by Will
Theresianische Halsgerichts-ordnung, 344
Thetis och Pelée (Gustavus III and Willander), 659
Thicknesse, Philip (1720?–92), 755
Thierry, Dr. (fl. 1765), 200
Third Estate: cahiers of, 950
composition of, 956
declares itself National Assembly, 958
growth of, 948
leads Day of Tiles (1787), 947–48
representation in States-General, 949
Sieyès’ pamphlet on, 954–55
size in population, 955
in States-General, 956–61
tennis court oath of (1789), 958–59
Third Partition Treaty (1797), 492
Thirty Years’ War, 38, 342
Thomas, Ambroise (1811–96), 600
Thomas, Antoine-Léonard (1732–85), 908
Thomas a Kempis (1380–1471), 886
Thomasius, Christian (1655–1728), 528
Thomson, James (1700–48), 104, 169, 379, 518, 661, 732, 887
Thoreau, Henry David (1817–62), 206, 551
Thorild, Thomas (1759–1808), 661
Thorn, 484
confederacy at, 480
Thorwaldsen, Albert Bertel (1770–1844), 331
Thrale, Henry (1728–81), 837
Thrale (later Piozzi), Hester, nee Lynch (1741–1821), 791, 841
issues Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., during the Last Twenty Years of His Life, 828, 840
Johnson and, 828, 837–38
Thun, Count von (fl. 1783), 403
Thun, Countess von (fl. 1756), 374
Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow (1731–1806), 736
Ticonderoga, battle of (1775), 58
Tieffen, Franz (fl. 1703), 226
Tiepolo, Domenico (1727–1804), 239, 258, 331–32
Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696–1770), 235–36, 237–39, 258, 298–99, 300
Tierney, George (1761–1830), 732
Tiflis, 419
Tillot, Guillaume, du, see Du Tillot, Guillaume
Times, The, 786
Tindal, Matthew (1657–1733), 507
Tingry, Prince de, 161
Tipu Sahib (1751–99), 717
Tiral, 341
Tirso de Molina (1571–1648), 404
Tischbein, Johann Friedrich August (1750–1812), 523
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich (1722–89), 523
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm (1751–1829), 523, 587, 588
tithes: in France, 931
in Spain, 274
“To a Louse on Seeing One on a Lady’s Bonnet at Church” (Burns), 775
“To All French Who Still Love Justice and Truth” (Rousseau), 886
“To My Mind” (Kantemir), 427
“To the Liberty and Independence of the United States” (Nascimento), 269
“To Mary in Heaven” (Burns), 775
tobacco, 729
Tocqueville, Alexis Clérel de (1805–59), 897
on French justice, 849
on popular hatred of Church, 902
on pre-revolutionary skepticism, 898
Toland, John (1670–1722), 507
Toledo, Archbishop of, 285, 298
Toleration Act of 1689, 760
Toleration of Deists, … by an Anonymous Writer (Reimarus), 513
toll roads in England, 672
tolls in France, 935, 944
Tolstoi, Count Lev Nikolaevich (1823–1910), 3, 891
Tom Jones (Fielding), 835
Tom Jones (opera by Philidor), 100
Tomé, Narciso (fl. 1721), 298
tonado and tonadillo, 292
Tooke, John Home (1736–1812), 704
Topal Osman (Turkish general), 419
Torgau, battle of (1760), 60
Tories, 692, 711
Stuart dynasty and, 699
support for George III, 699
Whigs compared with, 685
Torquato Tasso (Goethe), 584–85, 587, 588, 601
Torrigiani, Cardinal, papal secretary, 284
Torstenson, Lennart (1603–51), 659
torture: abolished in Austria, 352
abolished in France, 867
abolished in Russia, 146, 321, 431, 451–52
Voltaire’s opposition to, 146
Torún (Thorn), 474
Toscanini, Arturo (1867–1957), 234
Toulouse, Parlement of, 92
Tourney, Voltaire’s workshops at, 135
Townsend, Joseph (1740–1815), 274
Townshend, Charles (1725–67), 710
Townshend Acts (1767), 710–12
Traëtta, Tommaso (1727–79), 223, 335, 368
tragedy, middle class development of, 104
