Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1)

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Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1) Page 23

by Sariah Skye


  “They do have wings, but they stay hidden. Magic, ya know,” he said with a wink.

  My eyes fell on a painting of a beautiful purple iris flower. It was abstract in a way, but done entirely in purple. “Who did this? It’s so pretty.”

  He pointed at a single X in the corner. “Xander’s favorite color is purple too. He’s a fantastic artist.”

  “I’ve seen the photography, but not the art. This is amazing…”

  “We didn’t get to this much.” He opened the door opposite us, and it led to a very small office, with a window overlooking the woods. A single black desk, purple throw rug, and chair was all it contained. “You can use this for working.”

  I shook my head. “This doesn’t even seem like the same house?”

  “There’s a sort of turret-bit at the rear of the property. I never really understood the purpose, but Mathias and Xander designed it this way. Now that you’re here, I get why,” he said. “Fit for a queen, I’d say.”

  I beamed at his words. Then, abruptly wiped the grin away, and replaced with a frown. “I…can’t accept this.”

  “Och, sure ye can.” He led me out of the office, and through another door that led into the bedroom. “You need a comfortable place to stay. I don’t know how long it’ll be before we can harness your magic, and who knows how long the Collectors will be after you? Even if you’re just here occasionally, well… we wanted you to feel safe and comfortable.” He walked to the door, and emphasized the sliding lock on the door, and the one on the doorknob. “See? Sharing a house with four guys would be intimidating I imagine. If you need to keep us out for any reason, you can. But…” he closed the door, and sauntered over to me, holding my gaze with his. He reached out to touch me, but thought better of it, and ran his fingers through my hair instead. “Hopefully you’ll let us in sometime.”

  There was heat in his stare, and I squirmed uncomfortably. It was disconcerting, because I’d just been about willing to defile Bash’s motorcycle only a few minutes ago…and before that I made out with Xander on the dance floor, and before that…


  “Avie. You don’t have to be ashamed. I can smell them on you,” he said softly.

  My head snapped up. “You can?”

  He shrugged. “Aye. Part of the incubus thing. Women who haven’t been…loved in a while are usually easier to bring to bed.” He frowned. “I’m sorry, I don’t like confessing that, but it’s true.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, in a small voice. I knew they couldn’t help it, of course. But I didn’t enjoy the idea of them with anyone let alone the many they probably had been over the years.

  “Also, eagles use their smell for hunting, so it’s especially strong for me,” he continued. “It’s okay. Really. You don’t have to feel bad for kissing them.” He stepped closer, but didn’t touch me, even though his gaze trailed over my body, landing on my lips. “We discussed it. Whoever you pick—if any of us—no hard feelings.”

  “Wait—so you’re all making a go for me?” The idea was strange, but…sort of enticing.

  “Aye. Anything is fair game, until you make your decision.”

  I raised a brow. “What if I never decide?”

  He shrugged. “Then I guess we continue on as long as you like.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You’re not…serious?”

  “Avalon. It’s not like we have many prospects! One cambion for a number of incubi in…centuries?”

  My face fell. “Oh. So, you only want me because I’m cambion?” I crossed my arms in front of me, and swiveled around to avoid him.

  Trystan grabbed me by the shoulders, and spun me around quickly; it caught me off guard, and I fell into his arms.

  “Listen to me.” He stared intently in my eyes. “Before we had any idea you were cambion, we were attracted to you. All of us. Even at the club, we were enamored by your beauty. There was something about you; something different. We knew you were supernatural, but cambion? No idea. It’s just pure luck for all of us.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “And just what’s in it for me?” Besides the affection of four hot men, that is?

  He grinned. “Besides the fact that we’re all pretty decent guys—you know, aside from the demon thing…” he leaned forward, to whisper in my ear. “Sex between an incubus and a cambion is off the charts, I hear.”

  “Oh?” I said, intrigued.

  “Oh yes. All senses are heightened; we can go longer than with a human, and have stronger orgasms.”

  I felt myself swoon at the idea. “Oh?”

