Family is Forever

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Family is Forever Page 17

by Stephens, S. C.

  I bristled at the idea of him dancing with her, but held my tongue. Before Arianna could answer, a high-pitched laugh distracted us. I looked over to see Starla sauntering my way. Jacen was walking behind her with a frown on his face; she wasn’t walking in a straight line. I sighed as she came up to us and tossed an arm around me.

  “Julian! What the heck are you doing over here? And who is your pretty friend?” She squinted her light blue eyes as she studied Arianna, then she inhaled a surprised breath. “I know you! You’re the girl Julian can’t get over.” She turned back to me. “You slept with her, right? I sure hope so, otherwise there’s no point in pining over her. Not that there really is a point in dwelling anyway. What’s done is done, that’s my motto.”

  I slapped a hand over her mouth to shut her up. Arianna gaped at her. “No! No we didn’t…” She twisted to me. “Who is this?”

  Raising my eyebrows to Jacen, so he would remove Starla from the room, and hopefully from the house, I glumly told Arianna, “My mom…” I felt like hiding in a hole as Jacen led her giggling ass away. My real parents had never embarrassed me anywhere nearly as bad as she just had.

  Arianna wrapped her arms around herself. “How does she know me? And why does she think we…?”

  She didn’t finish her sentence, and I ran my hands through my hair, buying myself a few seconds of time. Simon felt the need to fill that silence with his own thoughts on the matter. “She’s obviously wasted…she can barely stand up straight.”

  His face and voice oozed judgment, and I suddenly felt very defensive about my pseudo-parent. “Hey, you don’t know anything about her. Her life hasn’t been easy. My dad left when I was a baby, and she had to raise my sister and me on her own. If she needs to unwind every once in a while, then she’s earned the right.” I couldn’t believe that not only was I standing up for Starla, but I was doing it by spouting the completely BS fable we spun about our lives.

  Seeing I was getting upset, Arianna put a hand on my arm. “He didn’t mean anything by it. It’s okay.” Her smile was so calming, I instantly felt my anger fading. What I wouldn’t give to wrap my arms around her and bury myself in her peace. What I wouldn’t give to have her back.

  What I wouldn’t give for the doorbell to stop ringing. I grunted in irritation as another partygoer arrived. Backing away from Arianna with an apologetic grimace, I said, “I have to get that.”

  She nodded, then started following Simon into the living room. Not able to watch her go without saying something, I called out, “Arianna!” When she twisted back to me, I lamely pointed at her feet. “I like your shoes…” Oh God, did I really just say that to her?

  She bunched her brow like I’d completely perplexed her, but then she smiled. “Thank you, Julian.”

  Trey walked past her, heading toward me. He was gnawing on a chicken leg. That wasn’t one of the snacks we’d brought from his house, so I could only assume he’d raided my fridge. And if he’d raided my fridge, other people probably had too. Crap. There was no way I could get all these people out, clean the house, and zoom out to the ranch in just a few minutes after the sun set. My parents were going to be suspicious, and then they’d become protective. And then they’d kill me.

  Trey clapped my shoulder as he moved to open the door. “Good job on the compliment. I’m telling you, it works every time.”

  As four people I didn’t know shuffled into the house, I asked him, “Really? When was the last time you had a girlfriend?”

  Trey pointed to himself with his pinky finger. “I didn’t say it worked for me, but it works…or so I hear.” As I smirked at him, he looked around my beginning-to-get-packed home. “Where’s Nika?”

  I discretely glanced out the windows to gauge the amount of time left in the day. I was surprised to see how dark it was getting. We didn’t have much time. In another twenty minutes, it would be fully dark. Crap! There were at least forty people in the house already, and I knew even more were on their way. What was I going to do with all of them? And…I hadn’t spent nearly enough time with Arianna to call it quits now. Zero time alone with her. This sucked.

  “She should be here soon.” And then we would have to go. No…I needed more time.

