A Sadness Within

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A Sadness Within Page 21

by Sara Fiorenzo

  We pulled up near the ornate theater and Celia quickly paid the driver. I stepped out and looked up at the marquee flashing brightly. I was still staring when Celia grabbed my hand and walked me to the book shop right next door. With a show starting at the theater, the store was nearly empty, a fact that made me glad.

  “I think I’ll wait down here for a few minutes. To give you some space,” Celia said pushing me toward the stairs. “He’s upstairs, in the café waiting.”

  I made my way upstairs to the café, and I was sure that every face I looked at was Will. The café was nearly empty, and I scanned the few remaining people anxiously, until I saw him. He was leaning up against the wall with a book, trying to look relaxed, but I recognized the tension in his body. He glanced up, looking through the hair that had fallen into his eyes and smiled timidly. My eyes fixated on his hands as he shut the book and set it on a table somewhere between us.

  “Will?” My voice was barely above a whisper as it caught in my throat. I began to walk slowly toward Will, fighting my urge to run into his arms.

  “Julia?” My name was a whisper on his lips. “How are you?” He was near enough to touch, but I was too afraid. I could feel the energy in the air and I didn’t want to break it.

  “I’m fine. How have you been?” We were both still too nervous to move past the formalities. It was my turn to speak. I opened and closed my mouth a few times the words never truly taking shape. I had so much to say but just didn’t know where to start.


  “Julia…” We both started at the same time.

  I laughed nervously and looked down at my hands. He shifted across from me and when I looked back into his eyes, which were the color of the lake in winter today, I became lost. They were dark and stormy, and I could read the pain in them. Pain that I had caused. Tentatively, he reached out and put a stray hair behind my ear, brushing the skin of my cheek softly.

  “It’s okay. You first.”

  His lingering touch gave me the courage to go on and tell him what I needed to say.

  “Will, I need to tell you that I’m sorry. I was a fool. I never should have run. I should have listened to you. I should have heard you out.” The words came out in a jumbled mess. Once they started, I just couldn’t stop them. “I was an idiot, and I was scared. I guess I just needed some time to figure things out. I needed to understand…” I stopped to swallow the lump that was rising. My shoulders sagged, my lungs and pride deflated.

  “It’s not your fault, Julia. I should have told you before. I never should have kept this secret from you. I never should have hid who I was. What I am. I guess I was afraid that you would leave.”

  “But I did. And I’m embarrassed by that. I ran because of what I thought you were and not what I knew you to be. I had these horrible images of creatures from books and legends. I never took the time to take things into consideration.” I wanted him to forgive me so much it hurt. I wanted him to take me into his arms and tell me that we would figure everything out somehow. I reached for his hand and took it between mine for a moment before I placed it on top of my heart, needing to show him that I wasn’t afraid. A single tear escaped. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  He smiled my favorite smile and then took my hand and placed in over his heart.

  “Don’t cry, Jules.” He brushed the tear away with his thumb. “I forgive you.”

  With that he swept me into his arms, and I could feel myself melt into him. It was like I had never left. His lips brushed the top of my head and he sighed. This would all work out, I could feel it.

  We pulled apart and he tipped my chin up with his free hand, his other hand wrapped tightly around my waist. I looked into his eyes, saw the softness and knew that I was forgiven. Our lips sought each other and when his tongue parted my lips, hungry for more, something in me exploded as I felt any trace of sadness leave. His hands were in my hair, then touching my back, my arm, my face, touching me anyway he could, both of us needing each other. He was with me now. He was mine, and I was his and there was nothing left to do but think of the future.

  A sardonic laugh and the sound of clapping broke us apart, but Will still held me tightly.

  “Well, isn’t this a nice little scene. You really have played the part well, haven’t you Will. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?” the voice called out. I couldn’t help but notice that the café was strangely empty.

  The look on Will’s face instantly changed as his smile faded and his eyes hardened. He pushed me protectively behind him, and I grabbed the back of his jacket tightly not wanting to ever let go.

