Shake Down

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Shake Down Page 16

by Chandler, Jade

  She made a quick call to let Danvers know we were okay before we rolled away from the truck stop. The stop had taken less than ten minutes but had shaken me more than when we were trapped in the burning house. I understood survival, even how to be the hunter, but I didn’t understand the emotions coursing through me, keeping me on edge.

  I can’t lose you.

  We’d both lost enough, yet even as she said the words, I knew she’d leave me. She might not want me dead, but in the end she wouldn’t want me. We were too different. She’d leave me—everyone did.

  As we approached Davis, my phone rang in the helmet.

  “Go.” I gave the prompt to answer the call.

  “Keep moving, we’ll catch up to you. Rebel, Thorn and Dare are with me.”

  “Copy that.”

  “The leg?”

  “Bullet in but it’s not bleeding much. It’ll wait.”

  “Understood. Any followers?” Delta asked.

  “Not that I can tell, but then I might not be able to tell.”

  “No way to hide on the way into Barden, we’ll know then.”

  That was sure. The flat, curvy road would show anyone following us. You could see cars for miles on the road.

  “Your girl good with the clubhouse?”

  “She’ll have to be.” Not something I wanted to think about right now. Charlie wouldn’t be okay with the club, but she’d be safe.

  “Both Elle and Mama are there. They’ll stay with her while you get checked out. Along with brothers to protect them.” I could practically see Delta giving me the stink eye. “We’ll take you to get patched up, again.” It was true I’d been shot several more times than Delta.

  I didn’t bother to argue about my escort, as long as Charlie was safe.

  “And I see you, we’re on your six.” Delta hung up. Soon the other guys fell in with me and I breathed my first easy breath since I’d woken up smelling smoke. We were damn lucky to make it out whole.

  I shouldn’t have fallen asleep. If she’d been hurt, or worse killed, what would I tell her brother? The sex was just too good? No. I had to get my priorities straight. Maybe Delta had an idea on how we could end this with Franco. I wasn’t sure I could take Charlie being bait much longer.

  The sun peeked over the horizon as we pulled into the clubhouse, and I’d never been happier to see the building. We’d be safe here, but it wouldn’t solve Charlie’s problem. Right now some rest and brothers at my back was what I needed.

  I stepped off the bike and my leg buckled. Pain flared hot down to my toes. I steadied myself on my bike or I’d have fallen on my ass.

  “Joe, you need a doctor.” Charlie pressed into me and I let her take some of my weight.

  “Man, you can’t survive a second without me.” Delta pounded me on the back, almost sending me to the ground.

  Charlie shot him an angry glare. “He’s hurt.”

  “He’s fine. We saw worse wounds in the Marines, this one’s barely bleeding.” Delta shook his head. “Dare, take her inside. We got JoJo.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I stared up at the blond biker who was too handsome for words, but his scowl made me cling tighter to Joe’s arm. He was stark, intimidating, and I wasn’t going anywhere with him.

  “I’ll go with you two.” I glanced at Joe, hoping I didn’t look as scared as I felt.

  “That’s a no go, princess.” Delta stared down at me. “We aren’t trying for a shootout at a hospital. That’s the first place I’d check. So you stay here.” He spoke each word slowly as if I were stupid. What had I done to him?

  I’d gotten his best friend shot. So he wasn’t a fan, but did he have to be so rude? It wasn’t like I’d begged Joe to protect me.

  “Come on, I’ll introduce you to Elle and Lila. Back off, Delta.” Joe shouldered me past his friend. “You’ll like the ladies, and the bikers are really teddy bears.”

  “Not even.” I laughed—already the testosterone overpowered me. Joe pulled me close and I liked that. “You should go to the hospital.”

  “Darling, I will, after you’re settled. Delta’s acting like my mama.”

  His scent reassured me and already I was more comfortable. This world was so strange. We’d barely escaped my house alive and I didn’t want to lose my one hold—Joe. But I needed him safe and healthy.