  I left Trey manning the door, while I scooted into the living room. I wasn’t much of a dancer, but my minutes were numbered, and I wanted to spend all of them with my former girlfriend. I found her with a pack of her friends from school. Simon was right beside her, of course. The group of them were standing in the center of the room, but they weren’t really dancing. Just swaying while they talked. I could sway. I could sway like a madman.

  I joined them, accidentally on purpose sliding in-between Simon and Arianna. Arianna looked back at me and gave me a shy smile before returning her attention to her friends. Like high school girls tended to do when they clumped together, they all stared at me and giggled, but I didn’t care. Even if it only lasted for a few minutes, I was with Arianna again.

  As I swayed slightly behind her, I noticed that she was getting closer to me, not farther. I hadn’t moved in either direction, so she must have. My heart picked up as her body bumped against mine. Feeling bold, I let my hand brush against hers. She didn’t pull away. I did it again, this time letting the backs of our hands rest against each other. Reaching out, I looped my index finger around her pinky. She still didn’t pull away. She’d been concentrating on her friends up to this point, but with our hands joined, she twisted her head to look over her shoulder at me.

  I gave her a soft, disarming smile while I begged her in my mind to remember me. Just remember you love me…then we can go back to the way we were, and all this pain can stop.

  My least favorite person in the world took that moment to make his presence known. Simon shoved his way past me, dislodging our fingers in the process. Giving Arianna a smooth smile, he asked, “Need another drink?”

  Arianna frowned, glanced at our separated hands, then lifted her still-full cup to Simon. “No, I’m good, thanks.”

  Simon looked mildly defeated, which made me happy. I was just about to try to send him on a pointless errand, when over the music, I heard Trey exclaim, “Little A! About freaking time you got here!”

  I felt all the blood drain from my face. If Nika was upstairs, then the sun had set, and if the sun had set, then Hunter would shortly be on his way to collect us, and we’d be expected to leave. Or else Mom and Dad would come collect us. Shit.

  Leaving Arianna’s side, I made my way to Nika. Once Hunter started toward her, their bond would kick in…and then the entire party would know something was up. Try as she might, Nika just couldn’t mask the effects of the bond. I’d have to hide her away so no one filmed her intense reaction.

  Trey was already upon her when I got to her. He was asking, “Where the heck have you been?”

  I wasn’t sure what Nika would tell him, but surprisingly, she had an answer all mapped out. “Some of us have jobs, you know?” I raised my eyebrow and Nika winked at me. That was actually a pretty decent answer.

  Trey made a pffft sound. “Job, schmob. You’re missing out on the party of the year. Your mom’s already stoned.”

  He started laughing while Nika looked around for Starla. I grabbed her arm to get her attention. “We need to go somewhere quiet, somewhere I can contain you, until Hunter gets here.” Just saying it made me cringe.

  Nika frowned while she gazed at me. She wasn’t thrilled that she had to be restrained, but unless she wanted to have sex on the side of the road, or even worse, in the middle of the party, it was a necessary precaution. “We have time; he’s still at the ranch.”

  Tuning in to Hunter’s location, I could feel that she was right—oddly, he was still with the others. Nika seemed upset by that fact, while I was just relieved. Maybe Dad was keeping him held up, unknowingly buying us more time. Whatever. All I cared was that he wasn’t on his way yet, so we didn’t need to wrap up the party yet. Just like she’d said, we had time. Once we felt Hunter move, the
n I could take Nika some place private, maybe the shed in the back yard.

  Looking around me, Nika noticed someone over my shoulder and waved. I turned around to see that Arianna had followed me over. That had to be a good sign. Like a shadow, Simon was a couple of steps behind her.

  “Arianna! Hi!” Nika exclaimed.

  There was such hope on Nika’s face that my chest ached in sympathy for her; she wanted Arianna back too. We both missed her, just in different ways. But while Arianna knew and recognized me from school, she didn’t know Nika at all. She’d been completely erased…a total stranger. “You’re Julian’s sister…right?” she asked, frowning.

  Nika’s smile faltered for a second, before she brought it back. “Yeah…Nika.”

