by Will
Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 294
Gallatin, Mme. de (fl. 1776), 136
Galuppi, Baldassare (1706–85), 232–33, 333, 426, 466
Galvani, Luigi (1737–98), 310
Gama, Vasco da (1469?–1524), 259, 270
gambling, 230–31, 850, 903
Gandzha, 419
gardens: in England, 748
in France, 99
Rousseau’s influence on, 889
Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807–82), 340
Garrick, David (1717–79), 696, 730, 340, 741–43, 747–48, 750, 780, 791, 808, 828, 964
acting at Drury Lane, 742
appearance and personality of, 741, 756
death of, 743, 839
early life and education of, 741
Goldsmith and, 813–17
innovations of, 742
Johnson and, 741–42, 818, 822, 830
love affairs and marriage, 742–43
management of Drury Lane, 742–43
on Paris, 71
popularity as actor, 741–42
Rousseau and, 209, 211
Garrick, Eva Maria, nee Weigel (1724–1822), 743
Garve, Christian (1742–98), 536*
Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655), 294
Gatchina Palace, 468
Gâtier, Abbé (fl. 1729), 9, 183
Gaultier, Abbé (fl. 1778), 876, 879
Gautier, Théophile (1811–72), 880, 889
Gazette de France, 915
Gazzaniga, Giuseppe (1743–1818), 404
Gebler, Tobias von (1726–86), 355
Gedanken über die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke in Mahlerei und Bildhauerkunst (Winckelmann), 327
Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung der lebendigen Kräfte (Kant), 532
Geelvinck, Mme. (fl. 1763), 781
Gefühlsphilosophie (Jacobi), 890
Gelderland, 62
Gelders, 342
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott (1715–69), 782
Geminiani, Francesco (d. 1762), 221, 746
General Dictionary of the English Language (Sheridan), 695
General History of Music (Burney), 333, 746–47
General History of the Science and Practise of Music (Hawkins), 746
general will, Rousseau’s concept of, 172
Generallandschulreglement (1763), 500
Geneva, 176, 643
conflict of middle class with patricians, 143
Rousseau and, 27–28, 163–64, 177, 179, 190
theater in, 163
Genlis, Mme. Stéphanie Félicité de (1746–1830), 805, 955
Genoa, 205, 312
Austria and, 312
Freemasonry in, 220,
French control of, 217
history and achievements of, 227
Jesuit colleges in, 219
sells Corsica to French, 313
theaters in, 220
universities in, 219
Genovesi, Antonio (1712–69), 250–51
Gentile, Anna, 219
Gentile, Maria, 257
Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Director, The (Chippendale), 748
Gentleman’s Magazine, The, 786, 819–20
Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse, nee Rodet (1699–1777), 104–5, 118–125, 126–27, 131, 208, 251, 656
aid to Encyclopédie, 120
Betsky, and, 453
correspondence of, 121, 447
Diderot and, 120
early life of, 118–19
Gibbon and, 799
husband of, 119
on lack of erudition, 119
piety of, 121
Poniatowski and, 477–78
salon of, 120–21
visit to Warsaw, 121
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne (1772–1844), 617
geology, Goethe’s work in, 615
George I (George Louis), King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1714–27) and Elector of Hanover (r. 1698–1727), 699
George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, and Elector of Hanover (r. 1727–60), 687, 794
death of, 60, 697
distaste for politics, 697
George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland, (r. 1760–1820), Elector and (from 1815), King of Hanover, 214, 384, 656, 687–89, 697–701, 722, 737–38, 750, 791, 794
American Revolution and, 687, 711, 713
appearance of, 698
attempts to shackle press, 701
Burns’s criticism of, 777
