Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1)

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Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1) Page 15

by Sariah Skye

A pause in her messages. Listen GTG…they’re doing another performance here. It’s so cool, you should see it.

  Where are you? The 90s? Even though I knew she probably wasn’t; my mother indicated Summer had been at the Stargazer again.

  Stargazer. But not…they have this underground club. It’s so cool; special admittance only.

  I raised a brow. The Stargazer had a special section? I didn’t see anything like that when we were there.

  Where is that?

  Quiet. I texted again a handful of question marks before she finally answered two minutes later.

  I’ll show you. Certain bodyguard. Ask your friends, they probably came here that night; that’s why they disappeared. GTG, starting! Yes!

  And that was it.

  “Odd…” When her texts disappeared, I realized the time on the home screen: after 3am. “What club operates that late?” I mused. Most of them around here were shut down by 2am at the latest.

  I sat up quickly. Wasn’t Bash mentioning a string of weird things happening there? What if it was a supernatural thing, where Summer just happened to be; that Underground/special admittance only club.

  “Shit…” Summer wouldn’t have gotten herself into such a thing, would she?

  I chuckled. If it was a good time, Summer was willing to try anything. A pretty girl with big tits and a round ass, and Summer was up for anything. Anything.

  Trying to avoid stepping on Sierra, I slid out of bed, and slipped out into the hallway. I needed to talk to Bash. He was up on all the tech crap…maybe they had heard something about this Underground area of the Stargazer, and could tell me if Summer was safe or not.

  The house was large, and I wasn’t sure I could remember exactly how to find his bedroom—or that I wouldn’t bump into one of the other guys. At that particular moment I didn’t care.

  I found the stairs, and began climbing but stopped mid-step as I was met with the sounds of male screaming.

  “Bash?” I started running, surprised that no one else could hear it, or cared. Were these dudes that dense or deaf? It was loud.

  I dashed up the rest of the stairs and down the hallway to his room at the end. The door was closed, and the screams inside were deafening.

  “Bash?” I rapped on the door loudly, but was met with no response; just screams.

  I tried the knob and thankfully, it was open. Before I could enter, I heard a voice behind me.


  I spun around, seeing Trystan standing in the middle of the hallway, in nothing more than a pair of boxers. His face was sleepy, hair mussed and disheveled. Despite the shrieks coming from Bash, I swallowed at the mere sight of Trystan. Even half-awake, he was still gorgeous.

  “But—he—” I protested, motioning towards the door.

  Trystan stepped forward, placing his hand over mine and prying it away. “He’s okay. Well… physically. Bash has…nightmares. Bad ones. Worse than all of us.”

  I breathed out, both from the tension of being this close to Trystan and his near-nakedness; his earthy scent. And because his friend assured me Bash was okay.

  “Nightmares? You sure? It sounds pretty terrible. What on Earth can he be dreaming about?” I asked, incredulous.

  Trystan dropped my hand, and crossed his arms over his chest, rubbing at dimpled gooseflesh that arose on the skin of his shoulders. “I reckon I shouldn’t say anything, but…you’ll find out eventually. He has dreams about when he ‘died’.”

  “Died? But—”

  He held up a single hand. “Aye, obviously he’s not dead, but he was executed. Remember where he lived, and when. What was happening…”

  I paused, recalling that Bash said he was a part of a long-forgotten witch trial. I gasped in horror, my hand flying to my mouth. “Oh my god…he wasn’t…burned at the stake, was he?”

  Trystan looked away, obviously shaken. “Aye,” he said quietly. “He’s petrified now of fire. Can’t even go near a match without freaking out. Rightly so.”

  My eyes burned with the sting of painful tears. “Oh my god…Bash. That’s…”

  “Aye, it’s horrible. None of us had it so terrible—not even Mathias. So…just let him be, lass. No man wants to be caught in his most vulnerable, especially by a beautiful girl. So just…”

  “But—” I began to protest, but relented, stepping away from the door.

  “Let him tell you on his own time.” Trystan, noticing my distress, open his arms wide and enveloped me in them. I nuzzled my cheek on his chest, tracing the feather of a wing with my fingertip. I breathed in, his smell of wind and earth relaxing, as he squeezed his arms around me gently, before releasing. “Just let him be.”

