Wicked Tales Anthology

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Wicked Tales Anthology Page 3

by Brandy Slaven

  Hash was hot, and I could never see him with some ugly bitch, it didn't make sense to me and, even hard up for it, I don't think he'd ever go there. He wasn't a dick like that and would only go for pussy who knew the score. Not pussy who'd get attached and latch on to him, pussy that would make scraping the bitch off hard on him and his life. That was the kind of pussy we all avoided playing with, it wasn't worth the effort to fuck it, and it took too much effort to get rid of it when you were done with it and it did not want to be done with you.

  That kind of pussy was not for me, and I didn't foresee a day where it ever would be. I didn't do attachments in that sense, I only did them when they came to my Club and the future I knew I wanted for myself.

  I mentally shook off my thoughts and got back with the program. Hash was talking to me, and no matter what I was on about I always gave him my full attention because he deserved no less from me. Unless I was being a dick and avoiding him because of my feelings for him, something that made me an even bigger dick because he didn't deserve that from me either.

  I jerked my chin in the direction of the chick on the table who'd been staring at Hash with rapt attention and hadn't stopped since he'd turned around and started talking to me. If anything, her interested had doubled.

  His eyes filled with mirth when he spotted the chick eyeballing him. His smile turned positively sinful, and I knew what came out of his mouth next was gonna be good.

  "Did you like that?" he purred seductively.

  Even though he wasn't talking to me I still wanted to answer him with a yes, because I had indeed enjoyed it. I wasn't stupid enough to answer him. Unlike the chick, I had seen what lay beneath the seduction, and I had no desire to tangle with that devil. I would, however, enjoy watching the woman fall down that hole.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and watched the show take place before my eyes.

  Hash always came across as a good guy and, between the two of us, he was always known as the good one. I didn't blame people for thinking it and for thinking I was the bad apple out of the two of us. I kind of was, but Hash was no angel, and people who thought he was, well, they always got a rude awakening. This bitch would be no different from all the rest.

  "I... I..." She stammered, and I snickered at hearing it.

  "You liked it," Hash stated arrogantly as he raised his hand to his mouth. His tongue snaked out, and he dragged it obscenely across his pointer and middle finger.

  I shook my head and chuckled. Dirty fucker was still putting on a show, and, it was clear to me, he was enjoying having an avid audience.

  "Hey," the girl hidden behind Hash cried out indignately as she shoved his shoulder roughly and with enough force to make his body jerk.

  He shrugged before shooting a grin over his shoulder and curled his tongue around his fingers one last time before dropping his hand down to his side.


  He was really pushing his luck with this one, his girl was going to snap, and this show was going to take a wrong turn real quick.

  The woman on top of the table hopped down, and her spaghetti noodles slid down off of her stomach and slapped the floor, making a disgusting noise that made me flinch.

  "Brother," I muttered, "I think that's our cue to get the fuck out of here."

  The woman pulled the front of her hospital gown closed tight over the front of her body and stepped over the mess she'd made on the floor. I took a step back away from her because she was freaking my shit out, and I did not want her in my space when she was acting weird like this.

  She had eyes only for Hash and that kind of freaked me out more than how she was acting. I didn't like the way she was looking at him, like she wanted to jump his ass and have her wicked way with him, which was fucking weird because she'd just watched him sex up another chick.

  Hash, however, didn't seem like she freaked him out at all. Instead, his head was cocked to the side, and he had a strange little smile on his face. Her actions clearly intrigued him.

  His little blonde behind him wasn’t half as interested in what the worker was doing as he was. She was still pissed about him licking his fingers and acting like she wasn't even there.

  The little thing smacked him upside the back of his head. Hard. And she started cursing him out in a high, shrill voice.


  I had been right. Hash was indeed putting on a good show for the rest of us.

  He raised his arm and cocked it at the elbow to cover his face and fend her off but it was doing him no good. He'd raise his arm high to cover his head, and she'd go low and nail him in the chest. So, he'd lower his arm, and she'd slap and claw at his face.

  It didn't even cross my mind to help him, he'd created this situation for himself, it was up to him to dig himself out of it. It wasn't my responsibility.

  The noodle chick had stopped making her way across the room towards my boy when his girl started beating on him and cursing up a storm. She'd immediately started backing away and didn't stop until her upper thighs crashed into the table. She clutched the hospital gown tight to her chest, and I wondered if she was bare underneath up top or if she at least had a bra on.

  "Jesus, fuck," Hash shouted and, from the tone of his voice, I knew he was done. Done with this girl and done with this show.

  I sighed happily, glad this would soon be over with because I'd spent way too much time in this fucked up place and was more than ready to get the hell out of here.

  "Stop it, you crazy bitch." Hash snarled in a low, dangerous tone. The girl immediately dropped her hands, and, after looking at him for a whole second, took one big step backwards.

  That was the smartest thing I'd seen her do besides standing there like a good girl while my boy felt her up, that is.

  "Do you see this," he snarled as he waved his hand in front of him and down, drawing her eyes to his leather cut. "This means you don't get to put your hands on me. If you do, then there's consequences to be paid."

  "I.." She stammered. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean..."