  “What do you want, Chris?” Will’s voice was like acid and I peered around his arm to take in the scene.

  “Oh, I just wanted to see how my protégé had been spending his time. I have to say, I didn’t quite buy the story that your daddy wanted you home for so long! I know you too well. You have never been able to stand your family for more than a few days. Even your little tart of a sister.” Chris walked around us slowly.

  “You don’t really know me anymore, Chris. I don’t want your life anymore. Why can’t you just let this alone?”

  “Because you have exposed us to their world!” He spat angrily and pointed at me. “You have been living with us for too long. This cannot be,” he added, reaching around to try to grab my arm. Will spun me in an instant keeping me out of Chris’s reach.

  “What does it matter to you if I leave! You still have the others. Why can’t you just let me leave! I won’t say anything and neither will Julia!”

  “Oh, so she does have a name!” Chris gasped mockingly. Faster than I could process, he was next to me holding his hand under my chin.

  “Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this!” Will tried to shove his hand away, but Chris twisted until he was between us.

  “I’m not so sure. I mean, she does know our little secret, and I don’t know that she can be trusted.” Chris held one of my arms behind my back with one hand and ran his fingers down my free arm with the other one. My body tensed, and I stifled a scream. I wanted nothing more than to run, but Chris held my arm too tightly. I stared intently at him, pleading with my eyes for him to not do anything. He held my gaze for a moment, his eyes intense.

  “Why don’t we take this somewhere else, shall we?” His tone told us that we didn’t have a choice in the matter. We began to walk and Will went to my other side. I didn’t realize that I was shaking until he grabbed my arm to hold me up.

  “Try to run or scream and I will kill you and Will right here,” Chris whispered in my ear. He dragged us out the door and began walking next door to the theater. The show had just gotten out, spewing forth a mob of people. I smiled to show that I understood as we filed past and into the theater.

  As quickly as possible, Chris led us to the back of the lobby, never once relieving the pressure on my arm. When we reached a peculiar spot in the panel, he opened a hidden door and pushed us both through. It was damp and dark inside and I didn’t dare move. Will never let go of my arm and I suddenly felt myself being pulled along a dark corridor. We walked for several minutes, winding around dimly lit corridors that all looked the same. The only light was coming from bare bulbs randomly hanging down the center. If he was trying to get me to lose my bearings, it was working. Finally, we reached another door which opened to a flight of stairs heading down.

  I cautiously followed him down the stairwell, relieved that at least Will was still behind me holding on. The walls opened up to a large cavern. I wasn’t sure where we were anymore. Underneath the theater? In the sewers? I couldn’t be sure. Stone walls rose around us and torches hung from the walls, giving the space an eerie old world feel.

  “This is a better place to talk, don’t you think?” Chris asked. He threw me down on the floor and Will crouched instantly next to me.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  A whimper from the corner alerted me that we were
n’t alone down here.

  “Celia!” Will gasped. My eyes adjusted, and I could see her small figure crouched in the corner. Celia was tied up in the corner. A chain or rope of some sort threaded around her wrists and ankles leaving her immobile. They must have grabbed her while Will and I were talking upstairs.

  Will stood beside me, torn between staying with me and going to his sister. Chris made that decision for him by stepping in between Celia and Will.

  “Now, we have some things to discuss if your sister and your human friend here are going to survive.” He sneered as he continued. “You have betrayed us, Will. You have betrayed our kind. You and your whole family disgust me! Thinking you could live with them.” He pointed in my direction as he spoke.

  “I always accepted them because of you. You were loyal to us and they didn’t seem to attract too much attention. But then you left and didn’t come back right away. And now I find out why! A girl! You betrayed us over a human girl! You know what the consequences are. She must die.”

  “That’s not true, Chris. She doesn’t have anything to do with your feelings about me or humanity. Just let her go and I will come with you.”

  “No!” I cried out and tried to pull away from Chris’s approaching grasp. I couldn’t let Will go, now that I had found him again.