  I nodded once. “Okay.”

  Trystan winked at me, before heading back down the hallway—assumedly towards his bedroom.

  I didn’t follow, instead I lingered outside Bash’s bedroom a moment longer. He let out another set of screams, each one more agonizing than the last. Despite Trystan’s warnings, I turned the knob, and quietly entered Bash’s room.

  He was still in his computer chair, leaning back, arms wrapped crisscrossed over his middle. He thrashed and kicked in his seat, whimpering, his face distorted with pain.

  I dared to sit back in the chair next to him, lowering myself quietly. I carefully reached forward and grasped one of his forearms. “Bash?”

  He jerked, but didn’t wake. Just muttered unintelligibly, but didn’t scream. I started to pull away, but he thrashed again. I replaced my hand and he seemed to calm. “Shh…it’s okay,” I said, feeling stupid. Of course, it wasn’t okay.

  Any time I tried to pull my hand away, he whimpered or squirmed, so I just sat there—my hand on his arm for comfort.

  “I had a feeling you wouldn’t leave.”

  I jumped about two feet in my chair. I swiveled around to see Trystan leaning against the doorframe, looking smug.

  “You should get some rest.” He motioned towards the door.

  I looked to Bash guiltily. I still hadn’t removed my hand from him, though it had diverted further down to the top of his leg. I slightly lifted it, and he shifted restlessly. “I will, just… he’s definitely uncomfortable. I’ll just try to get him to his bed.”

  “Ye will, will ya?” Trystan lifted a brow, grinning.

  I narrowed my eyes. “I’m just going to help him lie down, Trystan. That’s it. You could help me if you wanted,” I hinted. Even though Bash was smaller than Trystan, I still had no idea how I could move him.

  Trystan chortled. “Last time I tried to help him from a nightmare, I ended up with a shiner, and a bruised nose. I think I’ll pass, lass. Good luck.” He flashed me a wink. As he left, he shook his head, and muttered something sarcastic under his breath.

  I ignored him and turned back to Bash. I poked him gently in the thigh. Even through his jeans, his muscle was strong and tense. He didn’t stir, so I grasped his arm instead and shook. “Bash?” I asked.

  He grumbled in his sleep, but didn’t rouse.

  “Sebastian!” I called, much louder this time, lightly tapping on his stubbled cheek with my fingertips.

  His eyes flew open in surprise. He rubbed at them with his fists and stared at me, confused. “Is it time? I don’t want to go…please don’t make me.”

  I frowned. He was sleep-talking and obviously still terrified of what he was seeing in his mind.

  I decided to oblige him; the terror in his sleepy eyes too much for me to bear. “Sebastian…it’s Avie,” I didn’t think the name would ring a bell, but I decided it was worth a shot.

  “Avie?” He was still out of it, but he seemed to recognize my name even in his nightmares.

  “Yes. We’re going to get you someplace warm and comfortable.” I took his hands in mine, and stood, pulling them to my chest to urge him to follow suit.

  “Warm?” His voice was panicked.

  “Shit. I mean…bed. No fire. I promise. Just big, heavy blankets, okay?” I said softly.

. No fire. No fire…” he repeated those two words over and over, like a frightened child, scared of monsters under his bed.

  “Yes. Just bed. The fires are gone, I promise,” I said. He slowly got to his feet, and followed me to his bed.

  I bit my lip, feeling slightly anxious climbing into his bed with him. But I remembered he was asleep, and had no idea what he was doing. Probably, anyway. I parted the curtains to the bed’s canopy, and gently pushed him towards the pillow. Anything done in a bed (besides sleep) was probably the last thing on his mind, as he was still dreaming about being burned at the stake. I shuddered again at the thought. I couldn’t imagine how terrifying that had to have been for him.

  He paused, stretching uncomfortably. He grumbled unintelligible words as he pulled his shirt over his head, starting at the waist, and torturously exposing the lines of his back and shoulders. The muscles contracting and releasing as he flexed, and tossed the shirt on the floor nearby. I gasped when he leaned over to take off his pants as well.

