Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3)

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Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3) Page 11

by Mallory Funk

  My parents are taking care of little Desiree for the day. Not that they really minded because they spoil her already and she’s barely three months old.

  We had gotten her a little white dress and a headband with a blue flower on it so that my mom can walk her down the aisle as a baby flower girl.

  The wedding colour we chose is blue. We have the guys dressed in black tuxedos and blue vests, while the women are dressed in blue bridesmaid dresses. The dresses are short and flowy- perfect for a hot day.

  We have the house and backyard covered in white and blue flowers.

  I want to look out the window and check everything out since I hear people arriving, but I’m not allowed to because Derek is outside with his brothers.

  I told them that he wasn’t allowed to see me and not the other way around. They didn’t want to risk it.

  I didn’t pick anything fancy for my dress since I still had baby weight on me. I picked one out that has a straight neck line just above my cleavage, but with the breast feeding there isn’t much I could do to attempt to try and hide it. The rest of it flows down to my feet. It’s long, but it’s not tight anywhere so I don’t have to worry about anything showing off my stomach.

  The nerves start getting to me once my dress is on and everything else is done up. I start shaking and I don’t bother to try and hide my nerves from my girls. Claire comes in after checking on everything downstairs and, for some reason, it sets me off.

  “Hey, how’s it going up here?” she says in a cheerful voice.

  I start pacing back and forth. Thank god I’m wearing ballet flats, otherwise I would probably fall flat on my face right now.

  “How’s it going?” I let out a laugh. “I will tell you how it’s going. I’m getting married. MARRIED. That means that Derek is going to be stuck with this for the rest of his life.” I gesture down to my body. “What does he want with me- ranting, nerve-wracked Tara? Sure, we make beautiful babies, but I swear that girl is all her dad. I don’t see one thing she got from me. Maybe my nose, but it’s hard to tell. I’m small and awkward, and does he realize that’s what he’s going to be stuck with? Maybe I hit him in the head with one too many paintballs?” I say, and then take a deep breath. When I look up, I see the women looking at me trying their hardest not to laugh.

  I hear deep, manly chuckles from the doorway and see the Hastings brothers without Derek standing at the doorway all wearing amused expressions on their faces.

  “Derek sent us up here because he had a feeling his woman would be freaking out and possibly ranting right about now, and it looks like he was right,” Sam says with a laugh.

  “I’m so fucking glad that we didn’t miss it,” Cole says wiping the tears under his eyes that emerged from holding back his laughter.

  “Me too. Tara, baby girl, what are you talking about? My brother is so fucking lucky to have found someone like you,” Trevor says with a sincere look on his face.

  “I don’t know. It all just seems too good to be true, I guess,” I mumble and look down at my newly manicured hands that were painted baby blue to match my wedding colour.

  “I couldn’t have picked a better person for my brother, and I’ll be so fucking glad to call you my sister. You obviously miss the way he looks at you. He would do anything for you, and today he’s excited that he gets to show our friends and family how much he loves you,” Liam says grabbing my hand and lightly squeezing it.

  “I know, I’m just being stupid. I can’t help it. The nerves are getting to me. We should have had the ceremony at breakfast time so that I didn’t have to spend so much time thinking about it,” I say on a sigh.

  Courtney laughs. “I don’t think that would have helped because you would have woken up at four in the morning and started freaking out as soon as you got ready. It’s just because you haven’t seen him since last night. I guarantee as soon as you step on that aisle and see him standing at the other end waiting for you that everything will be okay,” she says, and I smile and nod my head at her. I really hope that she’s right.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” I say doing my best to smile, but I’m still nervous so it’s coming out very shaky.

  The brothers leave down the stairs to tell everyone that we’re ready and we wait for the go ahead to start.

  Once the music starts, I blow out a breath and make my way through the house to the backyard where my future awaits me.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The last few months have come down to this moment. We spent the last few weeks since Desiree was born getting ready for the wedding.

  Last night, we spent hours getting the backyard ready and making sure everything was in place. We had ordered a lot of booze because I know my family plans on doing some celebrating tonight.

  We had picked out our wedding bands. I had made sure that they matched the set to Tara’s engagement ring. We had also decided to say our own vows.

  I had spent a lot of time making sure that today would be perfect. I had just told my brothers that they needed to go check on Tara. I had a feeling that she would be nervous. My girl was probably freaking out right now. The thought brings a smile to my face.

  I could picture her going on one of her rants or rambles right about now and wondering what I’m doing with someone like her when in all honestly, I couldn’t imagine that someone like her would be with someone like me. I love her honesty and she makes every day exciting. I never smiled much until she came along, and she made me feel things that I didn’t know were possible. Having kids and getting married never really crossed my mind, but with her it’s all I could ever think about. If I could have married her on the first date without freaking her out, I would have.

  One of the things about her is that she can’t see how stunning she is. If only she could see how beautiful she really is.

  Surprisingly, I’m not nervous to get married. I had been waiting since I asked Tara to marry me for the nerves to kick in, but they never have. The thought of being with her for the rest of our lives doesn’t scare me. Thinking about having more kids and our own house puts a smile on my face.

