Knight Moves Vol. 1-5 - The Complete Series: A Navy SEAL Romance

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Knight Moves Vol. 1-5 - The Complete Series: A Navy SEAL Romance Page 3

by KB Winters

  My heart slammed against my chest, trying to get my attention, to tell me that my lungs were rapidly running out of oxygen and that it was time to bolt, but Tori kept guiding me forward, and all I could do was stare at the perfect man.

  He was broad shouldered, his shirt tight enough to show the powerful play of muscles with every move he made. His jaw was sharp, but strong, with a five o’clock shadow that made my knees turn to Jell-O. He had dark hair, so dark that I couldn’t decide if it was black or brown.

  Bennett, the man across from him, was equally as gorgeous. I could actually see why Tori had been losing her mind over him. He looked taller than Ryker, and much bigger, broader. He looked up and his face spread into a devastatingly wicked grin, his eyes glimmering with the hint of a forbidden secret, as though just by looking at you, he knew everything you secretly wanted. I shot a sidelong glance at Tori, and saw the same look on her face, reflecting at him.

  She might have finally met her match…

  Bennett said something to Ryker, and he turned in his seat to face us as we approached. When his dark, brooding eyes met mine, I nearly stumbled in the heels Tori had forced upon me. His lips formed a half smile, and my body’s reaction was even more jarring than when Bennett had flashed his smile our way.

  Both men stood at our arrival. “Evening, ladies,” Bennett drawled, shooting a smile at me before returning his eyes to Tori. Ryker nodded and took an appreciative tour of my body with his eyes, not bothering to conceal his appreciation—his eyes darkening until they were nearly jet black.

  I cleared my throat, forcing his eyes back to mine. “Ryker Newman.” He offered me his hand.

  Hesitantly, I took his hand and shook it firmly. “Everlie Harmon.”

  “What are you ladies drinking tonight?” Bennett asked, pulling out the chair next to him. “Our table should be ready in about twenty minutes, so let’s get a drink while we wait.”

  “Vodka cranberry,” Tori said, sitting in the chair Bennett had set out for her.

  Ryker followed suit, pulling out my chair, and I sank down, smoothing the back of the dress as I sat. “Anything for you?” He asked.

  “Uhm, same, I guess.”

  Bennett flashed his killer smile at us. “Comin’ right up.”

  They both sauntered towards the bar, and Tori squealed—tearing her eyes away from Bennett’s butt—as she looked at me, her face alight with excitement. “Told you he’d get a hard-on! Damn girl, did you see the way he looked at you? Like he’d eat you out right here on this table!”

  “Tori…” I scoffed.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be all scandalized. You saw it too. Now, come on, admit it, he’s gorge!”

  My cheeks flared with heat and she laughed, taking that as her answer. I looked away, back to the bar, where the two men stood shoulder to shoulder. Bennett said something to Ryker, and he turned back, locking his eyes with mine, and suddenly, all I could think about was what Tori had said, and imagining what it would be like to have his face between my thighs.

  He smiled at me, and a jolt of panic flooded me. The way his lips curled up, and the glint in his eyes made me feel like he’d just read my very dirty thoughts about him. I quickly looked away, breaking the eye contact, but couldn’t help sneaking a peek back over my shoulder a second later, only to find him smiling even wider.


  Chapter Four


  “Fuck, man! You hit the jackpot!” Bennett ribbed me with a jab of his elbow, grinning like an idiot, as we waited for the bartender to take our order. “I’m kinda bummed you’re here. How fuckin’ sweet would it be to take them both home?” He looked over his shoulder like a wolf would survey a flock of sheep.

  “She’s mine, Marshon,” I warned. Although a blind date wasn’t my idea of a good time, I hadn’t been able to get Everlie out of my mind since her friend had shown me her picture on the phone. And now that I’d seen the full package in real life, I’d made up my mind I’d have her.

  I looked over my shoulder, just in time to catch her staring at me and couldn’t help but smile. She’s already caught up in this. She darted her eyes away, her cheeks turning two shades darker than all the makeup she had on her face, and a small chuckle slipped from my lips. “Yeah, she’s in the bag already,” I told Bennett.

