Wanted Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 1)

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Wanted Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 1) Page 12

by Val O. Morris

  "Down here! We're okay!"

  He came running across the beach to us pulling off his shirt. I felt warmth wash over me at the sight of his bare muscular chest. Dear God, what was this man doing to me?

  "Here, put this on her."

  I took the shirt and turned around, the image of his bare chest still seared into my mind. I removed my jacket from Emma. "Take off your wet clothes and put this on." She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. I held up my jacket. "Don't worry. No one will see."

  After she changed, I asked, "Better?" She nodded, but she was still shivering.

  Spratlin scooped her up into his arms to keep her warm and to protect her. Lucky girl. I almost wished I could trade places with her. My wish was granted when he pulled me to him, too. The heat radiating from him felt good. It felt safe.

  Commotion from the others let me know they were making their way down the path, too. I was relieved to see that no zombies were chasing them. Not wanting to move away from Spratlin's warm embrace yet, I looked up at him and asked, "Alexa?"

  He shook his head. "She took off."

  I thought back to Jeremy's party when she had Gaylin in the spinning fire vortex and how she got away then, too. "She's got a knack for ensuring her escape."

  "Zee!" My friends collectively yelled. They each bear hugged me, thankful I was alive.

  Spratlin sat Emma down on the beach. Ivy reached for her hand. Spratlin smiled and patted her shoulder to go with Ivy. "It's okay. We're all friends here."

  "Is everybody okay?" Fortunately, no one was hurt beyond a few scratches or bruises.

  Creep said, "That was some awesome fighting, you two!"

  Spratlin smiled. "No one I'd rather have on my team."

  I blushed. Not sure if it was the compliment or his bare chest, but the heat was most definitely rising.

  Gaylin walked up to me and we hugged. "I'm so sorry."

  "Thanks." Gaylin took a great risk infiltrating Blackwood, and I was most grateful.

  "Is that what Alexa tried to use me for? The ritual?"

  "I assume so. Guess at that time, she hadn't mastered it yet."

  "You gonna go after her?" Jeremy asked.

  That was something I had not even begun to process. Not only was my mother a witch and necromancer, she was still alive. That fact alone was tough to wrap my head around. Plus, there was another little nugget of information I now had to deal with.

  "Eventually. Right now, I just want to get this little girl back to her family and rest."

  As soon as we reached the top of the cliff, Mrs. James and her team of Enforcers were waiting for us. It seemed redundant, but dead zombie bodies littered the Meadow. Even in the darkness, I could make out the lumpy forms in the distance. There must have been thousands. The threat of the dark mage zombies was over.

  Medical personnel rushed to Emma. From what I knew, she was fine, but better to have them thoroughly check her over.

  Mrs. James stepped forward from the crowd. Her confident stature doing its best to intimidate me. It didn't. A small grin appeared, and she relaxed a little as she spoke. "Nice work, Mackenzie."

  I wasn't sure I totally trusted her gesture, but she was Spratlin's mother. Best not to piss her off. I nodded. "Thank you."

  "We'll make sure the girl gets home."

  I assumed, like Spratlin, Mrs. James didn't want me meddling with the lives of those I saved. Perhaps they were right. Any distance I could put between myself and any victims, the better for them.

  Next, Detective Bartlett and another man whom I did not recognize appeared from the crowd. My jaw clinched and my stomach tightened. I was sure he was gonna haul my ass off to magic jail.

  "Ms. Adams, Spratlin," he nodded to us. Guess he was now on a first name basis with Spratlin.

  "Come to rattle my chain again?"

  "Ms. Adams, as you know we searched your computers."

  "Nothing on there that will incriminate me." Sure, I had searched for information on Thomas Johnson and Emma Miller, but that wasn't proof I had killed them.

  "You have loyal friends, Ms. Adams. Due to Spratlin and your friend's testimony, we've begun research in other areas regarding the murders. You're free to go. I'm sorry for any inconvenience."

