Paroxysm Effect

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Paroxysm Effect Page 14

by Reynolds, Ashleigh

  As if on cue, the clouds opened up letting large droplets of rain come crashing down on them soaking through their clothes. Thunder cracked loud in the distance the sound coupled with the freezing rain making Gemi shiver.

  Jaxton eyed her then the house. “Ok we will do a sweep, but any sign of danger and we get the hell out of here.”

  They ran up the driveway stopping just under the cover of the front porch. There didn’t seem to be any sound coming from inside.

  Jaxton checked the front door; it was unlocked falling open with a slight creak. Gemi wasn’t sure if that was a good sign.

  With her hand grasped on the handle of her knife she stepped inside following close to Jaxton. The house opened up into a small foyer, stairs lay directly in front of them leading to the second floor. They moved to the right following the narrow hallway that brought them to the main living area. In the dimming light Gemi could see that not a thing was out of place, every knickknack and decorative pillow exactly where the owner intended it to be.

  The kitchen and bathroom was the exact same thing almost as if the place had lay untouched for years. Gemi would have believed that had there been a speck of dust anywhere.

  Gemi climbed the stairs acutely aware of the creaking every step created. Her heart was racing by the time they reached the top. Three sets of doors lined the hall, all closed tightly. Gemi looked at Jaxton and raised her eyebrows.

  “I guess we split up,” he answered. “But we all enter at the same time and if there is anything you get out of there and out the front door you got it?”

  She moved to the door on the far left, positioning her hand on the handle and waited for Jaxton’s cue. With a deep breath she pushed the door open and stepped inside. Nothing sinister was waiting for her, just a darkening empty room.

  A four-post bed lay in the center of the wall with two nightstands on either side. Gemi walked to the closest one and surveyed the items on top. Amongst the scattered beauty products and books lay a small picture frame. Inside it an older couple posed together on what looked like the front porch of the house. The man had his hand wrapped around the woman’s waist, pulling her into him. They both wore the largest smiles. She could sense how happy they were emanating out from the photo.

  Gemi grabbed it and fell back on the bed. She ran a finger across the photo, tracing the outlines of their faces. The broad smiles they both wore made her overcome with sadness. These people had a life, a family, everything before the world went to hell. Who knew what happened to them, perhaps they got out safe; found others like her who were able to keep it together. Or perhaps they went off the rails just like everyone else.

  “You alright there?” Jaxton stood in the doorway, his head leaning against the edge.

  “Yeah,” Gemi placed the frame back where she found it.

  “We just have to check out that shed in the back. If it’s all clear we should be set for tonight. Hey.” He stretched out and caught her hand as she tried to pass. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “As good as I can be.”

  Jaxton reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear letting his hand trail her jawbone after.

  “You know you had no choice.”

  “Didn’t I though?” Gemi pulled away from him and headed back downstairs where the doctor was waiting.

  Together they headed out to the shed behind the house. A small bit of light shone through the worn wood, but other than that there was no sign of life.

  Jaxton once again took the lead stepping up to the door he pushed it open and stepped inside. Gemi was a few steps inside the door when he turned around and tried to force her back out, but it was too late. Gemi had already seen everything. The floor was drenched in drying blood; blood spatter marked the walls and ceilings. In the corner the man from the photo sat in a pool of blood, he was missing a hand that was lying close to him along with the hatchet he must have used to cop it off. Half of his face was missing his jaw hung disjointed to the side and pieces of his scalp and brain were splattered on the wall behind him. The gun he used to kill himself was still clutched in his intact hand.

  In the center of the room was a wood chipper that was now covered in pieces of what used to be a human. Gemi could guess that that’s where the woman from the photo met her end. He must have turned first before taking his own life. She could only hope that her death was quick and not drawn out at the hand of the person she loved.

  Gemi went numb and from somewhere deep inside her laughter boiled to the surface. Jaxton and the doctor looked at her horrified, their hands sliding to their weapons which only made her laugh harder.

  “We’re fucked,” she breathed.

  Gemi fell to the ground. Somewhere along the way her irrational laughter had turned to uncontrollable sobs.

  “Hey.” Jaxton dropped beside her. “We’ll be fine.”

  “You… can’t… honestly… believe… that,” she managed to get out.

  Jaxton wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up off the ground carrying her back towards the house. The last thing she saw before closing her eyes and finally succumbing to exhaustion was the doctor chaining up the doors to the shed.


  Gemi woke to darkness. Finding that she was comfortable for the first time in a while, she fought the urge to get up, but her need to use the restroom was far too demanding.

  Luckily for her Jaxton had placed her in the master bedroom and she found a bathroom connected to the room. She clicked on the light, ignoring the nagging voice in her head that told her not to and sat down on the seat. She closed her eyes and imagined she was back in her apartment getting ready for another boring workday. Her drive to work would be uneventful, there would be traffic, but everyone would be courteous and kind. She would make it through her workday, lunch with coworkers

  perhaps a drink after then she would find herself back in her cozy apartment. Mentally she kicked herself for every wishing that her life would have more excitement.

