Santa's Perfect Package: A Collection of Holiday Romances

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Santa's Perfect Package: A Collection of Holiday Romances Page 24

by KB Winters

  “Is this just a sex thing for you, or what?” Bryce asked the question, which surprised me. He claimed Jasper was the player, but he seemed more like the womanizer to me.

  “Honestly I don’t know. I like you both. I’ve spent more time with Jasper so I know him better, but you both have traits that I look for in a man. I’m not sure what else I want, all I know is that I want this. With you both.”

  Both men stood at the same time, somber expressions that told me this was likely the last chance I’d set eyes on either of them. Bryce left without a goodbye, but Jasper dropped a sweet chaste kiss on my cheek before he left my apartment, closing the door with a quiet click.

  Chapter Six


  My respect for Ann just went up about a thousand notches. The amount of courage it took to approach two men you barely knew, for a threesome, was impressive. She stood tall, held her own and refused to be intimidated by Bryce’s solemn demeanor. “I’ll call my driver to pick us up,” I told Bryce when we grabbed a booth in a dark Irish pub just a few blocks from Ann’s place.

  Bryce nodded absently, brows still twisted into a nasty frown. “What in the hell was she thinking? Why would she want that?”

  “She told you. She wants us both. It’s her fantasy. What’s the fucking problem, man?”

  “I don’t want to share.” He smacked his big, meaty fist down on the hard, clear plastic covering the maps fixed to the table to punctuate his words.

  “You’re already sharing, so at least be honest.” I knew there was something more that he kept to himself. Bryce was the silent, sensitive type. He carried his hurt inside where no one else would be bothered by it, always had. I hated that shit, but he was my best friend and I knew just how to handle him.

  “I don’t like it. This is weird. Awkward. What if this threesome comes between us?”

  “It won’t if we don’t let it.” I stared at him for a long time and then it hit me. “You have feelings for Ann.”

  “Like you don’t?”

  I laughed because the idea of not liking Ann seemed laughable at best. She was lively and funny, sexually confident and adventurous. Most of all, the woman went after what she wanted. “Hell yeah I like her, she’s incredible. That’s why I’m willing to give her this. If it means that much to her, why not?”

  “It seems like a bad idea.”

  “Or the best idea anyone has ever had. You can’t tell me you’ve never wanted to.”

  “In college maybe, or with the hose bunnies when I first started at the station.” Hose bunnies were girls who got wet just thinking about fucking a firefighter, and Bryce had indulged plenty during those early years. “Now it seems less interesting than it did.”

  I couldn’t disagree more. “So you’re saying no?”

  “I’m saying I’ll think about it, Jas. This doesn’t freak you out even a little bit? The idea of both of us fucking her at once?”

  “Honestly? It doesn’t. Annie knows what she wants, and it’s us.” I didn’t know what his problem was, but I had all night, a driver waiting to pick us up and a limitless credit card in my pocket. I would find out before one of us passed out. “You worried she’ll want me more?”

  “Fuck you, Jas.”

  “I was just kidding but I guess I’m just glad we finally got to the problem. She said both of us, not one of us. Get the fuck over yourself.” The man had a fucking python in his boxers, but he was worried about me and my money. “If you say no, this isn’t going to happen. Do you want to be the one to take that away from her?” I knew he didn’t and we both knew it was dirty to bring it up, but that was how shit got done in my world.

  “Fuck. No.”

  “Good. Order another round while I hit the head.” Hopefully more booze would make Bryce see what a hot night this could be, if he stopped being a little whiny bitch and just went for it.

  An image flashed in my mind of Ann in that red dress and I fully intended to swing by later tonight for another bite of her sweet, sweet peach. I pulled out my phone and sent a text.

  What are you wearing underneath that red dress?

  I finished my business in the bathroom and went into the hall as my phone pinged again.

  Absolutely nothing.

  Damn, that was the last thing I needed to know. But now that I did, I knew where I’d be spending the night.

