Alien Deception

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Alien Deception Page 13

by Tony Ruggiero

  "We're truly sorry about your internal problems, Leumas," Greg began. "But let me assure you wholeheartedly that neither Sarah nor I want you to go to the Earth either. We want it to be 'hands off' to all of you!" he finished coldly.

  Leumas pleaded with them, shaking his hands in the air in frustration. "Please! Greg, Sarah, think about what you're doing here. One of the main reasons why you were brought here ahead of schedule is that there may possibly be a critical turning point on your planet. The next United States Presidential elections–"

  "Will go on perfectly well without any influence from you," Sarah said, as she crossed her arms on her chest and then gave Greg a wink. When she did that, all Greg could do was stare at her in admiration of the woman, but Leumas’ voice brought him quickly out of it.

  "Okay…okay, I get the point," he began, sighing in resignation. "But, remember, some things are out of my control." His face took on an apologetic look. Greg wasn't sure if it was real or if Leumas was just changing his facial features to make them believe it was an honest expression. "Look, I know the process of your indoctrination was a little shaky and all, but maybe we could compromise."

  "What did you have in mind?" Sarah asked in a very diplomatic voice, as if she were a qualified negotiator.

  "Perhaps in a couple of years you will change your minds about all of this. I'm sure you understand it's not every day that an offer such as this is made to a non-UCDW planet so early in its development. Let's leave an opening in case you want to come back," he said, smiling genially.

  Sarah and Greg rose from their chairs simultaneously, as if they'd had the exact same thought at the same time, to talk about his offer. Greg turned toward Leumas. "Can we have a moment alone, please?"

  "By all means," he answered, and walked to the other end of the study, stopping at the mirror and carefully straightening his collar.

  Greg waited until Leumas had moved far enough away so they would not be overheard before he began to speak. "Sarah, I know that we agree to not let them into our affairs, but then again, if something strange should happen, we may want to come back to see what they are up to. We could probably do more good here on Zire than on Earth. Maybe we should leave an option open. What do you think?"

  She looked at him as a number of emotions passed over her face, then glanced back at Leumas, who was now combing his hair in a mirror, and then back to Greg. "I guess we have been offered a opportunity of a lifetime, after all. Deep down, I think Leumas means well and probably has gone out on a limb or two for us."

  They looked at one another, nodding understanding of their unspoken agreement. Greg motioned Leumas to come back over, then offered his hand to him as a show of their good faith in trying to compromise. "Exactly what did you have in mind?"

  Leumas smiled at them. "I always pride myself on having options readily available. You need to leave the option open of joining the UCDW. Let's say, for instance, that you change your mind," he noticed the looks they were giving him, and held up his hand again. "I know, I know, not likely. But, for argument's sake, let's just say that you do want to belong to the UCDW one day after all. Considering all the effort that goes into this kind of indoctrination, the Council would need, well, some type of reassurance that you really mean what you say." He stopped pacing, and stood directly in front of them, arms akimbo. He stared into their eyes, and stated matter-of-factly, "So, in order for you to show your sincerity, you will have to go out and say…well, kill yourselves."

  Their mouths dropped open in unison.

  He continued, ignoring their shock. "Now, remember, it must be together. It cannot be done separately, or at the same time in different places. You must be physically together, at the same place. That way we will know that you really want to come back, and all we have to do is rejuvenate you later. Not an unreasonable request, I don't think?" He smiled congenially.

  "A little harsh, wouldn't you say?" Sarah asked sarcastically.

  He shrugged. "Well, sure it is. But look, we have to be absolutely positive about these things. It can't be just a freak occurrence. You both are mentally stable and rational people." He stopped, as if reconsidering his last statement, smiled and scratched his head in thought, and then continued in an authoritative voice. "The chances of both of you taking your lives at exactly the same time are about ninety-nine point ninety-nine against. With these odds, we have a fail-safe built in and nothing can possibly go wrong."

  Greg and Sarah looked at each other skeptically.

  Ignoring the glances, Leumas finished, "Secondly, your consent will show your diplomatic spirit, and you can leave with the UCDW still on your side. Maybe over the next couple of hundred years or so, your planet might change its mind, who knows? But for now, I am just dealing with you two and the immediate future."

  Greg turned toward Sarah. "I guess the odds are in our favor, Sarah. I can see his point about being sure if we wanted to come back, for whatever reason. What do you think?"

  As Greg was waiting for her response, he suddenly heard her voice whisper inside his head, ::Let's do it, Greg. It sounds okay to me.::

  He was momentarily taken aback by the sound of her voice as it sank into his mind. She hadn't moved her lips, he was sure of it; he'd been staring right at her.

  Sarah had a nervous, yet inquisitive expression on her face. Her eyes conveyed an understanding that indicated she knew he had heard her. They both realized that something significant had happened, and it was something Leumas did not have to know about. Not yet, anyway. He nodded his head, turned from her to face Leumas.

  "Sure. Ah, it sounds like a reasonable request to me," Sarah agreed, trying to keep her voice steady so as not to alert Leumas to anything.