  He chuckled. “Let me guess. You have a hard time finding men to please you? All the way please you?”

  I bit my lip and turned away, so he couldn’t see my face. I think I’d probably had two orgasms in my life—and I gave them to myself with various toys and erotic books.

  “I knew it.”

  “So…what does this mean?” I asked finally.

  “It means as long as you let us, we’ll continue vying for your affections. If you turn us down, or decide to disassociate yourself with us for any reason, that’s it. But until you do…game on.” Trystan tipped his forehead and rested it against mine, holding me closer. I was dazed at his touch; his outdoorsy pine and musk scent. I slowly lifted my head, running my tongue across my hungry lips; hoping he’d replace it with his own.

  His eyes hooded slightly, but he didn’t reciprocate, much to my disappointment. Instead, he kissed me sweetly on the forehead. “When I kiss you, Avie, though I’m not upset that you’ve kissed the others…I only want to taste you. And I’ll be the only one to make you weak that day.” He pulled away, offering a wink.

  And, I was dying at his sexy swagger across the room.

  “Get yourself cleaned up. Mathias is going to make a quick snack before turning in. Long day.” He kissed his palm, blowing it at me before turning and closing the door behind him.

  And like in the movies, I swooned, collapsing in a heap on the bed before I went to the bathroom, and treated myself to a cold shower before I jumped the next male that crossed my vision.


  Our midnight snack was a relatively silent affair. Mathias organized a platter of fresh vegetables and olive oil with various spices, French bread with brioche topping, and several different kinds of cheese with warm milk.

  I cleared my throat as we all snacked. We congregated around the living room in various spots; Trystan on the floor with the canines, feeding them various bits of food, Xander on the sofa on the opposite end of me, Mathias at the bar, and Bash in the armchair, flipping through his phone.

  I cleared my throat in the uncomfortable silence. “Interesting snack choice, Mathias,” I said. “It’s good, just kind of…random?”

  “Pretty common staples of the Mediterranean diet,” he replied precisely. “At least, when I lived there,” he added with a chuckle.

  “Unh-huh…” He didn’t speak any more. I glanced at Trystan, feeding Sierra a piece of cheese from his plate. “Um—cheese makes her gassy.”

  He cocked a brow. “Aye, but she loves it.”

  I frowned. “She’s going to start liking you more than she likes me,” I said, slumping against the sofa.

  Xander patted my cross-legged knee, and offered me a half smile.

  “Another one!” Bash exclaimed, standing suddenly, nearly knocking the plate in his lap on the floor; but I quickly caught it before it could fall. He gave me an appreciative look.

  “Another what?” I asked.

  He wiggled his phone. “Another missing supe.”

  “So how many missing are there now?” Mathias asked.

  “Quite a few. About twelve maybe?” He swiped through his phone. “Oh, your break in, Ava. It’s on here.”

  “Shut up. Really?” He handed me the phone; apparently on the void web you could report supernatural crimes; someone had reported the break in at my address. It only stated nothing was reported stolen, and no one was home at the time
. “Who reported this? It wasn’t that long ago.”

  The guys all looked at each other, and shrugged.

  I started to hand the phone back to Bash, accidentally swiping the screen to the right, bringing up another story. I saw the words The Stargazer on the headline, and immediately yanked it back.

  “Shit…listen to this,” I said. “’Breaking story: Minneapolis nightclub, The Stargazer evacuated tonight due to fire around 2:15 AM.’” I read aloud.

  “Let me see.” Bash took his phone back, and read the article himself.

  “Fire?” Xander said, baffled.

  “Look at the time,” Mathias said, pointing at the digital clock display on the stove. “3:03 AM.”

  “Shit, it’s that late?” I supposed it was, we’d been cleaning up at my house for quite a while. I stretched my arms over my head, yawning. “I still have at least five hours of work tomorrow.”

  “You should get to bed,” Trystan said. His lips quirked with a smile at the mention of “bed.” I rolled my eyes gently.

  “That obviously wasn’t that long ago,” Bash remarked.

