Darkened Days

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Darkened Days Page 12

by C. L. Quinn

  “Any idea how we start?”

  Eillia shook her head and turned sideways so Daniel could massage her back. The baby was getting really big now and it took every bit of her strength to carry him through a busy day.

  “I wish I knew. If she’d had a blood-bond, I could do a blood trace. But that’s rare for a young vampire.”

  Jacob hesitated, took another long draw on the beer.

  “What if she fed from me? Could you try to do a blood trace for my blood?”

  Eillia tilted her head, surprised. “Starla fed from you?”

  “Hey, I didn’t feed her. There was no sex involved. Well…”

  “Jacob, tell me what happened,” Eillia said forcefully, pushing Daniel back gently.

  “She was pissed. At you. At me. Felt betrayed. I tried to reason with her, get her to come back with me so you could explain everything to her. She ran. I caught up with her and it got a little heated. Then, she came on to me. Seriously, Eillia, it was just to piss me off. She launched herself at me after putting on a pretty fucking sexy show. I thought she was going to try to kiss me but she went for my neck. It took me a few moments to get myself aware enough to push her off. Eillia, she’s incredibly sexy now. She isn’t the sweet innocent little waitress you knew.”

  “She is to me. Shit! Well, alright. This may actually be good. You’re lucky you didn’t take advantage of her or I would freeze you until winter!”

  “Hey, I’m the white knight here. I was just trying to rescue her.”

  It didn’t seem to be the time to tell Eillia he was far more invested than just Bas’s security guy sent to retrieve her. His connection to Starla had startled both of them. As badly as Eillia wanted her friend found safe and sound, he wanted her more.

  “You’re right, Jacob. I should release you from the responsibility. You’ve gone above and beyond and had a tough few weeks. I would like to try to use your blood connection to trace her. Your blood is strong, it may work. Then, you can go home with my gratitude for your dedication. Get some rest. You’ve earned it.”

  No, hell, no! Jacob thought.

  On the floor, legs folded in front of him which did not come naturally, Jacob sat across from Eillia, who somehow managed to look elegant and calm instead of awkward and uneasy. She leaned in and spoke softly.

  “Jacob, you don’t really have to do anything. This is all on me. So, if you want to close your eyes and just remain still, I’m going to enter your life force through my own and try to find your blood connection out in the world. Are you ready?”

  He nodded.

  “Sure,” he said, a moment before he felt her blow into his mind. How incredible to be linked like this to another vampire. He could sense her life force, too, and the ancient power that ran through her blood. It proved to him incontrovertibly…first blood vampires were their parents. The vampire gene came from these very few powerful individuals who birthed a race. Jacob owed everything he was to Eillia and her clan. He felt her move and touch his own mind, past it, out beyond. She’d touched his blood, unique to only him, and searched. Suddenly he saw sky, blue and brilliant, and masses of trees as far as he could see.

  Then dusty browns and yellows of deserts, a city, and water. No, waterfalls, lots of them. And he felt it as soon as Eillia did. The link tiny, nearly gone, but there.

  Daniel watched, fascinated as Eillia and Jacob spoke simultaneously.


  Staring at the blank paper that needed to say so much, Alisa considered what words she would leave behind. It was important that he understood what this night, being with him, meant to her.

  She began to write, and when she was finished, she laid the note carefully in the center of the bed, then dropped on the floor beside it. She’d spent her life coming and going. Leaving a place came naturally to her. But not here, not now. This was the hardest thing she’d ever done. She knew the one thing facing her that would be harder was leaving this life so much sooner than she should. Today was the first exit that ever hurt. The next one would be the last.

  Alisa pushed herself up, grabbed her large bag and paused to look at her note to Koen one last time. She’d told him that every day for the rest of her life she would think of him. He wouldn’t know it wasn’t for that many more days. For a moment, she considered telling him why. But last night was not about sorrow. It had been about joy and love found in an unexpected place. She wanted it to remain so for him. So she kept her imminent departure from this life a secret forever. It was her best choice.

  Closing the door with a loud snap, she walked down the wooden stairs and did not look back.

  The apartment was empty. He wondered if she’d just stepped out and would be back momentarily. Then he saw it.

  In the center of the bed where they had made love, a square scrap of paper. She hadn’t just stepped out. She was gone. He waited a full sixty seconds before he walked over to the perfectly made bed. Even then, he stared at the fluid handwriting for another minute before he picked it up.


  First, I wanted to tell you that I keep my promises. But I knew you were the kind of man who wouldn’t let me go until I promised I would be here when you returned. And, oh God, I wish I could be. It is impossible for me to find words great enough to make you understand what this night meant to me. Let me just say that

  every day for the rest of my life, I will wake with the memory of this night as the most wonderful one I’ve ever known. Even now, thinking of you inside me, your touch, your voice, your eyes, my body warms and my heart smiles. I hope you can think of our romance as fondly, because although it shot through us like a flaming meteor, it was real. And perfect. I cannot stay. You know what we felt, so you know if I could, I would. Please, remember our moments sometimes, don’t forget me. But have a happy life and find someone to love. You were made for love. Always, Alisa

  The paper slipped from his fingers, slid on the wood floor, and glided under the bedside table. Koen walked to the window and watched the human drama play out on the busy street below him.

