Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1)

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Invisible (The Curse of Avalon Book 1) Page 31

by Sariah Skye

  “Ava? What are you—” he began, but I put a finger to his lips this time, shushing him.

  “From now on, please call me Avie. If you like,” I whispered softly, leaning over him closer, my hair acting as a shroud around us, keeping out the outside world.

  Xander’s eyes darkened with desire, as I brushed my lips across his, taking care not to press my body against his injury. I noticed at some point, I’d been given someone’s shirt—a loose shirt that left little to the imagination.

  “Avie…I can’t…” His eyes fluttered and finally shut, as he wrapped his arms around my neck, drawing me closer. Hungrily, his tongue sought mine and I obliged, thoroughly enjoying the feel of his kiss. After all, he—and the others—helped to keep me grounded, from losing my mind during the evil ritual.

  “I can’t…I really can’t control myself anymore, Avie…” he panted breathlessly into my mouth, as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

  “Don’t.” I was overcome—despite my ordeal—with an unexplainable sense of arousal. It’d been present for days, but I was finally just fed up of denying it. I wanted him. I wanted Bash, and Mathias, and Trystan. I didn’t care how, I just had to make it happen.

  Xander’s hand dipped from my neck, searching for my tingling breast, I assumed, as he moaned gratefully when he found it. Through the t-shirt, he tweaked and plucked at my nipple, sending pangs of pleasure straight to my center. “Yes…please…” I begged—whimpered—throwing my leg over his, needing to alleviate the pressure between my legs with any sort of friction.

  “Xander?” A voice called, frustratingly interrupting us.

  My eyes widened—and so did Xander’s and we quickly pulled away. I’d felt weak before, but now? I felt strangely well, almost potent, as I flung myself back to my spot on the bed. I quickly crawled under Xander’s cream-colored comforter, and lay back innocently on the bed.

  Xander quickly scuffled out of the bed, smoothing his hands over his ruffled hair. “My room!” He called out to the voice downstairs.

  I turned to him, letting out a peal of giggles. He gave me a strange look, but reciprocated, running his hand over his chest and stomach. He stopped suddenly, looking down. “What the—?” He began to peel the bloodied bandages off, revealing newly healed, pink skin. It was still a sharp contrast against his lightly tanned, Asian complexion, but still—healed was healed.

  “How did that happen?” I asked, in surprise.

  “Did you two—” a familiar sandy blond-haired man appeared in the doorframe. His presence was nearly as commanding as Mathias’. He gestured between the two of us—Xander and I—with a raise to his brow.

  “No sir!” Xander said quickly, abashed. “We just kissed, I swear.”

  The man’s stern frown spread into a wide smile. “You have no right to feel ashamed for your—ah—bedroom activities.”

  My cheeks flushed as I searched his face. Xander let out a burst of laughter, sitting on the edge of the bed nearby. I gasped. “You’re that guy from the supermarket that day! The day I nearly got ran off the road!”

  The man smiled, nodding. “Yes, that was me. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to see you close, just once.”

  I gasped, all the memories of the past few hours came to light. “You’re—my—you’re really here.” I composed my appearance as best I could, considering I was only wearing a t-shirt, and slid out of bed, standing before him hesitantly.

  “I’m really here, Ava,” he said, his voice quavering slightly.

  “My father. You’ve always been here. You…you saved me.” Tears pricked at my eyes. They streamed openly down my cheeks, as I flung myself into the strong arms of my father.

  We sobbed and sniffled in the doorway. At one point, Xander whispered to us, “I’ll leave you alone for a bit,” and disappeared.

  “I’m so sorry about your mother, Ava,” he said, his tone regrettable as he squeezed my shoulders. “I had no idea who she was when I met up with her twenty-five years ago. I should have seen the signs…I’m so sorry she hurt you, but I’m not sorry you’re here. I’m just sorry she used you.”

  I sniffed, pulling away. I sat on the side of the bed, pulling one of the pillows into my lap, sitting cross legged for modesty.

  My father, Lachlan Steele—otherwise known as Sir Lancelot du Loc—folded himself into a nearby black lounge chair.

