by Will
115. Boswell in Search of a Wife, 24.
116. Ibid., 36-37.
117. 76.
118. 207.
119. 240.
120. Boswell for the Defense, 140.
121. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 34-48.
122. Ibid., 304-7.
123. Macaulay, Essays, II, 539-41.
124. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 338.
125. Boswell in Search of a Wife, 40.
126. Boswell: The Ominous Years, Introd., x.
1. Johnson, The Idler, No. 40.
2. Brooke, Henry, The Fool of Quality, 80.
3. Cross, Wilbur, Life and Times of Laurence Sterne, 99.
4. Ibid., 179.
5. Ibid.
6. 183.
7. Parton, Life of Voltaire, II, 267.
8. Mossner, E. C, Life of David Hume, 503.
9. Sterne, Laurence, Tristram Shandy, Book VIII, Ch. ii.
10. Ibid., Book IV, Ch. xxxviii.
11. Cross, 263.
12. Sterne, Letters to Eliza, x.
13. Ibid., letter of Apr. 14, 1767.
14. Sterne, Journal, Apr. 24, 1767.
15. Moore, Thomas, Life of Lord Byron, in Taine, English Literature, 477.
16. Macaulay, Essays, II, 565 .
17. Burney, Fanny, Diary, 17.
18. Burney, Fanny, Evelina, 22.
19. Letter of Mar. 5, 1772.
20. Walpole, Feb. 28, 1769.
21. See Age of Voltaire, 95-98.
22. Lewis, Horace Walpole, 12n; Wharton, Grace and Philip, Wits and Beaux of Society, II, 28.
23. Walpole, “Reminiscences,” in Letters, I, xciii.
24. Letter of Mar. 2, 1773.
25. Nicolson, Harold, The Age of Reason, 249.
26. Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of George III, II, 154.
27. Letter of Nov. 24, 1774.
28. Nicolson, 248.
29. Ibid., 249.
30. Letter of July 24, 1756.
31. Letter of Dec. 2, 1762.
32. Sherwin, Selwyn, 104.
33. Letter of Nov. 11, 1766.
34. Walpole, Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of the Reign of George the Second, p. xl.
35. Letter of June 15, 1768.
36. Oct. 1, 1782.
37. Nov. 11, 1763.
38. Lewis, Horace Walpole, 5.
39. Feb. 7, 1772.
40. Jan. 12, 1766.
41. Letter to John Chute, January, 1766.
42. Lewis, 20.
43. Wharton, II, 83.
44. Lewis, 81.
45. Jan. 18, 1759.
46. Gibbon, Memoirs, introd. by G. B. Hill, xxi; Robertson, J. M., Gibbon, 1.
47. Memoirs, 20.
48. Age of Voltaire, 127.
49. Memoirs, 45.
50. Ibid., 51, 54.
51. 65.
52. 69.
53. 105.
54. 106, 156.
55. Gambier-Parry, M., Madame Necker, 16.
56. Gibbon, Journal, introd., Ixxii.
57. Memoirs, 107.
58. Ibid., 120.
59. Gibbon, Essai sur l’étude de la littérature, in Miscellaneous Writings, No. 1.
60. Ibid., liii.
61. Memoirs, 143.
62. Journal, 22.
63. Ibid., 136.
64. Memoirs, 153.
65. Robertson, J. M., Gibbon, 117; Memoirs, 158.
66. Ibid., 167.
67. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, final page.
68. Memoirs, Appendix 30.
69. Ibid., 172.
70. 189.
71. 191n.
72. 193.
73. Robertson, Gibbon, 119; Drinkwater, Charles James Fox, 206.
74. Low, D. M., Edward Gibbon, 282.
75. Memoirs, 190.
76. Ibid., 195.
77. 195.
78. Decline and Fall, I, 316. Renan agreed with Gibbon about the Antonines; see his Marc Aurèle, 479, Calmann-Lévy, Paris, n.d.
79. Decline and Fall, I, 316.
80. Ibid., 250.
81. 9 and 10 William III, c. 22.
82. Decline and Fall, II, 72-73.
83. Ibid.
84. 102-5.
85. 182.
86. 244; see Voltaire’s view in The Age of Voltaire, 486.
87. Low, 260.
88. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 152-53.
