Family is Forever

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Family is Forever Page 30

by Stephens, S. C.

  I smacked her arm. “Nick! What the hell?”

  She merely shrugged at me. “You want to know if it works or not, don’t you?”

  My once hopeful heart stuttered in my chest. What if she’d been too far away? What if it hadn’t worked on her for some reason? I’d placed love over duty for this. Please let it work.

  Arianna bunched her brows as she looked between Nika and me. I couldn’t tell what she thought of me by her expression. Just as I was beginning to believe anxiety was about to permanently damage my internal organs, Arianna let out a long sigh and shook her head. “Sorry, Nika. I don’t hate him. I think he’s…sweet.”

  She thinks I’m sweet. Her words echoed in my mind, but moments later, they were completely obliterated as a new fact settled over the top of them. She can’t be tranced. I would never lose her again, not like I had at any rate. She could still choose to leave me, but she couldn’t be stolen from me. Oh my God…

  A low growl burrowed from Halina’s chest. Over everyone’s heads, she intoned, “I want all of you to hop on one foot and quack like a duck.” Most of us simply stared at her, but then Christian and Grandma Linda, in the very back of the group began hopping and quacking. Halina let out a long sigh of relief. “At least some people still listen to me,” she quipped.

  Ashley eyed her husband with wide eyes. She was only standing a couple of feet in front of him, but it had been close enough to grant her immunity. Rory, Cleo, Jack, and Tracey as well. Tracey seemed nervous as she swallowed and looked over at Ben. “Guess I don’t have to worry about you having my mind wiped anymore.”

  Ben shook his head. “I told you I wouldn’t do that again, but…yeah, I guess you won’t have to worry about it now.”

  Halina threw her hands up into the air. “Well, this is fabulous. Guess we’re just going to have to kill them all,” she dramatically sighed.

  Arianna gasped. Trey just looked offended. Grabbing Arianna’s hand, I told her, “Don’t worry, she’s joking.” Reconsidering, I turned back to her. “You are joking, right?”

  Halina smirked in answer, but Dad quickly intercepted. “No one is killing anyone.” Turning to Halina, he added, “Can you please make them stop quacking now?”

  With a frown, Halina turned back to Christian and Grandma Linda. “Stop hopping and quacking.” They immediately stopped, which made Halina grin. Even though she was responsible with her powers, she liked people being obedient to her.

  Jake grabbed Dad’s sleeve. His expression was tight, and he seemed unnaturally pale. Except for under his eyes. Deep circles lingered there, making him look more like a mythical monster than the rest of us. He was barely keeping it together. “We’re wasting time, Teren,” he growled.

  Dad frowned at him as he removed his hand, but he didn’t comment. Indicating Trey and Arianna, I told my father, “I’m sorry, Dad. This wasn’t how I wanted it to happen. I was going to talk to Arianna first, ask her if she wanted to be immune, then we were going to talk to you and Mom together.” Turning back to Arianna, I let out a sad sigh. “You were supposed to have an option. I’m sorry.”

  Arianna gave me a soft smile as she squeezed my hand. “It’s okay, I would have chosen this. I want to remember. I don’t want any more…holes that make me feel crazy.”

  I smiled at her answer, my heart on cloud nine. Then I twisted back to Dad, swallowing the lump in my throat as he raised an eyebrow at me. “You were going to talk to us before you did anything?”

  I emphatically nodded and opened my mouth to explain my plan more, but Dad raised his hand, cutting me off. “Then why didn’t you say something at the lab? Why didn’t we talk about it then?”

  Shame coursed through me as I looked around at all the adults I’d disappointed. Needing to remind myself why I’d risked their respect, I looked over at Arianna, soaking her in. Turning back to Dad, I told him, “Tensions were so high, and everyone was so focused on the mission…I didn’t think you’d listen. I didn’t think you’d hear me out. I didn’t think you’d give me—give us—a chance.” As I lifted Arianna’s hand in mine, showing our solidarity, I couldn’t stop myself from stealing a quick peek at Halina. If she’d just given Arianna more of a chance a couple months ago, I wouldn’t have had to go to these extremes. Not that that was an excuse. I shouldn’t have caved to the temptation. I should have talked to my dad.

  Sighing, I told him, “You’re right…I should have talked to you then. I was just…scared you’d say no. I’m sorry.”

  Dad sighed, and I could see his anger fading. “I get it, Julian. I’m not happy, but I get it.”

  With a shrug, I asked him, “So…what do we do now?”

  Dad’s pale eyes shifted to the sky. “We’ve kept everyone up far too late. We go to bed, then we take the children home in the morning.”

  Jake’s grip tightened on Dad’s arm. “Sleeping won’t help us find Simon.”

  Dad locked eyes with him. “Neither will being too exhausted to think. We rest, then we start again at daylight.” Dad shifted his eyes to Halina and Hunter. “But we’ll need to be cautious, just in case Henry decides to pay us a visit.”

  Halina and Hunter nodded while Ben interjected, “I should go get Olivia, bring her here so we’re all together. As powerful as Starla and Jacen are…I’d feel better if my daughter was with me.”

  A soft smile graced Dad’s lips as he glanced at Nika. “I know the feeling.” Dad’s eyes shifted to Hunter and he sighed. Even though he didn’t want to do it, Dad was going to have to give Nika up one day. And probably much sooner than he would have liked.

  Gabriel looked over at Ben. “I’ll call Starla, and have her bring your daughter to the ranch. So long as Henry is actively searching for mixed vampires, she and Jacen should be here as well.” His brow furrowed as he thought of the safety of his nestmates. Halina sighed, but Gabriel ignored her.