  “I’m sorry too,” I said in a small voice, the pang of my mother’s betrayal still raw in my heart.

  He sighed deeply. “Listen, Ava…you need to know something. The power you were imbued with—the power of Avalon. The real Avalon…it’s nothing to take lightly. I don’t quite know what it means for you yet, but you might start showing some strange abilities. Starting with your…kiss…helping to heal Xander. That was a powerful weapon, even being immortal it should have taken him at least a day to heal from that.”

  I clutched the pillow closer to me, inhaling the scent Xander left behind: airy and fresh. It was comforting, as the anxiety of not knowing what now coursed through my veins began to bother me.

  “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out. First, we’ll start by honing your cloaking abilities. It’s so much more than just cloaking—there are many things you can do with it,” he said, with a knowing smile. “I’ll help you figure it out. You might have done some strange things with it already?” He guessed, and I snorted, nodding yes in agreement that I’d done inexplicable things with my magic already.

  “So—you’re not leaving?” I asked, surprised at how much the idea hurt me.

  He shook his head. “No, Ava. I never really left, but I will never be far away.”

  “Why not stay here?” I chuckled, totally laughing at the fact that I just invited my long-lost father to crash at my boyfriends’ house. I didn’t know what to call them. “Boyfriends” seemed trite.

  My father glanced away, looking uncomfortable.

  I realized why, and my spirits fell. “You have another family.”

  “No!” He said quickly.

  I looked up, somehow relieved. “Oh.”

  “I mean, I do have a partner—Nadina—but no other family. Not anymore anyway—anyone else died naturally many years ago. You’re it for me, Ava.” He stretched out a hand, and gripped mine in solidarity. “I will need to back to Nadina soon; but she knows this was something I needed to do. But, we don’t live far. I promise I’ll be back—right back.”

  I beamed, pleased at his promise. I may have lost a mother—which sucked. But I gained a father. And…that was okay.

  “Also…you need to be alone. With them.” His face was twisted into an uncomfortable expression.

  “With…them?” I repeated slowly, confused. Was my father actually encouraging me to have “a relationship” with four men?

  All right! Go Dad! I mean…ewwwww. That’s weird.

  “Yes. Ava, I know it’s hard to understand. But…you’ve been so strong for so long. Your anxiety, feelings of being alone…it’s taken a toll on your powers. But, they can help you with so many things. And, in turn, you’ll help increase their magic, and they can keep you safe. It’s a win-win. You need each other,” he said.

  “You’re…actually encouraging this. You’re encouraging me to have my own harem, basically?” I was incredulous.

  He smirked. “It’s not really that unusual. Remember where I came from? It wasn’t all that uncommon. Many people had multiple lovers, sometimes at the same time. We didn’t divorce, just took lovers. Affairs happened, and people rarely cared.” He wrinkled his nose, and scrubbed his free hand over his handsome, bearded face. “Ugh, I cannot believe I’m discussing sex with my daughter.”

  I burst out laughing. “Well...makes up for not giving me the birds and the bees talk when I was ten, right?”

  He sniggered in response. “Yes, I suppose so!” We laughed for a moment, before he became serious. “Look, I know from experience. I wouldn’t have been able to hear you tonight, or come to you, or keep my powers as an incubus without N
adina—that’s my...” he hesitated.

  “Partner?” I offered.

  “Yes. Girlfriend doesn’t fit, wife is just so...” he cringed. “Anyway, besides you, she’s the only other cambion I’ve ever known.”

  I gasped. “Really? She’s cambion?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I love her, and we’re very close. You’ll meet her—soon. But our relationship is…mutually beneficial. With the strong magic you have in you right now, I promise, as strange as it sounds, to keep it quelled—and you safe—having a relationship with all of them is encouraged. Even if it’s love, friendship—whatever. But you need them. And judging by listening to them go on about you and how wonderful they think you are—” I blushed, “—they need you too.”

  The idea titillated me, of course, but… “I don’t know. It’s so complicated.”

  “It is. Just follow your gut, and your heart. And rest assured—if they hurt you in any way—” My father drew a line across his neck.

  I grinned. “Okay.”

