Delayed Love

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Delayed Love Page 9

by Sandra Richmond



  Two days later

  Waiting for the Jackals club to get quiet, we sit in the van while Ruckus is scoping the place.

  Colt breaks the silence.

  “Prepare for her Brother.” What exactly does that mean? Prepare for what? Having my baby in my arms? She would be safer with me than any other motherfucker on this earth.

  I scowl at him.

  “Shut it down, Chevy. I was saying to prepare, because I’ve seen Brothers with PTSD. She can’t get away unscathed. We both know how the Jackals are—how they treat women. Plus on top of meeting her birth parents for the first time and going to another motorcycle club—this will be a lot for her. That’s all I’m saying.”

  I see the sincerity in his eyes. I know what he is saying. I didn’t think once how she would have scars unable to be healed. I was so caught up in getting her back and basically starting over. His words hit me hard. She isn’t a baby anymore. The damage is done. She will need time. Swallowing hard, I will be whatever she needs in her life until the day I die. Maybe I’ll buy her a puppy. Girls love things like that. Or give her tons of shopping money. I don’t know what it is like being a young girl. Thank fuck Harley is here. She can help me with her. Shower her with love and understanding.

  We get the signal everything is quiet to move in. Pulling me out of my thoughts, we move in swift and unheard.

  We all surround the building. Colt and I are at the front door, waiting to be let in. Ruckus snuck in through a window. The rest of the brothers are waiting for stragglers to appear around the back and sides. There are only three Jackals here. We made sure most of them were on the road for us to strike. We are trying to make it an ‘under their noses’ kind of thing. We quietly walk to the back of the building and up the stairs to the left. That is where Colt seen her. We slowly open the door. What I see will haunt me for the rest of my days. I stand in place not able to move. Colt is already in action.

  Avery is tied to a bed. She had burns all down her legs and on her stomach from cigarettes. I looked over her body and she had fresh scars over top of old scars. Her cheek was bleeding from a fresh cut, and her nose was bloodied. Her eye was swollen shut. Her body was purple. Only a few spots were not touched—only a few. Rage takes over, all I see is red. I want to murder these sons of bitches that did this to her. I knew they were heartless motherfuckers, but Rufus was supposed to be the one to adopt her. How could he do this to his own ’supposedly’ child? What kind of sick bastard does this? Colt came up and jerked me up and out of my inner rampage. Knowing that is what I needed, but I still didn’t like it. He jerked me up by my cut and put me against the wall.

  “If you put her in any more danger by waking up these fuck twits, I will put a bullet in you after I kill these worthless fucks.” He was just as angry as I was. All I could do was nod. He walked back over to her and I slowly followed. I let Colt take the lead because I was too fucked up to think straight.

  “Hey, I’m here to help you. Don’t scream. I’m gonna get you out of here.” She widened her eyes—scared shitless that someone was going to hurt her more. She looked at me and I froze—all I could do was nod to her, letting my love and sympathy seep from my eyes, hopefully reaching hers. She nodded back. Looking past all the anguish she has endured, I can see the strength that she has had to have to endure all of this. She has dirty blonde hair like mine. She’s tiny—underweight, no doubt. She’s only slightly taller than Harley. She has green eyes like her mother—just a few shades brighter than Harley’s.

  My heart sank. I leaned down to her, caressing her hair. She shuttered.

  I pulled away, not wanting to scare her more. Colt was right. This was going to be hard.

  Letting Colt have control back, I watched as he untied her and took off his shirt and put it over her head and helped her put it on. She could barely move. Every movement took every part of me not to blow this whole club up with these Jackal jackasses inside. She clung to Colt, like he was her lifeline. Heading to the door, she suddenly stopped.

  “Freak.” She breathed like it hurt, tears in her eyes. “Freak. I won’t leave until I have him.”

  Who the fuck was freak? Pet maybe? No. These fucks don’t roll that way. Brother? Fuck if I know. My mind was racing as Colt once again, took control of the situation. Thank fuck for him.

  “Where is he?” He asked calmly. Like this was not bothering him at all.

