Lucky in Love (Charmed in Vegas Book 3)

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Lucky in Love (Charmed in Vegas Book 3) Page 8

by Bethany Shaw

  “He has,” she admitted before adding. “But I already knew you were a creep, just not a supernatural one.”

  Ian chuckled. “Warlocks can live for many generations, Elly. You are my mate.”

  “Excuse me!” I thought mating was supposed to be special. How can I be two different men's mates?

  “My mate, Lizzy, refused to perform the ritual for long life. She said it was unnatural. You are her reincarnated,” Ian told her.

  Elly scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

  “You believe in the supernatural but not in reincarnation?” he questioned.

  Okay, maybe he has a point. It could be possible. But at least I’ve seen the supernatural firsthand.

  Elly went to rake a hand through her hair, but hit her sequined hat instead. She tugged the monstrosity off her head and dropped it to the floor. “What is it you want me to do?” she questioned as she smoothed wisps of hair back out of her face.

  “Come with me,” he offered. His footsteps padded against the floor as he approached her, but she still couldn’t see him.

  Damn would it be nice to have supernatural eyesight right now. Laik was out cold next to her, but the gentle rise and fall of his chest told her he was okay for the moment.

  “That’s it? What about Laik?” she questioned. That seemed too easy. Ian had to know Laik would come after her.

  “You come willingly and I’ll leave him be. He’ll awake from his slumber in an hour or two,” Ian said.

  She didn’t believe him for a second.

  Elly lurched back as icy fingers circled around her wrist. Ian’s grip tightened and he hauled her to him. She collided with his chest, wriggling against him as she tried to free herself. I still can’t see his face. Why can’t I see him?

  “If you continue to resist, Laik will never wake up,” Ian threatened.

  Elly halted her struggle as she panted from the exertion.

  I can’t let anything happen to Laik. Maybe once we are away from here I can get loose. But what if Ian was lying and would hurt Laik? I don’t have much choice but to cooperate for now.

  “I want your word that, when we leave, you’ll leave him alone,” she insisted. Even if he gave his word, could she trust him?

  “We can walk out right now and he’ll be just fine. I promise, Elly,” Ian replied. “But if you defy me, he’ll suffer a fate much worse than death.”

  What would he do? She didn’t want to know. Nothing could happen to Laik. “You won’t have anyone else harm him either?” she questioned.

  “I’m a man of my word. I plan on taking you someplace no one will ever find you,” he hissed into her ear.

  She closed her eyes and grimaced at his closeness. Could he really take her somewhere no one could find her? She knew nothing about the world of magic.

  Elly licked her lips as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Laik was unconscious and in no condition to defend himself. If something happened to him, she would never forgive herself. In a mere forty-eight hours, she’d begun to care for him more than she would’ve thought possible. Perhaps it was love, she didn’t know, but it was something, and nothing like she’d ever experienced before.

  “Tick tock, what’s your decision?” Ian prodded as he clutched her tighter.

  “Okay,” Elly agreed. She said a silent prayer and hoped going with Ian wasn’t a mistake.

  Ian muttered something she couldn’t understand beneath his breath. She gasped as the air around her swirled. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and fabric covered her midriff and legs. She stumbled forward, shrinking as her shoes turned into flats.

  “Shall we,” he said, though it wasn’t a question. He tugged her toward the door, peeking his head out first before yanking her into the hallway.

  Elly cringed against the offensive white light in the hall. She closed her eyes, letting them adjust before opening them again.

  An emerald green strappy dress covered her and her hair was loose around her face. He’d changed her clothes. But how? Magic. She was going to have to get used to this.

  Her eyes drifted to the carpet and she studied it. Her mouth popped open. They were still in the Old Moon Casino. Help was nearby. That was probably why Ian was in such a hurry. She needed to stall him somehow.

  How did one get away from a warlock? Too bad he’d taken her heels. Those things would have hurt if she’d stomped on him. Hell, she could probably use them to impale him. She surveyed her flats. It might still injure him but not as much as her massive heels would have.

  She only had to do something to distract him long enough to run away and make it to a public area. How hard could that be?

