REMEDY: A Mafia Romance (Return to Us Trilogy Book 3)

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REMEDY: A Mafia Romance (Return to Us Trilogy Book 3) Page 7

by M. K. Gilher

  Chapter 8


  Wednesday evening, I slide my new Sig into my hip holster as I walk the length of the window scanning the street and the monitors for a tail on Helen.

  She knocks and I open the door for her. Helen carries her shoulders high and her head down as she walks past me wearing jeans and a bulky sweater. Her hair falls around her face instead of pulled back. Jesus, Helen. The boss's daughter doesn't know how to keep up appearances under stress? If they spot weakness, you're dead.



  She sits on the couch, her gaze darting around the room looking for Ivy. "Let me speak with her alone."

  "No." I don't trust her any more than Bernard. She hid Ivy's identity from me too. For all I know, she's conspiring with him to use her to take over.

  Ivy walks in from the hallway. She's stunning in simple yoga pants and a fitted, V-neck Mogul tee showing her tempting cleavage. She's brushed her hair and put on makeup. The bruise on her face and the bandage at her neck look so wrong on her vibrant, gorgeous body—marred perfection. My fault.

  "Hi, Aunt Helen."

  "Hello, dear." Helen embraces her, and they sit on the couch holding hands.

  I continue my stroll of the windows and survey of the environment outside. The monitors are all clear. Joe is at his post.

  "Aunt Helen, Viktor made some accusations before he, uh… died, and we need you to be straightforward with us now, okay?"

  "Yes, honey." She turns to look at me over her shoulder. "This location secure?"

  "Of course." Don't insult me, woman.

  "What did Viktor tell you?" she asks Ivy.

  "He said I was valuable to bad people. He mentioned Senator Boothby to Jacade. We need you to put the pieces together for us. Uncle Bernie was here and wouldn't tell Jacade the truth, and to be honest, it hurts my feelings he's so secretive considering how close we are. I need to know I can count on you to tell me what needs to be said."

  Helen's neck goes limp, and her head bobs as she stares at her knees.

  "I'm going to find out one way or another, so I'd prefer to hear it from you."

  Helen speaks slowly in a low, resigned voice. "Ivy, Senator Boothby is your biological father."

  Christ. I can't watch this. I close my eyes. I can't see Ivy's elegant face taking in a lifetime of lies. She grew up adrift and alone. I saw the shards of shame rip through her when she talked about Viktor's epithet of orphan whore. Helen and Bernard provided her the only real sense of family she's ever known. And they are disappointing her, just like everyone else in her life has done, including me.

  "Vera was your mother," Helen continues. "She died when you were three weeks old. Gerry was married and had five years on the police force back then. A scandal would've ruined his chances to become police commissioner, which he was on track to do. Not to mention, my father would've killed him for knocking up his daughter and that would've sparked a war. Vera crossed a lot of lines to be with him, and she paid for it in the end."

  How much more can Ivy take? Her bruises are still fresh on her face. She's suffering physical pain from a gunshot wound. She can't have children. Is this the news that will send her running from me forever? I walk to her and stand behind her. She needs me at her back right now. Pull strength from me, Ivy.

  "Are you my real aunt?" she asks Helen.

  "Yes, honey, I am. You're my flesh and blood and all I have left of Vera."

  She's quiet for a moment. "Do I look like her?"

  "Yes, yes. You do. She had your green eyes and curly hair. You have her rebellious, gentle spirit. You have Gerry's crooked nose."

  Ivy's face crumbles, her eyes glossy. "I've always wanted to share a physical trait with a family member."

  They embrace, and Ivy takes in a ragged breath. I wish she could cry on my shoulder, but this burden—and I carry many—is not mine.

  Helen takes a tissue from the box on the end table. "That's why I didn't want Gerry to see you in the hospital. I thought for certain he'd see Vera in you. But thirty-four years have passed, and his memory of her has faded."

  They cry in each other's arms. Ivy is so quiet, and I'm dying to know what she's thinking, but I keep my mouth shut. This is between her and her aunt.

