Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate

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Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate Page 9

by Marly Chance

  The waiter nodded and strolled away to the other side of the room. She presumed he was headed toward the archway on that side. Watching him disappear through it, she looked around at the rest of the restaurant. There was another archway to the far left corner, too. She watched as several couples and small groups of threes walked through it.

  Tair said suddenly, “It will not be long. In the meantime, I must apologize for my inattention during our walk.”

  Kate turned and looked at him. He looked genuinely sorry. With a shrug, she said calmly, “No problem. You’re entitled to have a weird mood sometimes.”

  Tair smiled in relief. Cupping a hand over her cheek, he asked, “Am I so easily forgiven?”

  Kate pulled away from the tender touch. With a shrug, she said coolly and with emphasis, “For your inattention during the walk, yes.”

  His withdrawal in the bedroom had really injured her, he realized with regret. He wondered if her fantasy would lift that hurt. He hoped fervently that it would. He reached out and wrapped both arms around her, giving her a hard hug. When she remained stiff, he pulled back and said quietly, sincerely, “I am very sorry that I hurt you.”

  Kate studied his expression. His sincerity eased some of her hurt. She still smarted at the thought of his withdrawal from their intimacy, but it was more injured pride now than anything else. Whatever his intentions, he had not meant to hurt her or make a fool of her. She nodded slowly, feeling uncomfortably vulnerable.

  The waiter returned at that moment, bearing a large tray. He put two dark blue plates on the table along with matching cups. Setting bowls and platters in front of them, he looked at Tair. “Is everything to your satisfaction?”

  Tair said, “Thank you, Rijhem. It looks wonderful.” The waiter beamed in response. With a nod to her and then to Tair, he left them and walked back across the room.

  Kate picked up her cup and peered at the liquid inside. It was the same color of blue as the cup. Blinking slowly, she said, “I was afraid of that.”

  Tair smiled. “Permu is quite good, much like one of your fruit punches. I think you will enjoy it.”

  Kate lifted the cup to her lips and took a cautious sip. It was slightly sweet and refreshing. She was startled that it fizzed a little in her mouth. Setting it back down, she looked at the unrecognizable things in dishes on the table.

  Each dish held a substance formed into small shapes. Some were oval, while others were square. They were oddly colored, too. Some appeared to be meat from the darker color, but there was no way to know. Feeling indecisive, she wondered where to start.

  Tair smiled and picked up a square. Handing it to her, he said, “This is hefdarsa. I believe you will like it.”

  For the next hour she and Tair sampled the various foods. He told her the Shimerian names and answered her questions about the dishes. It was pleasant and relaxing for both of them. The armed atmosphere between the two of them, usually so predominant, disappeared gradually as they talked and laughed.

  For Kate, it was a revelation. She had known he could be charming, but she was surprised at how good she felt talking with him. The conversation slipped from food to other interests. In a number of ways, they were amazingly alike.

  They both hated the new Earth music, preferring the old classics instead. Both loved museums and were passionate about their work. She knew he was a Guardian, similar to a cop on Earth, but she was impressed with his dedication to the job.

  He thought of it as a duty and felt it was important that he use his abilities to make a difference in his world. She felt the same way about her job. He mentioned the need for Earth lawyers at the judicial building created by the mixing of the two cultures. She narrowed her eyes at him, and he quickly changed the subject.

  Finally, Kate leaned back against the booth and sighed in contentment. She was feeling so much better. Looking around, she saw that the lunch crowd had thinned. This had been a surprisingly nice meal.

  Then, Tair put a casual arm around her shoulders and whispered quietly in her ear, “Kate, I think you should experience that fantasy now.”

  Kate turned her head, nearly bumping into him. He drew back a little just in time. She asked, “What fantasy? What do you mean?”

  Tair said calmly, “Look straight ahead.”

  Kate was totally confused. All she saw were the other diners in the restaurant. Nothing had changed. It was less crowded, but there were still a lot of people. There was nothing to see. She heard Tair whisper in her ear, “We are in a crowded room full of strangers. When you come, remember not to scream.”