89. Low, 258.
90. Gibbon, Miscellaneous Writings, 277.
91. Walpole, Jan. 27, 1781.
92. Memoirs, 211.
93. Decline and Fall, 432-33.
94. Memoirs, 213.
95. Ibid., 215.
96. Low, 302.
97. Memoirs, 214.
98. Walpole, June 5, 1788.
99. Decline and Fall, VI, 656 .
100. Memoirs, 225.
101. Ibid., 89n.
102. Fuglum, Per, Edward Gibbon, 15.
103. Memoirs, 240.
104. Boswell, Johnson, Mar. 19, 1781.
105. Low, 222-23.
106. Memoirs, 230-31.
107. Low, 320.
108. Memoirs, 228, 234; G. G. S., Life of Sheridan, 122.
109. Memoirs, Appendix 55.
110. Ibid., 24m.
111. Appendix 66.
112. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 159.
113. Memoirs, Appendix 66 .
114. Ibid., 339 and Appendix 62 .
115. Gibbon, Correspondence, II, 93, 298, in Memoirs, 339.
116. Correspondence, II, 255, in Robertson, Gibbon, 120.
117. Gibbon, Autobiography, Everyman’s Library ed., in Gay, P., Voltaire’s Politics,
118. Memoirs, introd. by G. B. Hill, xii.
119. Low, 344.
120. Gibbon, letter of Nov. 11, 1793.
121. Decline and Fall, 1776 ed., I, 206.
122. Bury, J. B., in Enc. Brit., X, 331d.
123. Decline and Fall, ed. J. B. Bury, I, xli.
124. Ibid., xlvii; Robertson, Gibbon, 15; Black, Art of History, 161.
125. Decline and Fall, IV, 673.
126. Ibid., 99.
127. I, 314.
128. Voltaire, Works, XVIa, 250-51.
129. Decline and Fall, III, 97.
130. VI, 337.
131. Cf. Fuglum, 136.
132. Decline and Fall, Ch. lxiv.
133. V, 237.
134. Ibid., 423.
135. Ill, 522.
136. Preface to Milman ed., p. 6.
137. CHE, X, 445.
138. Seebohm, Frederick, The Age of Johnson, 228.
139. Walpole, letter of Nov. 15, 1764; Reign of George III, II, 25.
140. Nevill, J. C, Thomas Chatterton, 96.
141. Chatterton, Complete Poetical Works, 207.
142. Ibid., 64.
143. Walpole, letters of June 19, 1777, and July 24, 1778.
144. Irving, Washington, Oliver Goldsmith, 266.
145. Stanza xlv.
146. Cowper, William, Poems, 135.
147. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 173.
148. Cowper, 188.
149. CHE, XI, 89.
150. Sainte-Beuve, English Portraits, 176-77.
151. Cowper, 87.
152. See Age of Voltaire, 331.
153. Cowper, The Task, Book I, line 749.
154. Ibid., line 718.
155. II, lines 1-7.
156. II, 11-28.
157. 206.
158. Cowper, Poems, 172.
159. Enc. Brit., X, 495a (by Macaulay).
160. Boswell, Johnson, 252.
161. Ibid., 305.
162. Goethe, Truth and Fiction, II, 37, 170.
163. Thackeray, English Humourists, in Works, 28m.
164. Irving, 170.
165. Vicar of Wakefield, preface.
166. Boswell, Johnson, 449.
167. Barton, Garrick, 256.
168. E.g., Reynolds, Portraits, 38.
169. Irving, 121.
170. Garnett and Gosse, English Literature, III, 342; Irving, 320.
171. Boswell for the Defense, 167.
172. Thackeray, English Humourists, 291.
173. Ibid.
174. Goldsmith, Oliver, Select Works, 194.
1. Boswell, Johnson, 17.
2. Boswell, Hebrides, 142.
3. Krutch, Johnson, 12.
4. Pearson, Johnson and Boswell, 6.
5. Krutch, 10.
6. Boswell, Johnson, 564.
7. Enc. Brit., XIII, 109d.
8. Hill, G. Birkbeck, Johnsonian Miscellanies, II, 309; Greene, Donald, Politics of Samuel Johnson, 133.
9. Johnson, London, line 202.
10. Hawkins, Life of Samuel Johnson, 55-57.
11. Krutch, 49.
12. Ibid.
13. Turberville, Johnson’s England, I, 318n.
14. Boswell, Johnson, 94.
15. Enc. Brit., XIII, 110a.
16. Boswell, Johnson, 1177.
17. Hawkins, 66.
18. Hume, David, Essays, Literary, Moral, and Political, 52.
19. Johnson, Works, I, 213.
20. Ibid., 215.
21. 217.
