Wicked Tales Anthology

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Wicked Tales Anthology Page 9

by Brandy Slaven

  Glowering at him, I walk around the corner of the couch to take a seat beside Brandon, "You can try."

  He nods as he rolls his eyes, "You'll never stay even if we did convince you somehow. Which will just put everyone in more danger because they'll all be worried about you instead of watching their backs.”

  "We've got enough man power for you guys to stick to Dru, and I'll set up a perimeter with the others around the mansion," Victor says as he leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees.

  I open my mouth to argue, wanting him to stay with me, but he anticipates that, "You agree to this, or I promise I will lock you downstairs. You can rip my throat out after you thank me for saving that pretty little ass of yours."

  I'm not happy, but I shut my mouth as I cross my arms over my chest with an immature pout.

  A wicked grin spreads across his face, "Keep pouting those sexy lips, my lady and I'll find a good way to put them to use."

  Ever since the bullshit that went down when they were captured, they've all been tossing male testosterone and dominance around like it's always been that way. I've allowed it, but once this shit is settled, I'll be reminding them of their place. Beside me, not in front of me.


  Sleep doesn’t come for the rest of the night and well into the day for anyone. Tensions run too high in the house. In a matter of just a few hours, there will be an enemy on our side of the fence with god only knows what kind of purpose.

  I avoid everyone but my mates. They all seem to understand that I want them close, especially if we’re to split up tonight. The thought alone sends a spike of fear through me so intense that I feel as though I’m going to puke up the nothing that I’ve eaten today. One of my biggest fears that I won’t admit to any of my Coven is that my pride may be the downfall of us all. Maybe I should’ve taken Mel up on her offer to come up here. I just couldn’t see putting her and her coven in danger, even if they are the some of the meanest sons of bitches to walk the planet. That’s one of the main reasons why Ryker outstayed his welcome, and why Killian and I butted heads so often. I’m a bitch in my own rights; I can admit that. I’ve been alive much longer than any of them could ever imagine. There are a ton of gruesome scenes that I’ve not only witnessed but caused myself.

  I remind myself of this as I pin my hair up to lay on the top of my head. All it takes is that one little reminder to drop kick those fucking nerves right into nonexistence.

  I’m just about to take my robe off to get dressed when a frazzled Taylor whips into the room without bothering to knock. It’s almost death of him in the most undramatic way possible.

  A hiss of air leaves my lips as my three mates jump into action. Mikael, standing closest to the door, slams Taylor up against the wall with a sharp blade against his neck before he recognizes him. Brandon and Victor have closed ranks so tight in front of me, it’s almost impossible to see around them.

  “What the fuck, Taylor?” he growls. “I almost fucking killed you.”

  He simply shrugs Mikael’s words off as he lets him go. Whatever he’s got to say, it seems more important than his own safety. Something must’ve already happened.

  My hands close into fists as I stalk over to him, “What is it?”

  Facing down Mikael’s blade must have been nothing compared to my wraith, because it’s only now that he seems wary.

  “I’m sorry for the intrusion, my lady. But, there’s some people here to see you.”

  The three of my mates stiffen and reach for the weapons at their sides.

  “And you just had to rush in here and tell us that?” Victor barks. “Who is it?”

  Taylor all but jumps up and down, clapping his hands, “Ryker, and he’s got several people with him.”

  As much as that bastard gets on my last fucking nerve, I must admit that I’m actually glad to hear his name leave Taylor’s mouth.

  “Who are the others?” I ask, cutting Victor off.

  He shrugs, “I’m sorry, my lady. I don’t know their names. I came to you as soon as I could.”

  “Thanks, Taylor,” I say, verbalizing my appreciation while dismissing him. With a nod, he rushes back out the door as fast as he came in.

  Victor turns to Mikael, “Think Mel sent him?”

  The latter shrugs as he tucks his knife back into a holster around his chest, “I don’t know, and honestly, I don’t give a fuck. Asshole or not, I’m glad for the extra backup tonight.”

