Blood Bound

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Blood Bound Page 6

by Alaska Angelini

  One word, and she didn’t hesitate to grab hold of me. Her head lifted and my eyes rolled back as her lips settled over the wound and suction pulled against me. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. One. We were one.

  The thought stirred something, but I was so lost in the moment, I didn’t care to tap into it. Our moans were followed by her tightening her fingers. I could feel her strength already starting to return. My eyes opened and I was in no hurry to stop her from continuing. There was something about her taking my blood that just did it for me. Maybe because she was a human and there was something forbidden and taboo in that aspect. Regardless, I let her continue until she broke away, gasping.

  “Thank you,” she breathed out. “That’s much better.”

  “I didn’t do it for you. I did it for me. I need to feed later, too, you know.”

  My eyes blinked, and even as I spoke to her harshly, I knew it wasn’t me speaking the words. Pain washed over her face and I felt myself push from the bed, walking away. Silence settled between us and I headed to the closet in a daze, taking off the suit and exchanging for a pair of pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything but lay in bed and stare at my slave. Maybe hold her while I contemplated what I’d do concerning Hunter. Just the name had my fangs coming down and me fading out even more. Deep within, I knew I needed to get rid of him fast, before he did something stupid. Something like in Marie’s vision. Keeping Tessa safe was my last thought before the darkness in me once again took over. I was gone.

  Chapter 7


  Underground city. Tessa had mentioned it and I knew one existed, but the question was…where? Just underneath? If I went outside and opened a manhole, would I find it? I didn’t think it was so easy, and even if it were, what did I do once I was there? I may have been gung-ho about killing vampires, but I wasn’t stupid enough to think I could take on a city of those monsters by myself. I’d need help. I’d need…

  Shavings of wood fell to the floor as I finished off another stake and placed it in the Tupperware of holy water. On Tessa’s table, to be exact. Leaving was impossible. I couldn’t very well just disappear and carry on if there was a chance she’d come back. Marko could get to me if he wanted, but I didn’t see him returning. He’d think me long gone, if he even cared. He had her now. He had the woman I loved, so why would he return?

  Aching filled my chest as I thought over the hell that filled the last few days. Was Tessa dead now? I couldn’t believe that. He said they were bonded. Did that mean she’d live past this? And what if I did kill him? Was he telling the truth when he said if he died, she would, too? It was a sickening thought. The last thing I wanted was to kill the woman I loved. It was the opposite of what I was trying to accomplish. My heart beat for only her and I was willing to do anything I could to get her back.

  I pushed from the chair, pacing the length of the kitchen and small dining room area. There were too many questions and each one brought me further into the darkness I tried every day to escape. Reconnecting with old friends was great, but I’d held on to one dream. One that was now in the gutter thanks to that blood-sucking bastard. I had to get Tessa back. Had to make him disappear so she and I could move on with our lives. Hopefully, in the direction I wanted, but if not, as long as she was free from him, that would work, too. I just wanted her happy by her own free will, and until she was separated from Marko, she’d never have that.

  Duty. I’d always felt a sense of it toward her. Time hadn’t changed that, and wouldn’t. I’d grown up believing the two of us would be together someday. Even when I enlisted in the military and we weren’t talking, the thought never wavered. My distance was meant to help her heal and get past the shock of us losing our virginity to each other the way we had. God, I’d been so fucking stupid back then. So…impatient. I’d hurt her, and if she knew how deeply I regretted that, maybe she would have…fuck, maybe nothing. But she’d never know if I didn’t figure out a way to find and get her back.

  My phone sat on the table next to the stakes I wasn’t even sure would work. It brought my attention back to the dagger my uncle had blessed. With the blood on the mattress, I wasn’t sure if it came from an injury or him forcing more down her throat. I didn’t see anything wrong with him physically, but then again, I didn’t doubt he’d already healed. What had happened before I’d gotten there? It left me even more anxious.

