Stopping Traffic (A Back to School Romance) (Love at The Crossroads)

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Stopping Traffic (A Back to School Romance) (Love at The Crossroads) Page 10

by Simmons, Pat

  He paused, noticing her steady stream of tears. He used the thumb of his other hand to gently wipe them away. “There will always be the possibility of danger and uncertainty associated with my job. Think you can you handle it?”

  “I’ve been asking myself the same question as I drove here.”

  “And the answer is…?”

  She was slow in responding. Whatever came out of her lips, she had to mean it from the depths of her heart. “I want to try,” Candace finally admitted. “The rational side of me is saying, ‘Are you crazy to take this on after losing a loved one the first time, but I’m starting to understand your drive to live each day as if it’s your last.”

  Out of nowhere a yawn escaped. Candace tried to cover it with her free hand, she couldn’t. Another one was on its heels.

  Candace glanced at Royce who had suddenly dozed off. She smiled. Thank You, Jesus, he’s okay. Wiggling in the recliner next to his bed, searching for a comfortable position, she closed her eyes and drifted off with their hands still linked. She couldn’t let go, and apparently, neither could he.

  CHAPTER Nineteen

  Royce had no complaints during his convalescence at home following his discharge. Candace had cooked a week’s worth of dinners and delivered them to his doorstep. As a way to prolong their visits, he began to play a game of sorts with Lindsay, drilling her about fire safety. Her reward would always be stickers of some kind, which she loved.

  “Mommy and I brought you a stuffed animal, Mr. Royce so you’ll get better,” Lindsay had explained during a short. He gave her a hug and then looked into the eyes of her beautiful mother. “I love her, Jesus. Now, please let her love me back.”

  True to his word, a week after he had returned to work, he scheduled on his upcoming off day a double date with Hershel and Solae at Kobe Steakhouse. He hadn’t forgotten the request she’d made before his accident.

  Even though they would be with his brother and her friend, it would be their first real date without a child chaperone.


  Candace dressed carefully for her date under her daughter’s watchful eye.

  “You look pretty, Mommy,” Lindsay complimented from her stretched-out position on Candace’s bed.

  “Thank you, sweetie.” Candace studied herself in the mirror, checking the view front and back of the mid-sleeve, knee length, black knit dress that stretched with her curves. Since Royce had commented more than once about her legs, she slipped into higher heels that Solae would classify as stilettoes to give her added height. She swept up her curls and allowed a few strands to dangle. She was ready by the time her doorbell buzzed.

  Lindsay leaped off her bed and scrambled to the door where she waited impatiently for Candace to come and open it. As if it was her first time meeting Royce Kavanaugh, her heart fluttered.

  His nostrils flared as he came within inches of her face, stepping into her house.

  “Wow.” He whistled, bringing her to mind the first time he had whistled at her on her first day as a crossing guard. “You look beautiful.”

  “What about me, Mr. Royce,” Lindsay interrupted their private moment, vying for his attention.

  Lifting her into his arms, he tickled her. “You always look like a princess.”

  Lindsay rewarded him with a tight hug before he stood her on her feet. The doorbell buzzed again and it was an elderly neighbor who Candace trusted to babysit her angel.

  After Candace received her hugs and kisses from Lindsay, they said their goodbyes. While en route, Candace closed her eyes so she could enjoy the moment; the instrumental gospel jazz coming from the car speakers, the scent of his woodsy cologne and the long masculine fingers that were linked with hers. The comfort Royce brought her made her realize the affection she had been missing.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled without opening her eyes.

  “For what?”

  “Convincing me that happiness could still exist.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth and brushed his lips against her fingers. She fluttered her lids open and they both stared at each other. “Thank you for saying yes and for taking care of me.”

  “I would do it again,” she said sincerely.

  “And I will try never to put you in a situation that would require you to do that again. Although I would have to repent if I said I haven’t enjoyed you and Lindsay’s tender loving care.”

  His words made Candace shiver then she smiled.