  I tried to shy away, but…I couldn’t. His build was lean, yet defined…his ass was a nice couple of handfuls that I had the urge to cup in my palms. I gulped, and tried to breathe cool, cleansing breaths to combat the flush that was beginning to singe my cheeks.

  He crawled into bed, and I slammed my eyes shut before I got a glimpse of the front of his black trunks—I do not think I could recover from that.

  I quickly pulled the comforter over his lower body to avoid drooling over his—um…package. The quick glance I had revealed it to be…formidable. Not that I looked or anything. “Get it together, Ava…” I scolded myself. He was just a boy—a man. A gorgeous man…. with extreme sexual prowess that I needed to resist.

  Why do you need to resist, Avie? I could just hear Summer say if I told her how I was trying ever so hard to be good, in a time and place where I suddenly wanted to be bad. Very bad.

  Sex isn’t bad, Avie. Don’t be ashamed to get yours. Dammit, Summer, get out of my head!

  I shook the image of Summer’s pretty, yet stern face out of my mind. Though, it did help to curb the urge to fling myself over him, and have my way; this was not the time for that.

  Bash was still writhing uncomfortably, though it was much less now that he was in bed. One arm flung out over the side, and I grabbed it as I knelt on the edge. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Don’t go.” He simply uttered, and clutched my hand for dear life.

  “Um…” I said, feeling frantic. “I better not,” I said, trying to pry my hand away but he cried out.


  I sighed. “This will not end well…” Reluctantly, I climbed into bed beside him, and he instantly calmed. I didn’t turn on my side, or make any moves—I was tense as a board. My breath hitched when he sleepily turned over on his side, pitching one of his heavy arms over my chest. A slight grin spread across his face as he sidled up next to me, burying his face in my neck. I stiffened even more.

  My heart slammed against my ribcage, and my breath came quicker. Which only gave me more incentive to inhale his fresh scent: the smell of fresh air and autumn leaves. The sensation quivered my shoulders, and though I wanted to resist I couldn’t help but relax under his arm.

  A gentle caress swept over my chin, urging my face to the side; to face him. To my surprise, Bash’s eyes were open halfway as he searched mine. “Beautiful…” he uttered softly.

  I bit my lip to keep from swooning aloud like a simpering female. I would not be one of those. Nope. No matter how much I wanted to. Despite his nightmares, his face was sexy, and sleepy and all I could think about doing was brushing my lips over his…

  Like he could read my mind, he cupped my chin, urging me forward; his lips met mine carefully. Just a brush at first—soft and delicate like a flower petal—but quickening in intensity.

  I choked back a moan; careful not to betray my feelings, but the sensation was heavenly, and tingled my body, resting in a pool of heat between my legs.

  He pulled back, grinning slightly. His eyes were closed as he buried his face in my shoulder.

  “I should…” I didn’t even finish my statement, because I was lying. Bash pulled his half of the comforter over me, and tightly pulled me against him.

  Even though I knew I should leave—I couldn’t. He was warm and comfortable, and my body relaxed next to him. Before I knew it, I was nuzzling my cheek in his messy, sandy hair, breathing in his warm scent…and I drifted off to sleep.


  “It is a distinct possibility,” Mathias said, as he stood before the stove, making some sort of breakfast concoction that smelled divine.

  It was the next morning, and I brought up the idea of what Bash and I had seen on the void web; about all the Avalon legends coming up when Bash input my photo and name. Most specifically, the little “Lancelot” connection.

  “So, it could be true then?” Bash and I glanced at each other quickly, blushed, and looked away again. I’d fully intended on leaving Bash’s room when he relaxed, but I had gotten relaxed myself and passed out. I woke up with the adorable blond man’s face in between my cleavage—thankfully I was fully clothed. I wasn’t even mad. Trystan had been the one to find us—or really, Sierra was. Trystan was hot on her paws. He said nothing, but a wash of something like regret came over his face when he saw us, lying in bed.

  I’d insisted quickly that “All we did was sleep!” He said he believed us, but with his sideways glances at us all morning, I wasn’t sure he did. Bash couldn’t look at him directly either, especially when I’d woken up to his morning stiffness in my hip, and he knew it.