  Kate’s eyes widened in complete shock. Her throat went dry. Memories of heated fantasies involving the thrill of near discovery flashed through her head. She had one in particular, involving a public place. Surely, he wouldn’t try to do anything here. It was insane.

  Tair tightened his arm around her shoulders in a restraining grip. “I am going to talk to you and you are going to nod at me occasionally. Unless you do something to call attention, no one will know.”

  The last word was no sooner out of his mouth than the mityb inside her started to vibrate. “Oh my God,” she exclaimed, keeping her voice down desperately. “You have got to be kidding.”

  The mityb vibrated harder against the inner walls of her sex. There was no sound, no buzz. Tiar was using his power to do it. He was controlling it inside her with delicate skill. Feeling shaken to the core, she closed her eyes and said, “I can’t handle this here.”

  Tair gave a quiet chuckle. “Yes, Kate, you can and you will.”

  The vibration picked up more speed. Kate looked around wildly. No one was paying any attention to them in the least. She felt a growing arousal and fought for control. This was crazy. She might have thought about something like this before, but she had never thought to actually do it. Okay, she had thought about it a lot, but this could not be happening.

  Biting her lip, she felt arousal spread through her body like a fever. She was getting hot. Her nipples tightened and she felt the moisture gathering between her legs. Pressing her legs together, she tried to dim the sensation and regain control.

  Tair said firmly, “Spread your legs.”

  She shot him a helpless look and shook her head. She felt a rising hysteria at the thought of getting caught.

  Tair ordered, “Compliance, Kate. Spread them. No one can see. No one will know. Spread them now for me or I will push you until you scream for release.”

  Kate trembled. The ache to climax was growing larger. The mityb was vibrating and expanding inside her, filling her in a way that she could not have imagined in any fantasy. Slowly, she spread her legs. The vibration became more intense.

  Tair said quietly, “Now, sheka, focus on the far wall above everyone here. Remember to nod occasionally so the others do not grow suspicious or assume I am a poor companion.” She could hear the smile in his voice as he said that last part.

  She looked at the etching on the far wall and focused on a large red flower. She felt a flush rising on her neck and face as she struggled to maintain control. The damn thing was hitting her G-spot perfectly. She fought the impulse to drop her head back and just let go.

  Tair made a little hum of approval. “Good. Now reach down and play with your clit.”

  Kate thought she was beyond shock, but evidently she wasn’t. She shook her head no in a jerky movement.

  Tair took her right hand and laid it in her lap, bringing the tablecloth forward to cover the movement. She heard his voice close to ear as he said softly, “Touch yourself. Do it. It will feel very good.”

  Kate was lost in a haze of desire. She was getting desperate to climax and was terrified it would show if she did. The fear of being discovered fought with the heat of her arousal. She felt afraid to let go and yearned for it at the same time.

  With a tentative movement, she let her hand wander down until it rested on the fabric of her skirt over her mound. With sudden recklessness, she probed. The cloth became drenched in a matter of m
inutes. The feel of her finger and the texture of the cloth as she played with her clit nearly made her eyes roll back in her head.

  She was on fire and out of control. The vibration of the mityb increased with the speed of her fingers. The pleasure was so intense, she could barely think. She trembled and worried about crying out.

  Tair whispered, “Remember not to scream, Kate. They will know what is happening if you do.”

  Kate whimpered, but it was no use. Her sex clenched and she felt the beginning pulses of release. She bit her lip hard. The mityb continued to vibrate as ripples of pleasure spread through her. Helplessly, she opened her mouth to scream.

  Tair grabbed her chin roughly and planted his mouth over hers. Her scream was lost in an intense, tongue-thrusting kiss. She shuddered and he wrapped both arms around her. As the last ripple of pleasure passed, she realized in relief that it would look like a passionate embrace to any diners observing them. They had no way of knowing what had happened. The intensity of her orgasm left her feeling shattered and weak. The mityb slowed to a stop.

