The Billionaire's Mate

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The Billionaire's Mate Page 3

by The Billionaire's Mate (lit)

  “Why aren’t I running out of here screaming?” she murmured as she leaned forward to taste the source. She took just the head of his cock into her mouth.

  “Deep in your soul you know this is right. You can feel we are meant to be together.” Adam allowed her only a moment to swirl her tongue around the head of his cock before gently pulling from her lips.

  When he stepped back out of reach, Margot leaned forward. “Don’t go,” she whimpered, needing more than the small taste he’d allowed.

  “You can have more, after you take off your clothes,” Adam said, sounding as frustrated as she felt.

  Before he finished speaking, she surged to her feet. Crossing to his desk, she pulled off her suit jacket and dropped it on top of his jacket and shirt. At the same time, she toed off her shoes. She didn’t bother to unbutton all the buttons of her blouse, just enough so she could pull it over her head before tossing it on the pile as well. Her skirt, panties, and bra were stripped off before she thought past the need to have him back in her mouth again.

  As soon as the last bit of clothing was gone, she froze. She watched Adam’s bright gaze travel from head to toe and back again. She half turned as panic tried to consume her. Where could she hide? The room was too bright with overhead lights as well as sunlight streaming in the windows, exposing every flaw and extra pound. He would turn away now, just like her ex had.

  Taking a deep breath she turned back, prepared for rejection. When he walked away she would pull on her skirt, blouse, and jacket before leaving. She didn’t need bra and panties to drive home. She wrapped her arms around her middle, trying to hide the extra inches.

  She blinked several times to clear unshed tears from her eyes before trying to read his expression. She blinked again, surprised by what she saw there. He had not turned away in disgust. Nor had his lust-filled expression cooled. He still looked very hungry. His gaze traveled up and down her body as if trying to commit every inch of her to memory.

  “You’re beautiful.” He closed the distance between them.

  “No, I’m not,” she countered.

  A hard hand landed on her left ass cheek. “What the hell?” She lifted her head to glare at him.

  “Yes, you are beautiful,” he assured her as his hard cock pushed against her lower belly. “You’re beautiful and all mine. I don’t want you tempting anyone else from now on. I’m the only one who gets to see this lush, beautiful body.” His deep voice dropped even lower as he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her to close the final few inches between them.

  * * * *

  Adam sucked in a breath as skin met skin. Closing his eyes, he moved, reveling in the feel of rubbing against his mate. Their combined scents of lust filled the room with a heady aroma that made his need overwhelming. All at once, he was out of control. He had to claim her.

  Lowering his head, he brushed his cheek against hers before licking the spot where neck flowed into shoulder. His bite mark was going to look so good there. “Need you now. Right now.”

  He blinked when Margot pulled back to look at him. Her amber eyes glowed with a lust all her own. “Take me.”

  He wrapped his hands under the cheeks of her ass and lifted her easily. Walking to the desk, he laid her down then lifted her legs high and wide. The tip of his cock brushed against her slick entrance. With a single push of his hips, he was inside her, merging their two bodies into one. She gasped as he pushed deeper and deeper until he could go no farther.

  He guided her legs around his back and leaned over until he looked directly in her eyes. “So tight. You feel so damn good, baby girl.”

  Lowering his head, he licked a hardened nipple as he slowly pulled out until only the head remained inside.

  “More, Adam. Fuck me,” she breathed as she reached up to pull his chest down to cover her. Licking her nipple, he gave up trying to stay in control. Holding her hips steady, he began to fuck her. In seconds his lust spiraled out of control and the beast’s need to claim his mate took over. His canine teeth had already dropped in preparation for this moment.

  Hot, wet tissues tightened around him as she rode her lust to its peak. A moment later, he felt her orgasm begin, her cunt caressing him in rippling waves. He thrust deep twice more before lowering his open mouth to her neck.

  “My pretty, pretty mate. All mine,” he growled. A heartbeat later his teeth entered her skin, and he claimed his mate.