  He clapped my shoulder. “Excellent. Maybe once you get some pussy, you’ll knock off the brooding, pissed off routine you’ve had going since we got here. I’ll probably have to send her a fruit basket or something to thank her for pulling you out of your funk.”

  The bartender brought our drinks before I could deliver a sharp tongued reply, so I dropped it and collected my drink and the one for Everlie, and followed Bennett back to the table. I slid into my seat next to Everlie and handed her the vodka cranberry she’d hesitantly ordered, wondering if she truly liked the drink, or if she didn’t drink and had just copied her friend to save face. It didn’t really matter. I’d get her into my bed with, or without the alcohol. She wanted me. I could see it in her eyes. The way she couldn’t keep them off me. The way her fingers twisted together in her lap.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the drink and setting it down in front of her, untouched.

  “Not a problem.” I paused to take a sip of my own drink—a finger of top shelf whiskey. It burned going down, and I was reminded how long it had been since I’d last had anything harder than a beer. “I know virtually nothing about you, so, fill me in.”

  She shot a look to her friend, only to find her too busy eye fucking the hell out of Bennett. I fought the urge to roll my eyes when I noticed her hands were both under the table. No doubt in Bennett’s pants. I didn’t object to PDA, but there was a time and a place. Somewhere public, especially a crowded restaurant, had way too many variables for my taste. Bennett didn’t care though. He never had. Not that I faulted him for it—it just wasn’t my style. When I fucked a woman, I wanted every detail under my control. The time, place, position, speed, everything, down to the second she climaxed. Sex was a calculated, coordinated affair—like an orchestra, everything working together in a perfectly timed harmony to bring a satisfying crescendo and climax.

  One look at Everlie was all it took to map out exactly what I wanted to do to her. Every detail vivid and clear in my mind. She’d look sweet bent over the foot of my bed, stripped naked, cheeks spread so I could see her juicy pussy right before I plowed into her, over and over until she screamed my name, clawing the bed, panting, begging for more. I’d reach around, pinch her nipples and tell her to be quiet. I’d make her stifle her moans and screams, until she was so tight and hot she exploded all over my cock, and then I’d spin her around and make her lick all her juices off of me until I came in her mouth, making sure she swallowed every last drop.

  If she only knew what I’m thinking. She was staring at me over the rim of her glass, stalling while she no doubt tried to think of an answer that would interest me. Her lips on the edge of the glass got me going again, diving into another fantasy of where I wanted to take the night. I had to play my cards right, something told me a girl like her would scare easily. Although she was dressed to kill—she didn’t own it like her friend—who had twice the confidence—in less than half the amount of fabric.

  She brought her deep blue eyes back to mine, setting aside her glass that looked like she’d barely taken a sip. “I’m not sure what you want to know.”

  I smiled, her shyness turning me on all the more. “Let’s start with something easy, what do you do here in Vegas?”

  “I’m a dancer.” The way she said it was so matter of fact, and I was sent reeling, completely thrown by the idea of her stripping in some club. No doubt, she’d be at someplace high end, but still…it didn’t fit. “A ballerina, more specifically,” she added, filling me with inexplicable relief. I didn’t know why I cared, but the image of her showing off her goodies to a horny crowd of frat boys and lonely business men rattled me. A ballerina I could handle. In fact, it turned
me on, imagining how flexible her long, lean muscles must be. The positions and things she could do…

  “Are you in one of the shows here?” I asked.

  “Not yet.” There was a glimmer of a shadow in her eyes. “I’ve done some understudy and ensemble work in some of the bigger shows, but I’m still waiting for my big break, I guess you could say. In the meantime, I teach ballet to kids at a studio a few exits from here.”

  I nodded and took another drink, taking in the new piece of information.

  “What about you?” She asked, running her finger along the etchings on the side of her glass. “Tori said you’re both in the Navy.” She looked over at Tori, trying to draw her into the conversation, but she was lost to the rest of the room, absorbed in the soft muttering conversation with Bennett.