Traitédes qualités d’un grand roi (Morelly), 81
Transcendentalist movement, 551
transportation, 672
Trapassi, Pietro, see Mestastasio, Pietro Tratado de la regalia de l’amortización (Campomanes), 282–83
Trattato dei delitti e delle pene (Beccaria), 145, 320
Trattato della moneta (Galiani), 251
Trauttmansdorff (friend of Tamburini), 316
Traveller, or A Prospect of Society, The (Goldsmith), 815
Travels in France (Young), 928*
Treatise on Civil Architecture (Chambers), 747
Treatise on Crimes and Penalties (Beccaria), 320
Treatise on Human Nature (Hume), 756, 769
Treatise on the Capability of the Feeling for Beauty (Winckelmann), 328
Treatise on Toleration (Voltaire), 357
Treatise on Toleration (Voltaire), 357
Trembecki, Stanislas (1737?–1812), 486
Trentes, Les, 957
Trento, 229
Trescho, Sebastian, 567
Trevi, Fontana di, 247
Treviso, 229, 239
Trier, 341, 503
Trier, Archbishop-Elector of (fl. 1788), 504–5
Trieste, 641
Trinity College (in Ireland), 759
Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 787–89
Troisième Entretien sur Le Fils naturel (Diderot), 101
Tronchin, François (author and painter), 212, 213
Tronchin, Jean-Robert (1710–93), 197
Tronchin, Dr. Théodore (1709–81), 103, 159–60, 875–76; 878
on last hours of Voltaire, 879
Troost, Cornells (1697–1750), 647
Trudaine de Montigny, Jean-Charles-Philibert (1733–77), 73
Truffaldino (comic figure), 241
Tsarskoe Selo, Palace of, 426, 468
Tschoudi, Baron Jean-Baptiste de (b. 1734), 372
Tubières, Anne-Claude de, Comte de Caylus (1692–1765), 110, 120, 218, 467, 749
Tucker, Josiah (1712–99), 676
Tugenbund, 641
Tuileries Gardens, 107, 962
Tunisia, 411
Türckheim, Bernhard Friedrich von (d. 1831), 566
Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’ Auvergne, Maréchal Vicomte de (1611–75), 109
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, Baron de l’Aulne (1727–81), 72–73, 98, 125, 143*, 214, 769, 858–65, 869, 929
advocates religious toleration, 863
agricultural reforms of, 859
appearance of, 858
Assembly of Notables and, 944
attack on feudalism, 861–63
attempts to save monarchy, 898
bread crisis in Paris and, 860
conflicts with Paris Parlement, 861–63
conflicts with privileged classes, 858, 863–64
as controller general of finance, 858
early life of, 77–79
early official career of, 79
economic reforms of, 859–60
fall of, 75
financial reforms of, 859–61
French Revolution and, 940
influence of physiocrats on, 858
later years and death of, 865
in Lespinasse salon, 126
Louis XVl and, 859–60, 863–65
love for the people, 856
Marie Antoinette and, 863–65
ministry of, 858–65
philosophes and, 78–79, 858–59, 863, 865
reforms of, 80, 144, 863
resignation from ministry (1776), 864–65
Swedish economic reform and, 657
theories of, 77–78
tries to help Protestants, 902
Voltaire and, 874, 875
Turin, 256
churches in, 224
Enlightenment in, 310
history and achievements of, 226
industry in, 218
ratio of priests to lay population in, 224
theaters in, 220
universities in, 219
Turkey, 356
architecture in, 414
art in, 414
Austria’s conflicts with, 61, 363, 365, 411, 414–15, 430
cleanliness and sanitation in, 413
commerce, 456
culture in, 412
Hungary invaded by, 62
Jews in, 632
papacy and, 457
Peace of Jassy (1792), 488
Persia and, 417–19
poetry in, 412–13
Poland and, 415, 458, 475, 482
Protestant aid to, 363
repulsed from Vienna (1683), 411
reign of Abdul-Hamid I, 415
reign of Mahmud I, 415
Russia’s conflicts with, 140, 414–15, 430, 457–61, 470, 483, 663
slavery in, 413
Spain and, 288
Sultanate in, 414