  While washing her hands Gemi glimpsed of herself in the mirror. She was horrified of the woman who stared back at her. The skin under her eyes was dark and sunken in and her hair hung in limp clumps around her face. She had a welt and what looked to be the start of a good bruise welling up where Sann had hit her as well as a spilt lip. Gemi looked down at her hands and noticed the dirt and blood caked under her nails and up her arms. She scrubbed her hands trying to get every bit out. Finally giving up she decided that her only choice was to take a shower, thankful that the house had its own generator and well.

  The hot water ran over her body loosening the muscle knots as it went. She knew she was being selfish, who needs a shower when the world has a bunch or murderous people running around, but once she smelt the lavender shampoo she didn’t care.

  Gemi towel dried before stepping back out into the room. She found her clothes in a heap on the floor and it occurred to her that the woman might have something she could fit in. Gemi found the closet and flicked on the light. The first thing she found was a robe, slipping it on she let the towel fall to the ground. The woman was just about her size. Gemi selected an outfit for the next day and as she laid it on the chair by the door she was surprised to feel more like herself, at least for the time being.

  Her stomach rumbled loud. She clutched at it and decided that there may be something to snack on in the kitchen.

  Gemi slipped out the door and into the hallway, her hand found the wall, using it as a guide as her eyes readjusted to the darkness. Just before she had reached the stairs her hand fell into open space. She turned and peered inside the room. Right inside there was a figure sitting in a chair facing the open door. As Gemi crept closer she saw it was Jaxton. He was asleep in the chair, his gun lying across his lap.

  “Hey,” she whispered shaking him gently.

  “What?” Jaxton jumped up, his eyes flying open.

  “Whoa, it’s ok. It’s just me.”

  “I must have fallen asleep.” He rubbed his hands over his
face and eyes trying to push the sleepiness away.

  “Why don’t you go to bed, you know in the bed right there?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “So are we. Go to bed we will all need to be rested and you’re still healing.”

  Jaxton hesitated before nodding his head in agreement. Gemi grabbed his hand and helped lift him to his feet. Together they walked to the bed. Once he had sat down Gemi reached over and took his gun from him setting it on the nightstand next to the bed.

  “Night,” she said turning away.

  Jaxton reached out and caught her wrist in his hand. He pulled her back hard and into him making her stumble before catching her footing. Both of his arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in her stomach.

  “I don’t want to sleep alone,” he mumbled.

  It took Gemi by surprise. Only a few times since she had known him had he shown any kind of openness with his feelings.

  “I’ll stay.”

  Gemi walked over and closed the door while Jaxton undressed for bed. She flipped the lock and then padded back over to where Jaxton now lay. Regretting not putting her clothes back on, Gemi left her robe tied and slid into the sheets beside him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to his chest. One of her hands rested on a large scar. She traced the rough edges with her finger absentmindedly. A low groan rolled through his chest as he placed his hand on hers stopping it from exploring any further.

  “What happened?” she asked figuring it was better to ask than to let it eat at her.

  “My father was not a very nice man.”

  Jaxton kissed her forehead and then rolled away from her, his back now facing her. In the dim light she saw that even larger scars ran the length of his back, overlapping and leaving hardly any clear skin. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled herself close to his back letting her cheek press into him.

  “Why do you do that?” she asked before planting light kisses on a few of the various marks.

  “Please don’t.”

  He was quiet for some time. Just as Gemi was convinced he had fallen asleep he let out a huff of air and rolled back to face her. His face was half hidden in shadows, but she could see the pain on it.

  “I don’t need people feeling sorry for me,” he said

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Are you really ok?” he asked.

  “No. But I think I would be more concerned if I was, you know?”

  He ran a hand through her hair. “You showered?”

  “Yeah, I think I figured I could wash today away. I don’t think it will be that simple though.”

  He nodded his agreement and fell silent again. Gemi closed her eyes deciding it was best to try to get some sleep. Who knew when they would be in an actual bed again, in a normal house. Before she had a chance to drift something caught her attention. When she opened her eyes she found Jaxton staring at her, his face mere inches from hers, eyes harboring intensity she had only seen a few times. Her mouth went dry as she became very aware of the fact that she was naked under the thin fabric of the robe. It was apparent that he was acutely aware of that as well.

  Jaxton leaned his face in letting his lips brush lightly against hers. Gemi parted her lips in response; it was the invitation he was looking for. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth twisting with hers. His proximity and touch took over her mind blocking out everything else.

  His hand reached for the tie on the robe and pulled it loose, letting his fingers slip inside he found her breast, his thumb brushing against her nipple. Her breath quickened and she let out a small moan. He pushed her onto her back and now his mouth was traveling down her neck to her chest, taking over where his hand had left off. He brought her nipple into his mouth letting his tongue and teeth graze across it. Gemi’s body responded, her back arched off the bed thrusting herself closer to his mouth. She could feel him smiling against her skin.

  Her fingers found the waistband of his underwear and pushed them down over his butt before using her feet to push them off all the way, freeing his legs. Jaxton hovered above her, his chest just barely brushing against hers.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  Gemi nodded.