  I’ll call Mel and thank her later. I can only imagine her struggle and worry over sending one of her mates into danger like this. Though, I doubt she could’ve stopped him if it was his decision.

  “Well, let’s not keep him waiting, yeah?” I tell them, going back to toss my dress on.

  Brandon follows behind me, knowing I’ll need help tying up the back of the corset bodice. His fingers linger against my skin, and I have to remind myself multiple times that we don’t have the time.

  Once he’s done and the bottom fluffed to give the dress how it’s supposed to look, I glance at myself in the mirror.

  The flowing deep purple dress sets off the white blonde to my hair and accents the dark makeup painted on my face. Black ribbons form tiny bows around the bottom of the dress and match the black strings of the corset. Positioning a small crown on the top of my head, I’m vain enough to admit I could pass for royalty. Year after year, my costume never changes. Only the dress.

  Brandon comes back over to tuck me into his chest. All three of my mates loom over me since I’m so short.

  I almost look like a small child as he lays his chin atop my head, “Stunningly beautiful as always, my lady.”

  One of my favorite things about Brandon is that he never seems to run out of compliments and I never get tired of hearing them.

  “Tonight, when all of this is done and over with, I’ll let you take it off of me since you were the first to compliment,” I wink. Turning in his arms, I catch his grin before he captures my lips with his own.

  “I’m going to go ahead and say that’s cheating. He got a headstart,” Mikael complains from the doorway and Victor only half a step behind him.

  “I only said he’d be the one to take my dress off,” I tease, squeezing Brandon harder. “There are plenty of other firsts for the night. You’ll just have to earn them.”

  I don’t know if it’s the pep talk I gave myself, Ryker showing up or both, but I’m feeling supremely confident. Enough so that I’m able to joke with my mates as though the thought of danger was something of yesterday’s news.

  “Ok,” I say taking a step away from Brandon. “We need to go down and talk to Ryker and whoever he’s got with him. They need to be informed of the plans.”

  The three of them nod their consent, but Mikael is still the first out of our suite with Brandon at my arm and Victor at our backs. After this shit is said and done, I have every intention on finding a fourth to complete our little unit. For now, though, we’ve got to survive the night.


  "Nice to see that you're still alive and kicking," Ryker says as way of greeting when we walk into the room.

  I roll my eyes, "Yeah, nice to see you too, asshole."

  He doesn't smile, but he also doesn't make any rude comments about leaving either. Seems as though Mel might have actually fucked the asshole right out of him. As I look around I note that none of Mel's other mates joined him, just more of her devoted coven.

  "We appreciate you guys taking the risk to come up here like this," Brandon says, always the diplomatic one.

  That guy with muscles so big he threatens my doorframes steps up, "We couldn't all make the trip for obvious reasons, but beggars can't be choosers at this point, right?"

  Tank. That's his name. One of the band members that recently took the knee for Mel.

  "Right you are, friend," Brandon returns. "We're grateful for any help at all."

  "So, what's going down tonight?" Ryker asks, turning the conversation back to the matter at han

  I ignore all of them to go stand at the window that looks out onto the lawn. We've gone over this a dozen times, and knowing Ryker, he'll want it written in blood before anyone leaves this room.

  A shadow falls over me from behind. Everyone in this room is a friendly, so I don't startle.

  "Are you ok?" a soft, masculine voice asks.

  Flipping a look over my shoulder, I find a long dark-haired vampire covered in tattoos. The inner struggle to remember his name must show on my face, because he decides to help a girl out.

  "Ash," he says with a smile. Goddamn, Mel. She's got some damn fine men in her coven. It's a wonder she let any of them leave at all. I guess that's one of the biggest differences between us. She's willing to help others no matter the cost, and I'd rather be labeled selfish than risk any of my people.

  I realize that while I've been stuck in my little envious bubble, Ash still waits for an answer. It softens me towards him some, too, because out of everyone, even Brandon, he's the first to ask how I'm doing. I suppose it’s just expected for me to be a hard ass now.

