Aristocrats: Power, Grace, and Decadence: Britain's Great Ruling Classes from 1066 to the Present

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Aristocrats: Power, Grace, and Decadence: Britain's Great Ruling Classes from 1066 to the Present Page 42

by Lawrence James


  armed services; see also army

  army; Coldstream Guards; Duke of Sutherland’s Fencibles; Guards regiments; Grenadier Guards; Guides Cavalry; 4th Hussars; 11th Hussars; 18th Hussars; 9th Lancers; 17th Lancers; Life Guards; 12th Light Dragoons; 13th Light Dragoons; 23rd Light Dragoons; Petworth Yeomanry; 17th Regiment; 57th Regiment; 63rd Regiment; 78th Regiment; Royal Horse Guards

  Arran, Arthur Gore, first Earl of

  Arran, Arthur Gore, ninth Earl of

  Arthur, King; cult of

  Arthur, Prince


  Arundel, Archbishop

  Arundel, Richard FitzAlan, Earl of

  Arundel, Thomas Howard, second Earl of


  Ashby St Legers, first Lord

  Asquith, Herbert

  Association for the Preservation of Liberty and Property

  Astrophel and Stella (Sidney)

  Atholl, John Murray, fourth Duke of

  Atholl, John Murray, seventh Duke of

  Atholl, George Murray, tenth Duke of

  Atholl, Walter Stewart, Earl of

  Atholl, John Murray, Marquess of



  Bacon, Sir Francis

  Baden-Powell, General

  Baird, Major Alexander

  Balcarres, Colin Lindsay, third Earl of

  Balfour, Arthur

  Balfour of Burleigh, Lord

  Ball, John


  Ballot Act

  Bankes, Thomas

  Banks, John

  Bannockburn, Battle of

  Barebones Parliament

  Barlow, Sir George

  Barnet, Battle of



  Bateman, John, second Viscount

  Bath, Henry Bourchier, fifth Earl of

  Bath, John Thynne, fourth Marquess of

  Bath, Henry Thynne, sixth Marquess of


  Bayeaux Tapestry

  Beauchamp family

  Beaufort, ninth Duke of

  Beaumont, Viscount

  Bedford, George Neville, Duke of

  Bedford, Francis Russell, fifth Duke of

  Bedford, John Russell, sixth Duke of

  Bedford, Herbrand Russell, eleventh Duke of

  Bedford, Francis Russell, fourth Earl of

  Beggar’s Opera, The (Gay)

  Bell’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle

  Belvoir Castle


  Benn, Anthony Wedgwood

  Bentinck, Lord George

  Beresford, Admiral Lord Charles

  Beresford, Lord William

  Berkeley, Maurice, second Baron

  Berkeley, Thomas (‘the Magnificent’), fifth Baron

  Berkeley, William, first Marquess (and second Baron)

  Berkeley, Sir John

  Bertie, Charles

  Betting Act


  Bill of Rights


  Black, Conrad

  Black Act

  Blair, Tony

  Blenheim Palace

  Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland

  Blennerhassett, Rowland Ponsonby

  Boke of St Albans, The

  Bolingbroke, second Lord

  Bontine, William

  Bonville, Lord

  Book Named the Governor, The (Elyot)

  Boothby, Robert

  Boroughbridge, Battle of

  Borthwick, Lord

  Boswell, Sir James

  Bosworth, Battle of

  Bourbon court

  Bouvines, Battle of


  Boycott, Captain Charles

  Boyne, Battle of the

  Brand, Thomas

  Breadalbane, John Campbell, first Earl of

  Brian Boru

  Brideshead Revisited (Waugh)