  "That's it? Sorry for the inconvenience?" Rage filled my senses. My lightning flowed through me, but I was able to contain it. No sense in giving them a real reason to arrest me. But no way I was going to let them off that easily. Being on the receiving end of an investigation for something I didn't even do was bad enough. "I'll send the Council the bill for my computers."

  I could tell Detective Bartlett wasn't quite sure what to do with that. Probably above his pay grade. But then he said, "Ms. Adams, I'd like to introduce you to Ravencrest Coven Headmaster Roberts. He's in charge of all new members. You are now free to choose your desired affiliation. Spratlin, Ms. Adams, goodnight."

  As the detective disappeared into the crowd once again, Headmaster offered his hand. "Mackenzie, is it?"

  I nodded and gave him the satisfaction of shaking his hand when all I really wanted to do was get the chatting over with and go the hell home.

  "You've made quite a lot of progress in a short time as a Lightning Mage. We at Ravencrest would like you to consider becoming an official member."

  I wasn't aware that I was an unofficial member. After everything I'd been through, and they still had the gall to ask. Not to mention, I couldn't get Alexa's words out of my head. Were they hoping I'd join so they could kill me? Surely they knew who I was, who my mother was. No, best not get too close to them.

  "Ya know, Mr. Roberts, you seem like a nice man, but I really don't think I'm coven material. I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested."

  "We have a great membership-."

  Perhaps I wasn't clear. I held up my hand to stop him. "Really not interested."

  He straightened his shoulders and stood up straight, which told me it finally sunk in. "You do know the implications of denying coven affiliation, hm?"

  "I do, and ya know what? I'm okay with that." Spratlin had filled me in. Going rogue meant that while my actions were still governed by the ruling Council of Mage and Magical Affairs, I gave up my right of individual coven protection. It was a risk I was willing to take.

  I rolled my shoulders and rubbed my aching head. After-Death was killer.

  Spratlin reached out and massaged my shoulders. "Come on, I'll take you home." When a hot, shirtless man says that to ya, you don't argue.


  It was the grand opening of A to Zee's, and the store was bustling with shoppers eager to take home a new game. It was great to finally see the place swarming with gamers. We had various console centers set up throughout the store with different games playing. Everybody was loving it. I walked around soaking it all in.

  "Looks like your hard work has finally paid off." Spratlin came up behind me and slid his arms around my waist.

  "I had a lot of good help."

  He nuzzled my neck. "I think we should celebrate."

  "One step ahead of ya. I got a new tattoo."

  "The new scar?"

  I did get a sixth scar thanks to saving Emma, and it was weird to know I had saved her twice. "My other wrist." I held up my right wrist to show him my new tattoo.

  He held onto my arm as he spun me around so that my back was to his chest. I felt his warm arms as they wrapped around me. "A koi?"

  "Mrs. G told me about the legend of the koi and how if it conquers its fears, it turns into a badass dragon. Thought it would be a good counterbalance to the scars."

  He spun me around. "You're already badass to me." We kissed.

  I didn't want it to end, but there was such a thing as public indecency. Plus, I had an announcement to make. "Save that for later?" I patted his chest as he nodded. Then I hopped up on the counter so I could see the whole store.

  High Wizard Virgil came in. I wondered what he was up to. Not likely that he was picking up a new game.

; "May I have your attention? My name's Zee and I own this joint." My friends hooted and hollered as I spoke. "I want to welcome you all and thank you for coming by. I hope to make friends with each of you in the near future. And... as my friends, I wanted to let you guys know about a monthly tournament we'll be having right here in the store!"

  Everyone cheered. I loved gamers.

  Spratlin was smiling at me. I was eager to get back into his arms. "Thank you all for coming and don't forget to grab some pizza!"

  There was more clapping as Spratlin took my hand and helped me down from the counter. High Wizard Virgil made eye contact, so we walked over and greeted him. "I understand we have you to thank for saving little Emma and fighting off the undead horde. Well done, Ms. Adams."

  "Thank you."

  "I think it's safe to say you've moved up to that of Journeyman rank."