  “Loyal little human, isn’t she! You have always had a gift with mortals, haven’t you? You have always gotten them to do what you want. Does she know all about that?” Chris remarked. He ripped my arm from Will’s protective hold and I gasped in pain.

  “It’s not like that. Will hasn’t made me do anything.” Anger at both his accusations and the pain I was in was making my courage come back. “He’s not the same. And, I choose to be with him. He isn’t forcing me to do anything. He isn’t like you,” I added.

  “That’s all fine and well, but we still haven’t addressed the fact that our code has been broken and that you must die!”

  “There is no stupid code, Chris, and you know it. This is all just some bullshit that you have been telling others for years, to get them to follow you. To get them to feel safe, when really, you’re the one they need protection from!” Celia, finding strength, called from the corner. “Besides, maybe it’s about time that humans knew that we existed. Then maybe we could find a cure.” Her eyes narrowed and she glared directly at him. “There is nothing about this disease that says we have to kill others to survive! We don’t all want to be bloodthirsty like you. You are the monster, not this disease.”

  Her comment only stung for a moment before he was on her, teeth snarling, his fist reaching her gut, causing her to double over in pain.

  “Don’t argue with me, you little bitch! If you weren’t around, Will would never have left to begin with! We are bloodthirsty monsters! That’s what this disease does. Don’t you get it? You’re the one who is trying to deny what you are! In fact, I think that you should die as well.”

  “Chris,” Will interrupted, “this is between you and me. Let Julia and Celia go. I will come back with you and do whatever you want.” He stood up and took another step toward him, his eyes pleading. “Just let them go.”

  “Oh, I think it’s too late for that, Will. I can’t trust you anymore. How do I know that you won’t just run back to both of them at the first chance?” His laugh was like sandpaper crackling in my ears. “No, I think that we should end this right now.”

  Chris shoved me to the floor in the corner and pulled a dagger out of his pocket. He lunged at Will, and I ducked out of the way. Will grabbed a torch from the wall, its metal handle the only available weapon, its flame casting a glow over his face. I could see the glow in his eyes as he prepared to fight.

  “Will, stop!” Celia cried out from the corner. I realized that she was still bound and needed my help. Carefully, I crept along the wall toward her stopping only when Chris got too close to me. Will saw what I was doing and did his best to keep the fight away. As much as I wanted it to be Will that I was crawling toward, I knew that I needed to save Celia. When I reached her, I gingerly removed the tight bindings, trying not to hurt her too much.

  “Thank you,” she breathed rubbing her hands across the angry flesh. “Quick, over here!” she moved us away from the fight that was taking place. I tried not to gasp, as Will dodged one swing after another from Chris, trying to stay out of harm’s way. At times, he managed to land a blow. Their bodies were a blur as they quickly moved in a sort of dance around each other. I could hear the sound of fists pounding and flesh ripping as they each tried to best each other. At last, a hard blow sent Will sprawling on the floor on the other side of the cavern.

  “Will!” I screamed, my hands flying to my mouth. His eyes met mine in alarm and then softened.

  “Julia,” he whispered back.

  Chris took advantage of his distraction and jumped on him. Will tried to move to the side, but Chris was too fast. He raised the dagger over his head and drove it through Will’s chest. He instantly went limp his eyes rolling back in his head. My vision tunneled as I screamed, running to Will’s side.

  “No! Will, please!” I pleaded, tears streaming down my face as I watched his labored breathing. I grabbed the hilt and tried to pull it from his lifeless form.

  Chris saw me and began to advance. I didn’t care. If Will was dead, I wanted to be dead too. I closed my eyes and crouched over Will’s dying body and prepared for the impending blow. When it didn’t happen, I opened my eyes and saw a surprised look on Chris’s face. His features contorted and then hardened. He slumped over, the other metal torch sticking through his heart. Celia, eyes blazing, was standing over him. She kicked him away and came to my side.

