North Woods University

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North Woods University Page 22

by Beck, J. L.

  “The guys are inside waiting for you, I’ll be there in a minute,” he winks. “Oh, and hey Jules,” he greets her, and she gives him a shy little wave. She’s not much for these kinds of parties, and I don’t blame her.

  My hold on her hand tightens as I guide us through the crowd, and over to where Thomas is standing. I pull Jules behind me barely making it through without drunken people knocking into us. Someone screams right in my ear as they drunkenly fall into a group of people off to my left. I can’t believe I used to love these kinds of parties. All I want to do right now is turn around and leave. I could name at least twenty better things to be doing right now.

  Thomas slaps my shoulder when we finally reach him, and three more guys come sauntering up to us once they spot me. Every time I show up to one of these parties the entire university loses their shit. Everyone talks about Jules and me, how I’m whipped now that I’ve found the woman of my dreams.

  They don’t discuss the struggle we went through to get here. The pain that we both endured, the pain she endured. They only see what the gossip circle spreads. But the gossip circles can suck a dick because I’ve got everything I’ll ever need.

  Two of the guys I know. Vance and Clark, regular party guests at the frat house and overall fun guys. A little too cocky for my liking but as freshmen, I wouldn’t expect any less of them. Vance gives me a head nod, acknowledging me, while Clark, his best friend, licks his lips, his eyes roaming over Jules with a predatory look.

  Fuck, to the no.

  I’m about to say something. Probably with my fists, but then his eyes move away from Jules and meet mine. He immediately sees me glaring and holds his hands up, while shaking his head. Good fucking choice.

  “Shit, I need another beer, or twelve,” Vance says, looking into his empty cup.

  “You look like you are trying to drink your worries away,” I tell him. “It’s the end of the fucking year, what could you possibly have to worry about?” Not that I really care, the only thing I care about is right beside me, but I try to be friendly because in college appearances are everything.

  “His dad is getting remarried,” Clark blurts out. “And he’s getting a stepsister.”

  “Oooh a stepsister,” the guy I don’t know chuckles. “How old is she?”

  “Eighteen,” Vance grits out, crushing the cup in his hand. Clearly, he’s not happy about the situation and I want to tell him it could be worse, but I don’t.

  “Well, as long as she’s hot… I mean she’s legal so there’s half your issue gone.”

  “Shut up, Mark,” Vance warns, and there’s a darkness inside him. A darkness that I understand all too well. “I used to know her, and I don’t care if she’s hot. She’s a bitch and a liar, and that should be enough of a warning for you to stay away from her.”

  “Got it, you don’t want to fuck your stepsister. Don’t worry, I’ll show her around campus…and around my cock.” Mark lets out a bellow of laughter that causes Vance to snap like a two by four under pressure.

  He moves so fast, Mark doesn’t even see the fist coming. He’s still laughing his ass off when Vance’s knuckles smash into the side of his face. Mark’s head snaps back and the smile literally gets wiped off his face.

  “Here we go again…” Clark mumbles, bringing his cup to his lips. There seems to be a reoccurring theme with this kid. He’s always fighting, using his fists like words.

  Jules gasps and I tuck her behind me so she doesn’t have to watch the violence taking place right before my eyes. Mark stumbles back into the crowd. His arms flailing as he tries to stay on his feet, but he loses his balance, the hit and the alcohol pulsing through his veins not helping him at all. He lands flat on his ass on the hardwood floor.

  A circle forms around us, people start to cheer, there's an air of danger and for a moment I think that’s going to be it, but then I see Vance stalking toward Mark like he’s his newest target. He shoves drunken Mark backward and presses a knee to his chest to hold him down while continuing onward with his punches.

  “It...I was jokin’…” Mark gasps, but his words don’t stop Vance’s assault. I’m not sure anything would at this point. I can hear his hits over the roar of the crowd. Mark doesn’t stand a chance and I feel bad for the guy. He should’ve kept his mouth shut.