  "Vera brought you to an orphanage because she feared for your life. The next day her body washed up on Lake Michigan's shore. The coroner said she'd been held under water."

  Helen smooths Ivy's hair by her ear. "We called you Lily as a baby. I searched for you but was unsuccessful because the social workers at the children's home changed your name from Lillian—my mother's name—to Ivy. Vera made the workers promise to lie if anyone came asking about an infant."

  Ivy reaches for a tissue and dabs at her eyes.

  "Bernard and I kept the secret to protect you. Gerry has always been and still is dangerous. No one would dare to stand up against him unless they were suicidal. We didn't tell my father. He thinks you died with Vera. No one can ever know your true identity."

  Ivy nods. "Too dangerous?"

  "Yes. And your freedom is at stake. Everything I do is monitored by my father and my husband. Raymond arranged my marriage. Well, it was heavily suggested that I marry Bernie, and I was smart enough not to challenge my dad."

  Bernard's marriage was arranged? Helen's been toeing the line her entire life.

  "Vera watched our dad force me into a marriage, and she refused to let that happen to her. She wanted to choose her husband, and she wanted Gerry. My father would've never allowed it because I was married to Bernard, and Bernard and Gerry could not be in the same family because Gerry was an up-and-comer in an opposing territory.

  "If Raymond finds out, he could dictate your life like he has mine. Although, I'm fairly certain he would approve of Jacade. He's highly esteemed in the organization. If Gerry finds out, he would kill you like he did Vera. He's still married and has a successful career as a senator. The same risks exist for him, scandal and my father's revenge."

  "I finally have a father and a grandfather and I can't know them. They can't know me?" Ivy asks.

  God, this is killing me. A family is her deepest desire, and I can never fulfill it. I'm useless. Again.

  "No," Helen answers. "And you don't want to know Gerry and Raymond, Ivy. Better for you to be lost in the system than to grow up in this twisted society like I did. They will kill you at the slightest sign of infidelity. People are disposable, and the human body means nothing to them. You've seen some gruesome stuff, but it gets much worse. Especially during a war."

  "I understand now why you all kept talking about my safety. Thank you for caring enough to protect me." She takes a deep breath and sits up straight. "I promise I'll take your secret with me to my grave. I don't need to claim my birthright into the Mafia."

  "It's not the Mafia," Helen whispers.

  "Pfft, what is it then?"

  "It's a legitimate business."

  "Okay. Well, then I don't need to claim my birthright into a legitimate business with a brutal underbelly." Helen winces at Ivy's insolent sarcasm. Ivy shakes her head and softens her tone. "And I never want to know the man who killed my mother."

  "Like I said in the hospital, I have no proof," Helen says. "Even if I did, I'm not sure I would challenge a man as high profile and powerful as him."

  Ivy doesn't respond. My turn to talk to Helen. I step in front of them and hold out my hand for Ivy. She takes it, and I pull her up and into my arms. "I wish I could take this from you," I say quietly into her ear.

  "Did you know?" she asks as she pulls back.

  "No. Viktor told me before you showed up at the farmhouse, but I wasn't sure if I could believe him. Helen just confirmed it for the first time. I need to talk to Helen now. Do you want to stay and hear the rest or go lie down?"

  "I'll stay. Can you bring me some water and a pillow?"

  "Sure." I get her a tall glass of ice water from the kitchen and grab her pillow from the bed. Helen stands, and I sett
le Ivy on the couch. She lies down and rests her head on the pillow. She's not crying, so that's a good sign. I pull the blanket from the back of the couch and cover her lower half.

  Helen's been watching our interaction. I motion for her to take a seat in the armchair across the coffee table from me. Helen's chair is a replacement of the antique one I smashed to pieces last week.

  I've fucked your pussy till it's sore and begging for more.

  Snap. Snap.

  Goodbye, chair.

  I rest my elbows on my knees and tent my fingers under my chin. Time to get down to business. "What can you tell me about Bernard and Viktor?"

  "Not much. They hung out at the track together. Viktor sometimes called him to talk about the horses."

  "Has Bernard ever mentioned wanting to be boss?"