  Yeah, now she looked scared and there were tears gathering at her eyes.

  "You gotta go, babe." Hash snapped at her, and her mouth dropped open in shock.

  "What?" She whispered as her eyes widened.

  Hash shook his head as he let out a bitter laugh and ran his hand through his hair.

  "Girl," he said in a slow drawl. "I did not come here with you, I ran into you here. All it took was a smile and some kind words, and you were all but panting to get your hands down my pants so you could get ahold of my dick."

  She gasped in outrage. Her hands twitched like she wanted to smack him again but smartly kept her hands down at her sides and, thankfully, to herself. There was no telling how this would go down if she put her hands on him again after he'd told her not to. I was sure she'd only get the one warning before he got ugly with her.

  "That's not true," she whispered in a voice filled with hurt.

  I couldn't believe she was hurt by his behavior. She'd clearly went along for a good ride and now she acted like she wanted her ticket back because the ride ended and she was told it was time to get off.

  Some people.

  "Girl," he drawled. "I was there same as you, don't even try to play it that way. You took my hand and followed me in here, and you moaned real sweet for me when you got off on that same exact hand."

  She gasped again, and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head. She no longer looked like she was on the verge of crying but again looked like she was going to hit him.

  Me, on the other hand, I was right there with my boy. He had valid points, and it's not like he promised her anything.

  "Hell," Hash grumbled. "I didn't even get anything out of it besides a hard on that's long since passed and now nothing but a hard time. Not fuckin' worth it."

  My shoulders shook with the hilarity of the situation, and I couldn't keep my mouth shut if I wanted to. And I didn't want to.

  "Don't forget the bruises you'll h
ave tomorrow." I joked. "You got those from her too. What'll the boy’s think when they find out you got a girl off and to repay you she went and gave you a black eye?"

  I snorted and lost it, busting out laughing. He got beat up by a tiny little blonde girl, and he'd stood there and let her do it to him after giving her an orgasm. Unbelievable. That kind of shit never happened to me, and I was glad for it. Maybe I knew how to pick them better than he did. Or, maybe he was just a magnet for the crazy ones. Better him than me, I wasn't into the crazy ones and I bailed as soon as anyone got clingy. And by clingy I was talking about the ones who even hugged me for too long. It was a direct indication they had a problem letting me go, so as soon as I got their arms off of me, I got the fuck away from them and never went back, never even looked back. And if they cried, I didn't just walk away from them but ran as fast as my boots would take me. I didn't think I had commitment issues, I was just too young to tie myself down to one person. There was a whole lot of life left for me to live, and I didn't want to do it with just one person unless it was the right person, and there was no way I'd be lucky enough to find that person at this age. No one was that lucky. Take my infatuation with Hash for an example, it wouldn’t be long until I was interested in pussy again because I was too young to settle down with just the one.

  "Shut the fuck up, Stephan," Hash barked at me. "You're not gonna tell any of those assholes what happened here, and I'm not gonna tell them that you just sat back and watched. And, my brother, by watched, I mean the entire fuckin' show. A show that, I know because I know you, you enjoyed a whole fuckin' lot because you're that into me that you get off on watchin' me with someone else."

  I immediately stopped laughing as my heart skipped a beat inside my chest.



  How did he know that? Was I that obvious when it came to my feelings for him? Christ, I hoped like fuck I had not been that obvious.

  "Hash," I whispered hoarsely, and my voice cracked halfway through his name.

  I couldn't call him out for being a liar to his face and deny his words when they were the farthest thing from a lie I'd ever heard him say. I wouldn't lie to him, couldn't actually. I think that's why I had been avoiding him since I'd discovered my feelings towards him had changed, because it wouldn't feel right lying to him, not when he meant so much to me. You didn't lie to the people you cared about, and I'd never do that to him.

  "Fuck this," Hash's blonde girl hissed like an angry cat, mad the attention was off of her and the hissy fit she was unleashing.

  I rolled my eyes at her without taking my eyes off of Hash. I was afraid to look away from him, almost afraid to breathe. I thought if I blinked, he'd be gone and not just from the room but my life. And that didn't bear thinking about.

  "I'm outta here," the blonde hissed before storming out of the room like a spoiled child who'd not gotten her way, which was absurd considering she'd just gotten off, and I didn't understand how she could be so upset about anything. I couldn't remember a time where I'd been so angry after just having had an orgasm, but maybe that was just me.

  I wasn't sad to see the back of her as she walked out the door.

  "Thank Christ that's over with," Hash muttered under his breath, and I thought it was a good thing he still had his sense of humor and didn't seem pissed at me. I didn't know what I'd do if he was mad at me because he'd figured out I wanted to be more than his friend.

  That didn't mean I breathed easier or my chest hurt any less, because it didn't. My fucking chest hurt and my lungs burned and neither felt good in the slightest.

  "I'm glad she's gone," spaghetti noodle lady said from where she was hunched in on herself in front of the table. I groaned. I'd forgotten she was even in the same room as us, and now I wasn't happy to be reminded of her presence. We didn't need witnesses for this conversation.