  "That's great, Mackenzie! Congratulations, baby." Spratlin kissed me on the cheek.

  While I felt stronger and more capable, I wasn't clear on how the whole ranking system worked. It felt weird having someone tell me I advanced in rank. Was that a Council rule or something?

  "I also understand you have renounced any affiliation with a coven. May I ask why?"

  "Ya know, Chief, being accused of murder has kinda left a bad taste. And on top of that, I don't like being used."

  "I'm sorry you feel that way. You would make a great asset, and I apologize on behalf of the Council as to how you were treated. Enjoy your day."

  As I watched him leave the store, I thought back to when Spratlin told me I'd only get one chance, and if I renounced, there was no going back. It wasn't like that was a spur of the moment decision. Still, it felt good to be a free woman again.

  Creep came up to me. "You're going rogue? Gnarly!"

  He was such a goofball. I looked at Spratlin who was standing a few feet away. "Yeah, guess I'll be a Daughter of Darkness from now on."

  "Oooh, mysterious," Creep teased.

  Ivy said, "You've been through a lot."

  "That's an understatement. Ever since her first death experience and learning she's a mage, she's," Creep counted with his fingers, "lost her job, almost lost her best friend, been accused of murder, seen innocent people killed because of her, oh, and learned that her mother not only studied necromancy but that she's still alive. It's a wonder she hasn't gone mental."

  I laughed. "When you put it that way." I informed my friends about my mother being alive and well. Well, maybe not well, but alive somehow. I didn't even want to know how she pulled off reanimating herself, assuming that was actually true. I had been through a lot, and they didn't even know the latest development in the Zee saga.

  Jason came up to us. "Sorry to interrupt. They're about to start a fighting tournament."

  "Gotta go!" Creep hugged me and then he and Ivy disappeared into the crowd of gamers and shoppers.

  It was great to finally see the game store alive with activity. Helped make the hard work and sacrifice of my family's home worth it.

  Spratlin took my hand and kissed it. "I'm proud of you." He noticed my ring and asked, "Still wearing her ring?"

  The ring may have been a sign of necromancy and dark magic, but it was also my mother's. At that moment, it was the only proof I had that linked her to the magic world. "It was hers. Thought I'd wear it for a while. If that makes Alexa uncomfortable, that's alright by me."

  "So, what's next now that you've gone rogue?" He teased.

  "I'm getting used to this magic stuff. Maybe I'll take up fighting crime. Wanna be on my team?"

  "Always." He cupped my face and kissed me. "We make a great team with our deadly water-lightning combo."

  "And who says water and electricity don't mix?" I kissed him once more. "Does that mean you aren't upset that I denounced any coven affiliation?"

  "Mackenzie, your independence is just one reason I love you. Besides, I know you went rogue because you are afraid to face me in the field trials."

  I punched his arm. "Ha! You got off easy, buster."

  Gaylin cleared her throat to interrupt. She had Mrs. G with her. Gaylin asked if we could talk, so the four of us walked back to my office. Gaylin nudged Mrs. G. "Tell her."

  I looked at them. "Tell me what?"

  "I was able to decode the ritual." She was clearly panicked as she pulled out Gaylin's scans of the necromancy book. "Even though you rescued Emma, the ritual was still completed."


  "It was a lose-lose situation. If you didn't save her, she died. If you did, and you sacrificed yourself, the spell was worded in a way that some of your power was still transferred over."

  "Shit." I realized what I'd said only after I had said it. "Sorry."

  "No, dear, shit was my response, too." She grinned and reached in her bag and pulled out a book. "Gaylin's scans weren't clear in one spot, luckily I have my own copy."

  Shocked, I looked at Mrs. G and then at Spratlin, and then back at her again. We watched her thumb through the book looking for the same page as the scan. "Where the hell did you get a necromancy book?"

  She looked at me over the top rim of her glasses. "From my own library, dear. Now, look," she pointed to a symbol in the book. "I can't make out what this is for sure. It's either a weakened version of your ability, or a mutated one, but Alexa more than likely has some form of it."

