Doctor's Orders [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Doctor's Orders [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 6

by Lara Valentine

  “Pardon?” Nate had a puzzled look on his face. Brianne had been through this already when she met Tami and didn’t envy him at this moment.

  “With an ‘i.’ My name is Tami with an ‘i,’ not a ‘y.’” Tami looked at Nate expectantly.

  “Oh, I see. With an ‘i.’ It’s nice to meet you, Tami.” Nate was smiling at Tami politely.

  “I wanted something really original, so I changed the ‘y’ to an ‘i.’”

  Kade blessedly broke into the conversation before Nate had to reply.

  “Can I go upstairs to the spare room, Mom? I want to play video games.”

  “I thought you were hungry?”

  “Not anymore. I ate the cereal bar. Can I?”

  “Put your clothes in the laundry room and you can. They are stinking up the living room.”

  Kade giggled, and Brianne smiled at her handsome son. She had missed him this weekend.

  “Dad took us on the boat again this weekend, and we fished. I caught more fish than anyone!”

  “I bet you did, honey. You are becoming quite the sailor. Now say good-bye to Dad until next weekend.”

  “Bye, Dad! Bye, Tami!” Kade tore from the room and up the stairs.

  “Well, I guess we should be going. Can we walk you out to your car, Nate?” Rick had a nasty smirk on his face, and Brianne wanted to stomp on his foot.

  Nate just glanced down at his bare chest with a smile on his face and sipped his coffee.

  “Thanks, Rick, but I’m hanging around here for a while today. But I would be happy to walk you to your car.”

  Rick’s face got a little red at Nate’s bland tone.

  “No, thanks. We know the way. See you on Friday, Brianne. I’ll be here by six to pick up Kade. Nice to see you, Nate. We shouldn’t go so long next time.” Rick’s tone was nasty, and he didn’t try and pretend otherwise.

  “We won’t, Rick. I think you and I will be seeing each other on a pretty regular basis now that I am dating Brianne.”

  Rick turned and stomped off dragging Tami behind him. Brianne watched them get into Rick’s brand-new Escalade before giving in to the peals of laughter that she had been holding back during Nate’s exchange with Rick and Tami. Nate just grinned as she laughed until tears ran down her cheeks.

  “I’m glad you found that amusing, Bri. You might have warned me about Tami, ya know. What the fuck is with the ‘Tami with an i’?”

  Brianne wiped tears from her cheeks and leaned against the wall as she caught her breath.

  “Tami fancies herself as a pretentious, rich housewife. She did that to me, too, by the way. I, personally, think I handled it better than you did. I told her it was amazingly creative.”

  “You are a better person than I am then. Dick must be doing well these days. Tami’s rack must have set him back about fifteen grand.”

  “Oh, you noticed that, did you? Yes, he seems to be making money, and Tami seems to be spending it just as quickly.”

  “It was hard not to notice. Scary, though. A guy could hurt himself they were so pointy. Dick might get gored.” Nate smirked.

  “Yeah, but it would be nice to be that up and firm or that skinny. Since having Kade I can’t claim to be any of that. I guess I am just his smart but chubby, saggy old wife.”

  Before Brianne realized what had happened the world turned upside down and she was thrown over Nate’s knee, staring at the floor.

  “I will not tolerate you speaking about yourself that way, Brianne. You will not criticize what belongs to me. Ten for your transgression.”

  With that, Nate began to smack her ass slowly, counting each one out loud. She wriggled and tried to break free, but his arm was like a steel band.

  “What if Kade comes down?”

  “I can hear his video game from here. He won’t come down here unless you make a lot of noise and fuss. Take your punishment like a big girl so we can continue with our day. Besides, I think this is making you wet, honey. I think you like your punishment.”

  He was right. The heat of the spanking was spreading through her pussy and making her clit throb. She stopped struggling as he continued the second half of the spanking. Each smack sent spirals of arousal through her, and she whimpered as he gave her the tenth smack and stood her on her feet. She reached back, rubbed her sore ass, and glowered up at him in sexual frustration.

