Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1)

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Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1) Page 17

by Sariah Skye

  “Well, it seems like a room belonging to a college kid,” he said, as his eyes landed on a picture of Summer and I in our matching pink dresses for Prom six years ago. We went stag, but posed for photos with each other.

  I lifted my brow, hands on my hips. “Well, I’m only twenty-five. I only finished school a few years ago.”

  Xander looked away from the photo, guiltily. “I’m sorry, I meant nothing by that. You just seem so much older and mature than twenty-five.”

  “Ha, now I know you want to get in her pants.” The voice of Summer interrupted us as she entered the front room from her bedroom. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. “Avie is one of the most immature people I’ve ever met.”

  I raised my hand over my head, middle finger high in the air. “Screw you, Sum.”

  She tittered. “See what I mean?” She laughed, and wrapped her arms around my shoulders for a tight, friendly hug. “I’m just kidding, girl. But not about the getting in her pants part.” She eyeballed the four men, now suddenly very out of place in our living room.

  Mathias cleared his throat, and was the first to step forward. “You must be Summer, Ava’s friend.” He reached out his hand. Summer took it reluctantly, but only after shooting him a dirty look.

  “Damn right I’m Avie’s friend. Who are you?” She said, narrowing her eyes.

  I elbowed her. “Remember the guys from the other night?”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she scanned them once again appraisingly. Normally men, when face to face with Summer couldn’t help but be physically attracted to her. But, they all offered her polite smiles and waves as Mathias introduced them to her.

  “I remember him for sure,” she said, pointing at Trystan. “We looked for you afterwards, and you disappeared. It’s not often men catch Ava’s eye—she’s so picky.” I nudged her—hard—in the ribs and scowled severely at her.

  “I’m not picky, I just refuse to date just anyone because they happen to notice me,” I objected. “Not like your little gem of a blind date.”

  She scowled at me teasingly.

  “You were looking for us?” Trystan asked.

  Bash snorted. “Well, she certainly found us.”

  Summer scanned everyone suspiciously. “So, just what are you all doing here?”

  “We really want to hear more about this Underground section of Stargazer you told Ava about,” Mathias said sternly. He tried to soften his expression, but the former gladiator was still immensely intimidating.

  Though, not to Summer. She frowned. “We’ll get to that. But first, Ava—girl talk. Everyone just hang out, I’m going to borrow Ava here for a bit.” She yanked me unceremoniously into her bedroom nearby while I called out, “Make yourselves at home!” to the guys.

  “What are you up to, Avie?” She asked, closing the door behind us loudly.

  I snorted nonchalantly. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do. You tell me all this unusual crap happened, and now you’re hanging out with them? Spending the night with them?” Summer plopped herself down on her bed, and I sat backwards in her black desk chair across the room. I always felt a bit out of place in Summer’s room; it was very modern in its décor, with black and white modular furniture straight out of the IKEA catalog, with prints of high-fashion artwork and ads all over the walls. It was a far cry from my cheesy purple room, but it suited her nonetheless.

  I folded my arms on the top rung of the chair, and rested my chin on them. I exhaled deeply to avoid becoming irritated at my friend. “I don’t think you’re really one to talk, Summer. You’ve been out the past two nights clubbing. Not even your usual haunt, either,” I said. “Besides, you’re always the one encouraging me to get out there, meet people, try things.”

  Summer’s full lips parted into a shocked O. “Yes, of course I do but not with—with whatever they are!”

  I groaned outwardly. “Look, Summer, you know there’s always been something different about me. Something off, and we’re not just talking about my sense of humor,” I added self-deprecatingly.

  Summer blinked, trying to appear confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, you do. We’ve talked about it. Remember that time years ago, when we were giving the presentations in social studies? Everyone else got called on besides me to present, and that’s because I was terrified. I kept hoping by some miracle I wouldn’t be called on. And I wasn’t. Not that day, not the next. I never had to present, and everyone else did. And besides you, no one even noticed it.”

  Summer tried to speak, but cut herself off, her brown eyes deep in thought. “I…vaguely remember.”

