Wicked Tales Anthology

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Wicked Tales Anthology Page 24

by Brandy Slaven

  She was just angry. Still. And concerned about Miguela who, despite their reassurances, would be freaking out right about now.

  “I need to speak with Miguela.”

  “When we land, of course,” Damien said easily.

  “Land where? America?” Never in her wildest dreams had she thought about going to the States.

  Luca nodded. “Oregon, to be exact.”

  Even as she wondered if Miguela would want to move to the States, and as she considered how to make that happen so she wouldn’t have to be parted from her friend, Adam was murmuring, “You’re free to come and go, Elena. You’re not our prisoner, you’re our mate, but it was imperative that we get you on our home turf.”


  “Because we’re Hunters, and we have enemies.” The three of them shared a look that had unease rippling through her.

  Somehow, she felt certain that was an understatement.

  “How do you know I’m your mate?” she asked, needing to hear the answer. Needing to know this wasn’t just some bullshit to get her to spread her legs for them. Even though, deep down, she felt the connection between them, spreading, unfurling, and blooming to life.

  And, needing to know, because if she didn’t like the answer, she would start to freak the hell out about being on a plane headed to Oregon, of all places.

  “Because you recognize us.” Damien beamed at her, a true beatific joy in his eyes as he continued, “No one can tell us apart. No one save you.”

  She frowned. “That’s it?”

  Luca snorted. “I think she wanted hearts and flowers, Damien.”

  “Oh,” he said, sounding disappointed. “Well, I mean, our hearts are starting to beat in time, if that helps. You can’t get any more romantic than that, surely?”

  She was no dumbass, she sensed that her ability to tell them apart was the bigger deal in this scenario.

  “Not even your mother can tell you apart?”

  “No. Not unless she knows from the start. So, say I called Damien’s name, she knows then, and she remembers that way. But out of a line up? No, she’d never pick us apart.”

  Though she wanted to know why a mother would ever pick her triplets out of a line up, she didn’t ask that. Too curious by the fact their own mother couldn’t pick which son was which when the differences were so blatant to her. An inwardly-aimed joke that their father wouldn’t recognize them was one thing, but their mother?

  “It seems almost cliché,” Adam was murmuring, “but I didn’t realize how important that actually was to me.”

  Luca nodded. “It’s difficult not to feel like a unit where the individual is lost.” Because that resonated, Elena licked her lips and pressed her hand to Luca’s knee.

  “That sounds very sad.”

  “That’s because it is.” His smile was dry, as dry as the palm that slid over the back of her hand, before he turned hers over and bridged their fingers. “Come, it’s time to sleep. We probably have another few hours before we land in Oregon.”

  She allowed herself to be tugged down against the sheets, well aware that she was safe.

  Utterly and genuinely safe.

  These men meant her no harm.

  If anything, they promised her the opposite.

  The bedroom was dark, save for a trim of mahogany that ran around the center of the room. It was recessed and contained a strip-light that provided enough illumination for her to see around. It was like a nightlight but dull and gentle enough to induce sleep.

  On either side of her, she felt the men relax, apparently at ease knowing she was there, and that she wasn’t trying to run off.

  Not that there was anywhere to run to, of course, she thought with a roll of her eyes. But as she stared up at the ceiling, from a bed that was on a jet—proof positive of the money they had—she found herself in an odd dilemma. The need to share, to reveal herself, warts and all was as imperative as taking her next breath.

  But that kind of admission… It wouldn’t paint her in the best of lights. Would they reject her? Or did their promises actually mean something?

  Needing to know, she blurted out, “I-I’m not a prostitute, but I-I guess you could call me a conwoman.” The words were stark. Bleak. As bleak as her life.

  Where every day had been spent worried about money. Where every day had involved one lie or another.

  Half-Lykens didn’t do well in the human world. No matter what her mother wanted to believe, they couldn’t settle.

  A regular job, a nice family, it wasn’t something that called to a half-Lyken. There was no joy to be found in studies, no desire to be found in an education.

  She and Miguela were stupid in many ways. Unable to learn the knowledge that was required to make their survival easier, they’d turned to their faces and their bodies to make a living.

  It had worked, but it was tiring, and sometimes, they cut it so close. She hated having to live on the edge.

  This kind of money?

  It spoke of a kind of security that nothing else could afford. Who owned a private jet, after all? And if they didn’t own it, who hired one?

  Her words were met with silence, then Luca turned his face into her throat as he rolled onto his side. The move wasn’t intimidating; he wasn’t angry at her admission, nor was he trying to use aggression to punish her. No, he nuzzled his nose into her throat, and murmured sleepily, “We know. The bartender told us to avoid you.”

  “But when we saw you, we knew what you were.”

  “And we had to look,” Damien finished, ending Adam’s sentence for him. “It’s okay, Elena, we all have pasts.”

  There was something in his voice that made her wonder what they had in their pasts. They’d had a lot longer to cause mayhem and mischief, and with faces and bodies like theirs, she had no doubt a lot of the fun and games had been at the expense of women.