  What’s more? I didn’t mind it. At all. I decided I ought to be given a medal for my absolute self-control, because that is all that stopped me from reaching around, taking him in my hand, and…well you get the picture.

  “Lancelot is Ava’s father?” Bash asked, avoiding my eyes.

  “It makes sense.” Mathias switched off the stovetop with a spin of the knob and proceeded to plate breakfast. “And, they look exactly alike. At least from what I remember of him; it’s been many, many years. But it’s a possibility for sure.”

  “You’ve met him?” I said, amazed. Mathias set an egg-white, vegetable omelet in front of me, followed by a tall, cold glass of orange juice with just a splash of champagne. “Could he still possibly be alive today?”

  Mathias eyed my face briefly, before nodding. “It’s certainly possible, but there’s been no report of him in hundreds of years. So, if he’s here, he’s living low-key. I only met him a handful of times. The witch I was supposed to be in ‘service’ of—Vivienne—she introduced us briefly. Her coven had turned him incubus. She said it was his choice, but really it wasn’t much of a choice. She alluded if he didn’t, something would happen to his lady love. So…he agreed. It wasn’t long after that did I realize that she was really a heinous woman, so I escaped for the Scottish Highlands where I stayed—in hiding—for years.”

  “And that’s when you met Trystan.” I clicked my tongue. “Geez, that’s a long time to be alone.”

  Mathias shrugged, sitting down across from me to enjoy his own meal. “Eh, you get used to it. It was better than being in anyone’s service. I slept for a long time, and since you don’t die from malnourishment, I just went catatonic in a cave for some time. Not sure how long passed…but I’d do that every few years or so.”

  “Didn’t you have any friends? Anything you enjoyed?” I asked, taking a bite of the tasteful meal. The egg was light and melted in my mouth; the cooked onions and peppers gave it a little kick. Normally, I didn’t like eggs much, but this was divine. I’m sure it showed on my face because Mathias appeared exceptionally pleased.

  Mathias frowned. “It was hard to get attached to people when you know they’d just die in the blink of an eye. But, I spent some time working odd jobs in various places. I learned to cook in Rome, and later took a job in London, at a hotel. It was the first thing I’d really enjoyed in a long time.”

sp; “I see.” Mathias didn’t seem privy to offer any more information, so I let it drop. “Anyhow, what’s the plan? Who is driving me home?”

  “Home?” Bash’s head snapped up from across the table. He picked at his breakfast with his fork, and appeared absentminded. Until now.

  I gave him a look. “You didn’t think I would stay here forever.”

  “But…you can’t just go back. Not yet,” Mathias insisted, and before I could protest, he continued. “You need to learn how to harness your magic better, and what to look for. These Collectors won’t give up until they have you. We are relatively off the grid, so you’re safer here. How many did you encounter at your home recently?”

  I sighed, reluctant to answer. “Like, three.”

  “We can’t just keep her here,” Xander entered the room, looking fresh, and clean in a pair of black jeans with a tan, textured shirt that clung to his body. I swallowed, as he towel-dried his black hair, ruffling it messily. The water droplets clung to his face and trickled down his neck, disappearing under the shirt. The way it clung to him nicely—the neckline just revealing a hint of masculine muscle definition—I desperately wanted to find out just where that water was leading to.

  Wait—what? Enough, Avie!

  I cleared my throat quietly, trying to shake myself out of my perverted gaze. Xander caught me eyeing him, and offered me a cocky half-smile.

  I literally just about melted into a puddle on this barstool, and dripped down onto the tile floor below; the butterflies were spazzing in my stomach. Not just flapping: spazzing.

  I didn’t even flinch when he tossed the towel on the back of a chair, and sat down for his own meal. I had to specifically force my mind to get back on topic. “So…what sort of training can we do? I mean, obviously I can go stealth mode, but…”

  “It’s not totally reliable yet,” Xander replied. “Can you do it on demand? Just cause? Not because you feel you have a reason?”

  “Try it now,” Trystan instructed.

  I lifted a brow. “Why would I need it now? Am I supposed to hide from you?”

  Xander snickered. “Of course not, but you should be able to call it on command. If you cannot, you’re not trained.”


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