  Arianna nodded, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Pretty name.”

  Nika let out a disappointed exhale. “Thanks.”

  I was just about to ask Arianna if she wanted to go somewhere quiet, when Simon suddenly asked her if she was hungry. Grabbing her stomach, she told him, “Starved. Let’s get some chips or something.” Simon’s smile as he led her away was triumphant. I wanted to strangle him.

  When they were gone, I turned on Nika. “I don’t suppose you can order him to stay away from Arianna?”

  Her mouth pursed in disapproval, then twisted into concern. “Why isn’t Hunter on his way? I should call him…” She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and I yanked it out of her ice-cold hands. “What are you doing?” she snapped. “Give it back.”

  I shook my head. “We’re having a secret party. What do you think will happen when Hunter gets here and we can’t leave? Our parents will show up, and we’ll be busted.”

  Nika folded her arms over her chest. “This was your idea, Sherlock. I tried to broach the idea of a party to them, but you clammed up every time I did.”

  I sighed; she was right about that. “I know, but it’s sort of too late now to do anything else. The longer Hunter takes to get here, the better.”

  “For you,” she grumbled.

  I was about to give her some witty comeback for that when her phone in my hand rang. Ice went through me. It was most likely a vampire on the other end, and a vampire would be able to hear the sounds of a party going on in the background. They’d know exactly what was going on the second we answered the line. I glanced at the screen, prepared to hit the end button, but Nika snatched the phone back before I could.

  Smiling, she answered it. “Hunter, where are you?”

  Hunter’s answer was quiet, crisp, and curt. “I’ve bought you ‘til midnight, longer if I can stretch it out.”

  I blinked, confused. “You…what?”

  Hunter heard me, even over the sounds of the party. “I owe you one, Julian, so consider this a payment on my debt…one of many. I told your parents I wanted to talk to them alone, without the interference of the bond. I asked if the two of you could stay at the house until our talk was over…and I’ll make sure it takes a while to get over with.” Sounding rushed, he added, “I also made sure it was me who called Nika to explain, and not your parents. I didn’t want them to hear the raging party you’ve got going on in the background.”

  I almost didn’t know what to say to that. As Nika smiled into the phone held to her ear, I muttered, “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  Hunter let out a humorless laugh. “After everything that’s gone down, I really don’t think you need to thank me for anything. It was the least I could do.”

  Nika had a sappy, romantic expression on her face as she thanked him. He told her it was no big deal and that he had to go before our parents got back within earshot of him. I was torn as Nika hung up the phone. I guess I had Hunter to thank for not getting skinned alive tonight, and it was strange to feel like I owed him one. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I liked the feeling.

  As I turned back to the door to see Trey letting five more people into the house, I let out a long, slow exhale. We might have more time on our hands now, but keeping this expanding party under wraps was still a long shot.

  DISCONNECTING THE PHONE, I shoved it into my pocket and made a mad dash back to the house. I’d excused myself to make the phone call to Nika in private, explaining that she’d be hurt if I didn’t show up to get her, and I wanted to reassure her without the oddness of everyone listening. Teren had understood, and let me run off. I wasn’t sure how long he’d let me run away though, so I’d kept the call to a minimum.

  A part of me hated leaving Nika on her own. It felt wrong not to be with her. And I had to be extra careful about which direction I traveled. Even though it was inconvenient at times, I tried to only move laterally to her position. Because if I moved toward her too much, this insane bond we shared would kick in, and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from phasing out the door to be with her. Which would defeat my diversion tactic. And I owed Julian as good of a diversion as I was capable of giving him.

  Teren frowned at me when I returned. “I should really call Starla, give her a heads up that she’ll be watching the kids longer than she planned.” He rolled his eyes. “She’ll be thrilled.”

  I plucked the phone from my pocket and showed it to him while I lied my ass off. “Already done, and yes, she was thrilled.”

  Teren nodded as he eyed me. “So…you said you had something of great importance that you needed to talk about. Something that you didn’t want Nika to hear. What is it?”