  He released my hand, and patted my arm affectionately. “I’m so proud of you, Ava. You’re such a strong woman. Don’t forget that.”

  “I’m not waiting anymore! Avie?” Yelled another voice from downstairs.

  I gasped. “Summer?”

  “Yes, that’s her. And I better let her come to you, or else I’ll be the one getting—” he traced his finger across his neck again, making a strangled expression. “I think she’s downstairs.”

  I nodded. Not caring that I wasn’t wearing pants, I flew down the hallway, and down one flight of stairs to the living room. Summer was wearing a track in the tile floor in the living room.

  “Oh thank god you’re all right!” I cried, so thankful to see my friend’s pretty face.

  She turned, her own face emotional. “Dear God Ava, what have you gotten yourself into?” She wrapped her arms around me and we embraced. She sniffled into my hair, and I had to take care not to snot on her cleavage since she was so tall. I bent my legs slightly, so I was sniffling against her stomach instead.

  “Short Shit!” She laughed; and her laughter was echoed with the sound of five other male laughs from various parts of the room.

  “You’re all okay!” I said gratefully, seeing all of them—my guys—in various parts of the room, all eyes on me. Mathias, in the kitchen, of course; Trystan on the floor, stroking Nessie’s fur, Xander on the couch, and Bash from the chair. My father joined the group from the stairway, Sierra following behind him.

  “We’re fine, Ava,” Bash said, his voice full of emotion. I glanced at Mathias and Trystan, their nods echoed the same sentiment.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged my friend again. “Where the hell were you?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I met someone at the Underground. I’ve been spending a lot of time with her I just…wasn’t ready to tell you yet.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, giving her a playful shove before grinning. “I was so worried something supernaturally evil happened to you! Especially what with that club being Hell incarnate!”

  Bash snorted. “You’re not far off, either.”

  “Well.” Mathias drummed his hands on the counter rhythmically before motioning to the kitchen. “Who is hungry?”

  Everyone echoed various words of affirmation, except my father. I crossed the room, as he leaned against the railing of the stairway.

  My stomach growled in reply, and I nodded earnestly. I glanced around, realizing I had no actual clue what time it was. The sky was still gray, giving me no hint of the time, or how long I’d actually been missing. “How…how long was I really gone for? It felt like days!”

  “Och, you went missing this afternoon. You were gone for five agonizing hours,” Trystan replied.

  “That’s all?” I asked, surprised. Five hours.

  So much happened in that five hours. My entire life had been turned around. The magic potential inside me was strangely comfortable, and I felt awake, and more alive than I had in a while. My mother was officially out of my life—unless by some miracle, something changed. But I didn’t foresee that happening.

  My father had been with me all along. I couldn’t get past that. It was wonderful, and overwhelming at the same time. I felt at home with him, even only been around him for a short time. He had my face—my eyes, even my hair (but shorter and not purple, of course).

  Then there were the guys. My guys.

  Even though it was strange, I was going to try somehow to embrace them. All of them. If it would keep them—and me—safe? Then that’s what I needed to do.

  I looked around the room. Mathias was already at work in the kitchen, setting pots and pans on the stove, and retrieving ingredients from the cupboards. Though, he moved slowly.

  Trystan and Bash did too, I noticed. Bash was doubled over in the chair, flipping through his phone. He motioned for Summer to have a seat on the couch, and she obliged.

  “Are you okay?” I said, concerned.

  Bash gripped his shoulder with his free hand. I gently pried it away, and I noticed it was caked with blood and gauze, his shirt torn, exposing a wound like Xander had. My eyes flew to Trystan—who had a similar gash on his chest—and Mathias’ ran from chest to near his navel. “What the hell are you all doing standing? You should be resting!” I scolded.

  Trystan snorted. “We should say the same to you.”

  I rolled my eyes, throwing my arms in the air. I glanced at Xander who grinned, and nodded, blowing me a kiss. I knew what he meant.

  I grabbed Bash’s phone and set it on the table. He gave me a bewildered look, before I grabbed either side of his shirt collar, and I leaned in, my mouth eagerly seeking his.