  Joe held open the door to a building that looked more like a garage than some clandestine clubhouse. Inside my eye was drawn to the mismatched tables, looking like a bunch of greasy spoon rejects. A stage, bare walls except for a Jericho Brotherhood flag, and in back a bar. Basic but at least the place was clean and it didn’t reek of beer. That was a plus.

  Two women walked out a side door, one blonde and the other a redhead. They spotted us and headed toward us. Both were dressed in jeans, a tee and cuts, just like Joe’s. What kind of women lived this life?

  Joe squeezed my hand as the two women stopped a couple feet away. “Charlie, I’d like to introduce you to Elle, that’s Rebel’s ol... I mean wife. And Lila is Dare’s woman.”

  “Nice to meet ya.” Elle held out a hand with a bright smile. “You better have been giving JoJo hell, the man needs it.” She spoke with a strong Texas drawl. “We’ll hang out while the boys get him squared away.”

  “Food or a drink first? It’s been a nasty night.” Lila grinned at me with a genuine warmth. “I just baked some double chocolate brownies.”

  “I might need one of those...recuperative powers and all.” Joe grinned at the redhead.

  “Not until after the ER.” Lila wagged a finger at Joe and he looked genuinely chastised. “You were stupid enough to get shot, after all.” She winked, softening the words.

  “Will you save me a couple?”

  “I’ll save you a brownie if you get your ass moving, now.” Lila frowned at Joe and he grimaced.

  “Okay. See ya in a bit.” He bent down, kissing me with a thoroughness that left my head spinning.

  I’d barely gathered my wits before he hit the door, waving at me. I waved back.

  “Where’s the prez?” Rebel looked around the place.

  “In the council chamber. He didn’t want to overwhelm Charlie.” She winked at Rebel.

  Rebel chuckled. “You’re the scary one, you run us all while smiling that pretty grin.” He smacked Elle’s ass as he passed. “Call me if you need me.” Then he was gone down a dark hall in the back of the place.

  “So, food or a drink?” Lila focused on me.

  “Food, I want to keep my wits about me, so no booze. I’m too exhausted.” I stuffed hands in my jean pockets.

  “Come on, let’s feed you then you can sleep.” Elle patted my shoulder. “The letdown from the adrenaline is enough to sap you, let alone having to run in the dead of night.”

  I walked through the side door into a different world. The industrial kitchen gleamed. Bright overhead lights reflected off stainless steel counters and appliances. Everything was modern, neat and sparkling clean, totally different from the rest of the building.

  “How about a sandwich? I got turkey and ham or I can whip up some breakfast. We have all the stuff.” Lila looked down at her watch. “A couple of the women in the club will be here shortly to start breakfast. We serve breakfast every day but Sunday, but then we have lunch after church.”

  Church? Who attended? I sat at a bar stool that was beside a counter. My head whirled. She just kept throwing out information, and I realized just how much I didn’t know about Joe’s real life. Well, I’d better find out.

  “A sandwich is fine.” I rubbed my arms. Cold had settled deep in me while we’d run for our lives. Away from my burning house. Chill bumps raised on my arms. I was homeless.

  Elle sat beside me and handed me a bottle of water. “We also have hot tea, coffee, any drink you can imagine.”

  “Hot tea, that’d be great. Honey if you have it.” I tried to shake off the morose feeling.

  She nodded and left my side. Soon I had a plate full of food and a hot mug of tea in front of me.

  I took my first bite and the kitchen door opened. Rebel strolled into the room.

  “Danvers called. The house is still standing,” Rebel reported. “The bedroom and kitchen had the least damage. The fire investigator said arson, of course. And Danvers said he’d get someone to do recovery and save whatever they can.” The guy’s voice softened. “He says don’t worry about the house, he’ll get everything started from there.”

  Shit. I had nowhere to go back to and only uncertainty in front of me. I wished JoJo was here with me now. “Do they know who? Any evidence, I mean?”

  Rebel moved closer to his wife. “Not yet, they’re hoping for leads from the kind of accelerants used, I guess there was more than one kind.”

  He gave Elle a kiss on the cheek before he left us.

