Stopping Traffic (A Back to School Romance) (Love at The Crossroads)

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Stopping Traffic (A Back to School Romance) (Love at The Crossroads) Page 8

by Simmons, Pat

  Twenty minutes later, Royce called Hershel seconds after walking through the door. Despite his excitement over the latest developments with Candace, Royce didn’t talk or text while driving. He and his crew had rescued too many people who had— some with fatal consequences.

  “She said yes,” Royce dived right in as soon as his brother answered, “albeit at Chuck E. Cheese’s, but that’s better than White Castle’s. The consequences of those onions on the burgers probably wouldn’t guarantee me a second date.”

  Hershel roared. “Solae suggested Dave & Buster’s for our first date and the boys loved it.”

  Kicking off his shoes en route to his bedroom, Royce next angled the phone between his shoulder and ear to remove his shirt. “I never thought you would give another woman a chance.”

  “She had so much patience with the children at the party, including mine. It got to a point where the children were coming to her, whether for punch or a problem. Solae is something else, and since it was the spur of the moment, I don’t think she was trying to impress me…”

  Royce listened without interrupting. It was interesting to hear his brother so taken with another woman. There was no mistaking Hershel’s happiness.

  “With her sweet personality, I’m surprised no one has snatched her up. She’s never been married and doesn’t have children. She definitely is mother material, judging from how the children took to her.” He paused. “So I guess we’re thinking along the same lines, because I never thought you would give another single mother the time of day.”

  Eying the pile of dirty clothes in his hamper, Royce made a note to wash after he got eight plus hours of sleep. “It would have been my loss,” Royce admitted as he padded to the kitchen for a bagel and a glass of juice. “She was very understanding; she left some leeway for our date in case I needed to cancel because of work.”

  “Then she’s probably a keeper,” had been his brother’s last word a few minutes later as exhaustion hit, and Royce signed off.

  After his shower, Royce read a verse, then knelt for his prayers. “Lord, I thank You for everything in my life, but especially for covering me with Your blood while responding to situations only You can control. And most of all, thank You for filling my loneliness with Candace and Lindsay. I trust You to guide our relationship. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Royce burrowed under the covers as if preparing for hibernation. The last vision in his mind was of him and Candace under the umbrella. “Come on Chuck E. Cheese’s.


  “Do you realize that this is the first time in a long time, we’ve both been in a relationship at the same time and we’ve never dated brothers or cousins?” Solae asked minutes after Candace replayed her conversation with Royce.

  “Hold up. I haven’t really crossed over the dating threshold. I’m just testing the waters,” Candace said, then turned around to type in her password to retrieve her accounts.

  A peppermint bounced off her shoulder. “Ouch, girl. Stop it. I’m trying to work.” Candace twirled around in her chair.

  “No, you stop it,” Solae said, walking into Candace’s cubicle. Leaning on the partition, she crossed her arms. “Let Mr. Fireman woo you. I’m definitely enjoying Hershel’s attention, and his boys are so adorable.”

  Candace lowered her voice. “Has he told you what happened between him and his ex-wife?”

  Looking both ways over her shoulder, Solae shook her head. “Only that his ex had an extramarital affair and she left him.”

  Covering her mouth, Candace gasped. “What? She walked away from that hunk and cute boys? Wow. I think there needs to be an addendum to the scriptures. In addition to ‘He that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing’, I think ‘She that getteth a husband, getteth a good thing’ should be penciled in.”

  “I know, right?” Solae frowned. “Finding a man who loves you is a premium, finding a good father is priceless…what I wouldn’t give for that...” she sighed with a wishful downcast look, then recovered. “Anyway, be happy. Both brothers are practicing Christians. That’s a major plus in this day and age.” She returned to her desk without another word.

  The rest of Candace’s day was uneventful until she was about to leave work for her afternoon crossing guard duties when she received a text.

  Be careful crossing the street, pretty lady. I can’t wait to see you again. Royce

  She smiled and stared at the message before texting him back:I will. I hope you had sweet dreams.

