Darkened Days

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Darkened Days Page 23

by C. L. Quinn

  The plane hit heavy turbulence and he had a moment of panic that karma would destroy him right there, he would die forever, and Jacob would never be rescued. Just in case, he kept his cell phone in his hand until they landed in Switzerland. He wondered how a man over a thousand years old could make the choices he’d made. All he could do now was bring Jacob home and disappear from their lives. She was never going to be his anyway.

  Crystal’s isolated cabin was located half way up the mountain. Ahmose had blood-bonded her to him so he could clean her memory and have a permanent trace. When he arrived in front of the cabin, he was grateful. The entire bottom level had floor to ceiling windows. Brave, for a vampire. Or stupid.

  He came through the front door silently, his bond with her led him to the back of the house. She was alone. Cooking in a state-of-the-art kitchen. He backed out and headed up the stairs. No Jacob. All right. Downstairs?

  Yes, a huge cage sat in the center of the walk out floor facing the exposed windows.

  Jacob’s back was to the door. God. The bitch was keeping him naked. Like an animal. He felt worse than ever.

  “Jacob,” he said, quietly.

  Jacob turned. He knew immediately that Ahmose had been involved.

  “I’m not surprised. Son of a bitch! You come to hold me down so she can finally fuck me?”

  Bitter. Harsh. Deserved.

  “No. I came to get you out of here and take you home. There are no words to ask your forgiveness. I don’t deserve it. But I can at least fix this for you.”

  Ahmose waved a hand and the cell door popped open. Jacob stood there, rage battling with relief. He wanted to walk out with dignity. He wanted to run out and attack this arrogant first blood vampire. More than that, he wanted him to justify his actions.


  Ahmose shook his head.

  “I let her convince me that you would be okay. I knew you wouldn’t. I wanted to believe you really didn’t love Starla. I knew you did. I tried to believe she would come back to me. She never would have. Everything was wrong from the moment the red-lipped woman came to me. I was weak and let myself be selfish for the sake of my people’s future. I threatened it instead.”

  Jacob saw the flash as Crystal came up behind Ahmose. A shotgun, pellets racing toward his chest. It was a moment Jacob would always remember. Because he wanted to save the man in spite of everything he’d done. He raced towards him.

  Jacob watched as the shotgun pellets stopped and dropped on the floor instantly. Ahmose put his hands up and Crystal froze. Jacob walked up to her. She looked terrified.

  “I need to get her back to Xavier, a first blood in Paris. He’ll know what to do. I can’t risk her trying this again.”

  “She won’t. That’s what I meant when I said I’d fix this. Listen.”

  Ahmose caught her eyes with his.

  “Crystal, you will not remember me. You will not remember Jacob or Starla. Or anyone you’ve met since you met Jacob. You will not remember Africa. From now on, you will remember you are vampire, you will feed carefully, but you will make a living serving food at an overnight diner. If you have sexual needs, you will see to them yourself. You no longer want men.”

  She blinked and nodded. Ahmose unfroze her.

  “Do you remember this man?”

  She looked at the naked man in front of her.

  “No. He should put some clothes on though.”

  “He will. Thank you. You may go.”

  Ahmose turned to Jacob as Crystal disappeared out the door.

  “She will never bother you again.”

  “I appreciate that. Doesn’t mean I forgive you.”

  “I understand.”

  After finding his clothes, Jacob dressed, while reaching for Crystal’s pink cell phone lying on a table.

  When he heard her voice, he sighed deeply and teared up a little.


  She did cry. He heard his name and the word okay and that was all he could make out.

  “Baby, I’m all right. I’m on my way back. It was Crystal. She didn’t hurt me.”

  Ahmose watched him as he leaned into the phone.

  “Baby, I’ll explain when I get home. A few hours. No, I’ll come right to the villa. Just be waiting for me, okay? Tell everyone I’m all right. I love you.”

  Ahmose looked away then.

  Closing the phone, Jacob looked up at Ahmose. “I’m ready. Get me the fuck out of here.”