  “Over there.” she pointed to a box on the floor. What was in the box that she couldn’t leave hell without? Colt nodded to me, daring me to blow up or act in any way that would jeopardize her. I nodded.

  Walking to the box with caution, to prepare myself what was in the box. I didn’t prepare enough for what I saw. I leaned down and looked closer. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I felt my heart sink even more knowing this was a part of me as much as her. I had to react. I couldn’t take the chance to wake these fuckers and put her and Freak in danger.

  I lifted the little body out of the box and cradled him to my chest—so small and brittle. I didn’t want to hurt him more than these monsters already have. Colt’s eyes widen for a moment, only to hide behind his cool demeanor. We head out of the room and make our way out to the van. Colt climbed in with Avery, who wouldn’t let go him. I understood her fear. I wish I was the one to wash it away. But she could be in shock. If Colt gave her that security, I was happy. Climbing in the back with them and Freak in my arms, Coin drove off. The brothers followed.

  We waited for the Jackals to be on the road to grab her. It took a few days, but there were only three in the club just in case it did get bad. They were outnumbered. Thank fuck, they were passed out. In and out, a clean break. This will have blow back. But it follows up to the revenge, it will be sweeter than I have ever imagined. I will make them regret the day they came out of their mothers over fucked pussies.

  Holding Freak, I look down to him. He’s so tiny. I can’t even tell his age from how malnourished he is. His eyes are sunken in. He has tiny bruises on his wrists—some bruising on his little body. I instantly felt rage, again. I swallowed it down—a hard pill to swallow. I’m used to releasing my anger. I just hold him tighter; careful not to hurt him more. His head fell slightly off my shoulder. I see the scar going across the bottom of his neck. Someone tried to slice his throat. He had another cut on his beautiful tiny face. The cut ran from the middle of his forehead, down between his eyes, to the side of his nose, to the middle of his cheek and it curved to his chin. I felt so many emotions, I couldn’t handle it—I just cried. My grandson was treated with such monstrous treatment. A child. A baby. My grandchild was in hell with my precious baby girl. Now I was in hell, seeing the scars of their own personal hell. I cried so much more than I ever cried in my life. I held my grandson and cried until I couldn’t cry no more. I felt Colt’s hand on my shoulder a few times. I never thought anyone could break me. I’m a tough motherfucker. But this, right here? My blood, my family. I broke.

  Chapter Seven


  Exe said they were getting Avery tonight. I waited for so long. It felt like an eternity. I cleaned the kitchen, then the whole clubhouse waiting on any news. I was anxious and nervous.

  Exe had called me to the meeting room. He had cookies and milk waiting for me.

  I don’t care what he says. He is sweet—even if it’s behind closed doors.

  He was shuffling a deck of cards as I sat down. I grabbed a cookie as he spoke.

  “Know how to play Rummy?” I nodded. I knew he was trying to get my mind from going crazy. I was grateful. He must have seen it in my eyes when I asked if he had a vacuum. He sent a prospect out for one. A half an hour later, I was vacuuming the whole club. Where there was carpet anyways.

  “I’ll have you know, I’m a beast at this shit. Prepare to lose little girl.” He held a smirk until I laughed.

  “Okay, Boss Man. Bring it on.” I winked. It was nice to have my m
ind distracted. I can only play with Bronx and clean so much. I was about to win for the second time out of our eighteenth time playing, when I heard the Van. I jumped up from the chair and hurried to the door.

  My mouth dropped as I see my daughter for the first time. Tears started to fall down my face as I followed Colt to the infirmary. I didn’t wait for Ford or Exe, I just followed. As he laid her down on the table, I instantly reached for her and placed my face in her hand, sobbing.

  “She needs a doctor, now.” Colt said. I heard Exe tell someone to call the Doc.

  I couldn’t even open my eyes. I felt as if my world stopped; I didn’t hear the men talk about the mission or what had happened. For just this moment, it was me and Avery—together finally, after so long. I lifted my head to see her face and I broke down even more. She was beaten so badly with dried blood all over her face. I stood to look her over more, scared of what I might find. Her face was sunken in slightly, so her swelling made her almost appear normal. I see the bruises on her wrist and ankles and the burns on her legs and stomach. She was so weak. I just wanted to cradle her and tell her everything was fine and I’m here now. She was safe.