  “And that time in theater? And all the boys? I would always joke and say, ‘I must be invisible or something!’.” My gaze lifted upward. “Well, turns out I am. I do have the power of stealth. I can’t control it, and sometimes it comes out in weird ways. Like, boys not paying attention to me.”

  Summer was twirling a lock of wavy, black hair around her finger as I spoke. “Or, maybe your preventing me from being able to run after you the other night?”

  I shrugged. “They did say it could come out in weird ways; that could have been one of the weird ways.”

  “Dude…” she said, looking appalled.

  I shook my head quickly. “Besides that, though, I swear to you Summer. There is something odd going on. Something…not quite normal. I can’t explain it to you fully, but you know I’m telling you the truth. You can always tell when I’m lying, even my mother can’t do that. And, these boys—they saved my butt from a potential disaster. They have…similar not-normal things about them too. All I can say about that at this point.” I fixed my eyes on hers, assuring her that I wasn’t full of shit.

  Summer’s façade softened, even as her eyes enlarged slightly. “Okay,” she breathed out. “So... how is it possible that you can do this? Can they help you with it?”

  I nodded. “They can, and they will. I promise you, Sum… they’re decent guys. Guys with a lot of history,” I added with a laugh. Yeah, you could say someone born as a part of the Roman empire almost two-thousand years ago has a lot of history. “But good nonetheless. They could point that out about me. Xander and Bash actually saved Sierra and I from being ran off the road, and attacked on two separate occasions. One of them last night. And Mathias was outside somehow that night I returned from the shitty date too when one of them tried to chase me the first time.”

  Summer gasped. “Oh, Avie…I’m sorry, I should—”

  I raised my hand to cut her off. “No, I don’t need a babysitter, Summer. But they get me, and…strangely enough I get them. And, you shouldn’t give up your life to protect me.”

  She shook her head. “Avie, you’re my best friend forever. I’ve got your back, always! Besides, it wouldn’t be giving up my life! Would it?” She added, with a nervous swallow.

  I sighed, long and stressed. “Maybe. The man that was after me…he’s not the only one. There are more of him that want me for my abilities.”

  “For what? How?” Summer rubbed her hands over her face and wrung them out in front of her, as she tried to comprehend the levity behind my words. “Why now?”

  I shrugged. “We don’t know why. But we’re going to figure it out. In the meantime,” I sighed, reluctant. “That’s why they offered for me to stay there for a while. Until I can harness my stealth, and learn to fight a bit better; so I’m not a sitting duck if another Collector comes after me.”

  Summer lifted her carefully-styled brows. “Collector?”

  I waved her off. “Long story. Bad guys that like to take people with special abilities. No, I don’t know what they do with them. Neither do the guys, but…they’re not good. Lots of missing people, some of them with strange abilities too, like me.”

  Summer let out a low whistle. “Man, that’s bad.”

  I sat up straight. “That being said, Bash has some…intel… that some of the mysterious happenings have
ties to the Stargazer. I want you to promise not to go back, Sum. Please.”

  Summer chuckled. “Oh, that’s ridiculous! There is nothing going on at the Stargazer!”

  It was my turn to a raise a brow. “Oh? What about that special ‘Underground’ area? That no one has ever heard of? The guys have been there many times, and never seen any sign of a special area.”

  “Really?” Summer pondered this, before waving me off. “That’s surprising. I guess they’re more selective than I thought. I see lots of guys there, but maybe they only let in certain ones?”

  “Hmph,” I replied. “So, what goes on there?”

  Summer chuckled. “What do you think it is? It’s just a band, and some upscale drinks, and food. A better dance floor. Seriously, what else would it be?”

  I shrugged. The guys didn’t give me any indication what they thought it could be, either. “I dunno, knowing you some big sex party,” I said with a mischievous grin.

  Summer grabbed a black pillow from her bed and flung it at me. I dodged it by raising my hands, guarding my face.

  “You should talk—sex party?” She waggled her forehead. “Four guys? Are you banging them all now? Or is there a certain one you have your eye on?”