  With his eyes locked on hers he slowly sank into her. Gemi let out a loud moan as he began to move. She brought her hand to her mouth and bit down on it trying to stifle herself before the doctor heard them.

  Dew spread across Jaxton’s skin in his efforts. He had his bottom lip planted between his teeth and was obviously having a hard time controlling the volume of his voice as well. Gemi’s body tensed under him as a rush of pleasure washed over her. Almost as if on cue so did Jaxton, he collapsed on top of her breathing heavily in her ear.

  They lay entwined with Jaxton’s head resting on her shoulder as their hearts and breathing slowed back to a normal pace. The clock on the nightstand if correct showed that it was well past midnight.

  “We best get some sleep,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Mmmm,” he replied.

  Gemi laughed, it was a genuine non-crazed laugh and the sound of it took her be surprise. Jaxton propped himself up on his elbows and smiled down at her.

  “I like that sound.” He planted kisses all around her face ending with the tip of her nose. He stretched out beside her, leaving one arm wrapped around her.

  “You’re not going to push me away now are you?” she asked.


  “That’s good,” she said rolling to his side and placing her head on his chest.

  She began to drift.

  “It’s how my father used to punish me,” he said, pulling her back out of her slumber.


  “He was a mean man who believed in old school punishment. Whenever he felt like I fell out of line, which was a lot, he would tie me up in the barn and whip me. He would then leave me there to think about what I had done, sometimes for hours.”

  Jaxton peered down at Gemi, she knew the look on her face was nowhere near reassuring, but there was no way she could mask the horror she felt. He reached up and ran a finger across the wrinkle in-between her eyes.

  “See, that’s the look I hate. I don’t need pity. It was a long time ago and had it not happened I wouldn’t have the life I have now. I wouldn’t have met you.”

  Gemi blushed, dropping her gaze. He placed a finger under her chin and raised her face back to him.

  “I wish I could explain it.”

  “Explain what?” she asked.

  “You. It’s been bothering me since I first saw you in the street. It’s like I knew you.”

  “Yes, I reminded you of your girlfriend.”

  “It was more than that. The first few times I slept after that, I dreamt of you. All of this craziness was going on, but it was different somehow. It felt real.”

  Gemi’s eyes widened. She had the same kind of dreams, but in them she was always murderous and he was her victim. She knew there was no way she would be able to tell him that, not with her sanity always in question.

  “I… I’ve dreamt about you too.” She decided to leave out all the gory details. “Maybe we knew each other in another life.”

  Jaxton laughed. “Sure that’s what it must have been.”

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “Yes.” He kissed the tip of her nose the closed his eyes.

  For the first time in a long time Gemi’s dreams were pleasant, her normal nightmares of blood and death replaced by happiness. The dream was hazy around the edges, not really making sense as it flipped through different images. None of them were memories, yet they all felt so familiar.


  Gemi woke as the sun trailed in through the window. She stretched out in the bed her hands searching for Jaxton. When they came up empty she sat up with a jolt, her heart pounding in her ears. She threw her robe back on and dashed out the door and down the stairs. The house was calm, no sign of any danger. Her pulse finally slowed down when she heard voices trailing i
n through the kitchen door.

  Trying her best to compose herself, she straightened the tie on the robe and smoothed down her hair before walking through the door. The doctor and Jaxton sat at the kitchen table with dirty plates set in front of them; they both looked up at her when she entered. The smell of coffee hit her causing her mouth to salivate with desire.

  “Coffee?” she said raising an eyebrow.

  “In all its glory!” the doctor exclaimed raising his glass in the air.

  “Would you like some?” Jaxton asked.


  Jaxton handed her a warm cup and she sat down at the table. The doctor thumbed through an old paper and Jaxton sharpened his knives. It could have come across as a normal morning in someone’s life, but now it all seemed odd, out of place after everything they had been through.

  She took a big gulp of the coffee. It tasted better than she remembered. The brown liquid warmed her stomach, making her forget her uneasiness for the time being. After the second gulp she decided that she would just enjoy this quiet moment while she could.

  Jaxton set a plate of mash in front of her. She wrinkled her nose and looked up at him.

  “We used whatever was good in the fridge and freezer.” He shrugged his shoulders and sat back down. “It tastes better than it looks.”

  Skeptically she brought a fork full to her face sniffing at it before deciding to give it a try. It was an odd mixture, nothing she would ever intentionally put together, but he was right it did taste pretty good and it was warm, real food that didn’t come out of a wrapper. Gemi shoveled the food in her mouth, stopping only to gulp down the glorious coffee.

  “Got an appetite after last night eh?” the doctor asked looking at her.

  Gemi coughed, choking on the half chewed food in her mouth. He must have overheard them. Avoiding his eye contact she took another drink of the coffee trying her best to delay the inevitable conversation.

  “What do you mean?” she finally asked.

  “Well you were out cold after everything that happened out in the barn. It’s good to see your appetite back. You even have some color in your cheeks.”


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