  The glint of the elevator drew her attention to the doors. She sighed and contemplated her options. If she let him take her downstairs, she’d be that much closer to people; but up here, she was close to Laik. Could she wake him somehow? What if she couldn’t wake him?

  Ian mashed his finger over the down arrow and looked up. Elly followed his gaze, watching as the numbers lit up. There were forty floors in the hotel and it appeared they were on one of the top floors. The elevator chimed. The doors had barely slid open before Ian hauled her over the threshold. He hit the button for the casino level and she let out a breath.

  “No funny business,” Ian warned. “I have men in the casino who will not hesitate to hurt the dragon should I tell them to. If it weren’t for that bastard hitching a ride when I tried to whisk you off the stage, we wouldn’t even be here in the casino. We’d be halfway to my home by now, and no one would be the wiser,” he grumbled.

  “What do you mean?” Elly questioned as she watched the floor numbers descend.

  “I can only transport so far. My magic is strong, but teleportation takes a lot of juice, if you will, especially when you’re bringing others along for the ride. If it had been just you, as I planned, we would’ve gone farther and gotten out of the casino, but I had to change it last minute because he jumped on too. At least I got us to my suite,” Ian grumbled.

  “Oh.” I’m glad he foiled your plans, she thought to herself.

  Why wasn’t Ian using his power again to move them someplace else? Unless he couldn’t? Surely even powerful warlocks had limitations on their powers. At least she hoped that was the case.

  The elevator dinged and the doors glided open. Elly peered out at the bustling casino. She could get lost amongst the crowd easily. Now was her chance. She balled her free hand into a fist as she wrenched her other arm free.

  Ian reached out to reclaim her and she punched him in the nose with every ounce of strength she could muster. Ian howled, releasing her. Her foot shot up, kicking him in the groin. He pitched forward, one hand over his nose, the other cupping his crotch.

  “Asshole,” she hissed as she darted into the crowd.

  Ian roared behind her. She pushed her legs to run faster, shoving people out of the way as she went. The beeping slot machines and hoots and laughter of people around her encompassed her. Her eyes darted around as she looked for an exit.

  “Hey, pretty lady, you look like good luck,” a man slurred as he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards a table.

  Elly grimaced as his putrid, alcohol breath puffed in her face. She wanted to tell him she was anything but lucky, but was too afraid of catching a whiff of his breath to speak.

  “Blow on these,” he encouraged as he opened his sweaty hand, revealing a pair of dice.

  Elly huffed and the man cheered, tossing the dice onto the table. He clasped her tighter and jumped up and down. “By golly, you do that again, and I’ll split my winnings with you,” he bellowed as he pulled her closer.

  “No, thanks,” she gagged as she pulled away from him.

  The man released her and she darted away from the table, colliding with a waitress. Alcoholic and soft drinks went flying, splattering both Elly and the server. Elly groaned as she wiped the liquid from her face.

  Looks like my good luck was short lived.

  “Sorry,” s
he apologized as tears pricked her eyes. Great, I have soda or beer in my eyes. Isn’t that perfect.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as tears trickled from her eyes. The room was blurry and she whipped her head from side to side, trying to determine if Ian was nearby.

  Warm arms wrapped around her elbow, and she cried out as the person drew her close.

  “Here you are, sugar. You gave us all quite the scare.”

  “Charlie?” Elly breathed as she squinted through her watery eyes.

  “You can call me Elvis,” he teased as he twirled her around. “Darling, what did that bastard do to you?” He whipped a kerchief out of his pocket and dabbed at her face.

  “I ran into a waitress and she spilled drinks all over me.” Elly sighed. “I’ve got to get out of here before Ian finds me again.” Panicked, she scanned the casino, looking for signs of the warlock. She didn’t see him, but that didn’t reassure her. He could be hiding with his magic and sneaking up on her that very second. A chill went up her spine at the thought of him grabbing her out of nowhere. She pressed her back against one of the slot machines, wanting something solid behind her.