22. Hawkins, 98.
23. Johnson, The Rambler, 257-64.
24. Boswell, Holland Journal, Sept. 23, 1763.
25. Davis, Bertram, Johnson before Boswell, 72.
26. Hill, G. B., Miscellanies, I, 136.
27. Boswell, Johnson, 165.
28. Ibid., 242.
29. Schuster, M. L., Treasury of the World’s Great Letters, 130.
30. Boswell, Johnson, 992.
31. Ibid., 157.
32. Boswell for the Defense, 55 (Mar. 23, 1772).
33. Johnson’s Dictionary, preface; p. 20.
34. Ibid., 284.
35. Boswell, Johnson, 179.
36. Arthur Murphy in Johnson, Works, I, 89.
37. Works, V, 419.
38. Rasselas, Ch. vi.
39. Ibid., Ch. xix.
40. Ch. xxviii.
41. Ch. xli.
42. Boswell, Johnson, 228.
43. Ibid., 260.
44. Wharton, Grace and Philip, Wits and Beaux of Society, I, 366.
45. Krutch, 264.
46. Pearson, 184.
47. Boswell, Johnson, 272.
48. Bailey, John, Dr. Johnson and His Circle, 35.
49. Boswell, 542.
50. Boswell for the Defense, 175.
51. Boswell, Hebrides, 189.
52. Pearson, 195.
53. Boswell’s London Journal, 234.
54. Piozzi, Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, 190.
55. National Portrait Gallery.
56. National Gallery, London.
57. Hawkins, 293.
58. Turberville, I, 384.
59. Boswell, Johnson, 283; Hawkins, 147.
60. Boswell, Hebrides, 136.
61. Boswell, Johnson, 49.
62. Pearson, 81.
63. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 264.
64. Bailey, 29.
65. Boswell, Johnson, 955.
66. Ibid., 1197.
67. 293.
68. Piozzi, 181.
69. Hawkins, 122.
70. Rasselas, Ch. xliii.
71. Hawkins, 132.
72. Boswell, 586.
73. Turberville, II, 198.
74. Krutch, 369.
75. This is Hume’s report, in Krutch, 221, and Pearson, 48; the phraseology was made more decorous in Boswell.
76. Boswell, Hebrides, 144.
77. Walpole, May 26, 1791.
78. Irvine, Goldsmith, 183.
79. Piozzi, 70.
80. Ibid., 57.
81. Boswell, Johnson, 1124.
82. Ibid., 1126.
83. Bailey, 30.
84. Boswell, 351.
85. Krutch, 366.
86. Boswell, Hebrides, 200.
87. Boswell, Johnson, 343.
88. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 133.
89. Low, Gibbon, 223.
90. Love joy, Arthur, Essays in the History of Ideas, 39.
91. Walpole, Mar. 28, 1786.
92. In Gibbon, Memoirs, 220n.
93. Boswell, Hebrides, 11.
94. Boswell, Johnson, 222.
95. Hebrides, 140.
96. Johnson, 988.
97. Pearson, 262.
98. Greene, Donald, Politics of Samuel Johnson, 270.
99. Boswell, Johnson, 744.
100. Ibid., 1025.
101. 807.
102. 362.
103. Bailey, 104.
104. Boswell, Johnson, 807.
105. Ibid., 410.
106. 363.
107. 525.
108. 274.
109. Hawkins, 208.
110. Boswell, Johnson, 267, 414, 469, 514, 740; Boswell, London Journal, 276, 281.
111. Ibid., 253; Johnson, Works, XII, 111.
112. Boswell, Johnson, 787.
113. Ibid., 341.
114. 309.
115. 486.
116. Greene, 161.
117. Ibid., 167.
118. Taxation No Tyranny, in Works, XII, 225.
119. Boswell, Johnson, 508.
120. Johnson, Works, XII, 198n.
121. Hawkins, 222.
122. Boswell, Johnson, 505.
123. Ibid., 507.
124. 654.
125. In Greene, 195.
126. Boswell, Johnson, 33, 1051; Piozzi, 14.
127. Boswell, Johnson, 1102-3.
128. Ibid., 282.
129. 421; Bailey, 103.
130. Pearson, 252.
131. Ibid., 251.
132. Lives of the English Poets, I, 63 (“Milton”).
133. Rasselas, Ch. xxxi; Hawkins, 131.
134. Lives, I, 63.
135. Pearson, 248.
136. Boswell, Johnson, 352, 807.
137. Ibid., 309.
138. 308.
139. Hopkins, Marv A., Hannah More, 61.
140. Hawkins,. 198.
141. Johnson, Works, X, 169.
142. Ibid., 137, 149.
143. Krutch, 289.
144. Boswell, Hebrides, 178.
145. Ibid., 268.
146. Works, XII, 413.
147. Pearson, 237.
148. Boswell, Johnson, 685n.
149. Lives, 1, 93.
150. Walpole, Feb. 19, 1781.
151. Walpole, Apr. 14, 1781.
152. Piozzi, 186.
153. Krutch, 522.
154. Ibid., 509.
155. Schuster, Treasury of the World’s Great Letters, 133.
156. Burney, Fanny, Diary, 92.
157. Boswell, Johnson, 1109.
158. Krutch, 547.
159. Boswell, Johnson, 1059.
160. Hawkins, 255.
161. Ibid., 259.
162. Krutch, 551.
163. Boswell, Johnson, 1181.
164. Davis, Bertram, Johnson before Boswell, vii.
165. CHE, X, 213.
166. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 103.