  I looked at Will’s lifeless body, my hands shaking. He couldn’t be dead. He didn’t burst into flames or scatter as dusk like all the folklore I knew. His heart didn’t beat regularly, and he rarely breathed, making it impossible for me to know if he really was gone.

  “What do I do?” I whispered to Celia. My hands shook as I touched the metal handle that still protruded from his chest. I touched his face, moving the hair out of his eyes, when he opened them. Relief flooded through me to see that he was alive, but the emptiness in his eyes and a soft moan reminded me that it could be too late.

  “He isn’t gone yet, Julia. There might be something we can do. Maybe the blade isn’t fully in his heart or maybe it missed it. Whatever the reason, he isn’t dead yet so there may still be time.” Her commands were short, and she grabbed her cell phone and began searching for a signal. “Stay here,” she said. “I think I know what to do. I’m going to go up higher to get help. Just… stay with him.”

  As if I could ever leave his side.

  She took a torch and hurried away. My sobbing was uncontrollable now and swollen tears rolled down my cheeks, my hands unable to brush them away fast enough. Shadows flickered on the walls and the mustiness burned my nose.

  “Will,” I murmured. “I’m sorry, this is all my fault. All my fault.”

  Will moved his lips to speak, and I leaned down to him to hear.

  “It’s not your fault, Julia, I knew what I was getting into.” His labored voice was barely audible. “I need to tell you something, before it’s too late.”

  “It’s not too late, Will. You will be okay. Celia and I will figure this out and you will get well.” I placed my tear-soaked hand next to the gaping wound, near his heart.

  “There isn’t time. I cannot survive this.” He closed his eyes for a moment as his tongue ran over his dry cracked lips. “Julia, I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. You have made me want to be something better than what I am. I’m only sorry that I can’t be around to return the favor. I… I love you.” His eyes began to fade and his skin became even paler. He couldn’t die. I wouldn’t let him die right here.

  “No, no. This can’t be happening. Will, don’t go, I need to tell you things, too!” my body fell onto his, and I pulled frantically at the dagger. “Don’t you leave me, I love you.”

  With every last bit of effort I had, the dagger slid out and cold dark blood oozed from the wound and covered my hands. I sobbed loudly letting my tears run down my face. “I… Don’t leave me, don’t you leave me…” The words kept pouring out of my mouth as my tears mixed with the blood that was all around me. I kept trying to listen for the heartbeat that I knew wouldn’t be there, hoping for the impossible.

  “Please!” I begged again.

  His eyes fluttered and his body tensed. Suddenly, he convulsed sending electric currents though my hands that were still covering the gaping hole in his chest where the dagger had been. And then there was nothing. He was gone. Tears poured down my cheeks and all sound was lost by my uncontrolled scream.

  I don’t know how long I lay over him crying, before Celia pulled me away. I looked up and wiped my bloodstained cheeks. There were two men dressed neatly in suits standing near me. Their opposite physical build made me think of a comedy routine. They started toward Will, and I instantly became defensive and scrambled back to Will’s body.

  “It’s okay, Julia. These men are okay. They’re here to help. They will take him to a special hospital where they will look him over. My father will meet us there.”

  “It’s too late. He’s dead,” I sobbed. Celia’s strong arms pulled me to her and the tears continued. I pulled away and wiped the blood off of my face and hands, her face stoic.

  The men crouched over Will checking him over. Suddenly the smaller man stood up with an odd look on his face.

  “Excuse me ladies,” he said, “He is not dead. We need to get back to the hospital right away to figure out how to save him.”

  “Not dead? He’s not dead? I thought… he stopped moving… and I thought… he took a knife to the chest.” I felt hope coursing through my veins at his words. Hope and disbelief.

  The man went back to Will’s side and grasped his limp hand.

  “There seems to be something strange going on within his body. Do you happen to have the dagger still?”

  Celia, handed him the small dagger with the ornately decorated handle now covered with blood. The man looked at it intently and then went back to Will.


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