  The plane ride was silent. But Jacob could feel the pain and regret from Ahmose.

  He couldn’t forgive him. Not yet, maybe someday. But he could understand the desperate act. He might have been willing to do something like that to keep Starla. Would he? He thought so. He laid his head back and closed his eyes. All he could hear was her voice.

  “She was crying you know.” Jacob did not open his eyes.

  Ahmose drew in a sharp breath. Then a moment later he answered Jacob’s comment with a quiet, almost inaudible, “I know.”

  The two men understood each other, both knew the consequences of their choices and actions. Jacob decided he wouldn’t judge Ahmose. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t be any more innocent.

  Ahmose decided he would accept whatever judgment awaited him. From Starla, Jacob, or the fates.

  The plane couldn’t land soon enough.

  She held him so tightly he couldn’t breathe. And if it meant making her loosen up, Jacob decided he didn’t need to breathe again. Her arms and legs were wrapped around his body and they just stayed there for what felt like hours. It wasn’t long enough.

  Finally, Starla slipped down him and looked at his face.

  “You’re really okay? She really didn’t hurt you?”


  “We have to stop her. She can’t ever do this again.”

  “She’s stopped. She isn’t a threat anymore. We’re okay, baby. You can stop worrying. Like I’d let you get away from me.”

  Everyone else in the room waited until they were finished before they welcomed Jacob back home. He patiently greeted them all. Told Eillia and Daniel how beautiful their son was. When he’d greeted everyone, he scooped Starla up into his arms.

  “Excuse us, please.”

  And they were gone.

  Below ground, he had them in his large bathroom, stripped, and under the warm water in moments. He needed to be clean again. And he needed to touch her everywhere.

  “Baby, please tell me the truth. Did she rape you?”

  “No. But if I’d been there much longer, probably.”

  “Oh, god. Where did she take you? How did you get away?”

  “Long story. Details later. Right now, I’m busy.”

  With Starla in his arms and the warm water cascading over them, Jacob just stood there for a few moments letting the past few weeks wash away. He hadn’t realized how terrified he’d been that he might not be able to get back to her. He couldn’t go the rest of his life without holding her or being inside of her.

  Starla knew there was so much more than he’d ever be able to tell her. Jacob had depths he couldn’t admit because he’d never really loved anyone like he did Starla. She felt this in him. And she just let him hold her, quiet, still, healing. Whatever he needed she would be there for him. It was unspoken and truer than the sunrise and sunset.

  Eventually he dropped to his knees and began to kiss her. Everywhere. On her belly, on her thighs, on her buttocks. It wasn’t sexual. Yet. It was gentle and exploratory.

  “You taste like heaven. All I need is whipped cream and I could eat you up.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  “Good. Tomorrow. Today, can I just get inside you? Where I belong?”

  “You never have to ask. The answer to the question is ‘always.’”

  Jacob stood, lifted her, and slid in. Again, he stopped and just held her. Starla tried to stop the soft tears but she couldn’t. That he was hurting was more painful for her than anything she’d ever suffered. She gave him
what he really needed at that moment. Her arms around him in support. And her heart.

  When he finally started moving, it was slow, easy, and when he came, it was easy too. Just a deep spasm that made him press hard into her, his eyes closed, immersed in her. A part of her.

  It would take time. She wondered what happened, but that would come.

  They finished the shower, dried off, and fell into bed, tangled together. They slept, dreamless, until the sun dropped again.

  Things got back to normal pretty quickly the next week, except for the addition of the tiny baby boy that everyone wanted to hold. Tamesine played sentry, she held him most, other than his parents.

  Jacob finished security for Bas’s huge villa and let him know they would not be returning to live there.

  “Starla and I are thinking about our own place.”

  “Stay near, my dear friend,” Bas told him.

  “I plan to. You’re all family, to her now as well as me.”

  Bas thanked him and gave him a brotherly hug.

  Jacob filled Starla in on all the details of his abduction and rescue.

  She’d been furious with Ahmose.

