by Amber Garza
When I sat down to figure out the plot for this book, the first idea that came to mind was falling for the older brother’s best friend. It’s a premise I’ve always enjoyed reading about. I mean, what girl doesn’t, right? And that’s when Christian and Cal emerged. After I had them, I came up with the remaining characters on the team. The name Prairie Creek came from one of my readers - Ginelle Blanch - so thank you so much! After having that, I had the completed roster for the Prairie Creek Panthers. That’s where the real Coach Hopkins came in. Both of my brothers are ball players. My brother Matt coaches and plays recreationally, and my brother Kagen is a professional pitcher. So I sent the roster to my brother Matt with stats on each character – age, weight, personality. Then he put them all into positions for me. This is when the story really came to life in my mind. I started to see the team, their dynamics, etc.
And that’s when Emmy began talking in my head. Meeting Cal, Christian, Josh, Emmy and all of the other characters was such a fun experience. I really enjoyed writing their story and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
As always, I have many people to thank:
First, I have to thank the love of my life, Andrew. There were days where I struggled with this book. Days where I stared at the screen willing the characters to give me something – anything. On those days I would receive random texts from my husband saying things like, “You’re amazing.” “How did I get so lucky?” or “Miss you.” And boom, I’d feel inspired again. Sorry, Christian, but you pale in comparison to the man who owns my heart.
Second, I have to thank my kids – Kayleen and Eli. They are constant inspirations to me. They encourage me, love me, and drive me nuts simultaneously. But I’m always blessed by their presence in my life. And I love them more than words can express.
Third, I have to thank those who helped me shape this book. They are as follows:
Matt and Kagen – your baseball knowledge is priceless.
Lisa Richardson – your editing skills are unmatched. So lucky to have you.
Megan Squires – Thank you for reading as I wrote and encouraging me along the way.
Susan Griscom – Thanks for beta reading.
Fan club – Your enthusiasm keeps me going.
Matt at the Cover Lure – Your cover is so perfect. I’m in love with it.
Beth Shelby – Thanks for being my blurb fairy.
And mostly, thank you to God. Everything I do is for you.
Amber Garza is the author of the bestselling Playing for Keeps Series, as well as many other bestselling young adult romance novels including Tripping Me Up and The Summer We Fell. She also has several new adult and adult romance novels including Break Free, Star Struck and Head Above Water. She has had a passion for the written word since she was a child making books out of notebook paper and staples. Her hobbies include reading and singing. Coffee and wine are her drinks of choice (not necessarily in that order). She writes while blaring music, and talks about her characters like they’re real people. She currently lives in California with her amazing husband, and two hilarious children who provide her with enough material to keep her writing for years.