  Good. I hope you’re still wearing absolutely nothing when I stop by later.

  She responded right away.

  That can be arranged. Bring the moustache.

  Fuck. How was I going to get through another hour with Bryce with that on my mind?

  Chapter Seven


  On day three of waiting for Jasper and Bryce—or at least one of them—to call me and tell me to go fuck myself or set up a time and date for a hot night of fucking, I got sick and tired of waiting.

  And then I got mad.

  Maybe I had no right to be upset. Especially since Jasper had stopped by after I presented the threesome idea to them and fucked me until I couldn’t walk. Literally. He had to carry me to bed and after a quick hourlong nap, we did it all over again and with a lot more energy than the first time.

  God, that sexy moustache would make an appearance in my fantasies for years to come.

  But still, I was mad and yes, maybe a little hurt. If they both liked having sex with me, what was the big deal? I groaned as I sat in traffic after a day of filming holiday decorating tips, hoping like hell this wasn’t some homophobic shit about them crossing swords. Sex was messy business and with three people there was bound to be . . . touching. “Ugh, whatever!” I didn’t need this shit. I really, really fucking wanted it, yes, but I didn’t need it.

  It was Thursday night and tomorrow was an early day since we had to drive ninety minutes outside the city to visit a pumpkin patch and speak with the proprietors, and get some B-roll footage of a nearby Christmas tree farm, but I wanted to go out. So I called the one girlfriend I knew would be up for a good time, minus the drama. “Tasha, what are you up to tonight?”

  “Trying to find some trouble to get into, but the girls are being dicks.” She rambled for a few minutes, cataloguing the flaws of our inner circle on this particular night. “You free tonight?”

  “Yeah, so get hot and come over, we’ll find some trouble before the night is over,” I promised.

  “On a school night?” she asked with more sass than I appreciated.

  “Just make sure I’m home no later than three. No sleepovers and no crashing on some stranger’s sofa.”

  “You’re no fun,” she pouted. “But I agree since I’m so hard up. But just so you know—”

  “—If you find trouble, I’m on my own?” I grinned even though she couldn’t see me.

  “Damn girl, you really get me,” she said, her voice filled with fake emotion.

  “Bitch, please. Go get dressed and come over.” She laughed and disconnected the call just as I walked inside my apartment. Tasha was crazy as hell but lately I appreciated her honest friendship more than the others. I could never have asked them about a threesome without judgmental looks, questions about what I’m going through and all the other emotional shit that has very little to do with wanting two cocks at once. For me, anyway.

  But I didn’t have time to think about my girlfriends who I’d pretty much neglected since Halloween or the two hot as fuck men I want to love on every inch of my body. No time for that. I needed to find something sexy but not sleazy to wear because I planned to find trouble as well.

  Big time trouble.

  When Tasha finally arrived, I’d already whipped up a couple tumblers of gin and tonics. “Damn girl, if this night turns to shit I’m coming home with you.”

  I grinned at her sideways compliment, twirling to show off my backless Santa Claus red jumpsuit. “I actually look tall, don’t I?” I was all of five feet four but in this outfit, I gained at least four extra inches, making me look tall and curvy instead of short and hippy.

  “You look hot as shit. I may just stay close and grab one of your throw aways!” She laughed at her own words as she reached for the glass. “And I really want to hate how great your tits look in that outfit without a bra but damn they look incredible.”

  “Thanks, Tash!” Having boobs was a blessing and a curse, especially when it came to backless or strapless anything. “But we both know that in that green velvet you look like the ornament all the guys want planted on top of their tree.”

  She laughed again. “I’m sure. But I need a big strong tree, long and thick, and can last all night.”

  “Tall order for a tree,” I told her and finished my drink. “Wear this until we get inside.”

  “Ew, why? This ruins the outfit,” she whined.