  “Stop, Brianne. You are about to say something that is going to get you punished. Again.”

  She wasn’t going to be silenced. Her panties were soaked, and her pussy throbbed in frustration.

  “I can’t believe you punished me, Nate. We aren’t in the bedroom!”

  Nate sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders so she was facing him.

  “Brianne, listen to me very carefully. I am a Dom. I am always a Dom whether we are in the bedroom or not. I don’t normally need to dominate you outside the bedroom, but when I hear you speak about yourself that way, I cannot allow that. You are a beautiful woman who does not need to compare herself with that plastic doll. You are better than that. You are a real woman. Now repeat after me, I am sexy and beautiful.”

  Brianne could see the seriousness in Nate’s clear blue eyes. She took a deep breath.

  “I am sexy and beautiful.” Nate smiled.

  “My Master cannot keep his hands off of me.”

  “My Master cannot keep his hands off of me.”

  “My Master loves my body and will keep me well fucked.”

  Brianne giggled.

  “My Master loves my body and will keep me well fucked.”

  “Very good, Bri. I can smell your arousal. But you will not have release. The frustration will be a reminder of this lesson, so it will not be repeated.”

  Brianne’s smile vanished and she opened her mouth to speak, but his finger silenced her before she had a chance. Nate used his darkest Dom voice.

  “No, Brianne. Don’t say something we will both regret.”

  Brianne pressed her lips together and fought back her frustration.

  “Good girl. You are learning. Now let’s have a wonderful day. By the way, very good girls will get release later tonight.”

  She was going to be as good as gold.

  * * * *

  His hands trailed down from her high cheekbones, over her throat, until he was cupping her full breasts. She drew in a deep breath as his thumbs brushed her nipples. They tightened in response along with her drenched pussy. She desperately wanted his cock inside her, filling her, driving into her. She pressed herself closer, and she heard him groan as his cock pressed into her belly. His length was impressive, and she lowered a hand to rub him through the fabric of his jeans.

  “Stop that, baby, or this is going to be over before it begins. I want to come inside that tight pussy, not my damn jeans.”

  She laughed with the heady feeling of power and rubbed faster.

  “Wouldn’t it be terrible if we had to start all over again?”


  Before she knew what was happening, he had lifted her up and thrown her down on the bed, hovering over her, the look in his eyes almost feral, his white fangs peeking through his smile.

  “Do you think that’s what he really wanted to call her?” Noelle laughed as she sipped her peppermint martini, her diet long abandoned.

  Tori popped a truffle into her mouth and sighed. “Why would he call her a bitch? She’s about to put out.”

  “Well, they all put out eventually.” Lisa laughed.

  “I love vampire stories. They seem so dashing, a little less alpha than the werewolf stories.” Sara sighed, rubbing her swollen tummy. She was close to her due date.

  “Don’t you like alpha males, Sara?” Lisa asked. “I sure do love me an alpha male.”

  Sara shrugged. “I like them okay. But I prefer charming to steamroller. I want to be romanced, not mated.”

  Brianne smiled. “I don’t know about that. I am really beginning to appreciate an alpha male.”

  Lisa grinned. “
Yeah, I just bet you do. Seems like my brother-in-law is taking good care of you these days. You’ve had a goofy smile on your face for weeks.”

  “What?” the other women screeched in unison.

  “You’re dating Nate? Holy shit, Bri. You never even mentioned it. How long has this been going on behind our backs?” Tori’s hands were on her hips, and her foot was tapping impatiently.

  “I wouldn’t say it was behind anyone’s back. We haven’t been hiding it. In fact, Nate strolled in front of Rick completely shirtless in my living room.”

  Noelle whistled. “Oooo, Nate shirtless. Hot damn!”

  Brianne scowled playfully at Noelle.

  “Hey! That’s my boyfriend you’re sitting there fantasizing about.”

  Noelle chuckled. “Well, good for Nate. Rick deserves a little payback, the asshole. And good for you, too. About time you moved on, and Nate seems like the perfect person to move on with. We always knew he had a thing for you.”