  Bridgewater, Earl and Countess of


  Bristol, John Digby, first Earl of

  Bristol, John Hervey, first Earl of

  British Empire

  British Magazine

  British nationalism

  British Union of Fascists

  Bromyard, Nicholas

  Brooke, Robert, Lord

  Buccleuch, Walter Scott, fifth Duke of

  Buccleuch, William Scott, sixth Duke of

  Buccleuch, John Scott, ninth Duke of

  Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, first Duke of

  Buckingham, Henry Stafford, second Duke of

  Buckingham, Edward Stafford, third Duke of

  Buckingham, George Villiers, first Duke of

  Buckingham, George Nugent-Grenville, Marquess of

  Bullingdon Club

  Burghley, William Cecil, Lord

  Burke, Edmund

  Burke’s Landed Gentry

  Burke’s Peerage

  Burton, Michael Bass, Lord

  Cade, Jack

  Cadogan, William, first Earl of

  Cadogan, George, fifth Earl of


  Caerlaverock, siege of

  Caister Castle

  Caithness, Earl of


  Cambridge University


  Cameron, David

  Cameron of Lochiel, Donald

  Campbell, General

  Campbell, Lord

  Campbell clan

  Campden, Charles Noel, second Lord


  Canning, George

  Cannock Chase

  capital offences


  Carleton, General Guy

  Carlton Club

  Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, fourth Earl of

  Carnarvon, George Herbert, fifth Earl of

  Carnwarth, ninth Earl of

  Carrington, ‘Charlie’, first Lord

  Carrington, Peter, sixth Lord

  Castle Howard

  Castlereagh, Viscount


  Catesby, William


  Catherine the Great

  Catholic Relief Act

  Catholics and Catholicism; Catholic emancipation; and Exclusion crisis; and Glorious Revolution; and Irish aristocracy; and Jacobitism; and land ownership; and Restoration; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  Cato Street Conspiracy

  Cavalcade (Coward)

  Cavendish, Lord Henry

  Cavendish, William

  Caxton, William

  Cecil, Lord Hugh

  Cecil, Lord Robert


  Chamberlain, Austen

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Chaplin, Henry

  Charles I, King; his art collection; corruption and sale of titles; ‘martyrdom’; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  Charles II, King (and Prince of Wales)

  Charles Edward, Prince (‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’, the Young Pretender)

  Charlotte, Queen

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  Chetwynd, sixth Viscount

  chivalry; American pseudo-chivalry; and Christianity; and duelling; and French Revolution; and funeral iconography; reinvention of; and tournaments

  Church; and Glorious Revolution; and Peasants’ Revolt; and Reformation; Scottish

  Church estates

  Church of England; Anglican intolerance; and Catholic emancipation; Laudian innovations; liturgy; and Restoration; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  Church of Ireland


  Churchill, Lord John

  Churchill, Lord Randolph

  Churchill, Winston

  City of London

  civil list

  civil service

  Claim of Right

  Clanwilliam, Admiral the Earl

  Clarence, George, Duke of

  Clarence, Thomas, Duke of

  Clarendon, Edward Hyde, first Earl of

  Clarendon, Henry Hyde, second Earl of
br />   class warfare


  Cleveland, Charles Fitzroy, first Duke of

  Clifford, Lord Thomas

  Clifford, Sir Robert

  Clifton, Gervase

  Clotworthy, Sir John, see Massereene, Sir John Clotworthy, Viscount

  Clyst St Mary

  coats of arms

  Cochrane, Lord Thomas

  Cochrane, Rear Admiral Sir Arthur

  coffee houses

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  College of Arms

  Colonial Gentry

  commissions of array

  Common Sense (Paine)


  Communism and Communists

  Compton Wynyates


  Coningsby (Disraeli)

  Connoisseurs, The (Rowlandson)


  Conservative Club

  Constable, John

  Constitution Hill

  Continental Congress

  Convention Parliament

  Conyngham, George, third Marquess of

  Conyngham, Victor, fifth Marquess of

  Cooper, Duff

  Cooper, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln

  Corn Laws


  Cornwall, Edmund Crouchback, Earl of

  Cornwall, Richard, Earl of

  Cornwallis, General Lord

  corresponding societies

  Corrupt Practices Act

  Country Party

  Countryside Alliance

  court corruption

  Court of Star Chamber

  Court of Wards

  ‘court tone’


