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Aristocrats: Power, Grace, and Decadence: Britain's Great Ruling Classes from 1066 to the Present

Page 43

by Lawrence James

  Hastings, Henry, fourth Marquess of

  Hastings, Battle of

  Hatherton, Edward Littleton, Lord

  Hatton, Sir Christopher

  Haydn, Joseph

  Haydon, Benjamin


  Henley regatta

  Henning, John

  Henry I, King

  Henry III, King

  Henry IV, King (Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster) Henry IV (Shakespeare)

  Henry V, King

  Henry VI, King Henry VI (Shakespeare)

  Henry VII, King (Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond)

  Henry VIII, King

  Henry, Prince of Wales


  Hitler, Adolf

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Hogarth, William

  Home, fourteenth Earl of, see Douglas-Home, Sir Alec


  horse racing; and the army

  Hotspur, Harry

  House of Commons; and constitutional reform; and Exclusion crisis; and Glorious Revolution; and Irish Home Rule; and Lords reform; and reform; and Restoration; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  House of Lords; and America; and constitutional reform; and Exclusion crisis; expansion of; and French wars; and Glorious Revolution; and Irish reform; numbers; and reform; reform of; and Restoration; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  houses, aristocratic; opened to public; sales of

  Howard of Bindon, Lord

  Hundred Years War

  hunting and shooting; and the army; ban on fox-hunting; and the colonies; grouse shooting

  Huntingdon, William de Clinton, first Earl of

  Huntingdon, John Holland, first Earl of

  Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, third Earl of

  Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, tenth Earl of

  Huntly, George Gordon, sixth Earl of

  Hyde, Edward, see Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of

  Ikerrin, Piers Butler, first Viscount Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde)



  industrial revolution

  Inns of Court


  Ireland; and Commonwealth; and Glorious Revolution; insurrection and disorder; and Jacobitism; and land ownership; and land reform; potato famine; and religion; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  Ireton, Henry

  Irish Church Disestablishment Act

  Irish Exchequer

  Irish Home Rule

  Irish Land Acts

  Irish Local Government Act

  Irish Parliament

  Irish peers

  Isabella of France, Queen

  Italy; and Grand Tours

  Ivanhoe (Scott)

  Iveagh, Edward Guinness, Lord



  James I (and VI of Scotland), King; corruption and sale of titles; modernisation of Scottish culture

  James II, King (and Duke of York)

  James I, King of Scotland

  James II, King of Scotland

  James IV, King of Scotland

  James, Prince of Wales (the Old Pretender)

  Jansen, Gerard

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeffreys of Wem, Lord (Sir George Jeffreys)




  Jockey Club

  John, King

  Johnson, Samuel

  Jones, Inigo

  Jonson, Ben

  justices; see also magistrates

  Kenilworth Castle

  Kildare, Gerald FitzGerald, ninth Earl of

  kings and kingship; and absolutism; and aristocratic opposition; and devolution of power; divine right of kings; and favourites; increase in status; and royal advisers

  Kinloss, Lord Bruce of

  Kitchener of Khartoum, Lord

  Knight of the Swan

  Knight’s Tale, The

  knights; Chaucer’s; and chivalry; and the ‘estates’; and funeral iconography; and hunting; Roman; and sale of titles; and tournaments

  Knox, Major-General Sir Harry

  La Roi à Chasse (van Dyck)

  La Terre (Zola)

  Lady’s Magazine

  laissez-faire economics

  Lamb, Lady Caroline

  Lancaster, Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of, see Henry IV, King

  Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of

  Lancaster, Thomas, Earl of

  Land League

  Land Nationalisation Society

  land ownership and values; and taxation


  Landseer, Edwin

  Lansdowne, Lord

  Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Lauderdale, John Hamilton, Duke of

  Lawrence, T. E.

  Le Morte Darthur (Malory)

  learning and scholarship

  Leeds, eleventh Duke of

  Lees-Milne, James

  Leicester, Simon de Montfort, Earl of

  Leicester, Robert Dudley, first Earl of

  Leicester, Robert Sidney, second Earl of

  Leinster, sixth Duke of

  Leitrim, third Earl of

  Les Nouvelles de la République des Lettres et des Artes

  Les Plans et Desseins tirés de la Belle Architecture

  Letter to a Dissenter (Halifax)


  Leviathan (Hobbes)

  Lewes, Battle of

  Lewes races

  Licensing Bill

  life peerages

  Lindsey, second Earl of

  Lisbon Treaty

  Lisle, Thomas Talbot, second Viscount

  Lisle, Arthur Plantagenet, first Viscount


  literature; schoolboy; ‘silver fork’ novels

  liveries, grants of

  Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, first Earl of

  Liverpool, Robert Jenkinson, second Earl of

  Lloyd George, David

  Local Government Act

  Locke, John

  Lockhart, Cromwell


  London, Henry Compton, Bishop of

  London, Charles Blomfield, Bishop of

  London: architecture; art market; concentration of power in; influx of Scots and Irish; mobs; and Peasants’ Revolt; Restoration; and Tudor rebellions; and War of the Three Kingdoms; and Wars of the Roses