  Her eyes widen in what appears to be genuine surprise. "No, he's always supported you, Jacade. Well, for a while he had some idiotic idea that Viktor should take over, but I told him that was ludicrous. He's always said he'd back you in a vote."

  "And do you believe Bernard will keep Ivy's secret?"

  "My instinct tells me he loves her and would never endanger her. But I don't know anymore. He's not the man I thought he was. I suppose it's possible he could betray us all." Her shoulders slump, and she covers her face with her hands.

  "What did Gerry say to you in the hospital?"

  She presses her lips tightly together and shakes her head. "I can't tell you that, Jacade. I can say it's personal and not related to the vote."

  "Okay. Thank you for coming here and being honest with Ivy."

  "Yes, it means the world to me to know you are on my side through thick and thin." Ivy smiles at her through puffy, red eyes.

  Helen stands and bends to embrace Ivy by her shoulders. She presses her cheek to Ivy's and kisses the air. "Take care, honey. I love you."

  "I will. And I love you too."

  Chapter 9


  My back hits the floor of my gym on takedown rep 500 of 1,000. I feel her eyes on me and her body close. A quick peripheral check in the mirror shows Ivy peeking around the corner, failing at being stealth, again. I amp up my moves for her, showboating a little. With a quick one-handed handstand, I flip and land on both feet in front of her.

  She jumps back and laughs. "Wow. Is that karate?"

  "No, jiu-jitsu." I place a sweaty kiss on her cheek. She doesn't seem to mind it.

  "Are you a black belt?"

  "Third degree. Working on fourth."

  "That's hot."

  I give her another sweaty kiss since she didn't reject the first one. "So, do you know any self-defense?"

  "I take kickboxing classes. Viktor had me train once, but I've forgotten most of it."

  "We'll start your training in four weeks after Kelch clears you."


  "Do you do yoga too or just wear those pants to drive me wild?"

  She laughs. "I do yoga too."

  "Mmm. You'll have to show me that sometime."

  "Be happy to, Doctor."

  "Can't wait." I hold my hands out to her and she takes them. "Time for PT."

  "What? I already had therapy this morning."

  "Come with me." I lead her to the living room.

  "Jacade, where are we going?" Her elbows angle into her sides.

  "You'll see soon enough."

  We walk through the hallway and into the elevator. I press G for the ground level and wiggle my fingers in hers. My mind reflexively returns to the first time I was in an elevator with her. She smelled of coconut, roses, and lavender. One hit of her scent, and I was intoxicated in a sea of winding ivy leaves. "Still need to fuck you in an elevator."

  She blushes and looks at her feet.

  The doors open, and Joe smiles at us. "Dr. Jordan. Ms. Summers." He bows slightly.

  "Good morning, Joe. How's the family?" I ask while leading her to the door to my private pool.

  "Doing well." He trots over to us. "Umm, Dr. Jordan, I'm not sure how to say this…"

  I hold my hand up. "Please, Joe. Don't." Not in front of Ivy.

  "No, I need to. My wife and I can't thank you enough for the kids' college fun—"

  "You're welcome." I cut him off. "Say hello to everyone for me."

  Ivy's mouth falls slack at Joe's remark. What's the big deal? Yes, I set up college funds for his four children. So what? It's just money.

  I pull on her hand and punch in the code to the door to the right of the concierge desk. We step into the room, and Ivy's eyes bulge out when she sees the sleek, rectangular swimming pool in front of us. She jerks her arm away from me. I pivot and face her as the door seals closed behind her.

  "No." She places her hands on her hips and angles her chin to the ceiling.

  "Why? Ya scared?" I set my gun on a small side table next to the lounge chair nearest to the pool.


  Those goosebumps on your arms sure make you look scared.

  "I'm not going in there, Jacade." She points to the water.

  "I saw your bucket list. You can't swim."

  That purse of her lips is cute, but it won't get her out of this.

  "Hydrotherapy is extremely beneficial for an injury like yours."

  The tap of her foot on the concrete is the only sound in the vacuous space. "I'm aware of that, but I'm telling you no."

  "No doesn't work for me. What are you afraid of?"