  Well, he’d tried. He’d made it clear to her that she had to be here tonight. Now he second guessed himself and wondered if he shouldn’t have just told her what he was and taken her back to the apartment so she could stay with him until daylight left again. When he rose tonight, he’d already decided he wanted her in his life. He’d just been too slow to realize. Never in all his centuries had he connected to someone like that on sight.

  It was okay. A first blood vampire knew how to find people. And nothing would stop him. With CCTV and security cameras, he’d be able to track where she’d gone. A chirp announced an incoming call. When he answered, it was Jacob.

  “She’s in Africa. I need you, Koen. Will you come?”

  Koen knew Eillia couldn’t travel that far at this point in the pregnancy, so he told Jacob he would meet him at Charles de Gaulle and rang off. Then he phoned his own security team and began his search for the woman who thought she didn’t want to be found.

  Starla punched Henri in the arm as hard as she could. He grabbed it and yelled.

  “What was that about?”

  She’d chosen the man. And wasn’t happy about it. With Henri playing sentry, she approached the man on the street as he left a little club with a bottle of some dark alcohol. He’d started down the street when she came up to him and smiled.

  Henri watched her whisper something to him, saw him grin, and follow her down the alley beside this street café where they’d just dined. He’d tried, he really had, but it bothered him to see her go off with another man, even if it was just for a blood meal.

  The darkened alley had several wooden crates stacked against a wall. As soon as the man entered the alley with her, Starla put him immediately under her control. He’d have followed her without it, but she wanted to keep this about only the meal. Although she admitted to herself that she chose him because as he’d walked out of the club and looked around, he reminded her of Jacob. His body was similar, and
he held himself like Jacob, erect, confident, easy.

  “Sit there,” she commanded, pointed and he did so without hesitation. Crawling up next to him, she pulled his black tee shirt away from his throat and moved closer.

  “You will not cry out. This will not hurt. In fact, you will quite enjoy it.”

  “I know I will,” he said.

  “What did you say?” she asked.

  “I know I will. Feeding a vampire is sexy. Feeding you will certainly be.”

  This wasn’t right.

  “How do you know this? Why are you so aware of what I am going to do?”

  “I’ve fed several. Now, though, I am blood-bonded to Windari. I will tell you, she won’t like this. She doesn’t like to share.” He looked at Starla’s breasts. “But I will. I want to feed you.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head, his muscular form displayed for her. Then he released the snap on his pants and Starla shot off the crate.

  “Wait a minute. This was only about blood. No sex, buddy.”

  He looked confused.

  “I don’t understand. It’s always blood, then sex. I’m good. You will not be disappointed. She uses me almost exclusively.”

  Starla had no idea who Windari was, but she did know you don’t mess around with someone else’s blood-bond.

  “No sex. No feeding. Get dressed.”

  He didn’t move.

  “But I would like to please you. I am serious. You will not be disappointed.”

  He disobeyed a direct compulsion? What the hell?

  He began to remove his pants again.

  She stilled his hand.

  “Don’t. What is your name?”

  “She calls me Barth.”

  “Okay. Barth, you did not meet me tonight. You finished at the club and went home. Put your shirt on and go.”

  Barth hesitated.

  “Go!” she hissed.

  He drunkenly did as she asked.

  Henri had finished off the rest of their considerable meal when she came back.


  “No.” Starla took her seat beside him and leaned in.

  “He’s blood bonded to some local vampire. Henri, is compulsion less effective on a blood-bond?”

  “I don’t think so. Well, perhaps. We did not have a lot of experience with them since we never needed any. But I am sure they are susceptible. You did not feed?”

  “No, I don’t think we are supposed to drink from another vamps blood-bond. I think it’s against the unwritten code we were introduced to while detained.”

  “Oh. I must not have been paying attention. Alright. Well, I still need to feed so we’ll do it tandem-style. First me, then you, since you lost your meal.”

  Starla punched him again.

  His attendants were ready. Ahmose came to them and bowed slightly.

  “We will bring the Shoazan back tonight, my brothers. We will all feast and tomorrow I will make our first child of the moon. This is a great night.”

  They all bowed deeply from the waist.

  Ahmose turned toward the moon as the eight men disappeared soundlessly into the forest. It was another clear night and the fullest phase of the moon stared at him, a promise of great things to come. He could almost not breathe, though. He had been alive many centuries and had come to believe he would never fulfill his destiny of continuing the people of the moon. This could not have happened at a better time. He was weary and unsettled and felt as if something catastrophic was on the horizon for his people. He was not a seer, but he did often intuit events. So now he thought that what he had divined as a major event in their lives, and assumed it was catastrophic, was the opposite. Her arrival would transform the people of the moon. He headed back to his dwelling to have his women prepare him to meet his mate.

  “I found this crazy local dance club that is open all night. We still need those blood meals and I’m in the mood for an all-nighter again with two, no, three lovely ladies. Are you game?”