167. E.g., Boswell, Note Book, xvii, 1, 23; Krutch, Johnson, 384.
168. E.g., Boswell: The Ominous Years, ii .
169. Boswell, Johnson, x.
170. Hannah More, Letters, 102.
171. CHE, X, 213.
172. Letter of May 26, 1791.
1. Gooch, Maria Theresa, 124.
2. Ibid., 7.
3. 8.
4. Bearne, Mrs., A Court Painter, 323.
5. Ereole, Gay Court Life, 272.
6. Castelot, André, Queen of France, 20.
7. Zweig, Stefan, Marie Antoinette, 5.
8. Padover, Saul, Life and Death of Louis XVI, 30.
9. Gooch, Maria Theresa, 122.
10. Padover, 30.
11. Castelot, 37.
12. Ibid., 40.
13. Zweig, 21.
14. Castelot, 64.
15. Ibi
d., 73; Dakin, Turgot and the Ancien Régime, 19.
16. Walpole, July 10, 1774.
17. Mathiez, Albert, The French Revolution, 9.
18. Tocqueville, L’ Ancien Régime, 122.
19. Maine, Sir Henry, Ancient Law, 48.
20. Cobban, Alfred, History of Modern France, I, 127.
21. Taine, The Ancient Regime, 95.
22. Ibid., 68-69.
23. Mathiez, 5.
24. Taine, Ancient Regime, 118, 98.
25. Ercole, 370.
26. Castelot, 85.
27. Campan, Mme., Memoirs, I, 317.
28. Mossiker, Frances, The Queen’s Necklace, 201.
29. Ibid., 163.
30. Castelot, 66, 158.
31. Lacroix, The Eighteenth Century, 35.
32. Vigée-Lebrun, Mme., Memoirs, 56.
33. Desnoiresterres, Voltaire et la société fran ç aise, VIII, 294.
34. Castelot, 174.
35. Cobban, Alfred, Historians and the Causes of the French Revolution, 5, 14.
36. Mme. Campan gives several examples (Memoirs, I, 190-94).
37. Cobban, History of Modern France, I, 115.
38. Castelot, 123.
39. Faÿ, Bernard, Louis XVI, ou La Fin d’un monde, 311.
40. Havens, G. R., The Age of Ideas, 392.
41. In Mossiker, Queen’s Necklace, 160.
42. Castelot, 119.
43. Padover, The Revolutionary Emperor, 119, 125.
44. Ibid., 119.
45. Castelot, 122.
46. Ibid., 121.
47. 124.
48. Zweig, Marie Antoinette, 137.
49. Padover, Louis XVI, 102.
50. Ségur, Marquis de, Marie Antoinette, 104.
51. Ibid.
52. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 491.
53. “The Good-natured King.”
54. Campan, Mme., Memoirs, I, 178.
55. Padover, Louis XVI, 118-19.
56. Funck-Brentano, L’Ancien R é gime, 545.
57. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ed. J. B. Bury, IV, 529.
58. Padover, Louis XVI, 23.
59. Campan, Mme., I, 185n.
60. Faÿ, Louis XVI, 8.
61. Taine, Ancient Regime, 304.
62. Funck-Brentano, 546.
63. Campan, I, 180.
64. Stryienski, Eighteenth Century, 213.
65. Gooch, Catherine the Great, 230.
66. Goethe, Truth and Fiction, II, 350.
67. Dakin, Turgot, 126.
68. Say, Léon, Turgot, 101.
69. Robinson, J. H., Readings in European History, 426.
70. See Age of Louis XIV, 160.
71. Voltaire, Works, XXIb, 347.
72. Parton, Life of Voltaire, II, 535.
73. Martin, H., Histoire de France, XVI, 340.
74. Dakin, 187; Padover, Louis XVI, 75.
75. Say, 12.
76. Dakin, 152; Tocqueville, 190.
77. Tocqueville, 190.
78. Say, 161-66; Funck-Brentano, 554.
79. Renard, Georges, Guilds in the Middle Ages, 125.
80. Martin, H., France, XVI, 371.
81. Ibid., 372.
82. Taine, Ancient Regime, 237.
83. Padover, Louis XVI, 92.