  "It is done then. I will make all of the arrangements. Leumas said sounding pleased, turned on his heel toward the door. "The next step is the Council," he said aloud, thinking about his next plan of action. He turned the doorknob to head out, but stopped suddenly and moved back toward Greg and Sarah and spoke softly. "Just one more little thing. Remember earlier when I mentioned that little internal political problem I've been having?"

  They both nodded, recalling the conversation.

  Leumas cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "Well, it may get a little, sticky around here. Just remember that I'm on your side. Just go along with me, even if something seems a little strange or unreasonable."

  "Strange and unreasonable? And if we don't agree to go along?" Greg asked, becoming wary.

  "Well, let's see, how can I put this so you'll remember," Leumas began, tapping his finger on his chin. "How about, if you don't, well, it might get you killed. But this time there won't be any rejuvenation."

  * * * *

  "Well, how's that for a little bombshell?" Sarah said. "Leumas’ little 'play my game or else' deal. Apparently, there's no room for discussion on that issue."

  "I think that's just the effect Leumas wanted to leave us with. A 'no choice' bluff, if you ask me," Greg said confidently. "I don't know how I know that, I just do."

  ::Just like when I was able to talk to you without verbalizing anything,:: Greg heard Sarah's voice in his mind say. The words were soft and quiet, feeling as if they were just out of reach of the normal audible level, but he understood. Exactly, he thought to himself, and then imagined sending that thought to Sarah, ::Exactly.::

  Sarah staggered back a few steps, as if she had momentarily lost her balance. Greg stepped forward to steady her.

  Shaking her head, she said aloud, "Wow, what did you do, scream at me or something? It felt like a ton of bricks falling on my head."

  "Sorry. I just said the word in my mind. Are you okay?" he asked, obviously concerned that he had caused her pain.

  "Yes, I'm okay," she started to sit down. Greg placed his hand under her elbow and eased her into the chair. "It was just the shock of it all. It was so loud. Do I sound like that?"

  "No, not at all. I have to strain to hear your words," he responded, puzzled as he sat next to her.
"Are you sure you're okay?"

  "Yes, I'm okay, don't worry." She placed the palm side of her hand up to the side of his face. He grasped her petite fingers and gently squeezed them. She squeezed back, and they smiled at each other like two little teenagers.

  "Well," she said after a few seconds. "It appears that your mental strength must be greater than mine." She released his hand as he stood and began to pace.

  "I don't know what's going on, but something weird is happening to us," he said, looking away from her. "Maybe it's not directly related to what's happening with the Council issue, but possibly indirectly."

  "What do you mean?"

  "They're playing with our minds, Sarah. Maybe it's triggered something."

  She touched his arm as her thoughts reached out to him. ::Whatever it is, we're developing abilities that are not normal for humans, being able to talk to one another telepathically. And you even mentioned 'knowing' what Leumas really meant earlier. Is it possible to develop the ability to read minds?::

  Greg concentrated on sending his thoughts back to her, but at a bare whisper this time, trying to ensure the volume was turned down so it wouldn't hurt her. ::Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it? Dealing with these aliens at first, and now developing these strange powers.:: He watched her face closely for any sign or expression that he was too loud. ::Is the level okay?::

  ::It's fine now. Thanks,:: she responded appreciatively.

  He nodded and continued. ::Sounds like an episode of some science fiction show or something.:: He stuffed his hands in his pockets and watched her face for some reaction. He felt a smile form on his lips.

  She smiled back with a grin that warmed him from head to toe. It amazed him how she could do that with just a look and that twinkling in her eyes.

  ::We have to be careful though,:: she said seriously. ::We don't know if Leumas is watching us or not, so I suggest no more verbal communication about the telepathy, agreed?::


  "You know, Sarah," Greg resumed their normal conversation. "Something has been gnawing at me. Ever since we started this whole thing, I've been wondering, why us? There has to be some common link as to why we were chosen. There are millions of people on Earth like us, so why did they pick us? What's the common denominator?"

  "That's an interesting question," she agreed, thinking. "Let's keep that in the back of our minds. Perhaps if we compare our pasts, or the way we conduct our lifestyles, something will reveal itself."

  "Right," he said, and then sent a gentle reminder to her mind. ::Let's make sure we keep these new powers to ourselves. I have a feeling that, if our 'friends' knew about it, it might complicate the issue even further.::

  ::Yes, I agree completely,:: she thought, then quickly added verbal dialogue in order not to draw attention to their apparent silence. "What are we going to do at this Council meeting? What are we going to say when we speak to this Leader?"

  "I say we stick to our plan, at least for the moment. Let's see where this Leader fella and Council stand on us going back to Earth. If I understand correctly, with what Leumas has stuck in our minds, their rules say they have to send us back if we don't agree to join."

  "But didn't Leumas indicate it might not be that simple?" she asked, then added, ::I wonder, when we go back to Earth, if the power will stay with us?::

  Sarah's question lingered in Greg's mind as he stepped up to her and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. ::That's an interesting point.:: Then aloud, "Sarah, remember, there are basically two ways they can send us back to Earth to fulfill their obligation. Let's hope they select the one that gets us back there alive."