  My face flushed profusely. “Umm…”

  She beamed. “Oh…which one?”

  I shook my head. “No, not one. I…I couldn’t pick one right now. They’re all so…” I sighed dreamily. Then I scowled, grumbling at myself. “Wait—uggh. I’ve become that woman I hate.”

  She crossed her arms across her breasts, squishing up her cleavage, and tapping a well-manicured nail against her chin. “Avie, if you want four guys—and good for you—you should have four guys. Period. After all the shit you’ve dealt with, why not?”

  “Have you seen this done before?” I asked, surprised. “Multiple partners?”

  She shrugged. “Sure. But not with guys—that’d be exhausting. Unless they do laundry. And cook. And clean.”

  I considered this. “Mathias cooks. He’s fantastic. He worked as a chef before—” I cut myself off, before I divulged a secret and had a lot of explaining to do.

  She perked up. “Pick him then.”

  I chuckled. “No…it’s not like that. Each one of them has something so damn amazing about them, I can’t make up my mind which one I like best.”

  “So, don’t choose. Just get to know them all, and then choose. Maybe find out which one is best in the sack first,” she said with a wink. “I know how straight girls love the big pee-nee.”

  “Pee-nee? Really, Summer!” My mouth gaped wide at her statement. I picked up the pillow she’d thrown at me, that landed on the floor, and chucked it back at her. “Tramp!”

  “My money’s on the Asian boy. Something about them…” She winked once again. “That ninja flexibility.”

  I groaned, leaning back against the desk, and pretending to slide down to the floor, like I was fainting from the shock of her words. “That’s a stereotype, Sum. You like it when people are surprised you’re a lesbian because you wear lipstick and don’t look like a dude?”

  She laughed uproariously. “Point taken. I was just kidding.”

  “I know.” And I did. The best thing about best friends, you could be utterly irreverent with them all the time, and it didn’t matter. “Actually, he does know…some sort of martial art. So, you’re not totally wrong. I think they all do, though.”

  She stood, holding her hand out to help me stand. “See?”

  I accept it and she yanks me upwards. I snicker, looking up at her. “Tall Shit,” I said, using my mocking nickname for her.

  She stuck her tongue out at me. “Short Shit.” She reciprocated hers for me.

  “You should totally go for the hazel-eyed one,” she said for a wink.

  “Who? Trystan?” I asked, curious to her reasoning.

  She shrugged. “No, Mathias. The hazel eyed one.”

  “He has brown eyes. Are our definitions of brown and hazel off? Or are you sure you don’t mean Trystan?” I asked, confused. Even though Trystan’s eyes were green, sometimes I’d heard of green eyes being mistaken for hazel.

  “No…” she slowly shook her head. “The super tall, dark haired one. Looks like a superhero, but way cuter. He has hazel eyes.”

  “Um, no they’re brown. Really, really deep brown,” I insisted, as I pictured his dark, intense, and most definitely deep brown eyes in my mind.

  Summer nudged me. “You’re drooling a bit.”

  My hand flew to my mouth. “I am not!”

  She chuckled. “Okay well, still. Mathias. I’d go for him if I were you—though I swear, his eyes are hazel.”


  She shrugged. “I dunno, I just think hazel eyes are pretty.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I have no preference, as long as they’re attached to a reasonably attractive, intelligent, kind, and funny guy, I’m good.”

  “Whatever you say. Let’s get to know these dudes better, huh?” She moved for the door, but I pulled at her arm, effectively spinning her around gently.

  “I mean it, Summer. Please be careful with the Stargazer. And just in general, there’s something funky going on, and my weird abilities are only the half of it,” I said dryly.

  Summer set her mouth in a firm line. She patted my arm reassuringly. “Hun, you should know by now. I might be adventurous, maybe even a little reckless, but I’m always careful.”

  “I know,” I said. I smiled, hoping I looked convincing. She was generally careful, but even smart people made bad decisions occasionally. I hoped this wouldn’t be one of those times.