  As the women chatted about the upcoming weekend, I scarfed down the food, listening with half an ear. Church came up again, and I had to ask. “Where do you all go to church?”

  Elle rolled her eyes. “Bikers have a weird sense of humor. Church is what they call their weekly membership meeting, it’s Sunday at noon.”

  “JoJo’s been with me...” I wasn’t sure how long, but more than two weeks “...a while. Members don’t have to go?”

  “Once a month, usually.” Lila smiled at me. “Sometimes they don’t, especially if they’re on assignment away from home.”

  “On assignment?” The more she said the more confused I was.

  “We have five businesses, and sometimes members are gone for business, especially our security company. We also run a tattoo shop, bounty and bail bonds, of course.” Lila glanced at Elle. “And a sex club and a porn studio.”

  I almost choked on my sandwich. “Porn studio?”

  Elle gave me a wicked grin. “Yeah, be prepared for the guy who runs it to ask you to be in a movie.”

  “I can’t do that. I’m a cop.”

  “He’ll love that. Handcuffs, prison cell...” Elle burst out laughing. “Sorry, it’s not fair to wind you up tonight.”

  I shook my head. “I would never do that.”

  “Judge much?” Lila narrowed her gaze. “Lots of the girls and a fair number of the bikers have made a video or two.”

  I bristled, not in the mood for this shit. “Yeah, I make thousands of judgments a day. I’m a cop. And porn businesses...most often are mob-related or drug gateways.”

  “Not ours.”

  “Yeah, JoJo told me enough to understand you’re one of the few legit ones, but doesn’t mean I like it.” I folded my arms. “I can wait for JoJo alone.”

  “Glad to see the backbone. You’ll need it around here.” Elle gave me a nod. “Our club members are rude, crude loudmouths, but with good hearts.”

  Lila nodded. “As JoJo’s girl, some will give you shit, try and push you.”

  “I don’t take shit. I’ll kick their asses. I’ve handled my fair share of jerks.”

  This time Lila rolled her eyes and Elle laughed. “Women don’t kick biker’s asses,” Lila said.

  “Unless it’s your man,” Elle added.

  “Your man takes care of you while you’re here. You do it, and he loses respect. It’s his job to protect his property.” Lila spoke calmly as if she hadn’t just called me JoJo’s possession.

  “What the fuck?” I pushed off the bar stool. “No one owns me.”

  “Amen, sister,” Elle said from the side.

  Lila gave Elle’s cut a pointed look. “You have the same property patch I do.”

  “It’s just a thing I do to make Rebel happy. I’m no more his property than he is mine,” Elle insisted.

  Lila sighed. “I’m surrounded by women who want to be bikers.”

  Elle held her hand up and Lila stopped talking.

  “Look, Lila is being the mama-bear she’s named after. Dare’s job is to keep the peace so she’s hitting you with this all too quick.” Elle frowned at Lila. “We agreed to wait.”

  “I don’t care what rules you have. I didn’t ask to come here, and I’ll leave.” I grabbed my phone and typed in taxi. The closest one was in Ardmore. I punched in the number.

  “Yeah, I need a taxi at the Jericho Brotherhood in Barden. Do you know it?”

  Lila tried to grab my phone, I twisted away.

  “The place by the Brotherhood Studios—where they do porn?” the dispatcher said. “We do regular pickups there—take us about forty minutes.”

  “Great. Yeah, right next to the porn studio. That’s the one.” I hung up. “I’ll be out of here within an hour.”

  Lila stalked out of the room.

  “She’s going to get Jericho, the president.” Elle glanced at me. “He won’t let you leave before JoJo gets back.”

  I dialed JoJo and it went to voicemail, so I texted him. I’m not welcome here. I’ve called a cab. I will never be your property.

  That should explain everything. My phone rang thirty seconds later. “You will stay there, get me?”

  “Who is this?”

  “Dare. JoJo’s trying to leave the ER mid bullet removal thanks to your message. What the fuck, woman?”

  “Look, I never...whatever. He didn’t tell me the rules, but your wife did—”

  “Not my wife, my old lady,” Dare barked.