  “And all over that pretty dress. It matches your eyes and hair,” he said as if she weren’t running for her life. “I know someone who can get this out.”

  “Is that important right now?” she questioned. “Where is Ian? Where is Laik? Is he okay?”

  “Lover boy is fine. He’s already chasing after Ian,” Charlie told her. “Apparently MYTHS has started a new program so their agents can build up a tolerance to popular drugs so it doesn’t impair them for long.”

  “Laik?” He was okay and awake?

  “Yes, Laik. Unless you have another lover I don’t know about. Let’s get you off the floor,” Charlie said as he guided her to the backstage area.

  She was safe and so was Laik. Hopefully, he would be able to catch Ian.


  Laik brushed through the crowd, his eyes narrowed on Ian Palmer’s blond hair as he closed in on the warlock. The bastard had tranquilized him and scared Elly. Acelynn had texted him a moment ago letting him know Elly was with Charlie. Knowing she was safe with her friends was comforting, but Ian was going to pay for what he did. It was a good thing his boss, Penny, had insisted all MYTHS members build up a tolerance to tranquilizers. He’d only been under for a few minutes. A few minutes too long.

  MYTHS had a jail for people like Ian. It was Hell on Earth. Literally. He couldn’t think of a better place for a guy like Ian Palmer.

  Ian glanced around, aware he was being followed. The warlock sped up and began to weave in and out of the crowd. Laik grinned. Good. He deserved to be scared after what he'd done.

  Dean had managed to use Ian’s magical signature to block his magic. The bastard wouldn’t be able to perform any magic for several hours, meaning Ian was powerless against Laik. This was going to be fun.

  His finger pressed against his ring as he pushed past a couple, making him invisible to human eyes. His flight to the stage at the Old Moon was causing enough chaos, no need to add to it. The street was so busy no one would notice his disappearance, or Ian’s—he hoped. The magic in his ring would make Ian invisible too once he touched him.

  Laik sped up his pace, pushing himself into a grueling run to close the gap between him and the warlock.

  Ian was within arm’s reach; Laik struck out, grasping the man’s shoulder and squeezing until Ian’s collarbone crunched beneath his grip. Ian howled and fell to his knees.

  No one could see what was happening. There was a bit he wanted to do to Ian before relinquishing him to MYTHS’ custody.

  The warlock writhed in pain and Laik took the opportunity to transition into his dragon. Fully turned, he grasped the man with his talons and soared into the air. His claws gripped Ian tightly, sinking into his flesh. Rivulets of blood beaded on his long claws and he smiled as Ian screamed. The man had no idea this was just the beginning of his pain.

  He blinked down at the Vegas Strip as they flew over it. The spike from the tip of the Eiffel Tower was a few hundred kilometers away. It wasn’t as pointy as the real one, but it would have to do for now. The real monument was too far away—even for a dragon—and he’d hate to have a mishap over the ocean. He grinned as he pushed himself higher.

  Ian had gone quiet, only groaning here and there as the wind buffeted Laik up and down.

  I hope he isn’t afraid of heights. If he isn’t yet, he will be terrified of them soon.

  Laik hovered over the Eiffel Tower flapping his wings to create a vortex.

  “No, please,” Ian groveled as he stared down at the sharp spike.

  Laik pushed himself a little bit higher and puffed out a ball of fire before releasing Ian.

  He chuckled, causing smoke to waft out of his nose as Ian screeched. The warlock swirled in the vortex in a free fall. Laik flapped his wings harder, causing the spinning to increase. Ian popped up and dropped back down, plummeting towards the spike.

  Laik waited, watching until he couldn’t any longer. At the last second, he dove toward the bastard and swooped him up in his grasp.

  Ian sputtered and whimpered, clutching Laik’s talons like a vise.

  “Elly is mine,” Laik gurgled in his dragon’s voice. Speaking in dragon was not an easy feat and he couldn’t even be sure the warlock had understood him. If not, he’d make damn sure he got the message loud and clear when they flew into MYTHS. But for now, he was content to let the warlock fall a few more times.