  London Caledonian Ball

  London Corresponding Society

  London season

  London–Edinburgh railway

  Londonderry, Charles Vane, third Marquess of

  Londonderry, George Vane-Tempest, fifth Marquess of

  Londonderry, Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, sixth Marquess of

  Lonsdale, fifth Lord

  Lord Lieutenants

  Louis XIV, King of France

  Louis XVI, King of France

  Louis XVIII, King of France

  Lovel, Francis, Lord

  Lucan, third Lord


  Ludford, Battle of

  Macaroni Club

  Macarthur, John

  Macdonald, James Ramsay

  MacDonalds of the Isles


  Mackenzie, Kenneth

  Macmillan, Harold

  Macnamara, Captain James


  Magna Carta


  Major, Sir John

  Malmesbury, James Harris, second Earl of

  Malmesbury, James Harris, third Earl of

  Malory, Sir Thomas

  Manchester, eleventh Duke of


  Mandeville, Viscount

  Manners, Lord John


  Mar, John Erskine, sixth Earl of

  Mar, John Erskine, seventh Earl of

  March, Roger Mortimer, first Earl of

  March, Edmund Mortimer, fifth Earl of

  March, Edward Plantagenet, Earl of, see Edward IV, King
r />   Margaret of Anjou, Queen

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

  Marlborough, John Churchill, first Duke of

  Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, fifth Duke of

  Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill, seventh Duke of

  Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill, ninth Duke of

  Marlborough College

  Marlowe, Christopher

  Marston Moor, Battle of

  Mary I, Queen

  Mary II, Queen

  Mary of Teck, Queen

  Mary Queen of Scots

  masquerades Massacre at Paris, The (Marlowe)

  Massereene, Sir John Clotworthy, Viscount

  Massey, Vincent

  Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton)

  Maxwell, Sir John Heron

  Melville, James

  memorials, see funeral iconography

  Merton Myrmidons

  Meulan, Robert de Beaumont, Earl of Leicester and count of


  middle classes; and armed services; and colonial service; and constitutional reform; and elections; Irish; and property laws; and reform; and sports; and taxation; ‘triumph’ of

  millenarian sects

  Milner, Alfred

  Minto, Gilbert Eliot, second Earl of


  Monmouth, James, Duke of

  Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord

  Montaigne, Michel de

  Montmorres, Viscount

  Montrose, James Graham, third Duke of

  Montrose, James Graham, first Marquess of

  Montrose, James Graham, seventh Duke of

  Moore, Thomas

  Mornington, second Earl of, see Wellesley, Richard, Marquess

  Morrison, Sir Charles

  Morrison, Herbert

  Moser, Sir Claus

  Mosley, Sir Oswald

  motor cars

  Mountjoy, James Blount, Lord

  Mowbray, Lady Anne

  Murray, Lord George


  Muthaiga Club

  Mystens, Daniel

  Namier, Sir Lewis

  Naples, King of

  Napoleon Bonaparte

  Naseby, Battle of

  Nashe, Thomas


  Nelson, Admiral Lord

  Neville family

  New Model Army

  New South Wales

  New Zealand

  Newbury, Battle of

  Newcastle, William Cavendish, first Duke of

  Newcastle, Henry Cavendish, second Duke of

  Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, first Duke of

  Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton, fourth Duke of


  Nibley Green


  Nonconformists; see also dissenters

  Nonsuch palace

  Norfolk, John Mowbray, third Duke of

  Norfolk, John Howard, first Duke of

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of

  Norfolk, Henry Howard, seventh Duke of

  Norfolk, Charles Howard, eleventh Duke of

  Norfolk, Bernard Howard, twelfth Duke of

  Norfolk, Henry Fitzalan-Howard, fifteenth Duke of


  Norman Conquest

  Norman Yoke theory


  North, Lord

  North America; see also United States of America

  Northampton, Battle of

  Northumberland, John Dudley, first Duke of

  Northumberland, Hugh Percy, third Duke of

  Northumberland, Algernon Percy, sixth Duke of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, seventh Duke of

  Northumberland, Alan Percy, eighth Duke of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, first Earl of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, second Earl of

  Northumberland, Thomas Percy, seventh Earl of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, ninth Earl of

  North-West Frontier

  Norton, Sir Fletcher

  Oates, Titus

  Obscene Publications Bill

  O’Connell, Daniel

  Oldhall, Sir William

  Oracle, The

  Order of Cincinnati

  Order of St Michael and St George

  Order of St Patrick

  Order of the Bath

  Order of the Crown of India

  Order of the Garter

  Order of the Star of India

  Order of the Thistle

  Orford, Robert Walpole, first Earl of

  Orford, Horace Walpole, fourth Earl of

  Otterburn, Battle of

  Oxford, John de Vere, thirteenth Earl of

  Oxford, Edward de Vere, seventeenth Earl of

  Oxford, Henry de Vere, eighteenth Earl of

  Oxford University

  Page, David

  Paine, Thomas


  Palais du Luxembourg

  Palmer, William

  Palmerston, Lord

  Paris; and French Revolution

  Parliament; and Declaratory Act; declining reputation; and Exclusion crisis; and French Revolution and wars; and Glorious Revolution; and industry; and Ireland; and reform; and Restoration; and War of the Three Kingdoms; see also Barebones Parliament; Convention Parliament; Rump Parliament