  “She told me about property and how I need to go back a couple centuries if I want to stay here. Well, I don’t. I’m no one’s fucking property. I’d rather be dead.”

  The line went dead.

  I heard voices in the other room and a phone ring. Rebel and a huge man who must be Jericho barreled through the door. Surprise crossed Rebel’s face.

  “What’s the deal?” Jericho stood, arms crossed. “Mama says you want to leave.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the two big bikers. I didn’t even bother to ask who the hell Mama was.

  “It’s been a long damn day. And in the past few weeks I’ve been shot at, chased, dangled as bait, now burned out of my house. JoJo didn’t ask me if I wanted to come here. I need to go.”

  “You’ll be dead in—”

  “What’s changed?” Rebel cut Jericho off. He glanced from Elle to me.

  “I am not property.”

  Jericho snorted. “Look. Mama’s rarely wrong, but she was wrong to lay that on you. You’re here under the club’s protection. To. Keep. You. Safe. No one owns you, no promises. Everyone will know you are our guest—we are all protecting you.” Jericho moved closer, dropping a massive hand on my shoulder. “No rules, no obligations to us. We’re just here to help.”

  I studied him. “So what she said isn’t true?”

  Rebel grimaced. “I don’t know what she said, but bottom line, women are protected here. We cherish the women we pick, but we have other women here, ones who come to party because that’s what they want. They serve everyone—I’m sure she was trying to explain the difference.”

  So I figured Mama and Lila had to be the same person. This world was too fucking much.

  “Not even close.” Elle sniffed from behind me. “She gave the whole hide-behind-your-man speech.”

  Rebel groaned. “Just stay. You have to choose to wear a cut and become property. Right now you’re our guest, just say your name, and everyone will respect you. My word.”

  JoJo respected him and I respected Joe. He was in the hospital because of me. As long as my staying didn’t mean I was giving up my right to be my own person, then I’d stay. I owed JoJo, but there was no way I’d end up his property. Maybe that meant we shouldn’t even be doing this—whatever this was. More than sex and less than forever. I couldn’t see how forever could ever be in the c
ards for us.

  I grabbed my phone to text Joe. I noticed three messages.

  She was wrong. Stay. I’ll be back in 90 minutes.

  A minute later. Charlie, you staying?

  Two minutes after that. Respond or I’m leaving.

  That had been five minutes ago. Talked to Rebel. I’ll stay. I’m not property.

  Immediately a response came back. You’re Charlie, that’s more than enough for me.

  “We good?” Jericho looked from Elle to me.

  Elle nodded.

  Jericho looked down at his phone, it had buzzed all through our conversation. He glanced back at us. “Mama’s heading home. You good, Elle?”

  “Yeah, go be badasses somewhere else.”

  Rebel gave her a two-finger salute and left with Jericho.

  “I’d have done the same thing in your place. The property thing... I dismissed it...because I knew I’d never wear a cut.” She ran a hand down her leather vest. “The joke was on me.” She rubbed her neck. “Long damn night. JoJo doing okay?” She sat at one of the reject tables and I sat beside her.

  “Said he’d be back in ninety minutes or so.” I felt foolish for freaking out. No, I wouldn’t feel stupid about my outburst. I had to stand up for myself, or Joe and his world would eat me up. I also needed to cancel that taxi, so I made another call.

  “Sorry about Lila. She’s normally the best of us, but she’s been off for a couple weeks now, not that she’ll tell anyone what’s bothering her.” Elle shook her head. “There are lots of women who never patch in—they’re just married to their biker. They don’t even come around much. This isn’t a one-size-forced-on-you kind of place.”

  I wasn’t sure about that, but I didn’t have much more fight in me tonight.

  “Tell me about how you hooked up with Rebel.” I was done talking for now.

  “Well, we got married first and figured the rest out later.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “My daddy was being an ass about our business, and marrying Rebel fixed my problem, and started all kinds of other ones.”

  She spent the next several minutes telling me about her and Rebel’s relationship. Their story wasn’t your typical dating story. Different from mine, sure, but they’d been thrown together too.


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