  I snatched my cell and pressed Tom’s number. My plea for Tessa was running through the church like wildfire. If someone ran into her, they were supposed to call me. If I couldn’t be reached, they were to call Tom. Although my phone hadn’t rung, I couldn’t resist seeing whether he’d heard anything.

  “Hunter, how are you?”

  My head shook at the greeting, even though my tone didn’t reflect my sour mood. “I’m doing great. Any news?”

  “Nope. Not a word. Nothing on your end?”

  “No.” I paced, walking to the front window and pulling back the blind to glance out. “Sorry to bother you, I just thought I’d check real quick.”

  What sounded like a door shut in the background. I stepped back, impatiently heading back to the kitchen.

  “No problem. Feel free to call at any time. But if I hear something, I’ll let you know right away.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you go. You take care.”

  “You, too.”

  A sigh left my mouth and I pushed the button, ending the call. Aching filled my chest. It hurt not hearing any news. Was she okay? Was she trying to escape or find someone to help her? Was she dead?

  Again, my eyes went to the dagger. Dried blood covered the blade, but that could have been from anything. Marko could have used it to cut himself to force-feed Tessa for all I knew.

  Slowly, I reached forward, picking it up.

  She’d brought it to my uncle with every intention to end the vampire’s life. That told me she didn’t want what she’d been kidnapped into. So what the fuck was I doing here? What was I waiting on?

  My stare drifted down to the black gear I wore. Maybe I knew this was what was going to happen even before I had gotten dressed. Duty. Love. There was no avoiding it. No putting it off.

  I tucked the dagger in my belt and grabbed a gun, placing it in my holster and shoving another at the small of my back. The large knife fastened at my side could possibly do damage too, I just had to remember the most important part—no eye contact. After the church incident with Marko, I knew how easy it was to lose in their game. Marko could have killed me then, when he hypnotized me, but he didn’t. I was lucky. But I’d be even luckier the next time we met. This time, he wouldn’t come out unscathed.

  A slight shake of adrenaline left my hands fumbling as I checked my flashlight. Nothing scared me, but going against the undead sure as hell did. Anyone would be stupid to think this mission wasn’t suicide. They were too strong—mentally and physically. No wonder they had us under their thumbs. If we didn’t stand together and do something about them, it wouldn’t be long before we were all turned into Tessa. Food.

  I walked out the front door, closing it behind me. The sun wasn’t far from setting and my heart raced even faster. I should have done this earlier, or prolong it until tomorrow morning, but I couldn’t. My feet were already walking in the direction I’d seen Tessa and Marko head toward too many times to count. If only I’d seen where they were going. They never made it past Tessa’s yard before they disappeared into thin air.

  I kept a fast pace as I headed down the sidewalk. Only half a block went by before I had the option to turn left or right. A field stood ahead and the slight hill was devoid of any trees or shelters. Just tall grass.

  I spun in a circle and licked my lips. Dammit, I had no idea what I was doing. A drain rested along the curb and I bent down to look inside. I sure as hell wouldn’t fit though that. For some reason, I crossed the street, collapsing on the curb bordering the field. Did they turn left or right? Both just led to more residential streets. Surely he didn’t stay in
a house around here?

  Mindlessly, I shook my head and stopped as something had me turning to look off to the side. A grate sat a few feet back. The bent bars had me slowly coming to my feet. There was blood smeared on the edge and I…knew. My breath caught and I hesitated for only a moment before I reached forward and yanked it free. The sun was getting lower and I scanned the area, not seeing anyone in the distance. Did I do this? Go below ground where lord only knew how many vampires were waiting to make me their meal?

  Tessa. God, I had to. She was down there and she needed my help, whether she thought so or not. I knew she had ties to Marko, but I couldn’t ignore her own internal need to kill him. He was evil. They all were and they needed to be stopped.

  The ladder leading down drew me forward and I cautiously lowered, placing the grate sideways over the top. For the life of me, I couldn’t shut myself in with them. It wouldn’t be for long. Just enough time for me to explore and see if I ran across anything. My gut told me I would. To not listen to it could be the death of me. My instincts had saved my life more than once and tonight, I’d rely solely on what they told me to do.