  “Maybe. But we’re going to Onyx and we get in free and skip the line for showing off our holiday spirit. It’s a fucking headband with an elf hat, Tash.”

  She snatched it and shoved it over her long straight hair. “Fine. I still look hot.”

  “And it matches, so shut your cocksucker and let’s go.”

  “Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll teach you how to give a decent blow job.”

  “Oh puh-lease,” I joked, “We both know I taught you everything you need to know.” I locked the door and tried to shush Tasha in the quiet hallway, but her laughter could not be contained.

  “Yeah, but I stopped listening to you when that taint licking thing turned Mark into a stalker.” We laughed but it was creepy to think about it because that guy had gotten scary before his fiancé had him committed.

  We laughed and talked the entire ride to the club as Tasha updated me on her exploits. The woman lived her life to the fullest, working hard during the day as a stylist to the rich and infamous and working hard at night in search of sexual pleasure. “What happened to Charlie?”

  She grinned but it was soft this time, affectionate and I had to fight the urge to tease her. Tasha so rarely did serious that I knew this meant something. “Charlie and I are on hiatus until he’s back from Hong Kong. He comes back two days before Christmas.”

  “Shit, merry Christmas to you, girl!”

  “Damn straight. But I need to go out and have some fun before I turn into one of those pining ass bitches, waiting for my man to come home. Not that he’s my man, because he’s not. Definitely not.”

  “I’ll find you just the right amount of trouble,” I told her because the truth was while I did want to have a good time tonight, my body still only got wet and ready for two particular men.

  “I’m surprised you’re not off somewhere getting double stuffed right about now.”

  I groaned and stepped out of the car, waiting for Tasha as we skipped the line. “I should be, dammit. What other girl asks two guys for a threesome only to wait more than three days for an answer?”

  Tasha laughed but the bouncer grinned. “The question, hot stuff, is what kind of idiots wait even three minutes to get a hot piece like you into the sack?”

  And just like that, the bouncer made my night. I reached up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “If I wasn’t holding out hope for them, I’d be all over you.”

  He held me close, hid big hands spanning my waist and making feel petite and feminine as he whispered in my ear. “If you weren’t, I’d be all over you like melted chocolate over vanilla ice cream, baby.”

  I stumbled back and fanned myself with a wide grin. “Put that sexy voice and delicious man smell away.” He laughed when I pointed at him, opening the velvet ropes to let us inside.

  “When you’re ready sweet thang.”

  I shivered at his words because hot damn, that was the most potent man I’d ever come in contact with. “Am I crazy? I don’t even think I’m attracted to that bouncer but damn, I’m so fucking turned on right now.”

  Tasha laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist. “That’s just the magic of black dudes, girl. Their voice and smooth words, hell I think I got whatever the sexy version of secondhand smoke is from that interaction.”

  We laughed and made our way to the bar, slamming two shots before hitting the dance floor. We danced and laughed, occasionally allowing some guy to split us up for a dance or two. It was a good time. Fun and relaxing, but it still felt off, dammit. But I wouldn’t let thoughts of Jasper and Bryce ruin my good time. I danced, wild and free, like I had no cares in the world. And really, I didn’t. If a threesome was what I wanted, I would just have to start from scratch and find two new contenders. Although burly bouncer dude was like sex on a stick.

  No, I’d wait until after the New Year. I’d already put in the work with Bryce and Jasper and I felt . . . exhausted by the thought of looking again.

  “Uh oh, not that look. Let’s go get more drinks.” Tasha pulled me off the floor and shoved a martini in my hand. “Drink up. They’ll call, trust me. One guy always feels possessive, but you can’t do anything about it. Let the men figure it out. And then let them come to you.”

  Tasha was right. Worrying about it wouldn’t change the outcome so I stopped. I decided to dance until my feet hurt and then defiantly wear flats to work tomorrow to traipse through the pumpkin patch. By two o’clock we were both tired, sweaty and more than a little tipsy as the Uber took us to my place.