  “Ava—what—” I drowned out his protest by deepening the kiss, and his arms wrapped around my neck. I felt the heat pool below my belly, but I tried to ignore it; not wanting to moan out loud in front of my best friend, and father.

  I pulled away, much to his dismay. I grinned, ripping away the bandages, revealing that he was healed.

  “What the—” he began, as I scooted off his lap, and crossed the room to Trystan.

  He lifted a brow, as I grabbed his upper arms, pulling him to kneeling position. He knew what was coming, and his green eyes danced, pleading with me to kiss him. I indulged him, cupping his chin with my hand, and since was in a kneeling position, tipping his face upward, and pressing my lips against his. “Ava…” he whispered, as his mouth fought mine for dominance. I nipped at his lip, warning him, “No.” I had the upper hand right now. I pulled away, patting him on the cheek. “See?”

  He looked down, pulling up his t-shirt over his tight abs. Peeling away the gauze, his wound was also healed. “Well, would you look at that. I always knew ye were magic, Ava. This just proves it.”

  I giggled, and hugged him near me, as he buried his face in my boobs. “Soon, my pretties,” he whispered ever so quietly to them, so only I could hear. He looked up and winked at me. I gave him a playful shove.

  “What about me?” Mathias asked, his lower lip puffed out as he stood in the kitchen.

  “Oh by the Gods, the gladiator is pouting,” I heard my father mutter from across the room.

  I snickered, offering Trystan a kiss on the forehead. He slapped my ass playfully as I meandered away.

  Mathias’ gaze was practically predatory, as I neared him. He quickly enveloped me in his arms, first giving me a strong embrace, holding me close. “You scared us so much, Ava…” he murmured into my hair, swaying lightly. “Please don’t do that again, ever, okay?” He lifted me easily under the arms, and placed me in the chair in front of him, so our eyes were nearly level.

  I gingerly brushed my fingers near his injured area. He seethed, but quietly. “Does it hurt?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve had worse. Losing you—that would have been much worse.”

  The corner of my lips upturned in a flirty smile. “Awww. Come here.”

  I couldn’t tell who kissed who first, but when our lips met, and h
is fingers threaded into my hair, like the others—I saw fireworks in my vision, and the quivering feeling tensing my thighs, as I clenched them together. My body was begging for release—but I wasn’t obliging. Yet. When Mathias and I pulled away, and he grinned goofily, looking down at his healed wound. He brushed a thumb over my cheek. “Thank you,” he said.

  “Of course.”

  “So…what was all that? The new Avalon?” He asked.

  I shrugged. “Well, maybe. But the other Ava wanted to. If I’m going to be around here for a while, you guys should be well. Never know when my mother,” I snarled at the thought, “will come back with that ugly grail and finish the job.”

  Mathias’ glowered momentarily, before grinning. “So you’ll stay?”

  I glanced around, taking everyone—and everything in. My father was leaning on the edge of the couch, chatting with Summer, and laughing about something. If he’d been watching me for a while (sounded creepy, but my parents did creepy things, apparently. Like stalking me, and trying to sacrifice me in an evil spell! No big deal…), he probably already knew who Summer was, and they probably had quite a bit of ammunition to use against me.

  Xander and Bash were in the center of the room, leaning over Bash’s phone, discussing something serious. Trystan was nearby, laying on the floor between my dog and his wolf, grinning and lavishing in the attention.

  I looked back at Mathias, and grinned. “Yeah. Yeah I think I’ll stay for a while.”

  He beamed, pulling me into his arms and off the chair, spinning me around in the kitchen. I giggled, as he pelted my cheek with kisses.

  “For a gladiator, you really are a softy,” I said, kiddingly.

  “I am. But just wait,” he said, with a sexy wink. “Sometimes, I’m really not so soft.”

  I smirked. “Oh?”

  He turned for the nearest cupboard, and pulled out a rather antique looking, worn and yellowed, gold-covered book. He opened it to a picture of decadent chocolate cake, and pointed. I didn’t understand the lettering—it was Greek to me (in actuality, it probably was) but the photo of the huge, layered cake with thick frosting was enough to make me drool. “You like? To celebrate!”


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