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Page 65

by Patricia A. Mckillip

  Morgon drew her hair out of the wind’s grasp and smoothed it. He tapped randomly into the continual stream of thoughts just beneath the surface of his awareness. He heard Tristan arguing placidly with Eliard as she set plates on the table at Akren. In Hel, Nun and Raith of Hel were watching a pig being born. In Lungold, Iff was salvaging books out of the burned wizards’ library. In the City of Circles, Lyra was talking to a young Herun lord, telling him things she had not told anyone else about the battle in Lungold. On Wind Plain, the broken pieces of a sword were being slowly buried under grass roots.

  He smelled twilight shadowing Hed, full of new grass, broken earth, sun-warmed leaves. The odd memory of a song that was no song caught at him again; straining, he almost heard it. Raederle seemed to hear it; she stirred against him, her face growing peaceful in the last warm light.

  He said, “There’s a speaking pig being born in Hel. Nun is there with the Lord of Hel.”

  She smiled suddenly. “That’s the first in three centuries. I wonder what it was born to say? Morgon, while I was waiting for you, I had to do something, so I explored the sea. I found something that belongs to you. It’s at Akren.”


  “Don’t you know?”

  “No. Do you want me to read your mind?”

  “No. Never. How could I argue with you, then?” His expression changed suddenly, and her smile deepened.

  “Peven’s crown?”

  “Eliard said it was. I had never seen it. It was full of seaweed and barnacles, except for one great stone like a clear eye . . . I loved the sea. Maybe I’ll live in it.”

  “I’ll live in the wastes,” he said. “Once every hundred years, you will shine out of the sea and I’ll come to you, or I will draw you into the winds with my harping . . .” He heard it then, finally, between the drift of the waves, in the rock they sat on, old, warm, settled deep in the earth, deep in the sea. His heart began to open tentatively to something he had not felt for years.

  “What is it?” She was still smiling, watching him, her eyes full of the last light. He was silent for a long time, listening. He took her hand and stood up. She walked with him to the shore road, up the cliff. The final rays of the sun poured down across the green fields; the road ahead of them seemed to run straight into light. He stood, his heart opened like a seedling, hearing all over Hed, all over the realm, a familiar stillness that came out of the heart of all things.

  The silence drew deep into Morgon’s mind and rested there. Whether it was a memory or part of his heritage or a riddle without an answer, he did not know. He drew Raederle close to him, content for once with not knowing. They walked down the road toward Akren. Raederle, her voice tranquil, began telling him about pearls and luminous fish and the singing of water deep in the sea. The sun set slowly; dusk wandered across the realm, walked behind them on the road, a silver-haired stranger with night at his back, his face always toward the dawn.

  Peace, tremulous, unexpected, sent a taproot out of nowhere into Morgon’s heart.

  People and Places

  ACOR OF HEL third King of Hel

  AIA wife of Har of Osterland

  AKER, JARL dead trader of Osterland

  AKREN home of the land-rulers of Hed

  ALOIL a Lungold wizard

  AMORY, WYNDON farmer of Hed; Arin, his daughter

  AN kingdom incorporating the Three Portions (An, Aum, Hel) ruled by Mathom

  ANOTH physician at the court of Heureu of Ymris

  ANUIN seaport in An; home of the Kings of An

  ARYA a Herun woman subject of a riddle

  ASH son and land-heir of Danan Isig

  ASTRIN brother of Heureu; land-heir of Imris

  ATHOL dead father of Morgon, Eliard and Tristan; a prince of Hed

  AUBER OF AUM descendant of Peven of Aum

  AUM ancient kingdom conquered by An

  AWN OF AN ancient land-ruler of An; died because he deliberately destroyed part of An to keep it from an enemy

  BERE grandson of Danan Isig; son of Vert

  BLACKDAWN, HALLARD a lord of An, with lands in east Hel

  CAERWEDDIN chief city of Ymris; seat of Heureu; a port city

  CAITHNARD seaport and traders’ city; site of the College of Riddle-Masters

  CITY OF CIRCLES home of the Morgol of Herun

  COL ancient lord of Hel

  CORBETT, BRI ship-master of Mathom of An

  CORRIG a shape-changer; ancester of Raederle

  CROEG, CYN the Lord of Aum, with lands in east Aum; a descendant of the Kings of Aum

  CROEG, MARA Cyn Croeg’s wife; The Flower of An

  CRON ancient Morgol of Herun; full name Ylcorcronlth. His harper was Tirunedeth

  CROWN CITY chief city of Herun; ringed by seven circular walls; seat of the Morgol El of Herun

  CYONE wife of Mathom of An; mother of Raederle and Rood

  DANAN ISIG land-ruler and King of Isig

  DETH a harpist

  DHAIRRHUWYTH an early Morgol of Herun

  DUAC Mathom’s son; land-heir of An

  EARTH-MASTERS ancient, mysterious inhabitants of the High One’s realm

  EDOLEN an Earth-Master

  EL ELRHIARHODAN the land-ruler of Herun

  ELIARD the Prince of Hed; Morgon’s younger brother

  ELIEU OF HEL the younger brother of Raith, Lord of Hel

  ERIEL a shape-changer; a kinswoman of Corrig and Raederle

  ERLENSTAR MOUNTAIN ancient home of the High One

  EVERN “The Falconer”; a dead King of Hel

  FARR the last of the Kings of Hel

  GALIL ancient king of Ymris in the time of Aloil

  GHISTESLWCHLOHM founder of the school of wizards at Lungold; also impersonator of the High One