  The taste of her blood crossing his tongue sent him over the top. With a howl, he came, blasting his seed deep into her waiting womb. She tasted so damn good that he couldn’t stop himself from drinking deep. She cried out as she came again.

  Once his orgasm passed and he could think again, he pulled his teeth from her skin. After licking the bite closed, he kissed the area. Then he looked at his mate and smiled with joy. Her eyes were closed, and she lay completely relaxed beneath him.

  Picking her up, he easily carried her behind his desk where he sat down. He arranged her so she sat across his lap. He cuddled her close, truly content for the first time in his life. Kissing the top of her head, he murmured, “You’re mine now, sweet Margot. My mate forever.”

  Chapter 4

  Margot heard his declaration but couldn’t respond. Her entire being still rocked, making it impossible to find words. Sure she’d read in books about sex of devastatingly mythic proportions, but she never, ever dreamed she would get such an experience.

  She had never orgasmed so hard. And the pleasure-pain when he bit into her shoulder sent her rocketing into climax a second time without any other effort.

  As she lay between the cool desk top and Adam’s warm body, Margot realized the stress that had been a part of her life for so long was gone. What was it about this man that he could get her to relax when not even a pint of her favorite Rocky Road ice cream could?

  When he picked her up and carried her, she wanted to argue and say she was too heavy. But he was so warm, and she didn’t have the energy to do more than breathe and float on the fizzy pink cloud of sexual release she currently rode.

  When she finally opened her eyes, she found herself cradled in his arms behind his huge desk. “You bit me,” was the only thing she could think to say.

  “No, I claimed you,” he corrected, nuzzling the hair at her temple.

  “You bit me,” she repeated, her brain still not functioning at full capacity. “What if it gets infected? I could die. And we didn’t use protection. What were you thinking?”

  She tried to struggle, but her body wouldn’t cooperate. She ended up wiggling in his lap, which did nothing toward gaining her freedom. All she did was wake up his cock, which she felt harden against her ass cheek.

  “Shh, baby. The bite mark won’t get infected. In fact, it’s almost completely healed already. I had to claim you. You are my mate. We are now one.” Adam stroked her arm and back, his touch calming her at the same time her sexual hungers reawakened. “And shape shifters are immune to disease, though you could get pregnant.”

  His soothing tone and warm touch eased her panic. All at once, she no longer wanted to run away. She no longer cared that she had no job and less than a hundred dollars in the bank. None of that mattered. All that mattered was the man currently wrapped around her. A billionaire shape shifter who’d just claimed her as his life mate.

  “So what now?” she asked, snuggling into the warmth of his chest. She rubbed her cheek against the skin it lay against.

  “Now we need to get moving. We need to arrange to have your things moved to the estate. It may take a few days, so we’ll go by, and you can pack what you’ll need until then. Tonight, oh shit, I forgot the auction. Do you have an evening gown?”

  Margot leaned back to look at him. “You’re kidding, right? That suit over there getting wrinkled is as dressy as I get, and it came from the resale store. And who says I’m moving to your estate?”

  Pulling her close, Adam kissed her until she felt boneless. Once he finished, he pulled out a desk drawer and unearthe
d a pen and pad of paper. Handing them to her, he dictated, “Make a list. Money. Clothes. Dress for tonight. Movers.”

  “What’s tonight?” she asked as she wrote down the list.

  “You’re moving to my home because we’re mated now. You belong to me. Once the world discovers that, people might want to take advantage. Besides, we won’t want to be too far from one another. It’s instinctual to want to be close to your mate.” He stroked her jaw line with his nose. “I know I won’t want you out of my sight for a long time, if ever.”

  Margot shivered from the tone of his words as well as the words themselves. Her nipples hardened again, and she felt itchy low in her belly. Never had she felt such need before with a man. She turned and kissed him, hoping that would satisfy her hunger.

  It didn’t .