  Starla finished pulling her hair up to cool her neck since the temperature here was still punishing even at night.

  “I’m game. For the blood and dance. Still celibate, Henri.”

  “I don’t know how you’re pulling it off, but okay. When you hear the orgasmic cries coming from our room tonight, feel free to join us.”

  She shook her head. “No thanks, I’m considering this my sexual ‘walkabout.’ I’m learning a lot about myself and what I want. If I get desperate, I know how to take care of myself.”

  Henri rolled his eyes and threw his head back. “Ah, you’re killing me here. I can picture… I just better stop now or we won’t make it out of here.”

  Starla laughed and slipped a thin mini-dress over her head. “You’ll find plenty to choose from tonight. I’m ready.”

  He glanced up at his platonic girlfriend. And released a regretful sigh as inaudibly as possible. She looked amazing. The white lacy dress barely covered the relevant parts of her body, revealing slim beautiful legs and high heeled pumps. What the guys in school used to call “fuck-me” shoes. Along with the image she inadvertently created in his mind when she spoke of bringing herself to orgasm. He wanted more than anything to throw her on their bed and make her want him.

  She’d made it clear. He wasn’t her knight in shining armor. He was sure now it had something to do with the older vampire that showed up that last night at Incognito. But he wouldn’t push her. She would confide in him when she was ready. After all, didn’t he now assume the role of her best girlfriend? God. He was her BFF!

  He wore tighter jeans and a tighter shirt to advertise his masculinity tonight.

  Hours later, drunk and giggling, Henri had found his trio of beautiful girls. Outside the club, he waved to Starla as they headed toward their room.

  “Don’t get in trouble, Star. If you need me, call. Come on girls, there is so much to do and so little time.”

  Starla smiled and turned the opposite direction. She’d give them time together and go back to break it up just before dawn, like she’d done before. She was trying to stay away from sex and it was a lot easier to do that when she did not walk in on Henri and his marathon sessions. More than once, she was tempted to join them. But she knew it was not what she wanted.

  There was a wildlife rehabilitation facility nearby that she really wanted to visit. They did not have nighttime hours but that wasn’t a problem for her.

  Just a few moments after leaving the club she had a strong sense of a vampire presence. No. More, several. And it was more intense than any presence she’d ever felt.

  From behind one of the two-story businesses that lined this street, six men came out. Enormous. Bigger than Jacob. They stared right at her.

  Shit! Even if her senses hadn’t told her they were vampire, their size would have. And there was no way she could defend herself it they meant trouble for her. She turned back toward the club as she flipped open her phone and auto-dialed Henri. He didn’t pick up. Fuck!

  “If you get this soon, I may be in trouble. I’m being followed by a group of six very large vampire males. I’ll try to get back to the club.”

  The club was her only chance. Most vampires would not make a scene in a crowded club.

  Just before she hit the door, she felt herself freeze in place. She recognized the feeling from the warehouse. Like the big male that had trapped them in Paris, they had skills she did not understand. Yeah. She was in trouble.

  The largest of the six picked her up gently in his arms after he released her muscles. She started to struggle and fight but she knew better. She was outnumbered with a superior force and struggling would just be ridiculous. The man smiled at her. Held her carefully and carried her to an outdoor café across the street from the club. It surprised her that he kept her in a public place.

  He sat her gently in one of the chairs that she’d probably sat in sometime in the past few days since she and Henri had arrived.

  For a second, she considered trying to hyper-speed and
outrun them, but the man in front of her laid a hand on her arm.

  “Brave. But don’t try it. You cannot outrun me or my brothers. I am Ahmose. Please tell me your name.”

  His deep voice had just a slight middle-eastern accent and he spoke perfect English.

  Starla looked from man to man. They were all handsome and smiling at her. She didn’t sense any hostility at all. What was going on? Wetting her lips with her tongue, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to seem compliant. For now.

  “You can call me Star.”

  He looked up at each of his “brothers” and smiled back at her.

  “Star. That is exactly what it should be. You are the most lovely heavenly body I have ever seen.”

  “Um…thank you?” She said it as a question because she wasn’t sure what the right response was. She decided to go for it.

  “You’ve detained me. What gives you the right? What do you want?”

  The largest man, the one who’d picked her up, was obviously the leader. And he was staring at her rudely without answering her questions. She stared back in defiance.

  He was gorgeous. Swarthy skin, long smooth ravens-wing black hair bound into some kind of metallic clasp. Dark eyes, although that seemed to be a given for most vampires. But his eyes had striations of silver that seemed to come and go. Odd. Deep. Almost hypnotic. And his scent was nearly as compelling as Jacobs.

  Because of her self-imposed lengthy celibacy, her heightened state of sexual awareness made her body respond to his intensely masculine, sexual nature. Her respiration picked up and the place between her legs twitched. His breathing changed. It was apparent he was feeling the same sexual arousal.

  He smiled, showing even white teeth.

  “You are just as delightful as I knew you would be.”

  What the hell? As he knew she would be? This wasn’t random? Had he been looking for her?


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