  Chapter Eight

  Elly paced back and forth, aware of the eyes watching her. She was quickly wearing a hole in the carpet. The suite in the Old Moon was bigger than the one she’d stayed in last night with Laik. There’d been fresh clothes in the room waiting for her, too. Apparently, there were incidents at the casino all the time which required staff to keep clothing of all sizes on hand.

  The neon glare of the Vegas Strip flickered on the far wall, drawing her attention to the night sky. Her eyes drifted to the large balcony, searching for Laik. He’d called to say he was on his way back from MYTHS an hour ago. What was taking so long?

  She clenched her hands at her sides and released them as she continued to stomp back and forth. It had been hours since Charlie found her and Laik had taken off with Ian. Garrett and Dean had hustled her back to a private suite and now stood guard, insisting she stay put in case more of Ian’s men were still out there. They’d already caught several of his crew and turned them over to what they told Elly were other MYTHS agents.

  “I’m sure Laik will be here soon. There’s a lot of paperwork to fill out,” Acelynn spoke as if she’d read Elly’s mind. She’d caught up with them on the casino floor and had since refused to leave Elly’s side. “Why don’t you come sit down? Did Ian ever say what he wanted with you?”

  Elly paused and combed her fingers through her hair. She let out a breath and trudged to the couch, collapsing between Acelynn and Charlie. Ian hadn’t made any sense. He was a nut; of course he didn’t.

  “He said...that I was a reincarnation of his past lover.” She shrugged while biting her lip.

  “Well if that’s the case, your choices in men have obviously gotten better,” Charlie teased as he patted her leg.

  “Is reincarnation possible?” Elly asked, turning to him. She’d only begun to process that Laik was a dragon shifter and her roommates were all supernatural.

  “I don’t see why not. I’ve personally never seen it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen,” Charlie told her.

  Elly cast her gaze to Ava, who was sitting on the arm of the couch. Neither said anything.

  “Even if it is true,” Acelynn began as she grasped Elly’s hand, “it wouldn’t change your connection to Laik. If anything, I would think that two people who had a bond would reincarnate to be with each other again. Not with someone else. You and Laik are meant to be together. Ian Palmer is a sick man. I wouldn’t trust a word that came out of his mouth.”

  Elly frown
ed and shifted in her seat. “I’m not sure that makes me feel better.” Did that mean Ian stalked her in another life? She shuddered at the thought.

  “It’s all done and over now,” Ava said to Elly but kept her gaze on Garrett. “That jerk is going to a place where he’ll never see the light of day again. I know it’s hard, but the sooner you put it behind you, the better.”

  Elly nodded. Ava’s words made sense, but forgetting Ian and his crazy delusions weren’t going to happen overnight.

  The patio door clicked open. Elly whipped around as Laik strode through the doors.

  She shot up and raced toward him, enveloping him in a hug. He was here. He was safe. A breath whooshed out of her lungs and she closed her eyes. Laik smoothed his hands through her hair as he held her.

  “It’s over,” he assured her.

  “We’ll get out of your hair,” Acelynn said as she stood up from the couch.

  “I assume the guard detail can leave, too. That bear looks yummy,” Ava said as she waggled her brows and licked her lips.

  “They can leave,” Laik replied, keeping his arm wrapped around Elly as she turned to face her friends.

  “Maybe they can take up guard at our place,” Ava suggested. “You seem to have things covered here, and you never know when something may happen.”

  “I like that idea. It would make me feel a whole lot safer,” Charlie agreed as the pair hooked arms and sauntered out the door.

  “I’ll see you two in the morning?” Acelynn asked, her gaze flicking from her brother to Elly.

  “Yes,” Laik replied.

  “We can do the breakfast buffet here at the Old Moon. They make killer French toast. I’ll make sure Charlie and Ava don’t harass your colleagues too much tonight,” Acelynn said as she waved to them. “See you in the morning.” She closed the door.

  “What happened?” Elly asked, sagging against Laik.

  He supported her as they made their way to the couch. “Ian will pay for his crimes. He won’t bother you or anyone else ever again,” he promised.

  “He’s in jail?” Elly questioned.


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