  Coventry, Earl of

  Coventry Parliament

  Cowes week

  Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Crawford, twenty-sixth Earl of

  Crécy, Battle of

  Creevey, Thomas


  Crimean War

  crofting laws

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Cromwell, Ralph, Lord

  Cromwell, Richard

  Cromwell, Thomas

  Cruikshank, George


  Culloden, Battle of

  Cumberland, Henry Clifford, Earl of

  Cumberland, George Clifford, third Earl of

  Curzon, Lord

  Cyril, Grand Duchess, of Russia

  Dacre, Francis, Lord

  Dalzell, Colonel Robert

  Danby, Earl of


  Dangerfield, George

  Darcy, Thomas, Lord

  Dashwood, Sir Francis

  de Berners, Dame Juliana

  de Broke, Lord Willoughby

  de Burghersh, Sir Batholomew

  de Crewe, Thomas

  de Kérouaille, Louise

  de Montfort, Simon, see Leicester, Simon de Montfort, Earl of

  de Tocqueville, Alexis

  de Waldegrave, Sir Richard

  death duties Death of General Wolfe, The (West)



  Declarations of Indulgence

  Declaratory Act

  Decline and Fall (Waugh)



  delinquency charges

  Delves Broughton, Sir Jock

  democracy, American; local

  Denbigh, Basil Feilding, second Earl of


  Derby, Thomas Stanley, first Earl of

  Derby, Edward Stanley, third Earl of

  Derby, William Stanley, ninth Earl of

  Derby, Edward Stanley, fourteenth Earl of

  Derby, Stanley earls of

  Despenser, Hugh, Lord

  Devonshire, Victor Cavendish, ninth Duke of

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, second Earl of

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, third Earl of

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, fourth Earl of

  Diana, Princess of Wales


  Dilettanti Society


  Discourses Concerning Government (Sydney)

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  dissenters; see also Nonconformists




  Donegal, Marchioness of

  Dorset, Thomas Beaufort, first Earl of

  Dorset, Edward Sackville, fourth Earl of

  Dorset, Charles Sackville, sixth Earl of

  Dorset, Henry Grey, third Marquess of

  Douglas, James, second Earl of

  Douglas, Archibald, third Earl of

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec


  Drummond, James (self-styled Duke of Perth)

  Drummond family


  duels and duelling


  Dundas, Henry

  Dundonald, tenth Earl of


  East India Company



  Edgehill, Battle of

  Edinburgh; anti-Catholic riots

  Edinburgh Review


  Edward I, King

  Edward II, King

  Edward III, King

  Edward IV, King (and Earl of March)

  Edward V, King

  Edward VI, King

  Edward VII, King (and Prince of Wales)

  Edward VIII, King (and Prince of Wales)

  Edward, Prince of Wales

  Eglinton, Alexander Montgomerie, tenth Earl of

  Eglinton, Archibald Montgomerie, thirteenth Earl of

  Egmont, John Perceval, first Earl of

  Egremont, third Earl of


  electoral franchise

  Elgin, Thomas Bruce, seventh Earl of

  Elgin, Victor Bruce, ninth Earl of

  Elizabeth I, Queen

  Elizabeth II, Queen

  Elizabeth Woodville, Queen

  Ellenborough, Edward Law, first Baron

  Ellenborough, Edward Law, second Baron

  Elphinstone, Montstuart

  Elyot, Sir Thomas



  England: and anti-Catholic sentiment; borders; under Commonwealth; and dual monarchy; Elizabethan golden age; and garden metaphor; and religion