  "I'm more than a little stressed the fuck out at the moment," I surprise even myself with the candid answer. "I'm tired of having to deal with pigheaded humans who won’t accept the fact that we're now in the twenty-first century and don't need to be hunted like animals. To be quite honest, I hope that I get the opportunity to lay hands on someone tonight. I'm in the mood for a little bloodshed." At that a wicked smile stretches over my face.

  "Aggressive little pint-sized female, huh?" Brandon jests coming to throw an arm around my shoulders.

  Ash hides his laugh behind a fisted hand. Were it anyone else that said some shit like that, I'd make them eat those words. I know that he means no offense by it, so I let it pass.

  After a few more minutes of quiet chatter in the room, there's a rap at the door, and Shane pokes his head through, "It’s time. The guests are starting to arrive."

  Ryker stands from where he's leaning against the side of the desk and rubs his hands together, "Showtime boys and girl."

  We filter out at different times all going in different directions. Every other year, I've stood somewhere close to the door to welcome our guests. The fucking Mayor and his family grace our guest list, for fucks sake. None of these pig-headed, stubborn nincompoops would even consider it as an option. Instead, I stand just inside the ballroom. They insisted, because this way, guests must go through several different security protocols before even getting close to me. All my coven, and Mel's too, that remain in the open and visible wear the finest tuxedos, adding a little show of luxury to the room.

  I stand with Brandon and Mikael at my back for well over an hour, welcoming guests as they arrive in the ballroom. When Victor, from his position at the door gives, the all clear in his earpiece, Brandon leads me out onto the dance floor to start the dancing for the evening. As we twirl around, other guests join us. It reminds me so much of the dream with Jude that I stumble. Brandon is there to catch me without missing a step, and I couldn’t possibly be more grateful than I am.

  After only one dance, I let him lead me around the room making conversation with everyone that stops us. I try to put on the best diplomatic face that I'm able to muster, but the tension radiating from all the vampires in the room keeps me on edge and my teeth grinding.

  We're heading to get drinks when Brandon stiffens at my side, no doubt hearing something through his hidden earpiece. There's not a lick of noticeable commotion anywhere, so whatever caused his anxiety must have been handled. I'll find out later.

  As the hours roll one into another, I find myself relaxing. Everyone went through multiple security checks before coming inside, and there hasn't been any signs of trouble anywhere.

  I reach up on my toes to act like I'm kissing Brandon on the cheek. He leans down to meet me halfway. "I'm going to the bathroom," I tell him quietly.

  He nods and moves to go with me.

  Grabbing him at the elbow, I say, "I'll be fine. We have guards in the hallways."

  "I'm not supposed to let you out of my sight," he sighs, knowing that he's going to give in.

  I smile and press a kiss against his lips. The music winds down, the musicians finishing up their set, so I make my way towards the door. Excusing myself as I maneuver around the throng of breathless dancers, the dream crosses my mind again and I shudder. Just then, all the lights in the mansion flicker before going out.

  A few of the women around me scream, but the majority of the crowd only offer nervous titters of laughter. I’m sure many think this is just part of the show, though it most assuredly is not.

  I hear Brandon and Mikael both calling for me, but at opposite sides of the room. I pick the one that sounds the closest and run straight into a brick wall of muscle.

  I offer a quick apology, intent on reaching my mates, but how stupid of me to think this an accident.

  Fingers close around my bicep, in the same exact spot Jude grabbed me the other night. I know this to be true even in the dark because the bruise smarts like a motherfucker under his grip. He starts to drag me across the floor. Screaming will only cause panic among the guests, so I clamp my mouth shut. He'll never make it out of here with me in tow anyways.

  Someone must get the backup generator working, because one second, we are bathed in darkness, and the next, bright lights from either side of the room flash on and off. The crowd starts to shuffle around me somehow sensing this may not be planned after all.