  “That asshole! I want to fly back to Africa and beat the hell out of him!”

  “No. He was a man possessed. He has deep regret for his actions. I told him I understand because I might have been willing to do the same to keep you. And although I told him I didn’t forgive him, I’ve decided to. I won’t judge him. I want you to do so, too. He’s a good man, Starla, but I don’t think I really have to tell you that. You know it. My taking you away was devastating for him. Just look at Eillia’s son and you will see what he lost. Forgive him.”

  It took some soul searching and Jacob’s earnest words to convince her, but she really did understand some of what drove Ahmose. Because she was still suffering, too. Since Caedmon’s birth, her own womb had been twitching as if reminding her of her own terrible choice. She couldn’t help herself, she kept thinking about her lost children.

  Second meal was served. Starla waited with Park and Eillia, who were up at the buffet filling their plates. She held Caedmon, her eyes locked on his face.

  Jacob would be a little later since he was still at Park’s house with final construction issues.

  Park and Eillia had just arrived back at the table, when suddenly the baby touched Starla’s face with a little hand. She started crying. Eillia scooped him up as Park went to Starla.

  “Are you okay? What happened?”

  Once she got her tears under control, she shook her head.

  “Nothing. Just…nothing. Really, guys, I’m fine.”

  Park exchanged a glance with Eillia. They both looked back and forth, and then at Starla.

  “Starla, did Caedmon do something?” Eillia asked.

  Starla didn’t respond at first, then nodded.

  “I felt him. He touched me and I felt him. He’s sad for the babies I won’t have. I can’t believe he can do that.”

  “He’s very powerful. And he’s just telling you something you already know.” Park pulled out a chair and faced Starla. Eillia, with Caedmon against her, watched with huge eyes.

  “I didn’t bring this up before because I knew you weren’t ready. I think now you are. Cairine knew the moment that she touched you that you would bear first blood children.”

  “That isn’t true, though. I’m not with Ahmose. I never will be. Jacob and I are mated.”

  “I understand. And nothing will change that. You have a love that can’t be broken. But it can be tested. What I am going to tell you will test it. I can bring your children to you and Ahmose. As you know, I’m a geneticist and I think I can successfully inseminate you. It’s never been tried on a vampire, but I believe it will work. So you would never have to actually be with Ahmose.”

  Starla felt light headed. Would this be possible?

  “You think I could still…” She shook her head, the implication enormous. A smile came as she realized it may be possible to honor her destiny with Ahmose. Those children who did not exist, that she had been grieving for, could be born.

  “Starla, it’s a big decision. It still won’t be easy. Even though you and Ahmose will not have to be physical to make these children, it is still a very intimate relationship. Jacob will have to be able to share you with another man and your children with him. It’s something that has never happened with a vampire couple. It may damage you and Jacob. It may not be possible. I wanted to speak with you first, because although you and Jacob must make the choice, ultimately, it is you who must bear the results of that choice. All I know is Cairine and Cherise both think that you will be with child before the end of this year. And I trust their abilities. I am here to make that happen if I can. If it is what you and Jacob decide to do.”

  A future she had been trying to let go blossomed in front of her eyes. Children, special, beautiful, with her long thick hair and Ahmose’s middle eastern coloring. Something trickled inside her, bubbled up. In that moment a realization that it might really happen.

  “I have to find Jacob. Park, thank you. I’ve loved being here with you, with Jacob, finding my new family here in France. But I’ve been heartbroken since I knew that my choice would deny these children their chance to be born. I didn’t realize until now, but I’ve thought of them as real since Cherise told me it would be a boy and two girls. I know it isn’t possible, but I’ve been feeling them.”

  Eillia shifted her son before she spoke.

  “Don’t discount first blood magic, Starla. It’s immeasurably powerful. Good luck with Jacob.”

  Starla nodded and headed to their underground rooms. For long moments she sat and considered this unexpected news. She needed to speak with Jacob. Now. The delay made her gut hurt. She reached him on her cell moments later.

