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1. Rousseau, The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, I, 22.
2. Ibid., 4.
3. I, 156-57; II,70, 321.
4. Saintsbury, History of the French Novel, I, 391.
5. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, I, 174.
6. Lanson, G., Histoire de la littérature française, 801.
7. Encyclopaedia Britannica, XIX, 587a.
8. Rousseau, The Confessions, I, 3.
9. Ibid., 8.
10. 9.
11. 11.
12. 13.
13. 9.
14. 16.
15. 22.
16. 41.
17. 44.
18. Ibid.; Lemaître, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 290; Mann, Thomas, Three Essays, 156.
19. Masson, P. M., La Religion de Rousseau, I, 51 f
20. Rousseau, The Confessions, I, 69.
21. Rousseau, Les Confessions, I, 140.
22. The Confessions, I, 117-19.
23. Ibid., 76.
24. 76.
25. 106.
26. 91.
27. 92.
28. 96.
29. 104.
30. 107.