  Before I know it, my brothers are coming out of the house telling everyone that it’s time. The next couple minutes are filled with everyone getting in position.

  The traditional wedding march will be playing for her to walk down the aisle to.

  First down the aisle was my daughter and soon to be mother-in law. I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face. Seeing my little girl with a white dress and a blue flower in her hair was perfect.

  After that came Courtney, Paige, Claire, and Caroline. We had all of my brothers walk them down the isle. I couldn’t choose someone to be my best man, so we didn’t bother with that. Of course, we had Courtney and Cole together. Then came Paige and Trevor, Sam and Claire, and following them was Caroline and Liam since they were the only unattached ones. No matter what Courtney and Cole say, they are attached. I haven’t seen any one of them date anyone or bring anyone home from the bar when we are out in months, no matter how much Courtney likes to pretend she texts other men. I have a feeling she does that to get a rise out of my brother.

  I keep my eyes on the doorway to the backyard for my woman. When she enters, I swear, I stop breathing.

  She is absolutely breathtaking. My throat has suddenly gone dry. The dress is simple, but completely Tara. Right under her amazing cleavage is a blue ribbon that I’m guessing ties up in the back. The rest just flows. I could tell that she wasn’t wearing any heels because she was still short, but that didn’t bother me at all.

  That moment I see her, I see my future and my life. Then we lock eyes, and I see her blow out a relieved breath and smile widely at me.

  I can see all the love she has for me from here, and I hope that she could see the same feeling coming from me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  Before I know it, Noah, who got ordained for our wedding, had started the ceremony. Tara and I had both thought it was more person
al having someone we knew marry us, and the Johnson brothers, believe it or not, did rock, paper, scissors for who would be the one doing it.

  I had taken her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes the whole time. We both had tears of happiness welling up in our eyes.

  The moment came for our vows and, when Tara spoke hers, I didn’t care that the tears were dropping down my cheeks. I was smiling so hard it hurt.

  “I, Tara Stone, take you, Derek Hastings, to be my husband. I vow to love you for the rest of my life. Never had I ever thought that I would find someone who I loved with my whole heart and that would love me in return. You have made me happier than I ever had hoped I could be. You have given me a family from friends that I couldn’t imagine going a day without. You have given me our daughter who I am forever thankful for. I can’t wait to spend our days loving each other and being there for each other in the good times and bad. I love you so much, handsome.”

  She placed the ring on my finger. I hear a bunch of sniffles, and then Noah clears his throat so that I know it’s my turn to say my vows.

  “I, Derek Hastings, take you, Tara Stone, to be my wife. I love you with all of my heart, and I couldn’t imagine anyone more perfect for me. No one gets me the way you do, and no one could make me smile like you do just by simply walking in the room. You have taken and accepted me and my brothers as your own family without any hesitation. You make me happier than I have ever been in my life, and I wish I could have my parents here to see the amazing woman who has agreed to be stuck by my side for life. Thank you for an amazing daughter, and I cannot wait to have more kids with you, a house to share, and to grow old with you. I look forward to all the good times we will share, and also all the bad times we will get through together. You make my days better by simply being you, and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.”

  I slip the ring on her finger and I’m pretty sure there isn’t a dry eye in the house.

  “Do you, Tara, take Derek to be your husband?” Noah says looking at Tara.

  “I do,” she says smiling at me. I wink at her, and I love the blush that comes over her face.

  “Do you, Derek, take Tara to be your wife?” Noah looks at me with a grin on his face.

  “I do,” I say as I nod my head.

  “Alright then. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!” he says loudly.

  I don’t waste any time placing my hand on Tara’s cheek and kissing her, not caring that her parents and my family is watching.

  When I pull away from Tara, I only lean far back enough so that I can place my forehead on hers.

  “We did it,” I whisper, and she chuckles softly.

  “We really did, husband.”

  “Now, I would like everyone to meet the new Mr. and Mrs. Derek Hastings!” Noah says loudly causing everyone to break out in cheers and whistles.

  I turn around to our friends and family with my wife’s hand in mine and smile wide.

  Chapter Twenty


  The reception was amazing. The day turned out to be everything that I hoped it would be.

  Courtney was also right. The moment I saw Derek; any fears, nerves, and questions went out the window. All I could see was the man I loved and my future.

  We had our pictures taken which took a few hours since there were so many of us.

  We had our first dance as husband and wife to Terri Clark’s Now that I found you.

  The girls and all the brothers wasted no time in breaking open the booze while we only had a glass of wine.

  Derek and I were staying in a hotel for the night while my parents watched Desiree. I had made sure to pump enough so that she could be with them all night.

  The next morning, we would be off to our honeymoon. Seven days with my little family sounded amazing. The cabin on the lake wasn’t surrounded by others, so we would have the place to ourselves. Derek had made sure to pack enough food for the week so that we didn’t have to leave.