  "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared Greg."

  "Me too."

  She took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. The warm sensation produced a passing of their innermost thoughts on their developing feelings for each other. They turned toward each other as they felt the excitement of the moment as their bodies were drawn together. When their lips met for the first kiss, it was soft and gentle, almost playful yet serious and indescribably wonderful.

  As they drew apart, they hugged each other for several moments, each languishing within the warmth of the other.

  "That was nice," Sarah said breaking the silence.

  "Nice doesn't even begin to describe it," Greg said, and then added, "No matter what happens, remind me to thank Leumas for bringing us together."

  "What if…" she began, but stopped.


  "What if they make us forget…I mean each other? Make this all appear as if nothing ever happened?" Sarah asked.

  Greg loosened his hold on her and held her at arms length. "Not possible. We won't let them," he said with confidence. ::For the first time in my life, I have never been more sure of any one thing.::

  Chapter Thirteen


  The Great Hall was filled with the low hum of many different conversations between the delegates. All the Council members had received a special dispatch from Copolla containing the dismal progress reports of Leumas and the humans. Although it did not flatly accuse of failure, it implied that Leumas’ impending screw-up with the two human subjects was a foregone conclusion. The rumors had spread quickly, and Leumas’ credibility was sinking fast.

  Copolla still insisted the announcement be done formally and in front of all the Council members. The few supporters Leumas had left were somewhat subdued; the others that had always doubted his methods and abilities were frothing at the mouth in pure pleasure. They thought it was about time that Leumas was brought down a peg or two, and that was just fine because it would appease Copolla, and that meant that his attention would remain focused on Leumas and not on any of them.

  Copolla entered the chamber, sweeping past the delegates. Immediately, the members fell silent and took their places.

  "Bring in Leumas and the two subjects from the planet Earth." Copolla's voice echoed in the immense, silent hall. As he waited, he surveyed the facial expressions of the Council members, reveling in their sour appearances. Soon it would all be over. Leumas would be gone in disgrace, and the two mistakes from his past would never be seen or heard from again.

  Leumas, Greg and Sarah entered the hall, walking silently down the center aisle. Greg and Sarah stared in awe at the variety of different aliens they walked past on their way toward the center area. They spoke to each other through their newfound capacity.

  ::Greg, can you hear me?::

  ::Coming through loud and clear, Sarah. Will you get a look at these…things? It's like a conglomeration of the ugliest and weirdest things I've ever imagined.::

  ::It's like Leumas said, there aren't very many humanoid types, are there?::

  They stopped as they reached the raised podium where Copolla awaited them.

  ::Get a load of this guy. He's huge!:: Greg said in awe as he stared at the huge creature. Copolla's skin and physical appearance reminded him of a mountain of rock.

  ::Big, yes…but all I 'feel' from him is evil,:: Sarah responded, suddenly feeling fear churning in her stomach.

  The huge alien Leader shook his head in disgust, gazing at Leumas for several moments before he spoke. "Leumas, what is the decision on the Earth subjects?" he demanded in a voice that boomed throughout the chamber.

  Leumas stared at Copolla with barely concealed anger. He clenched his fists at this circus Copolla had orchestrated to oust him from his position.

  "The Earth subjects refuse membership at this time," Leumas began, his voice unwavering. "However, they do reserve the right to—"

  "Stop!" Copolla said, cutting Leumas off. Around him, an outburst of indignation rose from the members as Leumas admitted his failure.

  Copolla did nothing to halt the uproar from the Council. Instead, he merely sat in his seat, smiling a menacing and sarcastic smile. He let the Council’s anger run its course, adding momentum for what was still to come. When the mass had satisfied itself, he began in a calm and clear voice.

>   "According to the Charter of the UCDW, if the subjects from a home world planet chosen for membership refuse to join the Council, the issue shall be tabled until such time as we feel it should be revisited. Is this the case?" He looked toward Greg and Sarah.

  ::This is it then,:: Greg thought to Sarah. ::Here we go!::

  Greg faced the Leader of the UCDW, this Copolla. He did his best to square his shoulders and speak confidently.

  "We will not vote on any issue that decides what will happen on Earth. It's neither fair nor part of normal evolution. The people of Earth have a right to make decisions for themselves. Right or wrong, this is our prerogative."

  Sarah stepped up next to Greg and grasped his hand. He could tell she was trying not to look directly at the menacing figure of Copolla; instead, she looked toward the conglomeration of aliens and spoke.

  "Learning is a valuable part of human development. We learn by our mistakes, even if we make the wrong choices sometimes. We feel it is improper for those decisions to be made by a group of outsiders for another planet or species. We therefore refuse the invitation at this time from the UCDW. We also forbid any actions to be taken toward Earth until such time as the inhabitants accept this organization." She finished strongly, and Greg felt a reassuring tightening of her grip as they looked at each other, both feeling they had made the right choice.

  Copolla began to speak, ignoring them as though they were too insignificant to warrant his gaze.

  "It is a disappointment to this Council that the subjects from Earth have taken this stance. This Council sent its best representative to them, and it appears there has been more than one failure this day."


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