa agreed. “And I’m in love with him.”


  “ARE YOU READY?” Big Jim McAdams asked, looking down at Lisa and smiling. “I never thought I’d have a daughter to give away in marriage.”

  “I’m glad you’re willing to do it. And thanks again for convincing Helen to tone down the wedding preparations.” Lisa looked at her two best friends, whose bridesmaids’ dresses were a shade of deep blue that complemented both their skin tones and hair color. The design was simple, with just enough fullness to accommodate their growing waistlines. They were both expecting to give birth in the spring.

  The church sanctuary wasn’t swathed in the miles of bunting that Helen had wanted, but baskets of flowers were affixed to every pew along the aisle, and standing baskets of her late-blooming roses marched up the steps to the podium.

  Ben waited, with Nathan and Luke beside him, all three of them dressed in tuxedos.

  Helen was holding three-month-old Gabriel James and Maureen cradled his sister, Rose Heleen.

  Lisa couldn’t imagine a more perfect day and a more perfect setting to marry the man she loved.

  The past year had been hard in so many ways. Her life had changed, and her goals, even her way of thinking. She had new goals now, new people to love and a new future.

  She couldn’t wait to get started.

  Lisa took a deep breath, looked up at Jim with shining eyes and said, “I’m ready.”

  * * * * *

  If you loved this book, look for more in Patricia Forsythe’s OKLAHOMA GIRLS miniseries:



  Available now at!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from WITH NO RESERVATIONS by Laurie Tomlinson.

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  With No Reservations

  by Laurie Tomlinson


  A STICK OF Irish butter, cubed into tiny uniform squares. Half-cup portions of white sugar, brown sugar, glittering in the light. And the star of the show, a mixture of chocolate chips and crumbled homemade toffee that was good enough to eat with a spoon. All showcased in sherbet-colored ceramic pinch pots and bowls from the flea market.

  The mise en place, as the French said, was complete. Everything was in place.

  Sloane Bradley found a calming satisfaction in the certainty that, when these proportions were mixed and baked, they’d turn out the most perfect toffee-chocolate chip cookies in existence. Gooey with just the right amount of crisp.

  She was dialing up a crystal clear focus on the ingredients through her DSLR’s viewfinder when her cell phone buzzed against the kitchen table.


  Her account supervisor was early by a full six minutes, which couldn’t be a good thing. She was usually late.

  “Dana. Hi.” Any enthusiasm Sloane tried to muster fell flat.

  “Sorry, Sloane.” Dana didn’t miss a beat. “I know we’re ahead of schedule, but we had to
move some things around today. Kathryn needs to start the meeting early.”


  Dana sighed. “Yes. She asked to be on the call.”

  Okay, something was definitely up. Why else would the founder of VisibilityNet—the one who was usually just a signature on the checks—need to be in on this call? In the span of a breath, the parts of Sloane’s job she treasured most shuttered through her mind. The subconscious rhythm of arranging ingredients and capturing the finished masterpieces. Her ability to conduct business calls from the comfort of yoga pants. Even the multitiered, color-coded spreadsheets.

  Maybe especially the multitiered, color-coded spreadsheets.

  Sloane nodded even though her supervisor couldn’t see her and swallowed hard. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  Questions zipped through her mind as she smoothed her tailored blazer over her shoulders and sank into the cream-colored, leather dining room chair opposite her laptop. Could her job be in jeopardy?

  Certainly not. Sloane was one of the ad network’s most successful accounts. Her blog traffic was higher than ever. Brands paid a pretty penny to work with her. Clicks for third-party ads were on the rise. Email subscriptions were through the roof after her rustic herb pizza crust had gone viral on Pinterest earlier in the week. She liked it much better when VisibilityNet sent her kitchen gadgets to review and left her alone to do what she did best.


  But there was no time to figure things out now, no time to panic. Just the fizz in her midsection as her computer beeped to announce the incoming call. The video chat screen split in half as it connected. Two contrasting images swam into focus—barely postgrad Dana with her flawless milky skin, auburn topknot, and hipster glasses, and Kathryn with her signature silver-streaked black hair, pillowy lips, and catlike eyeliner tips.

  “Good morning, Miss Bradley.” Kathryn’s puffy, plastic lips were slightly out of sync with the audio of her heavy New England accent. “Excuse me for skipping the formalities, but we really need to get to business quickly.”

  Sloane nodded, willing her clenched throat to relax. “Good morning.”

  “This is a very new deal, so please don’t make this public yet.” Kathryn filled her lungs for effect. “Is it correct that you volunteer for the City on a Hill Foundation?”

  “I’ve been volunteering at their headquarters for a few years now.” Sloane was intimately familiar with the organization and did everything she could to promote their efforts to educate low-income families about smart, sustainable cooking and grocery shopping.

  “Then you know it’s headed up by the Marian Cooper of J. Marian Restaurants. Well, it’s her ex-husband’s company now.”

  J. Marian Restaurants? With the sleazeball CEO who paraded around Dallas like he owned the place? He’d made a fortune selling fast-casual restaurant templates. Make-and-take pizza parlors. Noodle buffets. Cupcake and doughnut boutiques. He could feed a third-world country for a year by selling one of his custom suits—or denying one of his wife du jour’s plastic surgery whims. Marian used to be married to that guy?