Bute ministry and, 698–700, 702–3
calamity of reign, 688
conflict with Parliament, 61, 683, 686–88, 697–701
death of, 727
distaste for Seven Years’ War, 698
early life of, 687
fits of insanity, 700, 721, 726–27
Fox-North coalition ministry and, 718
Federick II and, 60
French Revolution and, 687
Gibbon’s praise of, 803
Grafton ministry and, 700
Grenville ministry and, 700
Junius and, 706
marries Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 698
Napoleonic Wars and, 687
Newcastle ministry and, 698
North ministry and, 700–01, 706, 710–14
partition of Poland and, 484
personality of, 687–88
Pitt ministry and, 700, 718–19, 726
powers of, 686
privy purse of, 686
Rockingham ministry and, 700, 714, 761
slave trade and, 732
Wilkes and, 702
George IV
(George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales), King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1811–20 as prince regent, 1820–30 as king), 379, 721, 727, 777
George, Henry (1839–97), 76
George, Lake, 58
Georgia, 418
Gerl, Viennese basso (fl. 1791), 408
German courts, morality of, 504
German language, 506–7
Germany (German states): anti-religious feeling in, 64, 507
architecture in, 524–25
art in, 523–24
books and periodicals in, 506
clergy and religion in, 502–5, 507–8, 513–14
education in, 505–6
Enlightenment in, 505–17
family life in, 503–4
folk music in, 503
Freemasonry in, 507
Goethe’s contempt for, 627
historical writing in, 578–80
in Holy Roman Empire, 341
Jews in, 507, 517, 634, 639, 642
libraries in, 506–22, 553–78, 584–605, 608–11, 623–25, 889
literature in, 509–11, 513–21, 557–65 , 584–90, 592, 599–605, 608–11, 623–25
mercenaries in, 504
mildness of governments in, 503
music in, 367, 517–18, 525–28, 552
Napoleon remakes (1808), 606
opera in, 223–24, 527–28
philosophy in, 531–51, 618–23, 889–90
poverty in, 503
principalities of, 502–5
Protestantism in, 64, 142
Romantic movement in, 170, 508, 517–20
social classes in, 503–4
theater in, 509–10, 513–15, 560–61, 584–85, 588, 592, 601–3, 604–5
unification of, 502
village life in, 503
Gerstenberg, Heinrich von (1737–1823), 518
Gerusalemme liberata (Tasso), 464
Gesohichte der Kunst des Alterthums (Winckelmann), see History of Ancient Art
Geschichte des Abfalls der Vereinigten Niederlande (Schiller), 592
Geschichte des Agathon (Wieland), 553–55
Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges (Schiller), 593, 601
Geschichte des Instrumentalkonzerts (Schering), 234
Gespräche mit Goethe (Eckermann), see Conversations with Goethe
Gessner, Salomon (1730–88), 519–20, 645
Gesuati, Church of, 238
Gewandhaus orchestra, 525
Ghent, 361
Ghislandi, Vittore (1655–1743), 228
Gian (Giovan) Gastone de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (r. 1723–37), 227–28
Giannone, Pietro (1676–1748), 250
Gibbon, Catherine, 796
Gibbon, Edward (1666–1736), grandfather of the historian, 796
Gibbon, Edward (1707–70), father of the historian, 796, 798–99
Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), historian, 175, 280, 353, 530, 594, 694, 720, 729, 746–47, 772, 794–800, 842, 856, 908
ancestry of, 796
appearance of, 804
appetite of, 804–5
attitude toward Middle Ages, 804
autobiographies of, 795–96
on Bernese oligarchy, 643
on charm of Rome, 245
as Child of Enlightenment, 807–8
“the Club,” 805, 827
continental tour of, 799–800
death of, 806
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, see Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
early aspirations to be a historian, 798, 800
early life and education of, 796–99