  Erroll, Francis Hay, ninth Earl of

  Erroll, Josslyn Hay, twenty-second Earl of

  Essex, Walter Devereux, first Earl of

  Essex, Robert Devereux, second Earl of

  Essex, Robert Devereux, third Earl of


  Eton College

  Europe: ancien régime; and French Revolution; and French wars; and Grand Tours; and Protestant cause; religious wars; student agitation in; twentieth-century


  Evelyn, John

  Exclusion Bill

  Exeter, Henry Holland, Duke of

  Exeter, William Cecil, second Earl of

  Exeter, Lord Burghley, sixth Marquess of Faerie Queene (Spenser)

  Falkland, Lucius Cary, second Viscount

  Falmouth, Hugh Boscawen, second Viscount

  Falmouth, Evelyn Boscawen, sixth Viscount




  Fenian movement


  Field of the Cloth of Gold

  Fielding, Henry

  Fifth Monarchy movement

  Filmer, Sir Robert

  Findlater, James, seventh Earl of

  First Book of Ayres (Attey)

  First World War

  Fisher, Kitty

  Fitzwilliam, William, fourth Earl

  Fitzwilliam, Charles, fifth Earl


  Florio, John

  Foot, Sir Dingle

  Football Association

  foreign languages

  Foreign Office

Forty Years On (Bennett)

  Four Feathers, The (Mason)

  Fox, Charles James

  France; aesthetic fashions; Bourbon restoration; English wars; and Grand Tours; and hunting; and Jacobitism; laws and liberties; religious wars

  free trade

  Freedom of Information Act

  Freeman, the Earl of Clarendon’s gamekeeper (Stubbs)

  French (language)

  French National Assembly

  French Revolution

  French wars

  funeral iconography

  Gage, General Sir Thomas

  Galloway, James Stewart, seventh Earl of

  Game Laws

  Gaveston, Piers

  Gay, John

  George I, King

  George II, King

  George III, King; and Canadian legislature; and Catholic emancipation; and French wars; and loss of American colonies

  George IV, King (and Prince Regent)

  George V, King

  George VI, King

  Germany; Nazi Germany

  Gillis, Anna

  Gladstone, William

  Glasgow, James Carr-Boyle, fifth Earl of

  Glasgow, David Boyle, ninth Earl of

  Glen Urquhart, laird of

  Glenarvon (Lamb)

  Glorious First of June

  Glorious Revolution

  ‘Glorious Twelfth’

  Gloucester, Eleanor, Duchess of

  Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of

  Gloucester, Richard, Duke of, see Richard III, King

  Gloucester, Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of

  Go-Between, The (Hartley)

  Godkin, Captain Robert


  Gothic revival

  Gower, John

  Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, first Duke of

  Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, fifth Duke of

  Graham, Sir Bellingham

  Graham, Sir James

  Granby, John Manners, Marquess of

  Great Exhibition

  Grevel, William

  Greville, Charles

  Grey, Earl

  Grey, Lady Jane

  Grey, Lord Arthur

  Grey, Lord Richard

  Grosvenor, Lord Robert

  Ground Game Bill

  Gunpowder Plot

  Guy of Warwick

  Gwynn, Nell

  Habeas Corpus Act

  Haig, Field Marshal Lord

  Halifax, George Savile, first Earl of

  Halifax, Edward Wood, first Earl of

  Halifax, second Viscount

  Hamilton, James, third Marquess and first Duke of

  Hamilton, William, Duke of

  Hamilton, James, sixth Duke of

  Hamilton, Alexander, tenth Duke of

  Hamilton, James

  Hamilton, Willie


  Handel, George Frideric

  Happy Valley

  Harcourt, Sir William

  Hardwick Hall

  Hardy, Captain Thomas

  Hardy, Thomas (novelist)

  Harrington, William Stanhope, second Earl of

  Harrington, Charles Stanhope, eighth Earl of

  Harrow School

  Haselrig, Sir Arthur

  Hastings, William, Lord

  Hastings, Francis, first Marquess of (Colonel Lord Rawdon Hastings)


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