  I cried for my daughter and my regret of not fighting harder for her. I’ll forever live with what I had done.

  A hand on my shoulder pulls me out of my head. I turn and see the same pain in Ford’s eyes. I look down from his eyes and notice he’s holding a child. No…it can’t be! As I look at the child, he is just as weak as Avery is. He has dirty blonde hair like her—like Ford. He looks so tiny in his arms. He can’t be older than two or three. His hair falls past his ears, just above his shoulders. He has Avery’s nose and lips. He is beautiful, like his mother. I can’t see his eyes for him being asleep. No doubt they are just as beautiful as the rest of him is.

  I was freaking out in my head. Ford wiped the tears from my cheeks.

  “No.” Was all I could get out. He simply nodded. I cried harder. He held me as I sobbed. I tried not to wake the child. I was wallowing in my own self-pity and pain for my family.

  They needed me now more than ever; I couldn’t fail them again. My inner nurse kicked in, mixed with my inner mother. I started barking orders.

  “I need a flash light, warm water and a washcloth.”

  I look back and everyone was staring at me. I wiped my tears and I spoke again, with more confidence this time.

  “I need to check her vitals and clean her cuts. I’m a nurse, remember. Don’t make me ask again.”

  They all hurried around. Exe comes up beside me.

  “You’re gonna fit in just fine.” He said smiling. He went to Ford, who was holding our grandchild. He was shielding him. I couldn’t blame him for his instant need to protect. I had the same feeling. As I checked Avery’s heart rate, I noticed Colt on the other side of her, holding her hand and stroking her hair. I see the same thing in his eyes as I do all the members, sympathy and rage. Her heart rate was slow. I knew the doctor was on his way. I suspect he is on the club’s payroll.

  I didn’t think they had that much pull, but I was so grateful they had a doctor on-call for any mishaps. Leaving her side for the doctor to check her out, I go in search for Ford.

  He was staring out of the window into nothing. His eyes were red from crying; I feel his pain. I touch his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looks up to me and I kneel down to where he is sitting. He just holds my gaze as I place a hand on the little boy’s back; He feels cold. I hurried and checked his heart rate on his neck. It was slow, too slow. I call for the doctor and he leaves Avery’s side and comes to where Ford is sitting.

  “His heart rate is slow and his body is cold. Could be suffering inner trauma or he’s anemic.” I said. He looked at me for a moment then nodded.

  “This boy needs a hospital. He needs an x-ray and possibly a blood transfusion.”

  All I heard was a wave of ’fucks and I’ll kill them all.’ I narrow my eyes at Ford. He is still motionless as he holds the boy closer. I lean into him.

  “Ford, honey, he needs a hospital. He could die…” He looks at me with such anger that I could feel it seeping off of him. I know it was harsh, but I had to pull him out of the daze he was in and make him realize our grandchild is in real danger. I continue.

  “Ford, listen to me. He needs a hospital. You go with him. I’ll stay with Avery. Her wounds are not internal, a few broken ribs is all. She’ll be fine. I need you to help me take care of our babies.” His eyes soften. He knows I am right. We need to pull forces together and fight for our family. He nods and goes to stand. Exe barks orders as the fearless leader he is. I can see this is getting to him too.

  “Colt, Go with Chevy…”

  Exe didn’t even get out his words before Colt cut him off.

  “I’m staying with Avery. Send Jack. I’m not moving!”

  They had a silent stand-off. No one spoke to Boss Man like that. No one. I was reminded of this when I went barging in, demanding for Ford. I was worried there would be a fight. Avery or the baby didn’t need this around them.

  Exe simply nodded to Colt, a silent understanding between them. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Jack, get the fuck over here. You, Jester and Eli go with Chevy. We’ll stay here with Avery.”

  “Got it, Prez.” They agreed in unison. I look up to Ford who was already heading for the door. I grab his shoulder. He turned to me and I kiss and hug him, giving him the support he needs. We need. He looks at me for a moment and just simply says. “I love you Harley, you’re not getting away from me a second time. Our family needs us. I need you.” With that, he left.