  "I dunno. I've always had this irrational fear. Maybe a part of me sensed my mom's death was by drowning."

  I pull my shirt over my head and grin. Her mouth widens as she sees the scar on my chest without the bandage for the first time. I grip her hips in my palms and tug her closer. "Don't let fear debilitate you. Let it surge through your veins and force you to fight like a fucking warrior every fucking day."

  I place her palm over my scar and lay my hand over hers. "I could've had this excised from my skin by one of the best plastic surgeons in the Midwest. If I did, I'd take the chance of forgetting the dread that burned through me when you were in jeopardy. That fear gave me courage to endure the worst Viktor could hand out so I could get back to you. This scar is a constant reminder, not a nightmare."

  She glances down at our hands and back up at me.

  "I understand you're scared. I've suffered fear and inflicted it. But you have the choice to either let it propel you forward or demolish you."

  "You promise you won't let me sink?"

  I draw an X over the I on my chest with our fingers. "Cross my I. You ready?"

  She nods.

  "Just like in the bedroom, I want words, Ivy."


  "Strip down."

  Her forehead crinkles. "What? I need a bathing suit or something."

  "No, you don't."

  "I meant, umm…" Crimson rises in her cheeks.

  I drop my pants and stand in front of her in my black boxer briefs. Her fingers touch her parted lips, but her eyes focus on my groin. I move to the lip of the pool, push off the balls of my feet, and backflip into the deep end. I surface and swim to the edge near her feet.

  "And where did you learn to do that, Dr. Jordan?" She giggles. "Medical school, I presume?"

  "Wouldn't you like to know, Ms. Summers?" I smile at her. "You coming in or what?"

  She pulls off her shirt and pants revealing a lacey, white bra with matching panties. Christ. My own private Victoria's Secret model. I look behind her for wings to sprout. She sits on the edge and dangles her feet in the water. Her thighs tremble as I grip her hips and pull her into the water. Her hands clutch my shoulders, and she stares down at me with wide eyes.

  "Oh god," she mumbles.

  "Fuck fear. Say it."

  She lays her forehead against mine. "Fuck fear."

  Completely unconvincing. I tread water and move us to the center of the pool.

  "Say it like you mean it." I lean my head back and yell, "Fuck fear!" My deep pitch echoes off the walls.

; "Fuck fear!" she screams with delight.

  "Yeah, that's it, baby."

  We chuckle as I pull her body flush to mine and hover my lips over hers. The water laps at her breasts pressed up against my chest. Our laughter wanes, and the desperate yearning to kiss her tears through me again. "Err, no kissing in the pool."

  I spin and mount her to my back. She holds on like a girl riding a porpoise at Sea World. Take a deep breath, Ivy. I've got you.



  No kissing in the pool. No kissing in the bed. No kissing in the shower. I'm completely done with Jacade's farcical no-kissing rules.

  Hey, wait! I'm in a pool, and I'm not drowning. Granted my arms are strangling Jacade's neck, and my nails are sunk into his shoulders. He swims the length of the pool with me lying on his back and my legs trailing behind us.

  "What was Joe talking about?"

  His shoulders tense under my fingers.

  "Joe and his wife have a sizable family to provide for. I'm not going to give him some stupid box of cheeses to thank him for his work. I've met his kids and want them to have all the opportunities I never did. So, I set up college funds for them." He shrugs.

  My god, he's amazing. One minute he's digging a moat filled with alligators around his heart and in the next he's setting up college funds for his doorman's children.

  "That's… That's…" I struggle to find the words.

  "Ivy, it's nothing. Really." His formidable biceps break the surface of the water and sink under again as his arms circle out in front of him in a butterfly motion.

  "Yes, it is. You thought about their futures. It shows what a generous and respectable man you are."

  "I wouldn't go that far. I can be an asshole."

  Oh, I know.

  "They won't need to resort to desperate measures to make money."

  I place a wet kiss on his earlobe. He doesn't say it, but I know he means he doesn't want them to take the same path he did. "I love you more and more every day," I say.

  "How much do you love me?" He angles his cheek toward me and grins. "So much you would keep lying on me so I can feel your stiff nipples on my back?"


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