  At the sudden spike of jealousy that careened through her veins, she reached down and grabbed a hold of Luca’s cock. He jumped, startled by the aggressive move when he’d obviously been ready to fall asleep.

  “If you’re my mate, then this is mine.” With her right hand, she did the same with Adam who jolted too. “Do you understand me?” Through bared teeth, she spat, “I don’t share.”

  Damien laughed. “Good. But unfortunately for you, we do share. Among ourselves. This isn’t a one on one situation, Elena.”

  Was it bizarre that not, for one slight second, she’d thought it was?

  She scowled at him, even though she knew he wouldn’t see it and huffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I always thought you would share me.”

  And that was no word of a lie.

  Cristo, all he had to do was look where her hands were!

  At her side, Luca began to breathe deeply, and his cock pulsed in her hand. She felt his fingers curl around hers as he guided her into a motion she knew too well.

  She allowed him the instruction, pleased to learn what would satisfy him. When Adam did the same, she felt a thrill of power wind its way around her system.

  These men were hers.

  She had no idea who they were.

  No idea what they were—and it went so much deeper than the classification of ‘Hunters.’ But she’d learn that tomorrow. Tonight, she’d learn them.

  The real them.

  She used her fists on them, hating that Damien wasn’t involved, and wishing she’d started this little battle of wills differently. But as a hand made its way to her thigh, and she felt her skirt slowly being dragged up to her waist, all of a sudden, she was quite content with the situation.

  She spread her legs, unashamed at the need she felt for them. It was unusual and it was new. She rarely desired men, and that was why she rarely had sex. But these three?

  They were like a buffet of chocolate.

  She wanted to eat them all up, damn the calories.

  Spreading her legs so that one foot settled between Adam’s and the other between Luca’s, she let Damien tease her.

>   He ran his finger along the seam of her pantyhose, and she felt a sudden pressure as he dug into the tightly woven fabric. It tautened then gave way and then, his digit rubbed down the length of her panties before he slipped one underneath and touched her core.

  God, when had she become so wet?

  Was it when she’d touched their cocks? Had claimed them as her own?

  Was it when they’d told her how they knew she was theirs?

  Or was it the fact that they had cuddled her, intended to sleep beside her without any funny business?

  Somehow, she knew it was the latter that had inspired trust where no stranger had earned such a gift before.

  They hadn’t asked this of her, and conversely, she wanted to give it to them.

  Wanted to gift them all she had to give.

  She clenched down hard, her pussy spasming at how empty she felt. How badly she needed them to fill her.

  She shuddered as he rubbed her clit, then she jolted again when she felt teeth at her earlobe and realized Adam was kissing her there. She moaned as Luca did the same, this time to her throat. Arching her neck to give them full access, she let out a whimper as the blunt tip of Damien’s finger slipped inside her.

  “Oh God,” she whispered, needing them, needing more.

  “They won’t help you,” Adam teased in her ear.


  Gods. Plural?

  But that was another question for another time. A time when Damien’s finger wasn’t teasing her, when the teeth at her throat weren’t making her feel like she was coming out of her skin.

  She’d never felt like this before.


  Not once in her life.

  She’d had an orgasm before, she guessed. But Elena knew that what these men would make her feel would be so much more than that, it would make her a part of them forever.

  But then, she guessed that made sense considering she was theirs.

  And they were hers.

  When large hands cupped her breasts, each man at her side taking one captive, her spine rippled as she arched with the sensation that traveled down her body, making her toes curl and her fingers tighten around Adam and Luca’s cocks.

  “How does this work?” she managed to pant out.

  “You put part A into part B,” Damien teased, laughing as he gave her a demonstration.

  His joking made her growl even as she wanted to mewl at how deliciously his finger filled her. “I meant with the three of you.”

  “One day, you’ll take us all,” Luca assured her.

  “At once?” she squeaked, hoping her English had failed her, and gritted her teeth as they chuckled at her shock.

  “Aye. You will. One day. Not today though,” Adam murmured, pressing his lips tenderly to her racing pulse.

  She shivered, then let out a cry when she felt Damien shift between her legs. He moved down low, crouched over her, and as she tilted her head to look at him, she fell back into the coverlet with a moan when his mouth was there.

  On her.

  Doing what she’d never allowed another man to do.

  With a deep sigh, she ceased moving her hands, content to focus on his tongue, his touch. His teasing.

  He played her like a violin. Hell, the more she thought of it, it was more like a piano. He moved his tongue like a pianist would scale the keys, and she shuddered with each pass over her clit.

  Her hands were removed from the cocks she was gripping as though her life depended on it, and she felt them being shifted over her head, pinned to the pillows.

  She didn’t protest, content to let them play this out. She had no idea how this would work, but she knew they would.

  The spike of jealousy appeared once more, and it made her rock her hips, made her ride his face, demand a pleasure that they insisted was hers and hers alone.

  The men at her side chuckled. “She’s got fire,” Adam murmured, sounding satisfied.

  “I’ll burn you,” she retorted, her words a hiss. “Maldita sea,” she cried, spoiling the threat as Damien strummed her clit and thrust a finger inside her. “More, I need more.”