  GOH a member of the Herun guard

  GRANIA dead wife of Danan Isig, mother of Sol

  GRIM MOUNTAIN site of Yrye, home of Har of Osterland

  HAGIS dead king of An, grandfather of Mathom

  HAR the wolf-king; land-ruler of Osterland

  HARTE mountain-home of Danan Isig

  HED a small island ruled by the Princes of Hed

  HEL one of the Three Portions of An

  HERUN a kingdom ruled by the Morgol

  HEUREU the King of Ymris

  HIGH ONE sustainer of the land-law of the realm

  HLURLE a small trade-port near Herun

  HUGIN son of Suth the wizard

  HWILLION, MAP a young lord with lands in south Aum

  IFF a Lungold wizard

  ILON ancient harper of Har of Osterland

  IMER a guard in the Morgol’s service

  INGRIS OF OSTERLAND refused to take in the disguised Har of Osterland and died as a result

  ISIG a mountain kingdom ruled by Danan Isig

  ISIG PASS a mountain pass between Isig and Erlenstar Mountain

  KALE first King of An, who won a desperate battle with a Great Shout

  KERN OF HED ancient prince of Hed, subject of the only riddle to come from Hed

  KIA a guard in the Morgol’s service

  KING’S MOUTH PLAIN site of a ruined city of the Earth-Masters

  KOR, RUSTIN trader

  KRAAL port-city at the mouth of the Winter River

  KYRTH trade-city in Isig on the Ose River

  LAERN Riddle-Master at Caithnard; lost his life in a riddle game with Pevin of Aum

  LEIN kinsman of the High Lord of Marcher

  LOOR fishing village in Ymris

  LUNGOLD city founded by Ghisteslwchlohm; home of the School of Wizards

  LYRA the land-heir of Herun; El’s daughter

  MADIR ancient witch of An

  MARCHER territory in north Ymris governed by the High Lord of Marcher

  MASTER, CANNON farmer of Hed

  MATHOM King of An

  MEREMONT coastal territory of Ymris

  MEROC TOR high lord and ruler of Tor; subject of Heureu of Ymris

  MORGON the Star-Bearer, at one time the Prince of Hed

  NEMIR Nemir of the Pigs; a dead King of Hel

  NUN a Lungold wizard

  NUTT, SNOG pigherder of Hed

  OAKLAND, GRIM overseer for Morgon of Hed

  OEN OF AN conqueror of Aum; king of An; built a tower to trap the witch Madir

  OHM a Riddle-Master of Caithnard

  OHROE OF HEL a dead King of Hel; called “The Cursed”

  OSTERLAND northern kingdom ruled by Har

  PEVEN ancient lord of Aum

  RAEDERLE daughter of Mathom of An

  RAITH the lord of Hel

  RE OF AUM offended an ancient lord of Hel, and in trying to insure his safety, allowed the lord of Hel to trap him on his own estate

  RHU fourth morgol of Herun; built the seven walls surrounding Crown City; died seeking the answer to a riddle; full name Dhairrhuwyth

  ROOD Mathom’s younger son; brother of Duac and Raederle

  RORK high lord of Umber

  RYE, TOBEC trader

  SEC an Earth-Master

  SERIC the High One’s watcher; trained by the wizards at Lungold

  SOL OF ISIG dead son of Danan of Isig; died at the door of the cave of the Lost Ones at the bottom of Isig Mountain; cut the stones for the stars on the harp Yrth made

  SPRING OAKLAND dead mother of Morgon of Hed; wife of Athol

  STONE, HARL farmer of Hed

  STRAG, ASH trader of Kraal

  SUTH an ancient wizard

  TALIES a Lungold wizard

  TEL one of the Riddle-Masters of the college at Caithnard

  TERIL Son of Rork Umber

  THISTIN OF AUM current lord of Aum, under Mathom

  TIR Earth-Master; Master of Earth and Wind

  TIRUNEDETH harper to the Morgol Cron, ancient ruler of Herun

  TOL small fishing-town in Hed

  TOR a territory in Imris

  TRIKA a guard in the Morgol’s service

  TRISTAN Morgon’s sister

  UMBER Midland territory of Ymris

  UON harpmaker of Hel, three centuries before

  USTIN OF AUM ancient king of Aum who died of sorrow over the conquering of Aum by An

  VERT daughter of Danan Isig

  WIND PLAIN the site in Ymris of Wind Tower and a ruined city of the Earth-Masters

  WIND TOWER only complete structure in the ruined city on Wind Plain; top of tower cannot be reached

  WOLD, LATHE great-grandfather of Morgon of Hed

  WOLD, SIL farmer of Hed

  XEL wild cat belonging to Astrin, gift of Danan Isig

  YLON an ancient King of An; son of a queen of An and the shape-changer Corrig

  YMRIS a kingdom ruled by Heureu Ymris

  YRTH a powerful, blind wizard at Lungold

  YRYE home of Har of Osterland

  ZEC OF HICON craftsman who did the inlay work on the harp with three stars




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