  “That’s right. Marshon and I were both SEALs in the Navy. We just got back from about a year overseas actually. Now, we get some downtime and go reserve for the next few years.”

  “Wow. A year?” Everlie’s eyes were wide and I got the sense that she fully appreciated what I’d said. “Well, thank you for your service. That’s really amazing. Have you always wanted to be a SEAL?”

  I took another drink. “Yeah. I guess you could say that. Bennett and I go way back, grade school actually, and when we hit junior high, we did JROTC and all that. My dad was a Navy man, so it’s in my blood.”

  “I bet he’s really proud of you,” she offered, smiling at me.

  I glanced down at the table, fighting the wave of pain that rushed into the hollow place in my heart whenever my dad was brought up. “Would have been. He passed away a couple years ago.”

  Everlie’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!”

  I shook my head. “It’s all right.”

  She looked down at her glass and a stilted silence hung between us, the heaviness of my father’s passing clinging to what had started as a light conversation.

  Before I could think of a new topic, a busty hostess came to get us. She escorted us to our table, taking special care to hand me my menu, dipping low, her cleavage right in my face. “If you need anything, let me know,” she told me, her voice low and husky. “I’m Ana.”

  I nodded curtly, not bothering with a reply. She flashed another smile and disappeared. Bennett was cracking up behind his menu and when he lifted his eyes, I shot him a warning look. He had a reputation for running his mouth, and I didn’t need him slipping up and saying something stupid. Not when I was already getting the sense I was on thin ice with the gorgeous blonde next to me.

  “Ev, you’re gonna have to order for me,” Tori interjected, shifting the attention away from the flirtatious hostess. “You know what I like.”

  I looked down at the menu and frowned when I found it was all in French. “You speak French?” I asked Everlie.

  “Oui!” She replied, smiling at me. “I took it in high school and a year at community college. I’m by no means an expert, but I know how to order the good stuff.”

  Good stuff. Her smile twisted my stomach into a knot. It was gorgeous, and made her delicate features bright and illuminated. My eyes fixated on her lips, full but natural. The smile melted slowly as she shifted her attention back to the menu. Bennett slapped down his menu. “Well, hell, you can order for me too, then.”

  Everlie and Tori laughed and exchanged an animated glance over the tops of their menus.

  When the waitress came, Everlie ordered a dish for each person, as well as some appetizers for the table. I couldn’t stop staring at her lips long enough to argue that I wanted to order for myself, and once she started rattling off the order in rapid, fluent French, I was completely mesmerized and dropped all objections, listening to her beautiful words.

  What I’d originally imagined as a fairly straight forward, hook up with a Vegas party girl was turning into quite a different game and the longer it went on, the more unsure I was of my strategy.

  Chapter Five


  The blind date was turning out to be opposite of what I’d expected in so many ways. As we all ate our meals—which were all to die for delish—conversation flowed easily between the four of us at the table, and covered several different topics. Tori and Bennett did most of the talking, with Ryker and me interjecting every few minutes to give an opinion or joke about something. We went through three bottles of very fancy wine over the course of the meal, and though I rarely drank, I found myself reaching for more than one refill—which Ryker poured for me. By the time the chocolate soufflés arrived to the table, I was warm and fuzzy, smiling, laughing and having a better time than I’d ever expected.

  After we’d all but licked clean our soufflé dishes, Tori and I excused ourselves to the ladies room while Bennett and Ryker sorted out the check.

  “Okay! Admit it, Missy!” Tori said, pointing her finger at my reflection in the mirror. “You like him!”

  I laughed, too happy to argue that I really didn’t know him well enough to make that determination. “He’s not bad.”

  She laughed and washed her hands in the marble sink. “Where are you guys gonna go next?” She asked, drying her hands on a thick white towel. I gawked at her, unsure of what she meant. She dropped the used towel into the bin provided, and stared at me. “Oh, come on Ev, you didn’t think we’d foursome around town tonight did you?”

  “I didn’t—I don’t know. Where are you going?”