  Parliament Bill and Act

  Parnell, Charles Stewart

  Parthenon Marbles

  Paston, Sir John

  Paston family

  Patriarcha, or that Natural Power of Kings Asserte (Filmer)



  Peasants’ Revolt

  pedigrees, faked

  Peel, Sir Robert

  Pembroke, Countess of

  Pembroke, William Herbert, first Earl of

  Pembroke, Henry Herbert, second Earl of

  Pembroke, William Herbert, third Earl of

  Peninsular War

  Pennsylvania Evening Press

  People’s Budget (1909)

  Pepys, Samuel

  Peterloo massacre

  Petersham, Viscount

  Petre, Edward

  Philip I, King of Spain

  Philip II, King of France


  Pilgrimage of Grace

  Pinkie Cleugh, Battle of

  Pitt, Thomas

  Pitt, William, the Elder

  Pitt, William, the Younger

  Plantation Office

  poachers and poaching

  pocket boroughs

  political conversation and debate

  poll taxes


  Poor Laws


  Portarlington, second Earl of

  Portland, William Bentinck-Scott, fifth Duke of

  Portland, William Cavendish-Bentinck, sixth Duke of

  Powell, Enoch

  Presbyterians and Presbyterianism; Covenanters

  Preston, Battle of (1648)

  Preston, Battle of (1715)

  Prestonpans, Battle of

  Prime Minister, The (Trollope)

  Primrose League

  Prince Regent, see George IV, King


  Protestants and Protestantism; and Irish aristocracy; and land ownership; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  Public Advertiser

  public schools

  Puritans and Puritanism

  Putney debates

  Pym, John

  Queensberry, Duchess of

  Queensberry, William Douglas, fourth Duke of

  Queensberry, Archibald Douglas, eighth Marquess of


  Raglan, Lord



  recusancy laws

  Redesdale, second Lord

  Rees-Mogg, William

  Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke)


  Reform Bill and Act

e Humanism

  Renaissance noblemen



  Reynolds, Joshua

  Richard I (‘the Lionheart’), King

  Richard II, King; and Peasants’ Revolt

  Richard II (Shakespeare)

  Richard III, King (and Duke of Gloucester)

  Richard III (Shakespeare)

  Richmond, Ludovick Stuart, first Duke of

  Richmond, Charles Lennox, first Duke of

  Richmond, Charles Lennox, second Duke of

  Richmond, Charles Lennox, third Duke of

  Richmond, Charles Gordon-Lennox, fifth Duke of

  Richmond, Charles Gordon-Lennox, seventh Duke of

  Richmond, Henry Tudor, Earl of, see Henry VII, King

  Rights of Man (Paine)

  Rising of the Northern Earls

  Rivers, Anthony Woodville, Lord

  Robert the Bruce

  Roberts of Kandahar, Field-Marshal Lord

  Rodney, George Brydges, Lord

  Roman art

  Roman heroes

  romances and legends


  Rome; ancient

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)

  Roos, Thomas, Lord

  Rosebery, Lord

  rotten boroughs

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  Rowlandson, Thomas

  Royal Academy

  Royal Academy of Music

  Royal Society

  Rump Parliament

  Rupert of the Rhine, Prince

  Russell, Lord John

  Russell, Lord William

  Russell, Edward

  Russell, John, Bishop of Lincoln


  Rutland, Henry Manners, fifth Duke of

  Rutland, Henry Manners, first Earl of

  St Albans, Charles, first Duke of

  St Albans, Battles of

  St Germains, Edward Eliot, Lord

  St Machar’s Cathedral

  Saintes, Battle of the

  Salisbury, Richard Neville, Earl of

  Salisbury, James Gascoyne-Cecil, second Marquess of

  Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, third Marquess of

  Salisbury, James Gascoyne-Cecil, fourth Marquess of

  Sandwich, fourth Earl of


  Savile, Thomas, Viscount

  Savoy palace

  schools; public

  Scotland; clans and septs; and Commonwealth; and dual monarchy; English wars; feuds; and French wars; and Glorious Revolution; and Jacobitism; land values; land ownership; minority and regency governments; modernisation of culture; and religion; and Restoration; of Scott’s novels; and shooting; and War of the Three Kingdoms

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Scottish Borders; and reform

  Scottish Highlands; and Jacobitism

  Scottish Kirk

  Scottish Parliament

  Scottish Privy Council


  Seaforth, Francis Mackenzie, first Baron

  Seaforth, William Mackenzie, fifth Earl of

  Second World War

  Sedley, Sir Charles

  Segar, Sir William

  Selborne, first Lord Sentimental Journey, A




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