  Soon, they arrived at West Port Plaza where Royce parked and then helped her out. Reaching for her hand, Candace accepted his secure hold as they strolled toward Kobe Steakhouse.

  Solae and Hershel were already in the lobby waiting for them. Wearing the same shade of brown, the pair complemented each other as their eyes seemed to dance with happiness. She sensed that Solae had finally found the right one.

  The ladies hugged, the gentlemen shook hands and then rode the elevator to the top floor that housed the restaurant. Almost immediately, the couples were led to a room where others were camped out at a table facing their chef. Taking the four empty seats to complete the group, the chef began his theatrics. She and Royce would occasionally slip into their own world with smiles and touches. She was falling hard for him.

  She and Solae giggled at the brothers’ attempts at catching with their mouths chunks of meat that the chef would playfully flip their way from the grill. It was hilarious.

  Their server poured several different sauces into the small ramekins at each place setting. Candace wrinkled her nose at the pungent smell, but Royce scooped up a bit on his spoon, leaned closer, and coaxed her to sample the ginger sauce. Trusting him, she closed her eyes and sampled just enough to catch a hint of its favor. The taste was just as strong as it odor.

  “How about this?” He brushed his soft lips against hers.

  Her eyes widened in surprise. That was their first kiss—per se—and in public at that. She blushed, glancing around to see who else had witnessed their moment. But the other six couples appeared occupied with conversation or eating. Even Solae wasn’t looking her way.

  “I like that flavor,” she whispered as she looked at him through the hooded shade of her lashes. “It has a lingering sweetness to it.”

  Royce winked as their chef clanked his utensils on the grill. “It’s good to know my lady has a sweet tooth.” With a lopsided grin, Royce pulled back. “Having a good time, babe?”

  “I like hearing you call me that.” Indeed, she felt like a modern day Cinderella. “Yes, I am. Thank you.” She nudged his shoulder.

  “I aim to please, Miss Clark, babe.”

  The evening progressed with group discussions of one another’s relationship status, married, single, or engaged.

  Royce hung his arm on the back of her chair and stared into Candace’s eyes while answering the question. “We’re both single for now.”

  Next, the topic of professions floated among them.

  “A firefighter and a captain…wow.” A pretty woman gave Hershel and Royce a dreamy expression. Candace recognized the hero worship. Her daughter wore it every time Royce came to visit.

  Evidently, the woman’s companion noticed her gaze and switched the subject to the improving economy.

  Half-listening, Candace reached into her purse for her cell phone to check in with her babysitter.

  Royce craned his neck to see the message she was typing. “Is everything okay?” She appreciated his concern about her child. Within minutes, Sister Finney texted back.

  Yur baby and I watching the Lion King for 2 times. She’ll be sleep when u come.

  Candace snickered. The woman was still getting the hang of texting.

  The festive evening ended too soon as they tipped the chef and prepared to leave. Lost in their own worlds, it seemed as if Candace and Solae had forgotten about each other. Royce pulled back Candace’s chair and helped her to her feet, then snaked his arm around her waist.

  The couples left together. Outside in the parking lot, the moon cast
a spot light on them. As the women hugged, Candace whispered, “Happy?”

  “I’m in love.” Solae gave her the smile that made her favor Nia Long.

  Me, too, Candace mouthed as Royce separated them and escorted her to his vehicle. I’m in love again, Candace digested the words. Love had actually captured her by surprised.

  Embracing the utopia, Candace broke free of Royce’s hand and ran to the car, laughing with happiness. Royce gave chase and scooped her off her feet. Before she landed, they shared their first real kiss. “I’m in love with you, Miss Clark.”

  Her vision blurred as she choked out her answer. “I love you, too.

  CHAPTER twenty

  Candace squealed when a bouquet of flowers was delivered to her desk.

  “Mine is bigger,” Solae good-naturedly teased. Hershel had sent her flowers earlier in the week. Her friend knew how to pamper them in such a way that they always looked fresh.

  Ignoring the dig, Candace closed her eyes and indulged in a slow cleansing whiff of the scent, then slowing exhaled. She couldn’t wait for his shift to end so she and Lindsay could see him again.

