Santa's Perfect Package: A Collection of Holiday Romances

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Santa's Perfect Package: A Collection of Holiday Romances Page 32

by KB Winters

  Bryce knelt beside him and took one of my hands. “We know and accept that you love us both. We love each other but more importantly we love you and we want to make this work. So, Annabeth Olivia Specter, this ring is a sign of our commitment to you. To each other. To this relationship.”

  “Forever,” Jasper added softly.

  Tears fell down my cheeks as I looked at both men, so strong and beautiful, so willing to accept something new and nontraditional for me. “I promise to make sure you never regret choosing me, or choosing to take this journey together. It won’t always be easy or fun, but if we can have more easy days, more fun days, than hard ones, I think that’s pretty great. I love you,” I brushed a kiss against Bryce’s lips. “I love you,” and then Jasper. With both hands held out to them, I held my breath to see where the ring would go.

  Jasper plucked the gorgeous ring from the box and slid it on my hand. My left hand. Ring finger. My heart galloped as at least ten different emotions flashed through me; at the top was a deep love and intense happiness that I had taken a huge risk and it had paid off.


  I took each man’s hand and placed it over my heart. “I promise to make this a day we’ll never forget. But first, I need food.”

  “You hear that, Jas? I think we wore her out last night.”

  I shivered at the wickedness in his tone. “You definitely did.”

  Jasper stood and moved the glasses to the side. He picked me up, set me on the table. “First we’ll eat,” he said and placed a hand to my chest, gently pushing until my back rested against the cool table. His hands ran up and down the inside of my thighs.

  Bryce stood beside him, his gaze turning my entire body to mush. “Then, after we eat. You can eat.”

  And right there on Christmas day, Bryce and Jasper set about making another one of my fantasies come true, as they both settled between my legs and licked me. Together.

  Best. Christmas. Ever.


  Ann – 1 year later

  “Merry Christmas sweetheart.”

  I shivered at the sound of Bryce’s deep voice pulling me from a deep, satisfied sleep. One big hand slid down my ribcage and over my hips. I squirmed in anticipation of his next touch, but he surprised me and grabbed my ass so I arched and moaned. “Mmm, merry Christmas, babe.” Another hand slid up my thigh and wiggled inside me. “Merry Christmas, Jas.”

  His breath fanned my face and I opened my eyes in time to see his lips crash to mine in a slow, mind-blowing kiss. I arched into him, gasping when his hand skimmed up my belly. “Merry Christmas to you too, babe. Bryce.”

  I loved how comfortable they were talking when we were all in bed together. It had taken a couple months after that special Christmas Day one year ago, but now things were perfect. Absolutely perfect.

  “What are we doing today?”

  Honestly, I didn’t care. We could stay in bed all day and I’d be happy as hell.

  “You,” Bryce whispered, his cock nudging my opening.

  “And then,” I asked, breathless and hungry.

  “You again,” Jasper whispered against my neck. “And then we’ll talk about leaving the bungalow.”

  I nodded and gave myself over to the sensations my guys created in me. They made me feel beautiful, like the most beautiful woman who ever walked the earth. Like I was some type of nymph or goddess to be worshipped. Twelve months of loving and making love to Bryce and to Jasper, and every time thrilled me. It was always new and fresh, charged and combustible. And always satisfying.

  This Christmas morning was no exception. Jasper kissed me breathless, senseless for long minutes as Bryce pumped his thick cock in and out of me. It was a heady sensation that I couldn’t get enough of, and as Jasper’s fingers rubbed quick circles over my clit, I flew apart, trembling wildly as Bryce drove faster and deeper. “Ann,” he groaned.

  I knew what he was asking and I nodded, wincing as he pulled out quickly, pressing into my lower back so he could slide deep in my ass the same moment Jasper slid into my pussy, both of my men filled me and that was all it took for another orgasm to hit. To have them both like this again. “God, it’s been too long,” I moaned.

  “Too fucking long,” Jas agreed thickly, voice straining with every hard jerk of his hips.

  “Mmmm,” was all Bryce could manage as his thick cock slid in and out of my ass, stretching me to the limit. Moments later he exploded, hips jerking me forward, sending Jasper deeper into my body.

  It was fast and dirty, rough and raw and hungry. It was everything. “Love you guys.” Neither responded but four hands tightened on me and Jasper’s mouth crashed down on mine as he drove deep and hard until he came inside me and I sighed. “Too long.” It had been too long since I had both guys like this, and with the news I had to share, I worried they would wrap me in cotton and keep me in bed for the next seven months.

  I felt too good. Almost like I was floating on a cloud with boneless limbs and a permanent smile etched across my face. “So,” Jasper groaned as his cock slipped from my body.

  “So. We’re pregnant.” I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading as I said the words. It was the first time I’d said them aloud to anyone other than myself. “The doctor confirmed before we left. Ten weeks.”

  A beat of silence and then Jasper whooped loud and high-fived Bryce over my body. “Merry Christmas to us! I love you, Annie.” He kissed me again, tender and hot. It was everything.