  Pitch black rested ahead and I pulled out my flashlight, already feeling sweat surfacing on my skin. The beam revealed a cement tunnel a good ten feet tall. I stayed in the middle as I moved forward as quietly as I could. Elevation appeared in spots and I could tell from the last small rise that it was dropping. I was headed deeper into the earth. Entrances opened up to the side of me and I shined the light, seeing it led further back to more locations, but I kept straight.

  Minutes went by and the tunnel ended, only to break off. Left or right? Darkness was prevalent in both directions and I wasn’t sure whether I should go any further. If I got lost in here, it would take me forever to find my way out. If I found an opening at all. I might die from a vampire attack before then.

  A sigh left my lips and I pulled at the collar of the long-sleeve black shirt. Something sounded in the distance and my hand went for my gun, changing at the last minute to grab the handle of the dagger. A rat ran across the light and I shook my head.

  “Fucking shit.”

  My fingers fumbled with the compartments in my belt and I opened a pocket, pulling out a small piece of chalk. Not once had I thought I’d need to use it, but now I was glad I’d taken my friend’s advice so long ago and kept it with me. He’d used it plenty of times in the mountains of Afghanistan and it had worked.

  Trembling had taken over my hands and I crouched, drawing a line at the bottom of the angled paths. As I stood and replaced the chalk, I looked both ways again. More sounds tapped in the distance and I turned left, heading in the direction. If someone was there, I’d face them head on before I let anyone sneak in behind my back.

  With each step, my pulse increased, and I couldn’t ignore how my body positively hummed down here. Tuning fork. Yes, Tessa had nailed the description when she’d explained it to me. There was something down here; I could feel it down into my very bones.

  A curve rounded me more to the right and I clicked the flashlight off as voices in the far distance forced my feet to stop. It didn’t seem to be coming toward me, just more…staying stationary. Quietly, I inched forward to hear more of what they were talking about.

  “You wish. You lucked out, dumbass. Taking Master Delacroix’s slave to her home so you could feed from her. You’re an idiot, Boyd.”

  Laughter from multiple males brought me closer. Delacroix…Marko. They had to be talking about Tessa. Had she tried to come home and I missed my opportunity to try to save her? My gut clenched.

  “Shut the fuck up. She said he was in a meeting. The last thing I expected was for him and Julius to show up.”

  “And he knew,” someone piped in. “You know, Julius saw your intentions. I’m surprised he allowed you to run off like you did. You’d surely be dead meat or in lockdown if Master Delacroix had his way. He’s already watching you like a hawk.”

  A growl sounded and I kept my hand on the dagger as they continued.

  “I can’t fucking help myself when I’m around her. Her blood. God dammit. It just…drives me insane. Even with her bond, I still feel compelled to taste her. It’s like heroin to me. I just…Jesus, why don’t any of you feel it?”

  A moment went by before someone new spoke up. “I do, I’m just not an idiot like you. I hear she has kin within the community.”

  “She’s not a vampire, stupid ass.” Boyd? Had that been his name. It was definitely his voice responding.

  “She doesn’t have to be one of us. Vampires were human, once upon a time. Sometimes, the lines cross, become one—the purest line. Did it escape your notice we have visitors coming? One of them may very well have one of those lines.”

  “The Black Prince,” Boyd said, lowly. “It has to be. Fucking Christ. With someone that powerful, it would make perfect sense why we’re all attracted to her. She’d hold power, even as a human, yet she’d have no idea. God, can you imagine if she were turned. She’d be—”

  “Unstoppable,” someone said, cutting in.

  A few sounds of agreement echoed and I brought my fist to my mouth. My Tessa coming from a line of vampires? No way. That couldn’t be true. If they made her one of them…

  Nausea had me closing my eyes.

