by K. T. Richey
Misha was at peace. She was in a great relationship and was about to marry the man God had spoken to her about so many years ago. Bernard had helped heal her and understand her ministry gift. He even mended the rift she had with her mother and taught her how to forgive. He loved her unconditionally. She loved him and her baby tremendously.
She leaned against the counter, waiting for the water in the coffee to be brewed. She glanced at her new family. She was happy. Long gone were the trials of the past. Each event led to this moment. The Bible was right—all things do work together for the good of them who love the Lord. She loved the Lord with all her being. Without Him she would not have made it to this day. His strength and guidance gave her what she needed and gave her unexpected blessings.
Laughter rang out from the living room. “What’s so funny?” she asked as she walked out of the kitchen, holding the tray filled with cups of coffee and setting it on the table in front of them.
“You know how Bernard is always telling those silly stories. Talking about Courtney looked like she was robbing a bank,” his sister said.
“What?” Misha didn’t understand.
“I was telling them when Courtney was born she looked like she was robbing a bank,” Bernard answered.
“I don’t get it.”
“When she was born, you couldn’t see it. But she had this piece of thin skin over her face. She looked like she had a stocking over her face, like a bank robber.”
“Oh my God no!” Misha felt faint. Not her child too. She stumbled. Bernard ran to catch her before she hit the floor.
“Misha. What’s wrong?” he asked.
The Veil.
Discussion Questions
1. Do you think it is true or an old wives’ tale that people born with a veil have a special gift of prophecy?
2. If Misha had known about her gift as a child, would she have been better prepared for the ministry?
3. What role did Ms. Ida Mae, Misha’s grandmother, have in teaching her about the gift?
4. Misha studied for hours and preached for church events. Was it fair for the church not to pay her a fair wage?
5. Why would Roger stay with Misha so long if he was jealous of her?
6. Do you feel Misha went through so much because of her gift?
7. Misha always felt her mother favored her brother, Justin. Do you think parents have favorite children? Why?
8. Should the church be better prepared to teach its members about spiritual gifts?
9. Bernard knew who Misha was the moment he met her. Do you feel he had the gift or people automatically know when they meet their spouse?
10. Misha had the gifts of prophecy, exhortation, administration, and teaching. What is your spiritual gift and how are you using it to glorify God?
K. T. Richey is the bestselling author of the Lady Preacher Series. K.T. is a former pastor and social worker. Her books have been featured in Black Expressions and are listed as Indigo Love bestsellers. She has been nominated for author of the year by several book clubs. She is the recipient of several writing awards including the L.G. McGuire Literary Award in poetry. She holds a bachelor’s of arts degree in social studies and a master’s degree in counseling.
K.T. Richey is a prolific speaker, popular with women’s groups, churches, and book clubs. In her spare time she enjoys travel, photography, and reading. She currently lives in Maryland.
For speaking engagements, book clubs, et cetera . . . go to, www.facebook/ktrichey, or on Twitter @AuthorKTRichey.
Urban Books, LLC
78 East Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
The Veil Copyright © 2013 K.T. Richey
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6016-2759-9
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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