  She smiled. “Wherever Bennett wants. My panties are wet, girl! He can take me anywhere he wants as long as he promises to fuck me good and nasty once we get there!”

  My cheeks went red, and then even redder as an older woman harrumphed her way through our conversation on her way out of the restroom. “Tori!” I hissed.

  She just laughed even harder. “You better make a plan fast, Ev. Ryker isn’t ready for the night to be over, I’ll tell ya that much.”

  She didn’t wait for me to decide, and pushed out of the restroom, obviously eager to get back to Bennett so they could run off to wherever they were going. I got back to the table and they were already standing up. “—all right, man, see ya later,” Bennett said to Ryker. He looked up at my approach and held out a hand, “It was nice to meet you Everlie. You take good care of my boy here, all right?”

  I shook his hand. He smiled and Tori gave me a small finger wave as he led her outside.

  Leaving Ryker and me alone.

  He stood from his seat, pocketed his wallet and turned to me.

  “Thank you for dinner, that was amazing,” I said, looking down at the black folder that contained the signed receipt. “I’ve been dying to come here since they opened.”

  “You’re very welcome. I don’t know about you, but I need to walk off that food.” His dark eyes searched mine, waiting for my answer.

  My desire to go home and slip into yoga pants faded away as he reached out and took a hold of my hand. “Come on, Everlie, be my escort.” My eyes darted to his again, his suggestive words rattling through me. He laughed—the sound deep and velvety soft. “You know what I mean.”

  “Right,” I smiled, but a part of me was beginning to wonder if his choice of words hadn’t been a slip at all. I let him lead me away from the table, and as we walked, he rested his large, firm hand on the small of my back, guiding my steps as we made our way back to the front doors. The hostess that had flirted with Ryker while seating us was there, staring at him as though I didn’t even exist. She hurried around the hostess station to prop open the door, her big boobs jiggling with her high-heeled jog.

  “Good evening,” she purred, giving Ryker dark, bedroom eyes, and a full pout of her too plump lips.

  He nodded to her, either oblivious to her attraction, or he was so used to women fawning over him that he brushed it off like a non-event. I figured it was probably the latter. Even as we’d been eating, any woman that had walked by our table had done a double take. At first, I’d told myself I was being paranoid, but it was too obvious to ignore as the night went o
n. Ryker—and Bennett—were movie star hot, and I didn’t fault the women for noticing, but the hostess grated on my nerves because she didn’t even care that he had his hands on me, she acted like I was invisible.

  We got outside and the balmy night air hit my skin. Ryker kept his hand on the small of my back as we got out of the entrance of the restaurant where clusters of people were waiting to go inside.

  “Wow, this place is popular,” he commented, as we broke free of the crowd.

  “Yeah, I’m surprised we got a table,” I replied, looking over my shoulder.

  Ryker laughed. “Well, you’d be surprised what a military ID can get you,” he said.

  “I see, so that’s why you enlisted, all the perks,” I teased, looking back up at Ryker. He was several inches taller than I was, and I liked how it felt to be walking next to him. Even though I’d lived in Vegas for nearly four years, there was something about it that usually unnerved me, but with Ryker walking beside me, all of that melted away. “Although your fan at the hostess station probably would have found a way to get you in without it.”

  “Uh-oh, someone a little jealous?” He asked, his voice light and teasing, buzzing with amusement. He looked down at me and slight lines showed at the corners of his eyes. He’d been pleasant, and had even told a few jokes at dinner, but looking up at him, under the glow of the lights, I realized that he was really, genuinely smiling for the first time all night.

  “I’m so not!” I protested, but felt my cheeks warm, giving me away.

  He laughed again and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. My skin tingled and I leaned into him for support as my knees went wobbly again. He smelled amazing, and was so warm—it was like sinking into a warm bubble bath. But when his hand went lower on my hip, it was like someone threw a toaster in the water, lighting me up with sparks of electricity. I shivered and he grabbed me tighter. “Cold?” He asked, with a smile from the devil himself, that told me he knew it wasn’t the night air that had me shivering— or my nipples hard and perky for that matter.


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