fear of the French Revolution, 805–6
flight from Switzerland, 806
on Goldoni’s Memoirs, 244
he becomes a Catholic, 797
as a historian, 806–8
Hume and, 799–800
influence of French rationalism on, 797, 880
on intellectual life of Paris, 906
Samuel Johnson and, 805, 831
meets philosophes, 797–99
opposes American Revolution, 711
in Parliament, 799–800, 803
relationship with Suzanne Curchod, 797–99, 865
residence in London, 799, 805–6
residence in Switzerland, 797–98, 805–6
on Robertson, 766
scholarship of, 807
in Seven Years’ War, 798–99
stay in Buriton, 798–99
style as writer, 806
on Voltaire’s theater, 134
on Wilkes, 701
Gibbon, Hester (1705–89), 796
Gibraltar, 273, 278, 290
Gideon, Simon (1699–1762), 635
Gilan, 419
Gillet, Nicolas-François (d. 1791), 467
Gillray, James (1757–1815), 729
Giornale dei letterati d’Italia, 220
Girardin, Marquis René de (fl. 1728), 886, 940
Girgenti, Goethe in, 589
Girondins, 895, 915
Glarus, 643
Glasgow: anti-Catholic riots in (1780), 735
growth of, 762
as port city, 669
University of, 674, 769
glass industry, 230
Glatz, 48
Prussia retains, 62
Gluck, Christoph Willi bald (1714–87), 25, 100, 220, 291, 334, 361–13, 374, 395, 846, 875, 883, 909, 964
appearance and personality of, 368, 371
collaboration with Calzabigi, 368–70
death of, 373
early years and education of, 367
“glass harmonica” compositions of, 368
his L’innocenza giustificata première, 368
his Orfeo première, 369
lieder of, 373
in London, 368
marriage to Marianne Pergia, 368
in Milan, 227
operatic reforms of, 335, 368–70
in Paris, 101, 368, 370–73
Piccini rivalry, 333, 371–72, 908
in Vienna, 367–72
“God and the Bayadere, The” (Goethe), 599
Godoy, Manuel de (1767–1851), 302, 304–6
Godunov, Boris Feodorovich, Czar of Russia (r. 1598–1605), 425
Godwin, William (1756–1836), 881, 891
Goethe, August von (1789–1830), 614, 626
Goethe, Christiane, nee Vulpius (1765–1816), 589–90, 603, 605–6, 611–14
Goethe, Cornelia (1750–77), 556
Goethe, Johann Kaspar (1710–82), 556
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 63, 321, 347, 379, 400, 471, 502–3, 519, 530, 545, 550, 552, 555–61, 580–91, 596–628, 639, 641, 645, 661, 767, 842, 964
appearance and personality, 587
at battle of Valmy (1792), 591
children of, 589
Christiane Vulpius and, see Goethe, Christiane; contribution to Romantic movement, 889
on crime in Italy, 319
on English people, 728
esthetic theories of, 588, 593, 627
fascination with Cagliostro, 322*;
as Freemason, 507
on German village life, 503
Herder and, 559, 561–62, 568–69, 577, 580, 586, 591, 600, 608, 613
illnesses of, 603; 605
on Lessing, 517
on Louis XVI, 857
love for Greece, 623–24
love of nature, 584, 619
on Merck, 521
on Mozart, 383, 405, 408
Napoleon and, 623
opposes French Revolution, 590–91
opposes Pestalozzi’s schools, 644
in Ossian controversy, 768
on papacy, 316
philosophical views of, 564, 618–23
poetry of, 557–58, 584–86, 599, 601
Rousseau’s influence on, 518, 889
satires of, 598–99
Schiller and, 591, 593, 595–605
scientific work and theories of, 596–97, 615–18
social views of, 581, 590–91, 622–23
on Tiepolo’s frescoes, 239
version of Lessing’s Nathan der Weise, 515
on The Vicar of Wakefield, 815
views on European unity, 607
views on French culture, 607
views on religion, 564–66
Voltaire’s influence on, 880–81
Wieland and, 576–77
Winckelmann’s influence on, 326*, 331
EARLY YEARS (1749–75): appearance of, 558–60
description of, 561
family life and education of, 556–57
in Frankfurt, 556–58, 560–67
he thinks of suicide, 562