  I was frozen for a moment in disbelief. He still loved me. Deep down I wanted to hear those words for so long. I knew he had my heart; he was the only one to ever hold it. I knew my family needed me. I need them just as much now. At the moment that the words left his lips, my job doesn’t matter. Washington doesn’t matter. Only our family. I would be the person they need me to be. This is my second chance at my wrong doing. I won’t let it slip this time. I will fight for my daughter and grandson, with every breath I have—I will fight.


  Avery had a few broken ribs, burns and bruising on her wrists and ankles and a fractured wrist. The burns would hurt the most. She had twenty-seven cigarette and cigar burns on her legs. The cut on her cheek took ten stitches. The doctor set her up as comfortably as he could—an IV drip with morphine. He said he would be back tomorrow to check on her and that she would probably sleep for a long time and not to wake her—she would need all the rest she could get to help her heal. After leaving cream and new dressings for her burns, the doctor headed out a while ago. I haven't left her side since. Falling in and out of sleep in the chair beside her bed, waiting on word from Ford, I am happy when Coin comes in with two cups of coffee—one for me and one for Colt, who still hasn’t left her side. Thankful she has the support, I smile and he nods back.

  “Heard anything from Chevy?” Coin asks and all I can do is sigh and shake my head. Coin has asked every hour on the hour. I know he is worried just like the rest of the brothers—probably more worried for the attack from the Jackals than anything. They were sitting ducks in the hospital with a little boy for that matter. I was just as worried. I was more inclined at being at Avery’s side than at the hospital with Ford.

  “No, I’m getting scared.” I say, my voice cracking.

  “I’ll send a prospect to check in with them.” he said. Nodding to Colt, he leaves.

  Despite the coffee, my body wasn’t allowing me to stay awake any longer. I shift in the chair and let darkness take over—praying for light, I sleep.



  I had to argue with the nurses for an hour before they would help me. I didn’t know anything of Freak’s past. Or present for that matter. I didn’t even know if that was his real name. Soon the same doctor who checked on Avery at the club, came from th
e back and came out. He was outraged.

  “Why haven't they been rushed back? Do you not see the limp child in the man’s arms?”

  The nurse stood, shocked that he didn’t give a fuck about protocol. She shivered.

  “You don’t question when a patient needs help. This little guy needs medical attention. And you are arguing over insurance? Small things could be easily found out later, this little boy doesn’t have the time for you to get your head out of your ass. Do your job or I will find someone who can.” With that he turns and apologizes.

  “Follow me.” He says. We all rush behind him. I looked back at the nurse, smiling my biggest smile. Her mouth was still dropped open—shocked, her professional boss would talk to her in such a way.

  We walk straight to x-ray. I didn’t want to put Freak on the table and leave his side.

  After I refused to leave, the doctor gave me a heavy vest to wear as they took photos. Afterward, we were set up in a room where he was immediately hooked up to an IV and blood drawn. I still sit on the bed holding him. I couldn’t let him wake up feeling an ounce of fear. I needed to protect him. I instantly fell in love with this little guy as soon as I picked him up out of the box he slept in. His skin started feeling warmer as I held him close to me. I wrapped a blanket around him. Another two hours pass. I must’ve dozed off. I woke up with the sun shining in on a sleeping Jester and Eli. Where was Jack? The little boy squirmed in my arms. The most movement I felt since I saved him last night. I looked to the clock, seeing it was noon. Noon? How long was I asleep? The doctor came in a few moments later.

  I’m eager to hear any news about my little guy. My little guy.

  “He doesn’t need a transfusion. That is the good news. He was severely dehydrated and his body started to shut down. We pumped as many bags of saline into him as fast as we could, but careful not to overload his body too much to throw him into shock. Our bodies can’t go long without water, not much longer without food. But we need water to survive. Our body can eat at the fat our body has stored. But water is essential. He’s malnourished as well. We’ll wait to see if he wakes soon. If not, he’ll need a feeding tube. Prepare for that.”


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