  I did, and you were in them. I’m off the next two days. I can’t wait to see my old friend,Chuck E.

  Candace bit her lip to keep a laugh from escaping.

  How about tomorrow around five-thirty?

  It’s a date! It had been five years in the making, and truth be told, Candace couldn’t wait and she hummed all the way to the car. Lord, did I tell You thank you today? Thank You!

  Hours later, Royce was still on her mind as she prepared dinner while Lindsay did her homework at the kitchen table. Tomorrow was exactly twenty-four hours away. Candace couldn’t stand it any longer. She grabbed her smartphone and sent Royce a text.

  I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I never thanked you for thinking about me this morning and making sure I arrived at work dry and intact. C.

  Seconds after hitting send, Candace was stirring the pasta when her cell phone rang. She smiled, guessing it was Royce.

  “Who’s that Mommy?” Lindsay asked before she could say hello.

  “You can never disturb me. I’ve been thinking about you nonstop since this morning. There’s something about you that makes me want to protect you from the storms as the Lord gives me the strength.”

  Blushing, Candace turned her back to Lindsay. He always made her heart flutter. She covered the phone and faced her daughter. “Put that up for now, sweetie and go wash your hands so you can eat.”

  “But I already washed my hands, Mommy.” She lifted them for her to see.

  Smart kid. “Ok, then put your homework up for now.”

  Closing her folder, Lindsay folded her hands like an obedient student, but she didn’t budge from her chair. Her daughter wasn’t going anywhere and Candace wasn’t one to leave her alone in the kitchen with hot pots on the stove. So much for privacy.

  “Take care of her,” Royce said patiently. “I’ll be available whenever you call.”

  “Thank you for understanding.” She lowered her voice. Gnawing on her lip, she marveled that this was the first time in a long time she really craved the soothing voice of another man.

  “Soon,” she murmured into the phone, then she reluctantly said good-bye before enjoying dinner with Lindsay, but she was definitely looking forward to pizza the next night.


  Candace woke the next morning counting the hours before she saw Royce again. Solae said she was glowing when she strutted into the office and was downright giddy when she left for her crossing guard duties.

  Lindsay learned that they were going out to eat when Candace explained why she was getting a snack instead of dinner. Her daughter had no clue that they both were about to go on a date.

  Now with one hour and twenty-nine minutes before she saw Royce, Solae called to add her two cents. “What are you wearing? Never mind.” She tsked. “Put on your purple dress and make sure you use your eyebrow pencil and mascara…”

  Solae had gone out with Hershel three times, twice with the boys, but as frazzled as she sounded, one would think this was her friend’s first date. Candace laughed as she slipped into a long printed skirt and black top. “That’s not the look I’m going for on a school night with my Lindsay…”

  Candace strained her hearing. “What’s that noise in the background?”

  “Oh, girl, that’s my EMS and fire scanners,” she stated nonchalantly as if they were commercials between her favorite program.

  “What? When did you buy those?” Candace frowned and stared at her phone. “Solae, why do—”

  “Hi Aunt Sollie,” her
daughter shouted at the mention of her name as she raced into Candace’s bedroom. With her comb and brush in hand, Lindsay flopped on the floor in front of Candace so she could touch up her ponytails.

  “Okay, so when did you pick up this hobby?”

  “Since Captain Hershel Kavanaugh.”

  “Hmmm.” Candace was amused. What silly thing will I pick up?

  “I just want to know he’s safe when he’s not with me. I told you to trust God, but I should take my own advice, right?”

  Nodding, Candace was careful what she said in front of Lindsay. “So…does he know you have one?”

  “Who do you think helped me pick it out?” Solae giggled. “He thought it was sweet and said he could get me an old one at the station. But I wanted a new one and refused his offer to buy it. If a man wants to buy me a gift, it’s certainly not going to be an all-in-one medical/fire/police scanner.”

  With Lindsay’s hair back in order, Candace sent her into the living room to watch television. “Since he confided in you about his marriage, have you told me about …you know?”