  The covers shifted and she felt Damien move, felt his hips settle higher between her thighs as he grabbed them and spread them wider.

  When he notched his cock to her entrance, she wanted to weep, but she couldn’t, because Luca had moved, and he was there.

  Right there.

  His cock staring at her with its Cyclops eye.

  She’d never liked blowjobs but the desire to taste him overwhelmed her.

  As Damien thrust in deep, she settled her lips around the engorged head and with her arms held up high, she allowed him to move in and out of her mouth as though he were making love to her there.

  Before she knew what was what, she felt something slide over her breasts. It was cold and slick and made her shiver, and it was utterly uncaring of the neckline they’d shoved down to gain access to the mounds. The liquid pooled and moistened the fabric so it clung to her, but she couldn’t complain. She didn’t even have it in her to do so.

  Her breasts were pressed together and she felt Adam’s cock slide between them.

  The three of them had her pinned down so that she was utterly vulnerable, so at their mercy that it should have had every single one of her senses running into overload.

  But, and she didn’t know why, she’d never felt safer.

  Or sexier.

  Desire moved through her body like a sinuous snake, making her suck Luca harder, clench her pussy tighter around Damien’s cock, and wish like hell she could do something for Adam.

  How long they kept her there, working her over, satisfying themselves and her, she didn’t know. Then, they mumbled something that her battered senses couldn’t comprehend. Adam leaned over and pressed his mouth to her throat. It was awkward for him, but it seemed important enough for him to stop what he was doing.

  His teeth raked over her throat, making the sensitive nerve endings jerk to life. She cried around Luca’s shaft, and he, in turn, responded with a guttural growl.

  Damien’s hand moved to her pussy, and as he began to strum her clit, Adam surprised the hell out of her by clenching down.

  Her eyes widened as his teeth pierced her skin. Hard enough for her to scream as pain ripped through her, tearing through her senses as pleasure had moments before.

  Before she could feel betrayed, a climax roared through her and she felt Adam shifting away from her, moving to the side. His breathing was choppy before the hot splatter of cum decorated her chest, burning her, branding her with his seed as he marked her as his.

  Damien carried on strumming her clit, but he bent over, looming, and above her throat, at the front, not the side, where the skin was thinner, he did the same.

  As he sliced through the flesh, she screamed around the cock in her mouth, before a blinding sensation hit her square between the eyes.

  For a second, she truly was blind, then as he retreated, he sped up. His hips moving so fast the bed shook with his thrusts. He pinched her clit and she screamed, grateful that Luca pulled out because she bit down hard then, almost biting her tongue as release poured through her.

  Sweat gathered on her body, making her hot and sticky and feel like glue, but she was incomplete.

  And she didn’t know why.

  Even as she reached the plateau, even as she felt sure she could experience no more pleasure, Damien carried on. Only when he came with a mighty roar, did she feel some relief. He pumped into her, milking every drop of his cum from his body.

  The way her own sighed with joy was something she wouldn’t have thought possible.

  She opened her eyes, groggily staring at the man who had climbed atop her once Damien moved out of the way. He went to the right side of her neck and gave her the same treatment his brothers had gifted her.

  Her cry was lower, more muted now. The pain was something she could embrace because she knew it brought more. Pleasure. Sensitivity. It shot her to the moon, when sh
e’d only ever aimed for planet Earth.

  Then, his cock was in her mouth, and another’s lips were on her clit.

  Even as she panted around his shaft, letting him fuck her, she cried out and begged for more. Needing all they had to give, like she’d never needed it before.

  She’d been frigid in bed before, but now? She was like an inferno. She was so hot, she was astonished she didn’t set the sheets alight. The lips on her clit pinched down gently before sucking hard. She let out a garbled shriek and then it hit her tongue.


  She’d never allowed that to happen before, but the salty sweet, bitter liquid provided a relief of its own.

  A sense of pure and utter peace welled inside her, making her feel so happy at that moment, tears dotted her eyes.

  She lay there for endless moments, dead to the world, yet feeling glorious too as the men, their breathing slowing down to pants from their exertion, settled down.

  “What was that?” she asked thickly after an hour or maybe only five minutes passed.

  It could have been a year for all she knew.

  She wafted her hand and whispered, “The biting?”

  “You’re ours now.” The satisfaction in Luca’s voice should have irritated her. Maybe it would have if she hadn’t been so wonderfully replete.

  “All you need now is to meet our Lykens. Officially. And without a rabid Wolf waiting around the corner. Once that’s done, no man can tear us asunder.”

  A sudden doubt pierced her, and the fear that swelled had the men at her side jostling into upright positions.


  Her name came three times.

  “What is it?”

  Her eyes stung with tears again. “Nothing lasts forever.”

  Stunned silence was her only answer.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I-I’m too hard to love. My mother told me that when she kicked me out.”

  “Then your mother was a fool,” Adam snarled. But Elena shook her head. “No. She was right. I was not an easy child. My aunt… I thought she loved me, but she died when I was fourteen. I barely got to know her. She left me with my mom.”

  Confused silence swarmed around her. “I don’t understand. Who is this? Your mother or father’s sister?”


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