  Moments later, she wheeled her chair to Solae’s workstation and anchored her elbows on the desk. With a slight pout, she eyed her friend. “I assume you’ll be seeing Mr. Kavanaugh soon. Sixteen hours and twenty minutes before Royce is off. Actually, I better tack on another ten hours for him to catch up on his sleep once he gets home.”

  Candace bit her bottom lip. “I don’t want to wait that long to see him. I was thinking Lindsay and I could pay Royce a surprise visit at the station with a hot meal.”

  “Work your plan, girl.”

  The day sped by until it was time to leave for her crossing guard duty. Once she and Lindsay got home, she started preparing a beef stew for dinner with enough to take to the station. Actually, Candace cleaned up the mess as Lindsay chatted away. “Mommy, I love Mr. Royce.”

  Her declaration didn’t surprise Candace as gave Lindsay a tender smile. “Me, too.”

  “Do you think he loves me?” She looked up with a hopeful expression from working a word puzzle assigned as her homework.

  “Yes, sweetie. I think Mr. Royce especially loves children because he likes to save them.” Candace wanted to be careful in her response. Royce was making it too easy for her and Lindsay to become attached to his presence. He hadn’t offered them permanency. Although she wasn’t opposed to that next step, she didn’t know how soon she would be ready, but that didn’t stop her feelings from growing.

  “Since my daddy is with Jesus, I’m going to ask God to make Mr. Royce my daddy,” the five year old said matter-of-factly.

  Oh boy. Candace swallowed. “Lindsay, whenever we ask God for something, we’re to say, ‘Lord, if this is Your will,’ remember?” She nodded to prompt her daughter.

  “Yep, but God loves me and He wants me to have a daddy.”

  Candace left it at that as she added a bit of seasoning to the pre-cooked beef. God would definitely have the last word on that.

  Once the stew was ready and the store-bought rolls Lindsay had placed on the cookie sheet were done, she carefully boxed everything up.

  “I like going to the firehouse, Mommy,” she said as Candace bundled her up before handing her the bag of warm rolls.

  En route, Candace selfishly prayed there wouldn’t be a fire or other medical emergency before she and Lindsay got there.

  Engine House Eight was one of the many newer fire stations that had been built in the last couple of years throughout North County. She had seen the majestic structure that reminded her of a boutique hotel many times in passing. Candace never would have guessed that she would one day be attracted to a firefighter that resided inside. Exactly thirteen minutes later, she turned into the parking lot and pulled into a spot on the side.

  “Yay! Do you think Mr. Royce will let me see the fire truck?” Her eyes were wide with excitement.

  “I don’t know, baby. Maybe, if he’s not busy.” Before getting out her car, she sent Royce a text:I’m outside, can you let me in? C

  Steadying the pot in her arms, Candace walked cautiously to the massive front door with Lindsay trailing her. A blast of cold air made her pause. Royce was already barreling out the door, zipping up his jacket as he headed their way.

  “Hey, baby.” He kissed her hair, something he did when Lindsay was around. His lips curled into a sexy smirk. “I like surprises, especially beautiful ones.”

  Candace blushed when he relieved her of the pot, then took Lindsay’s package before bestowing a kiss on her hat covered head. Her daughter beamed.

  Royce ushered them inside the building and straight to the kitchen. After placing the items on the table, Royce helped Candace shrug off her coat. Lindsay waited patiently for her turn for him to assist her with her cap, gloves and coat.

  “I’ve missed you. I know it’s only been two days, but I still missed you.” He warmed her ear with another hidden kiss.

  “That’s why we’re here. We’ve missed you, too.”

  “Me, too.” Lindsay grinned, boasting a gap left by a recent missing tooth.

  “I was hoping you would be hungry, so Lindsay and I made a beef stew...”

  Rubbing his abs, he towered over her head, staring. “I’m famished.”

  “If you have time to eat now, wash your hands. Show me where the bowls are and I’ll fix it. If not, you can have it later.”