  Tair shifted uncomfortably on the bench as he held Kate close. The aching pain of his hard cock made him want to howl with frustration. He pushed her head into his shoulder and said, “Breath. I will hold you until you recover.” He turned and placed a kiss near the top of her head into her hair.

  Eventually, she was able to pull back from him. She felt nearly boneless, but her brain was beginning to function. Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of a single thing to say. At all. The orgasm had been so unbelievable.

  Tair smiled, looking down at her. She looked flushed and sleepily satisfied but otherwise okay. His tone was part tease, part concern, as he asked, “Was it worth the wait?”

  Her smile when it emerged could have lit an entire planet. Her eyes were glowing. As if remembering herself, she made an attempt at giving him a look of reproof by narrowing her eyes and turning her lips down in a frown.

  However, she couldn’t hold the expression, and gave him a big grin instead. Joy bloomed in his chest at that smile. Tair threw back his head and laughed. With a huge grin, he said, “I believe that means yes.”

  Suddenly, a large body stood in front of their table. There was a buzz as conversation grew louder in the immediate vicinity. Curious, both Kate and Tair turned and looked up. Jadik stood in front of them, wearing a smile of his own.

  Chapter 9

  Tair exclaimed, “Jadik, hello! Please join us.”

  Kate heard the words and was utterly appalled. She pulled away from Tair abruptly and straightened until her back was ramrod straight. Crossing her legs, she wondered frantically if what she’d been doing would be apparent under those sharp eyes.

  She knew her face was still flushed. As Jadik’s smile grew wider, she felt the flush deepen. She lifted her chin and glared at him in response.

  Jadik said with friendly good humor, “Hello, Tair. Hello, Kate. If you are sure I am not intruding, I would like to join you.” His dark eyes sparkled with mirth.

  Tair said, “Of course you are not intruding. Kate and I have just finished…”

  Kate made a small choking sound, caught between horror and protest. He ended with “…midmeal.”

  Jadik nodded and slid his big body into the chair across the table from them, studying her flushed face with obvious interest. Nodding over his shoulder to the waiter who was headed his way, Jadik turned and asked, “Kate, how was the meal? I have found the food here to be … quite satisfying.” His tone was conversational, but those wicked eyes danced.

  Kate was spared a reply when the waiter arrived. While Jadik was occupied with the waiter for a moment, Kate leaned toward Tair and whispered in furious undertones, “Do you think he knows what we were doing? He’s just trying to goad me, right? It doesn’t show. Tell me it doesn’t show.”

  Tair gave a choked laugh. In an equally low voice, he said, “Kate, now might be the time to mention the exceptional hearing of Shimerians. He could not have known for sure, but now I believe you have told him.”

  Kate gave a strangled moan and shut her eyes. When she opened them, the waiter was gone, and Jadik was grinning at her in open amusement. “I was right then. Your meal was exceptional.” He threw back his head and laughed.

  Tair joined in because he couldn’t help it. Kate looked so flustered. She was trying so hard to look coolly sophisticated, but instead she only looked more adorably uncomfortable. She looked nothing like the coldly remote Kate she was usually so careful to present to the world.

  He leaned down and placed a firm kiss on her mouth. Lifting his head, he said, “Kate, relax. Everything is fine. You look beautiful. We are having a good time. Jadik is teasing you. It is one of his favorite pastimes.”

  Seeing the humor in the situation suddenly, Kate relaxed. In the aftermath of her orgasm it was just too much work to be cool and composed. So what if Jadik knew something had happened? They were all adults. Besides, he couldn’t know exactly what had occurred.

  Tossing her hair back over her shoulder, she grinned and said, “It was fabulous. The entertainment alone is worth the price of the meal.”

  Both men’s eyes widened in surprise and then they all laughed. The waiter brought more drinks and the light tone of the conversation was set. Tair and Jadik tossed out possible suggestions for what Kate might like to see next on Shimeria.

  They argued agreeably about which sights were too commercial or overpriced. Kate asked numerous questions and they answered her diligently. It was a friendly, amusing exchange.