he writes The Sorrows of Young Werther, 563–64
interest in Jews, 556, 562
Jacobi and, 563–64
leaves Frankfurt for Weimar, 567
Lessing and, 563–64
literary tastes of, 557
love affairs of, 556–62, 566
meets Duke Karl August, 566
minor literary projects, 562–63
parents of, 556
in Strasbourg, 558–60
in Sturm und Drang movement, 520–21, 560–61
views on religion, 564–66
writes drama on Prometheus, 564–65
writes Götz von Berlichingen, 560–61
AS COUNCILOR (1775–86): acquires status of noble, 581
appointed to Privy Council, 581
dramas of, 584–85
love affair with Charlotte von Stein, see Stein, Charlotte von; love of nature, 584
poems of, 584–86
Weimar court life and, 581
IN ITALY (1786–88), 310
architectural studies in, 587
art work in, 587–88
impressions of Italy, 232, 313–15
literary activities in, 588
love affairs, 588
love for Italy, 586
writes Römische Elegien, 590
MATURE YEARS OF (1805–25): death of wife, 614
deference to nobility, 622
domestic life, 613
Felix Mendelssohn and, 614–15
love affairs of, 611–15
love of Greece, 623–24
marries Christiane Vulpius, 606, 611
meetings with Napoleon;
social views of, 622–23
views on
Beethoven, 613
views on marriage, 612
views on religion and morality, 619–22
writes autobiography, 613
writes Faust, 608–11, 620, 622–26
LAST YEARS OF (1825–32): appearance in death, 628
completes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, 599–601
death of, 627–28
death of Charlotte von Stein, 626
death of son, 626
international fame, 627
Goethe, Katharina Elisabeth, nee Textor (1731–1803), 556, 606
Goethe, Ottilie von, nee Pogwisch (1796–1872), 614–15, 627
Goethes Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde (Goethe-Brentano), 611
Goeze, Johann Melchior (1717–86), 514, 563
Goëzman, Louis-Valentin (fl. 1770), 921
Goislard de Montsabert, Anne-Louis (1763–1814), 947
Goldene Spiegel, Der (Wieland), 555
Goldoni, Carlo (1707–93), 237, 239–40, 494, 883
attitude toward French music, 909
death of, 244
declining years of, 244
early life of, 241
in Paris, 71, 244
rivalry with Gozzi, 242–43
theatrical reforms of, 242
Goldsmith, Henry, 813
Goldsmith, Oliver (1728–74), 730, 739, 753, 759, 786, 813–17, 827, 828
appearance and personality of, 817
on Burke’s oratory, 692
Chatterton’s poems and, 810
death of, 817, 839
defense of English peasantry, 814–16
early life and education of, 813–14
early literary works of, 814
fame of, 814–15
Garrick and, 814–17
historical writing of, 815
Samuel Johnson and, 814–17, 831, 840
Golitsyn, Alexander (fl. 1770), 458
Gonçalves Pereira, Dr. Pedro (fl. 1758), 264
Goncourt, Edmond de (1822–96), and Jules de (1830–70), 342
Gontard, Karl Philipp Christian von (1731–91), 524
Gonzaga, Tomaz Antônio (1744–1807), 269
González, Diego (1734?–94), 295
Good-Natured Man, The (Goldsmith), 815, 817
Gordon, Lord George (1751–93), 735–36
Gordon Riots (1780), 735–36
Göschen, G. J. (1752–1828), 573
Gospel Triumphant, The (Olavide), 286
Gospels, 629
Gossec, François-Joseph (1734–1829), 909
Gossen, Stephen (1554–1624), 163
Gotha, 362
Gott, einige Gespräche (Herder), 578
Götter Griechenlands, Die (Schiller), 595
“Gottlieb, Das” (Goethe), 619
Gottsched, Johann Christoph (1700–66), 49, 327, 782
Götz von Berlichingen (Goethe), 506, 521, 560–61, 588, 627
Gougenot, Abbé (fl. 1755), 112
Gounod, Charles-François (1818–93), 611
Gournay, Jean-Claude-Vincent de (1712–59), 72–73, 78
Gouthière, Pierre (1740–1806), 87, 106
Gouveia, Marquis of (d. 1759), 265
Gouvernet, Suzanne de Livry, Marquise de, 877