  “Jacob, hi. Um, could you meet me behind the villa? On the beach?”

  “I’m supervising some final installations at the new house. Is it important?”

  “Pretty much, yeah. I hate to disturb you, but I really need to speak with you now.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right there. Is everything all right?”

  “Better than all right. I’ll talk with you about it when you get here. Thanks, Jacob.”

  She sat alone on the warm wet sand, barefoot, her feet buried, toes dug under and wiggling while she watched the water rise and fall. The moon was full again like it was when Ahmose first saw her at the falls three months ago and she watched its expressive face as it glided across the charcoal sky. Leaning back, she sighed and placed her hands on her belly. It was where her babies would grow. Long ago, she’d wondered what it would feel like to have a baby inside you. Now she knew that if they proceeded with Park’s idea, she would not only know what it was like, but apparently they could communicate. Life.

  Important, imperative, persistent. Insistent. These children would be.

  Jacob would understand. Wouldn’t he?

  His hands in her hair let her know he’d arrived silently.

  “Hi,” he said softly, expectantly, and dropped down beside her.

  “Hi,” she responded. “I didn’t hear you come up. I was really distracted.”

  “So, what’s the news?”

  “It’s remarkable. I don’t know how you’re going to react, but it really is wonderful news.”

  Jacob knew it wasn’t going to be wonderful for him. She was too worried about telling him.

  “Okay, no suspense, just blurt it out.”

  “All right. Park thinks she can inseminate me. Ahmose and I can have the first blood babies we were destined to have.”

  He was silent. He didn’t look at her, but watched the sea fighting the pull of the moon. The news didn’t surprise him. He didn’t want this. He turned to tell her so. But didn’t.

  “Okay. I assume you’ve decided you’re going to do it.”

  “No. We’re in this together, Jacob. All the way. If you don’t want me to do it, I won’t. You did get the part where I don’t h
ave to have sex with him, right?”

  He smiled. “That’s the only thing keeping me from flying to Africa and getting myself killed. Yeah, I get it. But…” He paused because he couldn’t seem to say what he wanted to say.

  “I know,” Starla cut in, helping him out. “I know what you’re feeling. I wouldn’t like it if you went off and had children with another woman. I know it will be a very close, intimate relationship. But for all three of us. You would be in this with me just as much as Ahmose. I’m not in love with him, Jacob, he isn’t any kind of threat or competition. But I have been hurting, baby. Those children are calling to me.”

  Jacob was quiet for a few more moments, then turned to her.

  “I know. I’ve felt it. I’ve even wondered if I did the wrong thing by coming for you. That you might have been happier with him. With the family you two would have made together. I was there when Cherise first did her empathic read on Park. She was right about everything. You are supposed to have those babies.”

  “Not without you. Jacob, I would never have been happier without you. Even before you showed up, I had already told Ahmose I was leaving.”


  “Absolutely. But I think you’re right about Cherise. Do you remember she said Ahmose and I were destined to be parents, but not lovers? I think this is what she meant. Would you be able to live with this?”

  “I’ll have to, won’t I? I’m not going to deny you or these children. Starla, I love you enough to share you with your children, even if they aren’t mine.”

  “Oh, baby, they will be. I meant it. These wonderful children will have three parents. We can co-parent with Ahmose. Once they are older, they can travel between our two residences.”

  “That won’t work. Ahmose probably wouldn’t allow it anyway. They need to be raised with their kin. You heard him. They are the next generation of the children of the moon. Their home is Zambia.”

  Now Starla was quiet.

  “I don’t want to leave them, Jacob. I think they’ll need their mother.”

  “Oh, baby, that is not what I mean. I knew when I came to Paris to search for you that my life was heading in a different direction. I didn’t have an idea why, but I’ve been restless for a long time. After centuries of taking care of Bas’s needs, I was ready to move forward with my own life. Now, I know my destiny waited for me wearing a tiny skirt and tinier bra in a grocery store outside the city of love. You were my destiny. We’ll go to Africa. You have to be there for your children. I have to be there for you.”


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