  “Fuck me again,” she purred into his mouth. She shifted around to straddle his lap.

  Wrapping one hand around his cock, she began to stroke him gently. Her other hand found one brown nipple hidden in his chest hair. Tweaking it, she smiled when his hips shifted, driving his cock through her gentle grip.

  “Harder,” he breathed.

  She tightened her grip around his cock, wondering if she would hurt him. She had never played like this before and didn’t know what she was supposed to do.

  After several more strokes, Adam grabbed her hips. “Guide me into you,” he said, his voice deep and growly once again.

  Meeting his glowing blue-green gaze, she moved up so his tip brushed again her entrance. As she sank down over his length, they both sighed.

  Once he was fully sheathed, she sat for a moment and marveled at how well they fit together. When the hunger grew until she could no longer stay still, Margot put her hands on his shoulders and began to ride. His hands on her hips helped lift and lower her. Looking into his eyes, she saw heat and warmth and something else. Something she’d never seen in another man’s eyes before, not even William’s. She told herself it couldn’t be love, but she wondered. Closing her eyes, she focused on where they were joined together. It felt so right.

  She jumped and opened her eyes when his hand moved between their bodies. A single finger found her clit and, as she rode up and down his cock, her clit rode his finger.

  “Come for me, baby,” Adam murmured as he rubbed his face against her cheeks and licked her jaw.

  As soon as he spoke, her orgasm came out of nowhere to overwhelm her once again. “Oh, oh, ooh,” she cried.

  She heard him follow with a shout of his own. A rainbow of lights flickered behind her eyelids before everything went black.

  When she roused next, she found he had moved her again. This time she lay wrapped in a soft blue blanket on the couch. Alone.

  Looking around the room, she noted his clothes were gone. Her suit was draped neatly over the back of a chair. Though the last thing she wanted was to move, she forced herself to stand and get dressed.

  She was slipping her feet into her shoes when the door opened, and Adam walked in. He looked relaxed and happy. “Oh good, you’re awake. Did you sleep well, baby?”

  “I guess,” Margot said, once again unsure of herself. “Sorry I conked out on you like that.”

  “Shh, no apologies. We slept together in the chair until a few minutes ago. I had to talk to Sarah and cancel my day, but there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be rescheduled. So I’m all yours now. What should we do first, go to your house so you can pack or go shopping for your dress for tonight?”

  Adam handed her her purse, then took her hand and led the way out of his office. Down the hall, they went through an unmarked side door out of the building directly to the parking lot.

  “Why do I need a dress for tonight? You never did answer my question.”

  “You are going to buy me tonight at the Civic Theatre’s Bachelor Auction. Oh, that reminds me.” Adam pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. Hitting a speed dial combination, he waited for it to connect. “Hi, Mom. I need you to get me an extra ticket and bidder’s paddle for tonight. Yes. Uh-huh. No, I’m bringing my mate. Yes. My office. Margot Jackson. Yes, I suppose that would be okay. Yes, see you tonight. Love you, Mom.” He hung up and returned the phone to his pocket. “Okay, she’s going to take care of that. Now, have you decided? Packing or shopping first?”

  “How about we go back to your office and play some more,” she offered, brushing her hand down the front of his body to the front of his jeans. For someone who had never enjoyed sex before, she was becoming quite the wanton.

  “How about we go to your house for what you’ll need for the next few days and then go shopping for your dress. After that we’ll see about playing.”

  Margot wrinkled her nose at him. “I like my idea better, but if you insist.”

  “I do. Get in the car.” Adam dropped a kiss on her nose before swatting her ass and pointing her toward a long black limo. A big, bald, muscular, rugged-looking man wearing faded jeans and a black windbreaker stood next to the open back door.

  “This is Sam. If I’m not around, he will be. Sam, this is my mate, Margot Jackson.”

  Sam’s pale gray eyes went wide with obvious shock.

  Then he blinked, and his craggy expression smoothed. “It’s good to meet you, Miss Jackson.”