  We both removed our makeup and showered before crawling into the same bed. “Night Tash.”

  “Good night Annie.”

  I grinned at the name she hadn’t used since freshman year and let my thoughts wander to the men I couldn’t stop thinking about. It had to be Bryce who was the holdout because Jasper had come back that night. Despite Tasha’s words I was tempted to call or text him. But what would I say?

  My phone vibrated on the nightstand and I reached for it quickly. And smiled at the message.

  We’re in. Name the time and I’ll handle the rest. ~J

  My grin widened and I resisted the urge to wake an already sleeping Tasha to share the good news.

  As for the boys, well I decided to wait until tomorrow to respond.

  Payback is a bitch, after all.


  What exactly does a girl wear to her first threesome? Jeans and a sweater, though weather appropriate, seemed a little subdued for the occasion, but slacks were a little much. But as my gaze slid to the knee high black leather boots I’d caught on sale at Saks, I knew exactly what I would wear.

  After a long hot shower where I lathered my body with expensive French lavender soap, I dried off and used the same scent to moisturize from head to toe. I was silky smooth and totally touchable everywhere. Everywhere, thanks to a last-minute cancellation at my favorite spa.

  Okay it might have had something to do with the fact that I made sure we plug Sandro’s place at least three times a year. Whatever works.

  My outfit was meant to get the boys hard right way and my lingerie was meant to keep them that way until I was so sexually satisfied that I couldn’t speak. I slid the boots on, just over the knee, which meant my red lace thigh highs were on display for a small splash of color. Men were visual creatures, after all. And with the right coaxing, I’d be willing to leave them on.

  Candles burned all around, an alluring mixture of cinnamon, vanilla and sandalwood. The mood was perfectly set, with beer and champagne on ice. I’d thought of everything and even now my pussy pulsed with anticipation. Jasper wanted to get a hotel suite but I thought my place would make this as enjoyable as possible.

  The bell rang and I grinned to myself as I straightened my back and answered the door. “Bryce. You look good. Really good,” I told him and licked my lips.

  He stepped in close so that my back was pressed against the wall, one lone finger sliding up my right leg until I shivered. “Thanks, Ann. You look hot as fuck.”

  “Thanks.” Was that husky voice mine? Yes it was, thank you very much. I wrapped an arm around his neck and gave him a proper hello, slicking my tongue across his bottom lip and then his top before sucking on his tongue.

  Bryce pulled back, his eyes dark wit
h desire. “Damn. It’s so good to see you.”

  “And it is so good to be seen.” He buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply, sliding his tongue over that sensitive strip of skin. He took a step back and hung up his coat, giving me a long assessing look at his body. So big and so muscular, I couldn’t wait to get him fully naked and mount that massive cock.

  “There are drinks in the living room,” I told him and startled at the knock at the door. Pulling the door open, I felt my knees go weak at the sight of Jasper in an olive green sweater that made his eyes positively hypnotic. “Jasper.”

  “Fuck me, Annie, you look delicious.” His gaze seared through the sheer black top, saved from indecency by the slightly darker sheer black polka dots. Then those green orbs flew to my legs, and the red lace tops. He licked his lips and took another step closer. “Three days is too fucking long,” he moaned against my mouth before his lips crashed down on mine.

  I couldn’t lie, I totally lost track of time and space as his mouth devoured mine, possessed it until his claim had been laid. Every swipe of his tongue went straight to my pussy and I pushed to get closer to him. He swallowed a moan and I broke the kiss. “Fuck, Jasper. Way too fucking long.”

  He laughed, weaving our fingers together and pulling me toward the living room and Bryce. “Hey man.” He and Bryce greeted each other casually with a handshake half man-hug thing.

  “Hey. How’s it going.” Bryce was the more subdued one, offering a small smile and a sheepish expression.

  “Better now,” he glanced over his shoulder at me.


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