  Staring at the floor, I sighed as I wondered if I was making a mistake or not. It felt wrong, but it also felt incredibly right. We were in the spacious living room of the ranch. Long, plush couches were paired with solid comfortable chairs with coffee table before them and end tables between them. There were enough sitting areas for three or four groups of people to converse simultaneously. That would be frustrating for groups of vampires though, what with our advanced hearing. A wall of newly replaced windows highlighted the expansive back yard, the acres of fields waving with tall grass, the rolling hills sharpening into majestic mountains in the background. It was an awe-inspiring sight, and one I frequently enjoyed. Like the old windows, these new ones had been treated with a special formula that let full vampires experience sunlight for a few minutes a day. It was a perk I looked forward to every day. It paled in comparison to Nika though.

  I indicated for Teren to sit on one of the many chairs clustered around a long, low table. The table was new, as well—a lot of the old furniture had been damaged in the raid. Teren seemed reluctant, but he eventually sat down. Emma sat on his right. Jake was hanging around too. He was currently playing chess with Teren’s father, Jack. Rory and Cleo were standing behind them, watching the monotony. It was all part of the master plan to get Jake to gradually not think of our species as monsters. But he was watching and listening to us as much as we were watching and listening to him. That was fine. This conversation sort of had to do with him anyway.

  I sat across from Teren, on a low chair that really wasn’t all that comfortable. It seemed fitting that I fidget though, so I didn’t change spots. Jake glanced at me from the corner of his eye. I recognized his awareness and tense posture. He was on full alert, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice if the right opportunity presented itself. One of those “right opportunities” just might be a family member’s life, and that was what made this conversation so important.

  “Um, well, first off, I want to thank you both for taking the time to listen to me alone. I know you were anxious for Nika and Julian to join us.” I glanced over at Jake just in time to see him dart his eyes back to his game board filled with clear and frosted glass chess pieces. I really wasn’t anxious for the twins to join us, the further they were, the safer.

  I frowned. Now I had to say something that totally contradicted what I believed, what I wanted. But I didn’t see another way. Not right now. “I need your help,” I whispered.

  Teren and Emma both looked at each other in surprise. Clearly, that wasn’t what they’d expected me to say. “With what?” Teren asked slowly, hi
s expression oozing curiosity.

  Biting my lip, I willed myself to stop this conversation before it got too deep. I couldn’t though. It was already too late when I’d asked for them to speak with me. “The bond with Nika.” When they didn’t look any less clueless, I started explaining. “I wanted to speak with the both of you, because you, out of everyone, knows what Nika and I are going through. The bond is…explosive. Maintaining control when it takes over is difficult, if not impossible. I’ve lost track of myself on so many occasions, sometimes I feel like a stranger. And…adjusting to this life has made me feel strange enough. I can’t take anymore.”

  Teren sighed, while Emma gave me a sympathetic smile. “We know it’s hard, Hunter, believe us, we know.” Emma turned to her husband. “When Teren and I were first bonded, I turned into a caged animal whenever he came near me. I thought I’d be torn apart by all the wanton need I had.” She turned back to me. “But it gets better. I promise.”

  I nodded. I’d heard all this before. “Yes, I know. In a year or so, the desire to be near each other lessens, and we’ll start to feel more like we did before. But in the meantime…” I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I knew they understood, but they didn’t really understand. “You two were married at the time, you lived together, and you worked near each other. Your separation was generally within a couple of miles, at best. Nika and I are dozens of miles apart. The effect of the bond strengthens with distance. The ache you two felt is minor compared to the agony we feel…every single day.”

  I scrubbed my eyes, suddenly exhausted. Of course, I hadn’t been sleeping much, since I was keeping an eye on Jake whenever I could. “Every day is torture, and time is only making it worse. Even now without her my chest feels hollowed out, and I know that all I have to do to get rid of that feeling…is run to her.” Lowering my hands, I locked eyes with Teren. “She’s the sweetest drug, tailor-made for me.”


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