  Lisa rolled her eyes. “That’s a major understatement. He freakin’ worships the ground she walks on.”

  Brianne blushed a bright red. The last few weeks with Nate had been some of the best of her life. Despite his demanding schedule, he still made sure he spent time with her and with Kade. He was the epitome of the alpha male but not a prick about it. He felt safe and strong, a haven when her life got a little too crazy.

  He had been telling the truth. He was a Dom all the time. But he didn’t feel the need to push her around to get his way. He was respectful of her feelings, and she found that he was more than willing to negotiate as long as it didn’t have anything to do with her safety or body image. He wouldn’t budge an inch there. She had been the recipient of two more spankings before she realized that criticizing herself would not be tolerated. Otherwise, he seemed content to let her have her way pretty much all the time.

  The sex. Oh the sex! It just kept getting hotter. She had come more in the last three weeks than she had in the last three years. He was totally in charge in the bedroom, and that was just fine with her. She trusted him completely. She had never even thought of using her safe word, had never needed to. He seemed to know when and how to push her boundaries to bring her the utmost pleasure.

  She was so horny lately that it seemed as if she was wet all the time. She fantasized about him all the time and she was not allowed to bring herself off without his permission. He had yet to provide that permission no matter how much she begged and pleaded in texts or over the phone. Even now, she was squirming in her chair, wet and aroused, not from the reading but from her memories of the night before.

  “I certainly do worship her.” Nate’s deep voice startled Brianne, and she turned in surprise to see Nate and Conor strolling onto the patio.

  “I thought you were watching the kids, not spying on us,” Lisa teased Conor.

  Conor smirked and leaned down to kiss his wife and whisper something in her ear. Whatever it was made Lisa turn a rosy red.

  “My fault, Lisa. I stopped by after my last surgery to see if Brianne wanted to go to dinner and a movie tonight.”

  Nate pulled Brianne up from the chair, sat down, and the resettled her on his lap. Brianne saw the faces on the other women, and they looked positively tickled. Why not throw them a bone?

  “I missed you today, Nate.” Brianne leaned down and brushed her lips over his.

  Nate’s eyebrow quirked up in surprise. She barely had time to register his quick grin before his lips came down on hers. His mouth owned hers, and his tongue delved into her mouth, staking claim. She felt shivers go down her spine as he leisurely explored her mouth with his tongue, seductively rubbing her tongue with his own and tickling the roof of her mouth.

  He lifted his lips and whispered into the ear softly, so no one else could hear, “I missed you, too, slave. I have plans for you tonight.”

  She almost came just from the kiss and his voice alone. She vaguely remembered that she was sitting in a circle of her closest friends with a man’s tongue down her throat. She pulled back and peeked through her lashes at the amused and some downright-envious faces of her book club.

  “Holy crap on a cracker, girlfriend! Have a little pity on us single gals who aren’t getting any.” Noelle groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “Sorry, um, I guess we got carried away.” Brianne could feel Nate’s chuckle in her ear.

  “You can carry me away anytime, Nate,” Noelle teased.

  “Sorry, Noelle, I am too busy worshipping this beautiful woman.”

  Brianne’s friends practically swooned. She turned back to Nate’s soft blue gaze.

  “I don’t think I can go tonight. I have Kade. Rick canceled on us. Again.”

  “Handled, honey. Kade is chomping at the bit to spend the night here with Lisa and Conor’s kids. My kids are at Jen’s tonight.”

  Brianne’s, Lisa’s, and Nate’s kids had grown up like siblings, so spending the night at each other’s house was a normal occurrence. It was many of the things she loved about their friendship, but she couldn’t help but be especially grateful at this moment. But she didn’t want to give in too easily.

  “Lisa, are you okay with having one more tonight? I don’t want to impose.”

  Lisa laughed off Brianne’s concern. “After my three, I won’t even notice one more. But if it will make you feel less guilty, you and Nate can watch ours on Friday night. I have been wanting to see that new romantic comedy.”

  Conor groaned pitifully at Nate. “Say no, man. Don’t make me go.”