  Margot paused, not sure she wanted this man to be around. He looked mean and, coupled with his ginormous frame, she was glad they weren’t in a back alley alone.

  “Margot, please.”

  Sam nodded.

  “If he tells you to do something, I want you to do it, okay? Sam is not only my friend and driver, he is now your bodyguard.”

  Margot nodded though she did not really understand. “Do you think there’ll be trouble?” Fear skittered through her. What was she getting into?

  “Sweetheart, I’m a billionaire. There are people who want to take advantage of rich people. Once the world learns that I’m completely dedicated to you, someone might try to use you to get to me.”


  “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to either one of you,” Sam reassured her. The half smile he sent her way changed the whole appearance of his face. Her earlier fear slipped away, and she wondered what he would look like if this stoic man ever relaxed enough to fully smile.

  Chapter 5

  As Margot packed what she would need for the first days together, Adam prowled her tiny house. He examined the knick-knacks and pictures on display and several stacks of books around the room. He smiled as he sorted through a pile of erotic romances with naked or nearly naked bodies on the front covers hidden in a basket under the coffee table.

  “So, my little mate is into dirty books,” he murmured as he put them back.

  In the dining room he found a stack of mail, which he flipped through after glancing to make sure his mate was still busy and out of sight. He frowned when he realized they were all bills waiting to be paid.

  “Margot, what bank do you use?” He walked to the bedroom door. She was zipping a suitcase closed.

  “The credit union. Why?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he said responded with a grin. Pulling out his phone, he speed-dialed Sarah.

  “I want you to do whatever magic you do and transfer two million dollars into Margot’s bank account at the credit union.”

  Sarah gasped before asking, “Do you have an account number? Knowing which account to put the money in would make things a lot easier.”

  “Hang on,” he lowered the phone. “Margot, what’s your account number?”

  Margot appeared in the doorway with the suitcase in one hand and a large shopping bag in the other. “Why?”

  “I’m transferring some money into your account. What’s the number?”

  “No, Adam, don’t.”

  “Why not? You need to have access to it. After all, it’s our money now. Also, I want you to take Sarah those bills on the table so she can take care of them.”

  Before she could argue, Adam turned away and put the phone back to h
is ear. “Margot’s not cooperating. See what you can do without the number. Call back if you need to.”

  “I heard her. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Sarah, she’s my mate. I’ve claimed her. She’s mine forever. Call whichever legal beagle who takes care of such shit and add her name to everything.” Adam hung up before Sarah could argue.

  He knew he probably sounded crazy, but he’d found his mate. She needed money, he had money, and two million wasn’t much. He was worth a thousand times that much, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her all at once. Someday he would tell her the true extent of their wealth.

  Turning, he found Margot standing with her feet planted wide and arms crossed. Uh oh, she did not look happy.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she ground out. One bare foot began to tap. She’d changed into faded jeans and a pretty pinky-orangey sweater that looked really good on her.

  Adam couldn’t help grinning as her temper flared. “I’m making it so that my mate has money in her account. If two million isn’t enough I can call Sarah back.” He lifted the phone.

  “Two million? You’re giving me two million dollars?” Her voice continued to rise. “Just like that? You really are crazy, aren’t you?” Her voice squeaked.

  He winced at the high note. “Baby, I’ve been looking for you my entire adult life. Along the way I learned how to make money. I’d always planned to use this money to make my mate very, very happy. I don’t ever want you to have to look at another pile of bills and worry about how you’re going to pay them.” He picked up the stack from the table and slid them into an inside pocket of his jacket.

  “What are you doing with those? Put them back.” She crossed the room and tried to reach the papers in his jacket. “Those are my bills.”

  Adam caught her hands and pulled them behind her back, which forced her body up next to his. “Yes, I know. Sarah will pay them tomorrow. Where’s that list we made? We need to add calling your landlord, turning off the utilities and getting you a cell phone. How much of this furniture do you want to keep?”


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