  “Not yet.” She sighed. “I’m batting two for two when it comes to blowing a relationship. I thought I was safe with Eric and Charles, who both professed to love me. When I told them about the excruciating pain I suffered that led to a hysterectomy, there wasn’t enough love to make them stick around.”

  When Solae paused, Candace could feel her friend’s mental and emotional pain, neither of which healed after the procedure. If Royce could want her with her little package, Candace prayed that Hershel or some other man would want Solae just as much, even if she couldn’t have children.

  “Don’t give up. The same God that drew Royce to me when I wasn’t looking is the same God that can send a wonderful Christian man to you. Hopefully it’s Hershel. ”

  “I hope so, too,” she said softly.

  “This is a first for you in a relationship. Maybe it won’t matter to Hershel, since he already has children.” Candace searched for encouraging words. “Let’s pray that it’s God’s will that Hershel’s the one.”

  “Amen.” Solae was quiet, then cleared her throat. “Anyway, we’re going to the movies on his next night off. I could always casually mention, while my hand is in the popcorn bowl, that I can’t have children.”

  Uh-oh. Solae is on the verge of a pity party. Normally the two would talk out their issues—sometimes for hours—until one felt that the other friend was okay. Unfortunately, it was the first time in years that one of them wasn’t available for a marathon conversation.

  “Mommy!” Lindsay yelled from her room.

  “Listen, I’ve got to go and finish getting ready—”

  “Oh right, and here I am rambling on about myself. I hope I didn’t spoil your mood. Have a good time.”

  “Wait. Let’s pray first.” Closing her eyes, Candace heard Solae sniff as she petitioned God, “Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, my friend is hurting and I’m hurting for her. I know You love us and Your Word says that You desire that we would prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers in 3 John 1:2.

  “Lord, we’ve been feeding our souls with Your Word; now I ask that You would bless my friend’s life, whether it would be with Hershel or another man, but let the man who finds her, know he has found a good woman, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  “Amen,” Solae repeated followed by a couple of sniffs. “Thank you, sister. Now, go have fun. Call me when you get back. Bye.” After mustering up a chuckle, she disconnected.

  Candace wasn’t laughing as she thought about how much Solae could get hurt if Hershel wasn’t sincere once she decided to open up about her condition. It was hard for Candace to push aside her concern for her friend.

  Cast all your cares upon Me, for I care for you, God spoke 1 Peter 5:7.

  She meditated on that verse as she walked into her bathroom and reached for her makeup bag. As she dusted blush on her cheeks, she continued to talk to Jesus, “Lord, it’s not just Solae who has concerns about a relationship; help me, too.” When her doorbell buzzed, Candace jumped and glanced at the time. A minute late, but she would give him that.

  “Mommy, someone’s here.” Lindsay yelled, running into her bedroom as if she couldn’t hear the bell.

  Candace checked her appearance and took a deep breath before being led away by Lindsay to the living room. Lindsay peeped from behind her as she opened the door.

  “Mr. Fireman,” Lindsay screamed and waved.

  Royce’s eyes twinkled as he crossed her threshold, forcing her to step back or risk his teasing her about a kiss. “For you.” He handed her a flower that she noticed once she stopped looking at him.

  “Thank you.”

  He squatted and gave Lindsay a flower, she looked up at Candace. “Tell him thank you.”

  She did and surprisingly, gave him a hug before retreating back behind her legs again.

  “We’re going to get something to eat.” Lindsay babbled. “Do you want to go with us, Mr. Fireman?”

  “I’m going to Chuck E. Cheese’s. Wanna go with me?”

  Lindsay’s widened with eager anticipation. “Can we go with him, Mommy?”

  “Yes, baby.”

  Royce seemed distracted as he performed a quick sweep of her ceilings. He smiled when he caught her staring at him. “Smoke detector.” He pointed.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he shrugged. “Just making sure you’re safe. Mind if I check them?”

  “Go right ahead.” Leaning against the wall, she folded her arms as she and Lindsay watched him in work mode.

  “Did I pass?”