  Brianne smiled mischievously. “We would be happy to return the favor, Lisa.”

  Conor eyed Brianne, and his lips twitched. “I think I need to have a talk with Nate about not letting you walk all over him. He needs to stand up to you, Bri.”

  Something in Conor’s look made her gulp and glance at Nate, who was rubbing his chin in thought. Yep, she was in so much trouble.

  Chapter 6

  Nate threw his keys next to his cell phone and began flipping on lights through the house. Brianne couldn’t help but admire the way his khaki shorts hugged his firm ass and his T-shirt clung to his broad shoulders. She would be happy entering a room behind him anytime.

  He had surprised her with a romantic dinner at a local restaurant on Clearwater Beach. Afterward they decided to skip the movie and walk off dinner instead. They dug their toes into the sugar-white sand and watched the gentle waves of the Gulf of Mexico. Like many Florida residents, Brianne was too busy working to make a trip to the beach very often. She had forgotten how relaxing it was. She could have listened to the water for hours.

  Nate flipped on the last light and turned to pull her close to him. She breathed in his delicious scent, citrus and something else, burying her face in his shirt.

  “Do you want to play a little, Bri?”

  Nate’s voice tickled her ear, and her nipples tightened in response. She nodded affirmatively, rubbing her face against his strong chest.

  “Then go upstairs and prepare yourself. You know what I want.”

  She certainly did. It was what she wanted also. She practically ran up the stairs and into his large master bedroom. There was no reason to run. He would give her plenty of time, but she was looking forward to this, to tonight. Between her son, and his son and daughter, they didn’t get much alone time. She pulled her shorts and shirt off, neatly folding them and placing them on the dresser. Next came her bra and panties, also neatly folded on top. Last to go was the clip that held her long auburn hair off her neck. Nate liked it down and free so he could tangle his fingers in it.

  She picked up a pillow, threw it on the floor, and knelt on it facing the chair. She relaxed into the pose, back straight, hands laced together behind her, knees wide, and eyes down. Now she would wait. He always kept her guessing. Sometimes she would wait only a few minutes, other times several. As time ticked by, she could see tonight would be the latter.

  When he finally came in she held herself still, not giving in to the temptation to loo
k up. She heard him moving around the room, making preparations, she was sure, for their evening. She heard the lighter, and then the scent of candles wafted through the room. Another click and the ceiling fan and light turned off. The room was bathed in soft candlelight and a delicious vanilla fragrance.

  “This scent always reminds me of you, slave.”

  She felt Nate’s fingers stroking her hair. She almost purred in contentment and pleasure. She could feel her pussy starting to cream in anticipation of the pleasure Nate would bring her.

  “I am very pleased with how you have prepared yourself for me. Tonight I am going to push your boundaries a little bit. If at any time you want to stop, you say your safe word. What is your safe word, Brianne?”

  “Red, Master.”

  “Good girl. Let’s begin then.”

  * * * *

  Nate’s cock was already painfully hard against the zipper of his shorts. One look at Brianne kneeling so submissively and his cock had stood at attention. He had hardened further when she had continued to be still while he prepared the room. Now he knew he would never make it through the evening he had planned unless he took the edge off a little. He stroked Brianne’s silky hair before tangling his fingers in it and gently but firmly turning her face up to his.

  “I think you will show me oral service to start this evening off, slave.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Nate quickly shed his clothes. It really wasn’t fair of him to come first like this, but he was just too far gone to be able to hold back. He would make it up to her later with two orgasms for his one. He stood before her and spread his legs a little. She lifted up and took his balls in her left hand, caressing them, while her tongue snaked out and licked him from root to tip. His eyes almost rolled back in his head at the sensation. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He started reciting multiplication tables in his head to hold back and enjoy the pleasure.

  Her soft pink tongue laved his balls, and then she opened wide to suck one into her mouth, scraping her teeth gently over him. Holy shit. He had taught her exactly how he liked to be sucked, and she had proved to be a star pupil. By the smile on her face, he could tell that she knew that at this moment it was she who was firmly in control. She might be the one on her knees, but she was the boss.


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