  As the minutes passed, Kate noticed she was feeling even more incredibly relaxed. Peering into the empty bottom of her cup, she said enthusiastically, “I think I need a refill. Man, am I thirsty. Is that my fourth? Oh, wait, I have a joke I want to share.”

  A worried frown darkened Tair’s brow. He looked at her closely. Jadik leaned forward and studied her, too. They were staring at her in fascination like she was an animal at the zoo. She gave an indignant sniff in response. She asked, “What’s the difference between a Shimerian and a lawyer?”

  When neither man answered, she smiled broadly and said proudly, “None. They’ll both fuck you in a heartbeat.”

  She felt great. For some reason, the joke struck her as hilarious and she laughed until her shoulders shook and tears came to her eyes. That was a good one. When neither man laughed, she asked, “Don’t you get it?”

  Tair felt a creeping resignation come over him. He should have known. He shook his head in sheer disbelief.

  Jadik leaned toward him and said pointedly, “She must be allergic to the permu. I saw someone react this way once and it was the same.”

  Tair shook his head in resignation. “Of course. She fainted when she came through the portal. I should have guessed she would be one of the rare ones to react to permu, too.”

  Kate piped up indignantly, “I collapsed with fatigue.”

  Tair rolled his eyes. “Fine. You were one of the rare ones to collapse with fatigue.”

  Kate studied the two men. They were acting way too serious. Jadik looked confused. Tair looked resigned. Kate felt wonderful. Giving them a big grin, she asked, “What’s the matter, Jadik? Not smugly all-knowing for once?”

  Tair winced. “Kate, you are allergic to permu. One cup or two does not have any effect, but you have had more since Jadik joined us. The side effects are extreme elation and relaxation. It will pass quickly as your body fully metabolizes it, but in the meantime, you must endure.”

  Under his breath, he muttered, “We must endure.”

  Kate lifted her chin. “Are you accusing me of being drunk? Is this stuff” she slammed the cup on the table with a loud thump, “alcoholic? Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t ever get drunk.”

  Jadik couldn’t decide whether to laugh or to try to reason with Kate. Tair was looking helpless. Trying for a straight face, he said, “No, you are not drunk. Well, you are relaxed and feeling drunk, but your motor skills are fine. You are…”

  He sear
ched for the words. “…merely a more relaxed, looser version of yourself.”

  Seeing her instant frown, he added, “I find it quite charming.”

  Tair chimed in quickly, “As do I. “

  Kate studied the two of them suspiciously. They looked kind of sweet. Like two small boys trying to please her. With a grin, she asked, “So you’re saying I’m myself, only squared?”

  Jadik muttered, “More like Kate Cubed” under his breath, but he nodded in response. He and Tair both waited anxiously for her reply.

  Kate shrugged and said brightly, “Excellent. And I was right. I needed the algebra after all.”

  Tair and Jadik had no idea what she was talking about and looked totally confused. Kate didn’t care, she was off and running. “You know,” she leaned back and threw one arm along the back of the bench, “Planet Kink is rather beautiful so far, Jadik. It has some nasty surprises, but overall I find it strangely compelling.”

  Both men nodded their heads in cautious agreement. She stared thoughtfully at Jadik a moment and then added, “Rather like you.”

  Jadik’s eyes widened. He didn’t know whether to be insulted or not. In careful tones, he said, “Errr, thank you, Kate. I think.”

  She nodded brightly and gave a nod toward Tair. She said with carefree good humor, “Don’t worry. He doesn’t mind me saying it. He’s not jealous at all. He’s been nagging me about this linking thing.” She rolled her eyes.

  Tair held onto his patience. Torn between laughing and gritting his teeth. Linking was one subject he thought it best to avoid at the moment. So, of course, Kate continued.

  Kate was thinking about the whole linking thing. Really, it didn’t seem like such a big deal. She and Tair would do the wild thing and Jadik would jump in when necessary with a quick body hug. She tried to picture the three of them and felt her whole body go hot in response.


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