  “Yes, madam.” Royce escorted them out the door with Lindsay in between them, latched onto both their hands.

  He listened patiently as Lindsay rambled on about her dolls, then her teacher and the little boy who always wanted to share his lunch. She and Royce exchanged a knowing glance.

  At Chuck E. Cheese, Lindsay was a ball of energy. After deciding on what kind of pizza she wanted, Lindsay made a beeline for the play area.

  “She’s beautiful,” Royce said as they chose a table in bird’s eye view of her.

  “Mommy, Mr. Fireman,” Lindsay yelled from her perch on the slide.

  “You’re beautiful, too. Whatever you did to your hair really flatters your face. You are one pretty woman.” His eyes seemed to have a mind of their own as they scanned her face.

  Reaching for her hand, Candace was hesitant about relinquishing them, but she craved his touch. She could hear Solae’s voice, coaxing her that it’s okay to be wooed. Once her hand was secure in his grip, Royce began to play with her fingers. “You have a special little girl there.”

  Candace nodded and watched her daughter; she was a ball of energy. “I know.” When she faced him, it was hard to look into his mesmerizing eyes and not be drawn in. She lowered her lashes. “Thank you for listening to her nonstop chatter.”

  “Do you know how much I can learn about the mother from listening to the babblings of her child?” he asked with a serious tone, then laughed when she cast him one of her threatening looks. “But I’d rather learn those things from Mama Bear herself.”

  Candace checked on Lindsay again. One of her biggest fears as a parent was sexual predators, so as far as she was concerned, she couldn’t watch her too carefully. Double checking that she was safely playing with another child, she turned back to Royce, who was watching her.


  Twisting his mouth, Royce looked away as their order was set in front of them. He thanked the woman. Bowing his head, he led them in a quick prayer. As soon as he said amen, he looked toward the play area for Lindsay.

  “There are so many things I want to know about you, but I know our time is limited tonight,” he admitted with a hint of frustration. “Why haven’t you remarried?”

  Lindsay reappeared as they were reaching for their first slice of pizza. She was out of breath when she flopped next to Candace.

  “Wait.” Pulling out a di
sinfectant wipe, she cleaned her daughter’s hands. Royce seemed patient as she tended to Lindsay.

  “Having fun?” he asked her.

  “Yeah!” She bobbed her head.

  As Lindsay chatted between bites and breaths, they both listened. Royce didn’t seem annoyed by the third wheel on their first date.

  Lindsay wiped her mouth after two slices of half eaten pizza. “Can I go back and play?”

  Both set of eyes were on her as Candace checked her watch. Since the date included Lindsay, they didn’t have much time left. “Five more minutes, then we have to go. It’s Wednesday, a school night.”

  “Okay, Mommy.” She raced off to Candace’s relief. She wanted a few more minutes with Royce to be transported to a place where she was not just a mommy, but a woman who was eligible for the dating pool.


  Cuddling a sleeping Lindsay in his arms, Royce escorted Candace to her door. He sighed in frustration because he wasn’t ready to say goodnight.

  “Call me when you get home, okay?” Her request was soft just like her hands, which he’d held and caressed earlier.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.” He planted a kiss in her hair when he really wanted her lips.

  Royce made sure they were safe inside, then handed over Lindsay. Quenching the urge for a hug, he did an about face and trekked back to his vehicle. One thing he didn’t want to do was rush Candace without her willingness to commit her heart to a new relationship.

  Although he drove the speed limit, Royce couldn’t get home fast enough. Once he cleared his doorway, Royce punched her number in his phone. He was smiling before she answered. Royce was about to get comfortable to talk as long as she wanted when something told him to turn around.

  In his haste to get inside his home, he had left his car running with the door open in the driveway. Retracing his steps, Royce laughed at himself, not believing he had been so irresponsible. With his car off and keys in hand, he headed back to his house.

  “I wish we’d had more face-to-face time tonight. Did I tell you how pretty you looked?” She was very youthful in her appearance. If Candace was wearing makeup, it was so faint, he could barely see it.


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