  Relieved that this conference call was just a preemptive announcement, Sloane zoned out as Kathryn went on about “strategic partnerships” and “trend forecasts.” All Sloane could focus on was her overwhelming urge to reach through the computer screen and adjust Dana’s glasses, which were tilted a few degrees lower on her right eye.

  When she heard the words national network spokesperson, however, Sloane’s attention snapped to the nasal, authoritative voice of the VisibilityNet founder.

  “Wait. What?” She registered her own deer-in-the-headlights expression on the screen.

  “That’s where you come in, naturally,” Kathryn said. “Marian convinced them to hire you specifically. And it’s perfect because you’re local.”

  Panic gripped Sloane with razor-sharp claws as her fight-or-flight mechanism went from zero to sixty in a heartbeat. She nodded in the right places and scribbled notes on the pad of paper she’d placed on her makeshift desk for ceremony, never expecting to actually use it.

  Son’s restaurant opening this winter.

  Recipe development.


  Basically, VisibilityNet expected Sloane to shake hands with a lot of highbrow people.

  In person. Wearing real pants.

  This could not be happening.

  Shaky words formed on the tip of her tongue. “And if I choose not to agree to this partnership?” Too late to take them back.

  Dana paled, her eyes widening in shock.

  “There is no choice in the matter.” Kathryn let out a singsong little laugh.

  Great. She thought the whole thing was a joke.

  “Listen. We have a pretty good arrangement, Sloane. We increased your revenue percentage and gave you our top-tier accounts because people have been eating out of the palm of your hand with that whole organized food prep shtick.”


  “Because of us, you get to work with some of the highest-grossing companies in the food industry. And all you have to do is put on a pretty face and post pretty little pictures of your food.”

  Sloane sighed. “I know, but I don’t think you understand.”

  “I understand this.” A muscle twitched in Kathryn’s face. “You’re contractually bound to do this and breaking your contract would mean severing ties with VisibilityNet. If you don’t do this restaurant opening, then we don’t get J. Marian Restaurants. A partnership with them on a national level.”

  “Just be the charming character who’s won over hundreds of thousands of page views this quarter.” Dana upped the pleasantries before Sloane could fight back. “It won’t be a problem for you.”

  No problem? Right. They had no clue who they were sending to their front lines. No idea that, if her track record was any indication, their leader in ad revenue was about to be their undoing.

  “Besides, the majority of your obligations surround the restaurant launch date. In a few months, it’ll be like nothing ever happened.”

  A few months. Sloane could handle a few months, especially if the alternative meant losing her primary source of income. The non-compete agreement she’d signed ensured she would never receive so much as a coupon from those companies if she ever left.

  VisibilityNet had a list of bloggers who would jump out of a moving train for those accounts. But losing VisibilityNet would change everything for her.

  Sloane made nice for the rest of the conversation and ended the call, gulping in a deep breath to try to get the elephant on her chest to budge. No such luck. Her cell phone lit up immediately, and she snatched it before it could buzz.

  “Dana, we’re in trouble.”

  “What? Who’s in trouble?” It wasn’t Dana’s chirpy voice on the other end.

  It was her mother’s.

  “Hi, Mom.” She forced a smile in an effort to hide the panic in her voice. “I thought you were someone else.”

  “Who’s in trouble?”

  Sloane let out a breath slowly. “It’s nothing. Just a new contract they gave me today. Work stuff. It’ll be fine.” She winced at the last word. Fine. Everything was always fine. Only, it wasn’t.

  “Does that mean you can’t come home for Thanksgiving? Or Christmas?”

  Home. The little town in Indiana hadn’t resembled home to her in ages.

  She padded into her bedroom and folded the ironing board with a loud screech. “Yeah, no, Mom. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this year. Maybe in the spring.”

  “That’s what you said last year.”

  A stake of guilt punched through Sloane’s heart as she paced to the kitchen. That’s what she’d said for so many years.

  “Would it be better if we came to you?”

  “Well, with this ne
w contract, life’s going to be pretty busy.” Sloane pulled a dustrag from a drawer and began scrubbing the dishes and props on the rolling wire pantry in her kitchen.

  “As long as you’re taking care of yourself, Sloanie. Spending time with your friends. Going to church. You’ve made friends, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Probably not in the sense her mother meant, but she had friends.

  By the time she hung up with her mother, two rows of pots and dishes gleamed, and every limb in her body was itching to medicate with a few miles of downtown Dallas pavement. To help her process this new work arrangement as something that was manageable—and now to take the edge off of the reminder of why her mother had called.

  It was his birthday.

  She bit her lip against the pressure of tears building between her temples and crouched to the immaculate tile floor. Bracing herself, yet again, for the crush of painful memories.

  But in a way, Sloane saw a silver lining in the conversation. Another one of her mother’s semiregular attempts to reach out was over.

  There was now one less time she had to remind her parents that the daughter they knew was gone. Things would never be the way they used to be.

  Copyright © 2017 by Laurie Tomlinson

  ISBN-13: 9781488012211

  His Twin Baby Surprise

  Copyright © 2017 by Patricia Knoll

  All rights reserved. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of publisher, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, M3B 3K9 Canada.


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