  "Me too," Hash said, easily agreeing with her as his eyes flicked to her, and he raked her body over, lingering on his way down, like he enjoyed the fucking view which was beyond messed up because of what she was wearing. And what she was wearing was a hospital gown on backwards, sweet tasting fake blood, spaghetti noodles, panties, and possibly nothing else. I hoped for her sake she'd at least had a god damned bra on because I couldn't imagine the number of people who'd walked through here today and had gotten an eye full of her.

  God damn it.

  I did not need him making friends with her. Then he'd just have one more bitch to scrape off and possibly one more ugly scene to be party to. I wasn't amused with them anymore and wouldn't be party to another ugly scene, I'd be gone as soon as the next one started.

  "We could..." She said suggestively before pausing.

  No, I wanted to say. There was nothing we could do. Jesus, fuck, he'd just scraped off one bitch, what the hell did he need with another one so soon after getting rid of the first one? I didn't know and wasn't entirely sure I wanted to.

  Hash grinned and told her, "Not now. When do you get off your shift?"


  Was he really doing this? I wanted to smack his ass like the little blonde chick had done.

  "I get off at two," she said.

  Yeah, and, if things went her way, she'd be getting off again not long after that, too.

  "You can park in front of the fence at the Compound, babe," he told her. "But you can't park inside. Leave your car in front of the fence and then go to the front gate, there will be a person manning the gate. Drop my name, tell them you’re there to party, and they will let you through the front door. Once you're in the Compound you're free to party it up and have a good time, but don't fuck with the brothers and try to do what this bitch just did. Things won't go well for you if you try to act like that, a lot of those guys won't be as nice to you as I was to her. If you aren't cool then there's a good chance they'll toss you out on your ass and you'll end up right back where you came from and, here's what you probably need to remember, they'll remember your face, and they'll never forget it. So, if you fuck up while you're there tonight, then, once you're tossed out on your ass, you won't ever be allowed back again. Mercy doesn't forgive, and we never forget. You fuck us and you're as good as dead where we are concerned."

  Everything he'd said was the god’s honest truth. It was, but I didn't think he should have been wasting the truth on this chick who was clearly not normal and was so far gone that she wanted to go to our Clubhouse and party after watching my boy get it on with a woman in a public area. That didn't exactly scream sane, and it didn't say she was anything close to normal, either. I didn't think it was a good idea to invite her into our home, because both of us lived at the Compound. If she found her way into his bed once, she seemed like the type to make sure she scared off anyone else who wanted a place there, and I didn't trust her.

  "I'm not going to fuck over the Club in any way," she hurried to assure him, and it gave me a bad feeling in my stomach. Something about this bitch didn't sit right with me, and I didn't want to be forced to spend any more time with her. The way she'd grabbed ahold of my cut, and then later talked like she'd known all about the Club also didn't sit right with me.

  I chalked it up to not dealing well with outsiders and let it go, though, because my boy clearly wanted a piece of her, and I didn't want to spoil his fun, not for anything. Yeah, it killed me that he wanted to bang another girl when I only had eyes for him, but I needed to let that shit go. It wasn't like I was living the life of a monk, because I wasn't. I tapped ass on the regular and wasn't about to give that up any time soon. Just because Hash hadn't flipped his shit because he knew about my feelings for him didn't mean I should automatically take it as him wanting something with me because it would have made me a stupid motherfucker for thinking that way and I wasn't a stupid motherfucker. I was far from it. It could have just meant he was being cool with me because we had an audience, and he didn't want to deal with it until it was just the two of us. I dreaded that being the case because I worried I would lose my best friend because I
was too stupid not to catch feelings for him.

  I didn't want to lose him as my friend, it would make everything about my life completely fucking complicated in a way I didn't think I would ever be able to come back from.

  "Good," Hash said seriously.

  No. None of this shit was good. What the hell was he thinking? He had to be fucking crazy to think anything was good. Did he not see this bitch was nuts? Jesus. He'd fucking met her after she'd watched him finger another bitch.

  This shit was insane.

  "Not good," I muttered.

  Hash jerked and directed his eyes towards me.

  "What?" he asked incredulously.

  "I don't want her in our Clubhouse." I told him honestly. "I think she's a freaky bitch, and we will pay for it later if we allow her access into our personal life. I don't like it."

  Hash watched me with interest and, before I could say more, he said what he wanted to say. I listened.

  "Why don't you want her there?" he asked suspiciously.

  "Look at her," I said as I gestured towards her with my free hand. “This bitch is fuckin’ nuts. She’s also nothing to us, and I don’t know why we are even talking about her in the first place.”

  "Yeah," he grunted without looking at her. "I get that. But others might enjoy her as much as I’m going to."

  He was far from wrong. All of the guys would enjoy her. Loads. I just didn't want to be around to see it. Not when she gave me such a bad vibe. She was probably some wannabee serial killer in the making.

  "I get it," she said, and I grimaced.

  She might think she got it but she was wrong. She didn't know anything. They would chew her up and spit her out, and she’d probably return the favor by burning our Clubhouse down or whatever it was crazy chicks did to extract their revenge.

  "Girl," Hash drawled. "Do you wanna stay and hang around my Club?"


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