  “Remmy, do something.” Jules elbows me in the side, but I already know I need to intervene since Mark’s body just lulled to the side, telling me he’s passed out. Vance doesn’t seem to notice or care, he just uses the fucker like his own personal punching bag.

  “That’s enough, Mr. Preston,” Clark scolds as we move simultaneously. He grabs one arm and I grab the other, hauling him off of Mark before he kills him. As we pull Vance off of unconscious Mark, he punches two more times into the air, before finally letting up.

  “Fine, I’ll stop,” Vance grits out.

  We pull him back a few more feet before releasing him.

  “Go get a beer and calm the fuck down,” I tell him, slapping him on the shoulder. He shrugs me off but does as I tell him and turns to go into the kitchen.

  “I’ll take care of him,” Clark tells me, giving me a grin before following behind his best friend like a lost puppy. I’m not sure that guy has a serious bone in his body.

  Jules comes up beside me, snuggling into my side, making me forget what I was thinking.

  “What was that about?” she asks.

  “Not sure, but I’m guessing he and his soon-to-be stepsister have some kind of history.”

  “Oh really? Sounds a little like us?” She wiggles her eyebrows. I stare down at her, unbelieving that she is still mine, and that I haven’t fucked this up again yet.

  “I don’t think there is any saving him. He uses his fists instead of his words. He’s got an anger issue, and I’m pretty sure parental issues too.”

  Jules rolls her eyes. “So easy to judge, Mr. Miller, and here I thought you were all about helping others, being a better man?”

  My eyes catch on the diamond ring that adorns her ring finger. I couldn’t help but ask her, even though we agreed we wouldn’t get married until after we graduated. I needed, no wanted to let every bastard on campus know that she was mine.

  “I’ll show you a better man… as soon as we get home.”

  Her cheeks pinken and I swear I’ll never get over the way she looks at me, or the way she reacts to me.

  “Kiss me,” she orders, pressing up onto her tiptoes. Blonde hair framing her angelic face, with blue eyes that beam up at me.

  And as if I could ever deny her what she wants, I press my lips to hers, relishing in the best thing that has ever happened to me.




  Five Years Ago

  Racing across the back yard, I chase after Vance. He’s always faster, and of course makes it to the treehouse before me. The long grass tickles my legs and I almost trip in a hole, missing it just by a hair. I’m too busy paying attention to Vance running ahead of me. Looking at me over his shoulder, his eyes twinkle in the moonlight, his brown hair looks as if it could use a good cutting, or at least that is what Mom says.

  “You’re so slow, Ava. The Ice Age could beat you to the treehouse,” he teases, just as he always does. Mom says it’s because he likes me, but I don’t think Vance likes me, at least not more than a friend. Not that I would ever kiss him. Kissing is gross. Reaching the treehouse, I put my hands on my hips and narrow my gaze. It’s hard to see this far away from the house and a shiver ripples through me as a cold gust of wind blows through my damp hair.

  “Not all of us were born with daddy long leg, legs.” Being the jerk that he is, he doesn’t even respond. Instead, he places one foot in front of the other and races up the wooden planks and into the treehouse, his body disappearing from view a second later.

  Shaking my head, I climb up the wooden planks as well. The very first time I climbed into the treehouse, my legs were shaking, and my stomach was aching like someone
had punched me in it. Now, I race up the steps like it’s second nature. Popping my head through the square cut-out in the floor, I find Vance sitting Indian style in his usual spot. He’s staring out the giant window that overlooks the yard.

  This high up, I like to think we can see everything, the town we live in, even my best friend Mallory’s house. But we can’t… see everything that is. Climbing up and into the small space, I take a seat in a similar fashion.

  As soon as I’m seated, Vance turns his attention to me. His green eyes are soft and remind me of a vast forest full of trees standing tall and proud even in the worst of circumstances. When he smiles, a weird tingle fills my belly, and I don’t understand why it does that. It happens often though, almost every single time he smiles at me.