  “We’re really having a baby? For real?” Bryce’s voice was thick with emotion and I could tell what it meant to him because this baby was his in blood.

  “For real. Our first baby.”

  His face filled with joy and pride. Happiness. “Fuck, yeah!” His mouth smashed into mine on a wide grin. “A baby.” They were so excited, so happy and ready to flex their muscles that another two hours passed before we made it out of the bungalow.

  And onto the beach.

  For our delayed honeymoon.

  Yes, we got married. Legally, Jasper and I got married but we had a wedding for all three of us the same day, so we were one big, non-traditional family. “Does this mean I get to name the baby?” Jasper grinned as we stepped out onto the soft, white sand of Bali.

  “As long as you don’t do some dumb ass name like Trevor or Chase,” Bryce grumbled.

  “Says the man called Bryce,” Jasper laughed.

  I grabbed Bryce’s hand as we walked along the beach, with a smile I couldn’t dim no matter how hard I tried. “I think I’ll name the baby.”

  “Or babies,” Jasper said with a laugh.

  “Yeah, right. Don’t even joke like that.” I’d just gotten a promotion which meant longer hours in the field. I needed to work for as much of this pregnancy as possible if I wanted to keep my promotion. Both men stopped, and I looked up, shaking off my own thoughts with a frown. “What?”

  “Ann,” Bryce began with the patience one uses on mental patients. I pushed him to let him know I didn’t appreciate it. “Sorry, babe, but seriously. You remember meeting Jack on New Year’s Eve? Uncle Jack, as in the brother of Jasper’s father.”

  My right knee wobbled and it all came back to me. I’d been more than three sheets to the wind at that point, but I remember Jack. The handsome, charming twin brother of my father-in-law. “Shit. How could I have forgotten? When the doctor asked if it was possible, I said no.”

  Jasper wrapped an arm around my waist. “You were so drunk that night. Kinky, too,” he purred, reminding me of a night that will be forever burned in my mind.

  “Well, I guess there’s a possibility I’ll be naming two babies in about seven months.” That thought terrified me, but I was too happy to worry about it. Between the three of us and six grandparents, we would be all right.

  “Wrong. If we have twins, I definitely get to name one,” Jasper insisted.

  “Middle name,” I shot back, knowing how much he loved a good negotiation.

  “Both middle names?”

/>   I sighed and looked up at Bryce, who grinned at us both like we were crazy. “Deal.”

  And that was exactly how our crazy life worked. We negotiated everything to make sure no one felt bullied or ganged up on. Some decisions, like buying a house, took three times as long. One on one time had to be scheduled, but we made it work.

  I never could’ve imagined that running into Jasper and Bryce that night when I was in a Christmas funk would have brought me to this moment. Standing on a beach in Bali with the loves of my life and a baby on the way.

  Just when I thought the day couldn’t get more perfect, the universe stepped in to remind me what I’d been missing.

  Christmas fireworks.

  * * * *

  ~ T H E ~ E N D ~

  Happy Holidays and thank you for reading my books! You make my world a better place.

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  A Soldier For Christmas

  A Special Forces Holiday Novella


  USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author KB Winters

  Copyright © 2017 BookBoyfriends Publishing

  Published By: BookBoyfriends Publishing

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 BookBoyfriends Publishing LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Chapter One - Sophia

  Spending Christmas in the middle of a war zone wasn’t exactly at the top of my bucket list, but as the chartered plane touched down on a military airstrip just outside of Baghdad, a sense of relief flooded through me. Back home in New York, I was rapidly turning into The Grinch on amphetamines, twitching and snarling at street corner carolers, the Christmas music blaring from every set of speakers in the city, and the bright shining packages that lined the window displays of every single shop I passed.

  Ba humbug indeed.

  I’d escaped the city just in time. And had miraculously managed to make my getaway without assaulting a mall Santa. Three cheers for Sophia!

  I didn’t always despise Christmas. In fact, up until last year, it was my favorite time of year. I was one of the wide-eyed, cheer-and merriment-spreading types rushing around the city, preparing for a picture-perfect holiday for my family and friends.

  Not this year. This year, I’d be spending the holidays in the middle of the desert, likely sweating my ass off, and forcing a giant smile as I performed for the US troops stationed overseas. The show comprised of five musicians and two comedians who were in charge of brightening up the holidays for those serving their country and unable to go home for Christmas.

  I wasn’t entirely sure I was qualified to cheer anyone up, given my current state of mind, but my spot in the tour had been booked for eighteen months and come hell, high water, or…one nasty, highly publicized divorce…I was going to be there—singing my heart out for America’s heroes.

  “Sophia? Are you ready to go?”

  I turned away from the window at the female’s voice and Jenna, one of the show’s producers, was waiting for me in the aisle. The holiday show was being broadcast back home on national prime time the week before Christmas, so in addition to the performers, there were a handful of producers, camera, lighting and sound specialists, and a duo to tackle hair and makeup. Jenna was the executive producer which made her the head cattle wrangler, aka my full-time babysitter for the next ten days.