  Summer and I sat in the living room, chatting with the guys for a little while, before we left them to their own devices as we got ready for the club. We elbowed each other a handful of times; Summer still insisted Mathias’ eyes were hazel. I clearly saw a deep brown. Clearly, I was going to have to make her Google hazel eyes later, so she could see the difference. Mathias must have heard us as we gossiped on the sofa, because he kept averting his gaze.

  Summer left early, saying she was going to meet up with her work friends for drinks first, no matter how I insisted she come with us. But not before completely decking me out in full-on club makeup and dress.

  I felt completely insecure seeing myself in the mirror. Summer really went overboard this time; my hair was completely curled, and arranged in an elaborate updo with curls arranged in various places around my crown. My makeup was bright and immaculate; straight out of an Instagram photo. I reminded myself of one of those self-indulgent poses that the makeup tutorial girls—or boys—did at the camera when fully made up, lightly touching their faces, and looking upward and to the side to show off the full effects of the look. Complete with duck lips, of course. It even made me uncomfortable as I looked at my extreme black and purple smoky cat eye, expert contouring, and deep plum lipstick.

  She selected a black dress that cinched at the waist and came only mid-thigh. It was backless, with a high neckline that tied at the neck, and swooped down just inches over my butt. I didn’t have an appropriate bra to go with it, and Summer’s didn’t fit me, so she insisted on taping up my nipples with something called pasties. Despite how it sounded, they weren’t a tasty breakfast pastry, but a flower-shaped sticker that went over your nips. I had no idea there was such a thing, and I’ve been a female for my entire life. I also owned no thongs, much to her chagrin, but she knew this about me. Underwear should not go up the butt crack. So, I had to opt for a pair of seamless undies and “pray” that my panty lines couldn’t be seen (and really, I didn’t care). The shoes were extreme; black patent strappy platforms that wound and tied halfway up my calf with silver and black ties. I wrinkled my nose when she selected them for me from her eu de whore collection as I called it. These were the shoes she wore when out clubbing, extra saucy for maximum sex appeal. I guessed the girls she dated really cared about shoes? I was unconvinced…I think she just had a foot fetish.

  “Ava!” One of the guys called from the living room, before hearing a knock on the door. “Are you decent?” I recognized the voice to be Trystan’s.

  “Basically,” I called back, and the door opened slowly, with a slight creak I kept forgetting to fix.

  Trystan stuck his head in as I stood there uncomfortably, eyeballing myself in the mirror, poking the curls that framed my face.

  He muttered something in a language I didn’t recognize as his eyes widened.

  “What?” I asked, looking away fully from the mirror. I set my hands on my hips. “It’s too much, isn’t it?”

  “I…” he stammered. His green eyes looked me up and down. “Holy…”

  “What?” I demanded.

  “Just that dress doesn’t leave much to the imagination…” he said, his gaze lingering momentarily on my breasts; which felt very strange without their “wired” fabric cage of a bra.

  “What do you mean? I don’t even have cleavage. This is pretty modest for Summer!” I protested, positioning my hands strategically over my boobs.

  “Och, I saw that.” Summer wore a red mini-dress that clung to every curve, exposing her insanely long legs, with a neckline that dipped dangerously low to her navel. The look was completed with tall, red platform pumps, specially decorated with white and black crystals, and wove up the leg with patent leather laces. But the look of pure heat in his eyes indicated that he wasn’t thinking about Summer. He stepped forward, placing one hand on my hip. “Ava, you’re…” He fingered one of my curls.

  “What? It’s okay, this isn’t really me,” I said, motioning to the dress.

  He shook his head slowly, closing the distance between us as he urged me forward with a nudge from the hand still on my hip. “Maybe not, but…it’s…you’re very beautiful.” His other hand in my hair dipped down, as he crooked a finger below my cheek. He urged my view upwards, as I gazed into eyes that hooded ever so slightly. He lowered his head slowly, his lips mere inches from me. I could feel his minty breath, heavy, and nearly frantic at my proximity. “I shouldn’t, but I want to kiss you so bad right now.”


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