  “Master Delacroix won’t turn her,” someone said, breaking the silence. “Do you see how he protects her? His bond runs deep. He’d lose her if that were the case and he won’t do it. I’m telling you. He’s like…obsessed. He scares the shit out of me. If I were you, Boyd, I’d stay as far away from her as you can. It’s not worth it, man. If you so much as place a fang in her…he’d rip the motherfucker clean out of your mouth. You’d be lucky to have a jaw left—period—by the time he got done with you.”

  “I’m not afraid of him. My powers are increasing by the day. You watch, in another half century or so, I’ll be a member, and when I am, I’ll move up like him. I’ll be more powerful, too.”

  “Moron,” someone said, lowly. “You’re powerful, yes, but nowhere near member-worthy, and you probably never will be. It takes special blood. The right mix to grant a vampire that much power. You’re a mutt. You come from a peddling vagabond. You’re not nobility like he was, Boyd. Face it. They’re all royalty and we’re the peasants just trying to survive. We serve them. End of story.”

  “Fuck you. It doesn’t matter who he was before he was turned. He just lucked out in that department. You’ll see, I’ll be a member someday, and when I am, I’ll remember this conversation.”

  Feet began to shuffle and I eased back, still crouched.

  “Time to feed. They’re already seating and I’m not being late this time. Our leader has eyes over all of us and I’m not pissing him off.”

  “Ooh, do you think Julius will feed from Master Delacroix’s slave again? Did you see Marko? I thought he was going to attack Julius.”

  The voices grew quieter as they moved farther away. I longed to hear more, but knew I shouldn’t risk it.

  “What I’m more interested in is to see if Julius offers his slave to the Black Prince. Now, that will be interesting.”

  I stopped my slow steps, realizing they were going too fast for me to keep up. Black Prince, slaves, Masters…my mind was having one hell of a time trying to wrap itself around all the terms. What I hated the most was having Tessa involved in any of it. I had to get out of here and come up with a real plan. I knew where they were now. I’d come back and next time, I’d be better prepared. Preferably with back up. It was time I reached out to my friends. If we could pick off a few at a time, we’d make progress. It was a start, and I was more than happy to finally begin.

  Chapter 8



  Blood filled my mouth as my vision blurred to the side. The black velvet settee wavered before me and I knew one more hit would do me in. The whole left side of my face throbbed and my eye was swelling shut.

  “Did you not think I wouldn’t know? That the
news wouldn’t get back to me?” The deep voice had me turning from the antique furniture to face a man with olive skin and black hair. His clothes were dated. Historic. Edwardian period, but I wasn’t sure. French filled my ears as he continued and I knew he was my father, but I held no love for him. The hate festering inside left my blood boiling to degrees I’d never experienced before.

  “You will go back to Pierre-Louis’ home and you will ask for his daughter’s hand. You will not ruin her reputation. My reputation!”

  I stood straighter as I wiped the blood from my mouth. Fear was non-existent, only rebellion.

  “I will not. She came to me. It was she who threw herself into my arms when I told her no.”


  An explosion of lights registered and my knees hit the floor hard. A groan came from my mouth as I pushed back to stand. The moment my shaky legs managed my weight, I was hit again. My arm took the impact of my weight as I ended up back on the floor. I clenched my teeth against the soreness of past beatings—ones I somehow knew hadn’t happened that long ago.

  “I don’t care who did what. You were spotted together by their staff. The damage you’ve already caused by not asking is done. You will go back and you will offer a proposal of marriage or you can leave my home and never return. Your choice.”

  My mother’s soft cries had me looking toward the doorway. She stood there, wringing her hands in her long, silk gown as her lips quivered. I knew she wanted to speak out. I also knew she wouldn’t.

  I forced myself to my feet and swayed as I brought my attention back to my father. He was ready, waiting for me to give him a reason to hit me again. And what wanted to leave my lips would surely do just that. But I stood taller for my mother and accepted what I knew I didn’t want. “I bid you a goodnight. I’ll head to Chateau de Petit now.”


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