  “Are you still connected to the void web?” Mathias asked.

  “Yes. Though it really doesn’t give reason why anyone thinks it has to do with the supe community,” Bash said, confused.

  Mathias stood, leaving his snack behind, and pulled his keys out of his pants pocket. “If it was only an hour or so ago, chances are good there’s still evidence of the fire behind. If we get there quick enough, we can investigate the supe ties.”

  Bash was on his feet. “I’ll go with you. I’m not sleeping well, anyway.” He glanced at me sheepishly.

  “I’m not riding behind you on that bike,” Mathias said, deadpan.

  I snickered. “Oh why not? You’d be cute riding behind him,” I said, with a mischievous wink.

  Xander set his plate down on the coffee table, and rose. “I can go too. Trystan can stay with Ava just in case.” He was serious, but the fiery look Trystan threw me made me blush. A look that clearly said, “You and me…alone…and dirty things.”

  Mathias shook his head. “No, it just takes two of us. You have fought the Collectors and are familiar with their current tricks. I’d feel better with two of us here with her.”

  I stood, hands on hips as I glared him down. “You’d feel better? How about what I feel?”

  Mathias’ severe expression softened. “I’m sorry, Ava. I just have this awful protective streak. Would you feel comfortable if we all left?”

  I sighed through my teeth, reluctantly. “No, you’re right…it’s probably not wise to be alone until these butthole Collectors are gone,” I said begrudgingly.

  Xander let out a high-pitched laugh. “Butthole collectors!” He giggled immaturely.

  I grinned at him, and laughed myself.

  “By the Gods, don’t be gone too long,” Trystan warned them, feigning exasperation at Xander’s and my immature display.


  I attempted to stay awake until Bash and Mathias had returned, but nearly an hour after they left, my eyes began to droop. Trystan had excused himself to go to the fox den to check on them for the night. He claimed he could hear them shrieking; probably meaning they were out of food.

  I denied Xander’s “help” up to my new “borrowed” room even though I was dead tired. Sierra followed me, though, and found a nice spot on the purple rug near the air conditioning vent. Typical Sierra sat her backside on it after twirling around twice, and she was out.

  I fetched a pair of pajamas—some black shorts and a green racerback tank, with black lace accents. Normally, I opted for the usual gross boxers and ratty tee, but I figured just in case…I’d attempt sexy.

  Well. Sexier.

  The bedding was luxurious, and the bed soft and inviting and before long, I drifted off into a deep, restful sleep.

  I awoke slowly in the morning, with muted sunlight streaming in through the sheer lavender curtains. Blinking a few times to adjust, I rolled over, stretching my arms to the side.

  One hand brushed against something that I didn’t recall being there when I fell asleep last night. Well, really this morning. I turned to see a single long-stemmed white rose next to a piece of—of all things—cream colored parchment.

  I sat up, pulling them into my lap. Smiling, I brought the flower to my nose, inhaling its sweet perfume, and opened the folded piece of thick paper.

  The outline of a rose, swiped carefully across the page in the style of a Chinese character was next to the simple message: Good morning, Beautiful. I blushed, the tingly feeling dipping straight to my fluttering heart. It was signed simply, just like his masterful artworks hanging around the house with a simple, black, sweeping “X”.

  I hugged the items to my chest, feeling strangely giddy for the morning.

  I heard a light knock on the other side of the door, and I quickly—almost embarrassed—set the two sweet items on the pillow next to me, and pulled the comforter up over them. I didn’t know who was at the door, but I didn’t want to make anyone…jealous? Not that anyone should feel jealous. If they wanted to do something nice, they could. And should.

  Listen to yourself, Avie…making four grown men compete for you, I scolded myself in my head.

  I clicked my tongue. “Fuck that. Let ‘em,” I muttered.

  The door creaked open, and a shirtless Trystan emerged, wearing a pair of plaid boxers that hung low on his hips, exposing the deep ‘v’ of his abdomen, and dipping low, down towards…

  …well we know where it led to.