  Spratlin said, "Let's hope it mutates her ass from the inside out."

  I liked the way he thought.

  "As much as I'd love to see that, I doubt we'll be that lucky. Why do you think she wants this ability?"

  All three of them shrugged. Seemed a lot of research into dark magic was in my future. I needed to learn all about what it really meant to be a Death Cheater, as Alexa so eloquently called it. I hated not knowing, and there was still so much I needed to learn. I thanked them for their help and the information, and then they left Spratlin and I in my office.

  He went over and closed the door. "You never told me what went on with you two on that cliff."

  I shrugged like it was no big deal. I didn't want him to worry. "The usual. Her trying to rub stuff in my face."

  "Will you ever tell me the truth about why you two are sworn enemies?" He wrapped his arms around my waist. He was trying to use his good looks and charm to get to me.

  "It's complicated."

  "More complicated than what we've already been through?" He kissed my forehead. When I didn't answer, he continued, "I'm guessing Alexa thinks you did something bad to her."

  I shrugged again. "Matter of perspective, but, yes."

  "Must be a helluva secret if she doesn't want to risk it becoming public in order to use it against you."

  He was gonna keep pressing until I told him. I took a step back from him, his arms falling from my waist. "You haven't figured out the best part, have you?" I unlocked my desk to retrieve an old friend, Jose Cuervo. "Alexa is my half-sister."

  The look on his face told me he hadn't. "Your sister? Why is she so hell bent on destroying you?"

  Until the cliffside, that was still a mystery even to me. But once I learned that she has known all along that I might be a Healer, things started making sense. I poured a shot and leaned against the edge of my desk.

  "You're right. I can't imagine she'd want to implement herself. It's a secret she plans to take to the grave." I downed the shot. The burn felt good.

  "Wait, you said half-sister. What does that mean?"

  "It means we share a crazy ass mother." I poured another shot.

  "Oh, Mackenzie, I'm so sorry." He rubbed my arms for comfort. His touch was nice. "Do you have any idea who your father is?"

  I shook my head. "No. I'm not even ready to deal with that, yet," and I downed the shot.

  "Yeah, yeah, I understand." He paced back and forth in my small office. I could tell the gears were turning. I was waiting for the outcome.

  "I can't imagine you being half-sisters is all there is to this," he waved his hand around, "hatred you two share.
I gather there's a much bigger secret."

  I nodded.

  "Sounds like she'd be willing to kill to keep that secret." He ran his hands through his shaggy hair. "To protect yourself, could you kill your own sister?"

  I poured another shot, set the bottle down, and looked at him. The hatred that I felt for Alexa was enough to make a weaker person crazy. Fortunately, I wasn't weak or crazy. If anything, my rage gave me clarity. And I would one day make her pay.

  I downed the liquid courage and slammed the glass down hard on my desk. Then, I looked Spratlin dead in the eye and said, "If that's what it takes."

  Get Reborn FREE!

  Reborn is the prequel of the Daughter of Darkness series. It tells the story of how Zee became a witch and other little nuggets that were teased in this book. You'll also be the first to know when the next book in the Daughter of Darkness series is released!


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  Note From the Author

  You may have noticed in the beginning of this book an unusual dedication. I dedicated this book to myself because after two years of being an author, I wanted to write the book I needed to write. Selfish? Maybe. They say writing is cathartic. Writing Wanted Witch (and its prequel, Reborn) was extremely cathartic for me.

  Fear keeps us from doing many of the things we want to do--sky diving, talking to that cute girl or boy, going after that job promotion, and even being true to oneself. Wanted Witch, or perhaps more specifically, Zee, helped me concur the fear of being myself.

  I mentioned in my author's note in Reborn that I listened to a lot of Lady Gaga and Halestorm while writing these first two books. Call it Girl Power, or whatever you want. I call it finding kickass inspiration and using it to drive my motivation to write a strong character. Not a strong female character. A strong character. And that doesn't mean she doesn't have flaws--she has plenty of those.


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