  My eyes roam over him. He’s wearing a ragged pair of jeans and a plain cotton t-shirt. My dad says his parents don’t have a lot of money because Vance’s father lost his job and that he can’t afford new clothes right now so I shouldn’t tease him or be mean, but I think his clothes look just fine. This is also why his family is living with us for a few weeks, just until his dad finds a new job. Either way, I’m fine with them staying with us. I don’t have any siblings, and I like having Vance here to hang out with when he isn’t being a jerk, or beating me to the treehouse.

  With the moonlight shining into the treehouse, it’s easy to see Vance’s face. He rubs at his jaw and scrunches his eyebrows together, the look is one I’ve seen grace his face before. Anytime he looks like this, I know he is thinking hard, digging deep inside his head to try and come up with something worthy of a dare. This is a game we play a lot, and by a lot, I mean nearly every day. Truth or Dare. Or as Vance always says, truth, since that’s usually all I ever choose.

  Tonight, however, I chose dare. I don’t know why I did it. I guess I’m just feeling adventurous. Or it could be because I’m tired of Vance always teasing me about picking truth.

  When a huge grin spreads across his face, I know he’s thought of something that he deems good enough for the game. I’m a little worried what he’s come up with, and almost change my mind, telling him truth instead. Before I get the chance, his mouth is opening.

  “I dare you to…sneak into your parents’ bedroom.”

  “My parents’ bedroom? I’ll get into so much trouble if my mom catches me!” I whisper-yell. My dad is at work, so it’s only my mom sleeping in their room. But it’s the middle of the night and I’m supposed to be in bed and asleep, but instead I’m in my treehouse with Vance playing Truth or Dare. We’ll both be in big trouble if our parents find out we’re out here instead of in bed.

  “Aw, are you chickening out on me?” he teases, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. My lips set into a firm line, heat creeping into my cheeks at his statement.

  “No, of course not.” I lift my head high, my chin jutted out. “Not only will I go into the bedroom but to prove that I did I will also get something out of my mom’s jewelry box.”

  “Ooooh, the stakes are high.” He rubs his hands together. “I’ll be waiting here for you.”

  “Don’t worry, you won't have to wait long. I’ll be back in no time wearing my mom’s pearl necklace.” I smirk, confident as can be. Vance rolls his eyes at me, obviously not believing me, which only makes me want to prove him wrong more.

  There’s a knot in my belly as I climb back down the wooden ladder, making my way through the yard and into the house I snuck out of a few minutes ago. My pulse rises and my breathing speeds up as I tiptoe up the stairs missing all the creaking spots. I don’t know why I’m so nervous about this. So what if my mom wakes up?

  I could always tell her that I had a bad dream or something and even if she doesn’t believe me, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Focusing on my thoughts, I miss the last creaking spot at the top of the stairs, my foot pressing against the squeaky floorboard, the sound bouncing off the walls and down the hall. Freezing, I hold my breath, my ears perking up while my heart thuds so hard inside my chest, I worry it might explode.

  The sound of whispering meets my ears a second later…

  There are two voices, but the only one I can make out is my mother’s.

  Why is she whispering? Who is she talking to? Vance’s mom is at the hospital for her nightshift as a nurse and his father’s room is downstairs, he shouldn’t be here.

  For a moment, I consider turning back around and crawling into my bed, leaving Vance and his stupid dare alone for the night, but I can’t. I want to prove him wrong, that I’m not a chicken.

  Tiptoeing down the hall, I get closer to my parents’ bedroom. The whispers get louder, and my eyes widen when I hear who my mother is talking to. The words I hear are ones I’ll never be able to forget. Ones that I’ll never be able to let go of.

  This was the night that changed my life forever.



  Picking at the pink polish on my nails, I wonder how I got to this point. How I managed to find my way back to North Woods after five long years of being gone. Five years, that’s how long I spent away from my childhood home town. A place I had grown up, a place that I missed more and more every single day that I was gone. It wasn’t the friends I had made or known my whole life, or even the house that I missed, it was the physicality, of knowing a place, of having grown up in it. I had nothing to fear in this town. It was my world.