Sweden and, 460
Venice’s conflict with, 414
women in, 413
EMPIRE OF: Conquest of Crete and Greece (1715), 414
decline, 414–15
European, 414–15
North African, 415–17
size, 411
turnpikes in England, 672
Tuscany, 228, 278–79, 312
Austria and, 217, 228
church lands in, 224
early history of, 313
Inquisition abolished in, 316
Napoleon I in, 314
reforms of Grand Duke Leopold, 313–14
triumph of reaction in, 314
Tuscany, Grand Duke of (r. 1765–90), see Leopold II, Emperor
Tuyll, Isabella van, see Charrière, Isabelle de
Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Juden in Deutschland (Dohn), 642
Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung (Schiller), 599
Über die neuere deutsche Literatur (Herder), 567
Udine, 229
Uffizi Gallery, 228
Uhlfeld, Count von (fl. 1742), 40
Ukraine, 460
Ulrika Eleanora, Queen of Sweden (r. 1719–20), 654
Ulster, 760
Uman, massacres in, 634
Umberto I Biancamano (970?-1050?), Count of Savoy, 226
Una delle ultime sere di Carnevale (Goldoni), 244
Unger, Georg Christian (1743–1812), 524
Uniates, 475; see also Greek Orthodox Church, in Poland
Unigenitus (Pope Benedict XIV), 246
Union of 1707 (Scotland and England), 762
Unitarianism, Rousseau’s belief in, 163
United Company of Merchants of England
trading to the East Indies, see British East India Company
United Provinces, see Holland
United States, 487
French recognition of, 713
Jews in, 642
literature in, 889
physiocratic influence in, 77
treaty of alliance with France (1778), 870
United States Constitution, Bill of Rights of, 872
United States of Belgium, 364
Universal Chronicle, The, 825
Universal Church History (Holberg), 650
Universal Etymological English Dictionary, An (Bailey), 820–21
universities, 218–19, 276, 294, 301, 358, 360, 362, 453, 505–6, 532, 647, 659, 674, 763, 769
Unwin, Mary (1724–96), 811–13
Unwin, Rev. Morley (d. 1767), 811
Unwin, Susannah, 811
Unwin, William, 811
Upsala, University of, 659
“Urbarian Law” (1774), 350
Urfaust (Goethe), 608
Ursins, Marie-Anne de La Trémoille, Princesse des (1642?–1722), 276
Ussé, Mlle, d’, 894
Utilitarianism, 738–39
Utrecht, 361, 647
Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 57, 226, 277, 547
Uzbekistan, Persian invasion of (1740), 420
Uzbeks, 417, 418, 420
Vais (d. 1715), Mir of Kandahar, 418
Valdés, Juan Meléndez, see Meléndez Valdés, Juan
Valencia, 273
growth of, 289
Valencia, University of, 294
Valentinois, Comtesse de (fl. 1758), 161
Valhynia, anti-Semitic massacres in, 634
Valle, Filippo della (1696–1768), 247
Valley Forge, Americans at, 869
Vallin de La Mothe, Jean-Baptiste (1729–1800), 468
Valmarana, Villa, 239
Valmy, battle of (1792), 580, 591
Vandyck, Sir Anthony (1599–1641), 466
Vanity of Human Wishes, The (Johnson), 821
Vanloo, Carle (1705–65), 115, 120
Vanloo, Louis-Michel (1707–71), 298
Vanvitelli (Italian painter), 298
Vanvitelli, Luigi (1700–73), 250
Väräla, Treaty of (1790), 664
Varicourt, Mlle., see Villette, Marquise de
Vasco da Gama, see Gama, Vasco da
Vassilchik, Alexis (fl. 1772), 445
Vathek (Beckford), 809
Vatican School of Painting, 248
Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre, Seigneur de (1633–1707), 72
Vaud, revolts in, 645
Vaudreuil, Louis-Philippe de Rigaud, Comte de (1724–1802), 853
Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre-François de Rigaud, Marquis de (1698–1765), 58
Vaughn, C. E., 5*
Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de (1715–47), 150, 915
Vauxhall, 744
“Veilchen, Das” (Goethe), 400
Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y (1599–1660), 301, 305
Vendôme, Louis-Joseph de Bourbon, Duc de (1654–1712), 277
Venezianishche Epigramme (Goethe), 590
Venice, 217, 229, 239, 310, 641
Casanova in, 323, 325
clothing in, 231
daily life and entertainment in, 230–32
decay of (1760–89), 310–11
economy of, 229–30
French occupation of (1797), 311
gain by Treaty of Passerowitz (1718), 415
Goethe in, 590
government of, 229
instrumental music in, 254
Jesuit colleges in, 219
Jews in, 631, 642
libraries in, 219
literature of, 239–44
music in, 220, 232–33
painting in, 331–32
population of, 229
prostitution in, 230
religion in, 230
Scarlatti in, 256
size of, 229
theaters in, 220, 241
war with Turkey (1715), 414
wealth of clergy in, 224
Venice Preserved (Otway), 741
Ventimiglio, Monsignor, bishop of Catania (fl. 1760), 316
Veracini, Francesco Maria (c. 1685?–1750), 228
Verdelin, Mme. de (fl. 1765), 209
Verdi, Giuseppe (1813–1901), 335
Verevkin (translator), 463–64
Vergara, Francisco, the Younger (1713–61), 298
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de (1717–87), 656, 858, 864, 922
American Revolution and, 867–68, 870, 871
Franklin and, 869
predicts American Revolution, 708
nbsp; Vermenoux, Marquise de, 865
Vermond, Abbé Matthieu-Jacques de (d. after 1789), 846
Vernes, Jacob or Jacques (1728–91), Swiss pastor, 190, 200
Vernet, Claude-Joseph (1714–89), French painter, 111, 120, 466
Vernet, Isaac (fl. 1750), Swiss banker, 865
Vernet, Mme., wife of Claude-Joseph, 895, 897
Verney, Ralph, 2d Earl Verney (fl. 1765), 692, 719
Verona, 228–29, 245
Verona illustrata (Maffei), 229
Veronese, Paolo (1528–88), 238, 239
Verri, Pietro (fl. 1770), 312, 320
Verrières, Geneviève Rinteau de (b. 1731), 35
Verrières, Marie Rinteau de (1728–75), 35
Versailles: court in, 849–50
palaces at, 85, 250
riots in, 934
women’s march to, 919, 934
Versailles, Peace of (1783), 290
Versailles, Treaty of: first (1756), 42
second (1757), 45
Verschwörung des Fiesko zu Genua, Die (Schiller), 571–72
“Versuch, aus der vergleichenden Knochenlehre . . .” (Goethe), 617
Vesey, Elizabeth (1715?-91), 750, 789
Vespro, 11 (Parini), 335
Vessan, Marie de, 951
Vestris, Gaétan (1729–1808), 370
Vestris or Vestrice, Marie-Rose, nee Gourgaud-Dugason (1746–1804), 877
Vesuvius, Goethe climbs, 588–89
Vicar of Wakefield, The (Goldsmith), 814–15
Vicenza, 229
Goethe in, 587
industry in, 218
theaters in, 220
Vichy, Diane de, nee d’Albon (b. 1716), 122
Vichy, Gaspard de, 122, 131
Vico, Gennaro, Charles IV’s aid to, 254
Vico, Giambattista (1668–1744), 251–54
early life of, 251
failure to gain attention, 253–54
philosophy of history, 251–53
rediscovery of, 254
secularism of, his analysis, 253
Vicq-d’Azyr, Félix (1748–94), 617
Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy (r. 1675–1732), King of Sardinia as Victor Amadeus I (r. 1720–30), 226
Vie de mon père, La (Restif de La Bretonne), 918
Vie de Voltaire (Condorcet), 894
Vieira, Francisco (1699–1783), 261
Vielleville, M. de (fl. 1778), 876
Vien, Joseph-Marie (1716–1809), 912
Vienna, 245, 256
beauty of, 345
as capital city, 341
dancing in, 345
industries in, 344
Jews in, 631–32
music in, 345, 367–72
Napoleon’s bombardment of (1809), 380
newspapers in, 346
theaters in, 346
Turks repulsed from (1683), 411
Vienna, University of, 343, 352, 360
Vigée-Lebrun, Marie-Anne Élisabeth (1755–1842), 99, 111, 372, 467, 644, 851, 888, 913–14
on acclamation of Voltaire, 878
celebrates children and motherhood, 904
on religious piety, 901