  That's when the first scream pierces the air, and it isn't mine. It is a sound of pure terror, and it sends a chill of foreboding down my spine. The lights flash again, and the sight that greets me is one that I will never forget. There in the middle of the floor a vampire has his mouth locked onto the neck of a young girl whose blood drips down the front of her white dress. His eyes lock onto mine right before the room goes black again.

  The rough hand at my arm is ripped away with sudden force and replaced by a more familiar one. Not even having to say anything, I know that Mikael stands at my side. Thank all that’s holy for that too because when the lights flick back on, the room erupts into chaos. Everywhere I look, I find unfamiliar vampires. Some with their victims still in their arms and others searching out their next one. Red splatters everything, blood covering the people, the walls, the floor.

  "We've got to get them out of here," I yell at Mikael.

  He wraps a protective arm against my chest and slings me behind him just as an attack comes at us. I can't think past the concern for my coven once again in danger. I can only see the fighting between the flashes of light, but I can tell that most, if not all, of my coven and those of Mel's are here. Thankfully, those humans able to do so have fled already.

  Then luck swings back to our favor as the lights come back on and stay on. A super tall, lanky vampire picks that exact moment to launch himself at Mikael's side. If it weren't for the bloodlust crazed one Mikael’s already got in front of him, there's not a chance this vamp would be able to get the drop on him. However, as it stands, it'll be a losing battle of two against one.

  Ripping the small slit at the side of my dress, I whip out the dagger strapped to my outer thigh. None of us thought that I'd need it tonight, but right now, I’m so thankful for its presense.

  I step between my mate and the advancing vampire, and it catches the stranger so off guard that he literally impales himself on my blade. I give it a hard twist before jerking it out of his body and slicing a deep gash across his neck. He gurgles, choking on his own blood as he falls to the floor.

  I've barely had time to raise my head when another one is on top of us. He shoves me back into Mikael hard, almost making us both hit the ground. His fangs flash as he stalks toward me. Making sure that the knife in my hand has his undivided attention, I rear back and kick him in the nuts, putting all of my strength behind it. As he hits his knees in front of me, I jump around behind him and carve into him with my knife, cutting him almost ear to ear. His blood gushes ou
t in spurts that just add to the mess on the floor. It's enough of a distraction for the vampire in front of Mikael to make a fatal mistake. In a matter of seconds, his body litters the ground beside his friends.

  I reach for Mikael just as he turns around, but an arm clamps down around my neck. It's tight enough that it starts cutting of my air supply instantly. I'm drug backwards as all eyes turn to us.

  "It's time to surrender," a raspy voice says in my ear. His breath reeks, tinged with the coppery smell of death.

  All of his friends in the room have fallen to my coven. He must know that this is his only option for survival. Or maybe they are just that fucking crazy that they'd go kamikaze for an insane cause.

  None of the bodies on the floor are from my coven or Mel's from what I can tell. Unsure how to approach the crazy man at my throat, my people turn to face us, watching and waiting for an opening.

  "I have your leader at my mercy and now half of the city likely knows what you are. There's nowhere to run anymore," that rasp echoes in the room.

  My blood turns to ice in my veins as the truth of his words hit home. There's no way we can stay here after this. I've just got to get out of his clutches, so I can deal with one shithole crisis at a time. Needless to say, I’ve reached my final limit.

  I'm still having trouble breathing, but I risk suffocation as I pull my legs up off the floor. The unexpected move catches him off-guard, and we both hit the ground. Hard. His heavy body knocks the breath from my own before he's ripped off a mere second later. I don't need to look to know that he's no longer a threat.

  It takes a few minutes before I can regulate my breathing, but when I finally can, I do the weakest thing I've ever done in my life. Faint, falling right into Mikael's waiting arms.


  A hand tracing my face with a soft touch brings me out of a dreamless sleep. The night's events flood my brain so fast that I jerk up, headbutting Victor who sits beside me on the tiny sofa.


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