  “If I eat now, will you stay?” Royce lifted the lid. He closed his eyes as he inhaled.

  “Just for a little while. I need to get Lindsay home and in bed.

  The aroma must have sounded a silent alarm as two firefighters peeped their heads into the kitchen. “Did someone mention food?”

  They laughed and Royce made the introductions before Candace explained, “There’s enough food for ten hungry men.”

  That seemed to be a cue as almost that many came from out of nowhere and filed into the kitchen. Royce was the first to scoop the stew out the pot and grab a few rolls.

  Sitting next to Royce, she was amused at the sounds of slurping and smacking around her while devouring her food. Lindsay was content to color until Royce was finished so he could show her the fire truck. Twenty minutes later, she had to pull Lindsay away from the big engine. With the kitchen restored and the leftovers put up, it was time to go.

  Lindsay gave him a quick hug goodbye, Candace lingered a little longer in his arms for hers. “I’ll be praying for a peaceful and safe night,” she whispered.

  “Be safe, baby, and call me when you get home,” he ordered.

  She did just that when she walked through her door. Suddenly, sirens sounded in the background. Royce disconnected, barely saying goodbye.

  Shaking her head, Candace smiled. Only Royce Kavanaugh could get away with hanging up on her. “Lord, keep him safe, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  CHAPTER twenty-one

  “Have I told you I love you today?” Royce whispered into Candace’s ear as they, including Lindsay, exited the Regal Theater at the St. Louis Outlet Mall.

  Giggling like a school girl, she mouthed, Every day.

  He winked. “Good, then I guess I’m doing my job.”

  Who said a man couldn’t keep track of how long he had been dating a woman? Royce happily calculated that he had been taken off the market for two months and one week.

  They were all dressed alike in their denim. He glanced down at Lindsay who was latched onto his other hand. “Did you enjoy the movie?”

  With nothing less than worshipping eyes, she bobbed her head and then began to give him a recap of The Little Mermaid in 3D. “Hmmm-mm, did you see…”

  Candace gave him one of those looks as if to say, ‘You asked for it.’

  Lifting Lindsay in his arms, Royce carried her to the food court to grab a bite to eat before spending the rest of the day at Candace’s house doing absolutely nothing.

  “Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?” she asked as he brought their trays with Subw
ay sandwiches to the table.

  Having Thanksgiving off came with a price. He was stuck working four twelve-hour shifts the day after. “It all depends. Things are always subject to change. Whenever our schedule permits, Hershel and I celebrate the holiday at Trent and Julia’s home after we all attend morning church service. Do you and Lindsay have some sort of tradition?”

  “We usually go to Solae’s mom’s house.” She shrugged.

  “Be my guest at my brother and sister-in-law’s house,” he stated. “I’m sure Hershel is bringing Solae.”

  “You know you have a bad habit of inviting folks to other folks’ parties?”

  Royce knew she was referring to his personal invitation for her to stay at his nephew’s birthday party. “And I would do it again. Don’t get me wrong, I love my nephew, but you were my focus. Please come.” Pulling out his smartphone, he punched in Trent’s number. “I’m bringing a guest for Thanksgiving.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Trent snickered. “Candace and her daughter are more than welcome.”

  “Great.” He disconnected seconds later and smiled. “See, you’re invited.”

  Shaking her head, Candace chuckled. “That didn’t sound like an invitation to me, but rather an order. I hope your sister-in-law won’t mind, and I’ll bring a dish.”

  “Julia won’t.” She was ecstatic when she got wind that he and Candace were a couple.

  So a few weeks later, Candace and Lindsay accompanied Royce and Hershel to their church for Thanksgiving Day morning service. The choir sang a rendition of the old Walter Hawkins hit “Thank you.”

  Once the congregation’s high praise ended, Pastor Reed preached his sermon. “As we celebrate Thanksgiving today, examine yourself. You should be so content in your present state that nothing more would add to your happiness. Your heart and mind should be convinced that you have what you need right in front of you. If you stay committed to Jesus, He’ll add to your happiness without you asking for it…”


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