  During the night, my parents ended up taking Desiree home. Thomas and Stephanie had left about the same time and said they would come back in the morning to see us off.

  By this time, there were just the brothers and girls with a few friends from work left.

  Everyone was getting drunk, so Derek and I decided to call it a night and head over to our hotel room.

  When we walked through the house, our bags were already by the front door.

  We heard a noise on the stairs, and I looked up with the sound of giggling.

  When I looked up, my jaw dropped. Cole and Courtney were currently tangled, and I swear their mouths were fused together. They were so focused on each other, they didn’t see Derek and me at the bottom of the stairs.

  I hear Derek chuckle while he picks up the bags.

  “I guess the dry spell is over,” he says before he opens the door and grabs my hand, pretty much dragging me away.

  “I guess so. I wonder if they will keep it a secret this time,” I mutter while we make our way to the car.

  Derek only chuckles as he makes his way to the passenger side to open the door for me.


  We pull up to the hotel. I had checked in earlier today so that we didn’t have to do it after the wedding. I had booked the suite for the night. I wanted the best for my beautiful wife.

  When we were outside the door to the room, I had picked her up. I had to carry her over the threshold, of course. She laughed and giggled- a sound that I would never get tired of hearing.

  We entered the room, and she said she had to freshen up before I tried to kiss her. She probably knew as well as I did that if we had kissed, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself.

  We had waited to have sex after she had the baby. She said it would be more fun if we just didn’t have sex until the wedding night. I don’t know about fun, but I had spent a lot of days with a serious case of blue balls.

  It had been a good few months since we had stopped having sex since she was pregnant, and, in the end, it hurt too much, and she was in so much pain from carrying the baby that she couldn’t get in the mood to do anything else.

  Me and my hand had gotten reacquainted from when I was a teenager. I wouldn’t be surprised if I blew the second I was inside of her.

  We weren’t planning on using condoms. We had decided if she ended up pregnant again, we wouldn’t mind. We had both agreed to having three kids, and for all of them to be born close together anyways.

  I start taking off my tie, jacket, and vest when Tara comes out of the bathroom.

  She’s wearing the sexiest fucking teddy I have ever seen. It’s see-through and I can see everything from her nipples down to the small white thong. I swallow hard. My cock is trying to burst out my pants just looking at my wife. Holy fuck, that sexy creature is my wife.

  When she brings my eyes to hers, she gives me a shy smile and I see the blush on her cheeks. It took a lot of courage for her to come out wearing only that. Tara hadn’t exactly let me see her naked since she had the baby.

  Sure, I have seen the occasional boob from her feeding Desiree, but my thoughts weren’t on sex then. They were on my woman feeding our child and how lucky I was to have her.

  She had spent a lot of time telling me that her body is different from having the baby, from being pregnant and the after math of it.

  No matter how many times I tell her that she will always be beautiful to me, I don’t think she ever believes me.

  Tonight, I plan to change that. I want her to see how hard she makes me just from looking at her body. It’s taking all I have not to walk up to her and fuck her against the wall right now. That’s not how I want our first night as husband and wife to go, or at least our first time we make love tonight.

  I walk up to her slowly, looking up and down her gorgeous body. I can see her breathing get heavier and her pulse quicken in her neck. Fuck, she’s as turned on as I am.

  I place one hand on her waist and the other in her hair, and I kiss her wi
th all the hunger I feel inside of me. There is nothing soft or gentle about this kiss. It’s full of all the hunger I had to hold back over the months.

  I’m thankful that she kisses me back with just as much passion as I’m giving her. Her hands find their way around my waist and to my back. She pulls me tighter against her and the whimper that leaves her mouth makes me groan.

  I turn us around so that I can walk her back to the bed and slowly walk her to it. She moves her hands so that she can start to undo my shirt. I don’t think I have ever seen her move so fast. Before I know it, she has my shirt off and she’s moving on to my belt.

  I break our kiss and make my way down her neck and into the v in her cleavage.

  When she finally gets my belt undone and pants unzipped, I pull back and let them fall to the floor leaving me only in my boxers. My cock is so hard it’s poking out of the top of my boxers and there is pre-come leaking out the top.

  Tara looks fucking unreal. She’s breathing heavily, her face is flushed from excitement, her lips are swollen from my kisses, and her hair is a mess from me running my hands through it.

  “Get on the bed, baby,” I say in a low tone. I see her gulp and nod.

  She gets on the bed with her knees bent, but her legs are closed until I crawl up the bed toward her. She automatically moves them so that I can fit between them.

  I make my way to her so that I can give her another kiss.

  Her hands find their way into my hair as if she’s trying to pull me closer to her.

  I kiss my way down her body taking one of my hands and using it to slide the teddy slowly up her body. I fucking love the way she shivers from my touch. You would think that this was the first time I had ever touched her.

  I kiss down her stomach and place gentle kisses on the scar from her c-section.

  The moans and whimpers leaving her are hot as fuck.

  When my finger glides over the thong she’s wearing, I’m not surprised at all to find it wet, but I am surprised to find out exactly how wet she is.


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