  Swallowing nervously, I forced a smile. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to tell ye, I heard Sierra earlier in the morning needing to go outside, so I came and let her out.” He explained. “I just didn’t want you to think someone barged in here to take her out or anything.”

  I waved him off. “Oh, it’s okay.” I forced a smile, suddenly anxious about Trystan—or even Xander for that matter—watching me sleep. Was I snoring? Drooling? I glanced down at my front, noticing that the top was slightly askew, once again exposing one of my boobs almost entirely. I glanced at Trystan to see if he noticed

  Judging by the intensity and direction of his stare…yeah, he noticed.

  I yanked the comforter up over me. “Dammit…” I said to myself.

  Trystan raised a brow. He crossed the room to the bed. My heart palpitated, watching his sexy swagger. Like a man that knew exactly what he wanted, and just how he was going to get it.

  I swallowed with anticipation, but he merely leaned over, reaching for the rose and note that was now exposed.

  I groaned. “Shit…”

  He only picked them up momentarily. “Xander, eh?”

  I could only blush innocently in response.

  “Good one, that fucker,” he said, under his breath, shaking his head with a smirk.

  “Huh?” I blinked, surprised. He wasn’t…mad?

  “Och, Ava, I know you’ve been told, but let me just remind ye; we aren’t gonna fight with each other.” He said, with a flirtatious wink. “I just know I have to step up my game. That Xander is a real romantic fucker.”

  My mouth slowly drooped open. “How…how can you not be—what’s the word?” I struggled, stupefied for the right word.

  “Ava, it’s an unusual situation, for unusual people. These are my brothers. We hope one day—in one way or another, you’ll fit into the fold. Getting angry doesn’t do anyone any good,” Trystan said. “We all want each other to be happy, and if you can make someone happy—well we’ll be happy for the both of you. End of discussion.”

  I shook my head. “Wow that’s…”

  “Darlin’, after years and years of life, it takes a lot to really bug us.” His eyes were earnest, and sparkled with not only affection, but truth as well. “Aye, enough of that racket,” he said, with a chuckle. “Just wondered if this afternoon you want to come see some of the animals? Several of the wolves have returned, as well as some bears. The
y’d love to meet you.”

  “Meet me? You told them about me?” I was surprised.

  “Of course!” Trystan said, with a large grin. “They can all smell ye, too. It’s good for them to get used to you here. Maybe you and Sierra will make a new friend.”

  I acknowledged his invite with a nod, and a smile. “After I’m done working—sure.”

  Trystan smiled in return, clearly pleased. “Good. Just let me know. If I’m not in the house, someone will be able to find me.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “Are you coming for breakfast? Well…brunch now,” he said, motioning at alarm clock on my nightstand. I palmed my forehead when I saw the time: it was nearly 11:30AM.

  I groaned. “I don’t know if I can, I better get to work…”

  “Och, don’t you worry about that. Mathias has ways,” he said with a wink.

  “How does he—?” I cut off my statement. Between his supposed connections, and Bash’s computer knowledge, I’m sure they did indeed have “ways.” I sighed. “Yeah…maybe I’ll grab something small. I need coffee,” I said, with a groan. “I just want to shower first.”

  “Aye, lass. We’ll see ye down there.” He offered me another smile before he left.

  He opened the door once more, just as I was about to climb out of bed. “And Ava…you really shouldn’t be so embarrassed to show off those pretty breasts. They’re…remarkable.” He peeked his head around the door, with a playful glint on his handsome face.

  I tossed a pillow at the door, pretending to be mad as he cackled, shutting the door, leaving me alone in the room

  I rolled my eyes. Boys.

  The shower was just as delectable as I expected it to be. After I washed, shaved, and gotten dressed (casual in some black leggings and a fitted Minnesota Twins tee, in red), I made my appearance downstairs for “breakfast.”

  Everyone was present and accounted for; they were discussing something animatedly, but hushed the second I jaunted down the stairs.

  “Don’t stop talking on my account,” I said, eyeing them all suspiciously.


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