  After that night of Truth or Dare with Vance, my father kicked out Vance’s family, leaving them homeless. Then he took my mother and me and moved us across state lines. We just left, we didn’t even get to take all of our stuff. My parents sold the house not even a month later and I knew we would never come back. I’d cried, begged and pleaded with my father but it did me no good. We still moved, my whole life flipping completely upside down and all because of one secret. Gritting my teeth, I shove the memory away and into the darkest crevices of my mind.

  My parents stayed married for two years after that, even though I think they knew they would have been better off getting a divorce. Those two years were ones that I didn’t really care to remember. Full of fighting, of anger and blame. Every day I saw their hate for one another grow. Then it finally happened, they got divorced and I stayed with my dad.

  My mom moved away shortly after things ended, claiming she couldn’t find a job as a secretary where we were living and my dad of course was not willing to move, nor was I. High school was hard enough without having to move to a brand new school and I wasn’t about to pack up my life again and start over wherever the hell it was that my mother wanted to move. That, and a part of me was still angry with her. Angry for ruining my life, her life, my dad’s life. It was because of her selfishness that we left in the first place.

  When she moved back to North Woods, I didn’t really think anything of it. That was until she called me last Christmas.

  “Hey sweetheart, did you get the Christmas presents in the mail?”

  “Yes, Mom, thank you. The only thing that would’ve made it better was spending the day with you.” There was nothing like spending Christmas with your family… though I wouldn’t truly know since I hadn’t spent a holiday with my mother since she left. It was just Dad and I and even then, sometimes it was just me.

  “I know, me too.” Her words didn’t match her tone of voice.

  “If it’s okay with you, I was thinking about coming down for a few days next week since I’m still on break. We can watch Elf and make Christmas cookies.” The mere thought of spending time with her left me feeling whole again. Even if I was pissed off at my mother for not visiting me, or making an effort, it didn’t mean I didn’t want to spend time with her, if given the chance.

  “Yeah...maybe.” She paused and I couldn’t miss the nervous tone that overtook her voice. It sounded like she was going to say something she thought I might not like.

  “You know, honey, I’ve been meaning to tell you something…” There was another pause, and I gripped the phone tighter in my hand. When I didn’t
say anything, she continued a long sigh filling the speaker.

  “I’ve been seeing someone…it’s… it’s um… Henry.”

  My hold on the phone slackened and I nearly dropped it.

  Holy shit. She didn’t actually mean Henry…

  Shaking my head, I somehow manage to find my voice.

  “Henry Preston? Vance’s dad?”

  “Yes, we met again a few months ago. He and Tonya got divorced as well. I swear to you we were only looking for friendship but, sometimes the heart has other plans. Anyway, we started going out and I figured you should know. I don’t want to keep anything from you.”

  She figured I should know? Ha, that’s funny. She could miss Christmas with me and barely pick up the phone to call me but felt like I should know about her love life.

  Someone should get her an award.

  Mom of the year here.

  There's a permanent sour taste that coats my mouth every time I think back to that phone call. No, I take that back, it’s actually all of it. All of this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  Everything about my life is fucked up. Her moving away. My dad making me stay with him, even after he started drinking. My mom never coming back for me, even when she knew I needed her. Her absence only drove the knife of betrayal deeper into my chest.

  Which leads me to this moment. An eighteen-year-old high school graduate without a single dime to her name because her dad drank and gambled her college fund away. I was the poster child for fucked up, going nowhere real fast.

  My mom insisted on me coming to live with her but not until after she found out about my father’s wrongdoings. Anger bled at the edge of my tongue. I wanted to ask her where she was a couple years back, but what was the point.

  Nothing she did now could change the past. The only good thing that came from moving in with her was her promise that she and Henry would pay for my college and give me a place to live while attending the local university. After the shit show my mother had left me in, I was seriously considering saying no.


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