  I nodded at Jenna’s question, before taking one last look out the window at the city stretched out around the runway. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but it looked so calm and peaceful that it was hard to remember we were going to a war-torn country where a nasty war had been raging for years. Where we were going in Baghdad was a green zone now but that didn’t make it tame. There was still an edge of danger to being so close to the ongoing conflict, but before we left, we’d been assured that once we landed, we would be taken directly to the palace-turned-Army base where we’d be staying for the duration of the trip. At the time, I was relieved, but now, seeing the brightly lit city, I couldn’t help but want to go and explore.

  “It’s so beautiful. Don’t you think?” I asked, turning my attention back to Jenna. She wasn’t looking. She was busy tapping something into the phone she clutched in one of her perfectly manicured hands. How she managed to look so polished and put together after the thirty-six hours of travel was beyond me. I was hopeless without the assistance of my hair and makeup team. I’d dressed for comfort on the flight which meant yoga pants, ballet flats, and an oversize sweater with a tank top underneath. My hair was tied up on top of my head and the scant amount of makeup I’d applied prior to leaving New York was now scrubbed away, the residue likely on my travel pillow.

  Jenna made a small noise of agreement, her fingers flying faster over the keys of her phone, and with the final tap, she looked up at me. “Sorry? What did you say?”

  “Nothing.” I pushed up from my seat and followed her off the plane.

  Once we got off the plane, we piled into huge military-looking vans that were loaded with armor and soldiers in uniform. At first, it startled me to see them carrying weapons, but I ignored it, accepting it as my new normal for the next week and a half. As the caravan wound through the streets from the airstrip to the base, I strained to see the limited sights from my seat between a female solider and Jenna.

  “You nervous? Don’t be, baby, I got you,” a slimy voice drawled in my ear.

  I didn’t give the speaker even a flicker of a glance as I blindly swatted behind my head. “Shove it, Blake.”

  Blake Powell, the lead singer of Spiral, a three-piece indie rock band, had been hounding me since our initial introduction at a planning meeting a few weeks before the trip. He’d been calling, texting, and had even sent a basket of cookies to my building, and while I’d rejected all of his efforts, that hadn’t stopped him from trying to slither into the seat next to me on the three flights we’d taken, flashing me increasingly obscene gestures, and generally annoying the crap out of me. After thirty-six hours in airports, in flight, and waiting in various security lines and checkpoints, I wasn’t going to play the nice girl anymore.

  The others in the van tittered with laughter and I snapped a look behind me at Blake. I immediately sighed, finding him smirking like he was still winning some kind of game.

  My best friend, Alissa, back in New York would probably tell me I was crazy. She happened to think the singer was some kind of rock star on the rise. Whatever. Not interested. I was done with people in the industry. Permanently.

  Luckily, the ride to the base was short, and as soon as we piled out of the vans, I hurried to stay close to Jenna. She was distracted as always, but even she stopped long enough to consider our surroundings when we were led into the heart of the base. My eyes went wide as they adjusted to the lights and could fully take in the beautiful building. In another life, it served as a palace for one of the area’s wealthy government officials. One that lived like royalty before the world went sideways. The ceilings were painted with breathtaking murals, everything was plated in gold, only made more opulent against the cobalt blue accents of the tile work on the floors under our feet.

  Our rooms were just as nice, ri
valing five-star accommodations around the world. Most of the production team were paired up and shared rooms, but the talent all received their own rooms. My room had a four-poster bed, a writing desk, and series of bookshelves that were all made from the same dark wood. I traced my fingers along the top of the desk as the soldier who’d accompanied me to the room dropped the bags off. “You need anything else, ma’am?”

  I swirled around at his question, offering him a small smile. He looked barely over eighteen. How had he ended up here? A twinge went through my chest as I thought of his family, all likely worried sick for him, and missing him in what was probably his first Christmas away from home. “I have everything I need. Thank you very much.”

  He gave me a nod, seemingly suppressing a smile. He took two steps back to the door and then stopped, fidgeting for a moment.

  “Was there something you needed?” I asked, raising a brow.

  He squeezed his hands together. “Well…my sister’s a really big fan of your music. Would it be okay if we took a selfie? For her?”

  I laughed. “Of course.”

  He snagged a cell phone from the deep pocket of his fatigues and raced over toward me. He awkwardly wrapped an arm around my shoulders before flipping the camera up to take a selfie. When he’d taken two pictures in rapid fire, he released me, glanced at the screen, and pocketed the phone again. “Thanks. She’ll love it. And be really jealous…” A twinkle of mischief sparked in his green eyes.

  I grinned. “Tell you what, bring me a copy and I’ll sign it for you.”



  He scampered away, promising to bring a copy of the photo later that night when he would be back to show the team to the mess hall for dinner. He pulled the door closed behind him, sealing me in the quiet of the large room.

  “Great…all alone again,” I said, sighing to myself as I went to retrieve my suitcase from where the soldier had left it by the door. I hoisted it up onto the bed and began unpacking the clothes, setting aside the outfits that would need a little attention from the travel iron stowed away in the bottom of my luggage. Luckily, as a singer-songwriter style artist, I didn’t have much need for crazy costumes when I performed.


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