  Ben nodded and Gabriel pulled out his cell phone. While he dialed our house, where Starla and Jacen were watching Olivia, Tracey whispered to Ben, “Are they good drivers?”

  Ben assured her that everything would be fine while Halina sniggered. Once we were all inside the house, clumps of people started branching off. Grandma Linda headed upstairs with Ashley and Christian, who was naturally confused about all the recent commotion. Luckily, Halina, Hunter or Nika could still clean up his memories before he went home.

  Alanna and Grandpa Jack went into the kitchen to check on Imogen and Malachi. Rory and Cleo stayed close to Jake, who started pacing the entryway; I was certain he wouldn’t sleep tonight. Mom urged Nika and me to go to our rooms. Nika was reluctant to part with Hunter and hovered close to her sire. Me…I was eager to talk to Arianna alone, so I motioned for Trey and Arianna to follow me up the stairs.

  My heartrate increased as I started walking. What would I say to Arianna? Really, most everything had already been said. All that was left was for me to listen. To hear how she felt, and more importantly, to hear what she wanted.

  As I trudged up the steps, I pictured all the different scenarios that could happen—from Arianna rejecting me, to Arianna wanting to be my girlfriend again. I desperately wanted us back, and hoped she would give us a chance. In between visions of possible futures, I listened to the sounds of the house. Arianna was silent, lost in her own thoughts. Trey was oohing and aahing over every little detail he spotted. He hadn’t come upstairs during the birthday party, and he didn’t remember coming up here once before. Thankfully, this would be the last time the ranch would be “new” to him. Dad was telling Jake that if he would stop wearing a hole in the floor, they could stay up and brainstorm places to check for Simon. Gabriel was still on the phone, and, from the sounds of it, he wasn’t getting anywhere.

  “Sorry, Ben. I’ve tried several times, on their cell phones as well as their home phones, but no one is answering. They must all be sound asleep.”

  I heard Ben softly sigh in answer. “That’s okay. I’ll just go get her. Them too. I’ll be back in a bit.”

��Wait, I’ll go with you.” That was Tracey. I thought she was handling all of this pretty well, all things considered.

  As Ben and Tracey left the house, Trey, Arianna and I reached my bedroom and Nika’s old bedroom. “Well…here we are…” I opened my sister’s door for Arianna. “This was Nika’s, before she…before Hunter turned her. Now she has to sleep downstairs, away from the sun.”

  Arianna’s eyes were wide as she looked around the room. As I looked with her, a part of me hummed with regret. I missed hanging out with my sister during the day. Being on opposite schedules sucked. When Arianna’s eyes returned to mine, they were soft with compassion. “Is that why she stopped coming to school? Because she was…turned?”

  I nodded, and looked down to where I could feel my sister. She was still on the first floor. Presumably, keeping a watch on things with Hunter, until the sunrise forced her underground. At least she didn’t have to go back to the cramped basement she’d been calling home. The underground floors here were just as plush as the aboveground rooms. “Yeah…that’s why she’s homeschooled now.”

  Arianna and I locked eyes. I felt like hers were magnetic, pulling me in. I was helpless against those golden orbs; like the warmth of the sun, they were calling me to her…

  Trey let out a loud yawn, breaking the hypnotic spell. “Dude, I’m gonna crash before I pass out.” He slapped me on the shoulder, then turned the knob and disappeared into my room. He left the door open, but I didn’t follow him. I wanted to follow Arianna into Nika’s room, but I knew that wasn’t a good idea.

  Arianna held up a hand as she gave me a shy smile. “See ya tomorrow, I guess.”

  I didn’t want to leave her, but she’d been up almost all night; it wasn’t fair to keep her up even longer. Even still, I needed to know where her head was. “How do you feel? I mean…with knowing you’ll remember everything. With knowing what I am?”

  Biting my lip, I hoped she really was okay with my family’s revelation. She had been before, but a lot had changed since then. Arianna swished her caramel hair over her shoulder as she thought. It shone in my vision; I’d never seen anything quite so beautiful. “Well…I’m not sure. Honestly, I’m still absorbing. But I am glad I understand you better, and I’m glad my memories are mine to keep now. They never should have been taken in the first place.” Her voice when she said it came out a little hot, and I smiled. My old girlfriend was still in there.

  Wishing I could kiss her again, I whispered, “Goodnight, Arianna,” and turned toward my door. It was surprisingly hard to turn my back on her.


  Just the one soft word from her lips instantly froze me in place. I turned when I felt her hand on my arm. Her eyes were wide when we locked gazes, and I saw the conflict brimming near the surface—the desire, the confusion, the hope and the uncertainty. She started moving in my direction and I swear I was about to have my conversion. My blood was racing through my veins, my heart was pounding in my chest, and every nerve ending on my skin was tingling in anticipation.

  She brought her lips to mine with a suddenness that spoke volumes about her own nerves, but once we touched, we lingered in a long, slow, heartfelt connection. My anxiety settled as our lips moved together. It was so familiar, so wonderful. I’d missed this so much. Cupping her cheek, I deepened our kiss. A soft groan escaped Arianna, and the sound ignited so many memories so fast, I felt dizzy.

  When we broke apart, we were both breathless. Arianna’s eyes were burning with the need for more, and I knew mine looked the same. “Wow,” she panted. “That was just…wow…”

  A small smile and a relieved laugh escaped me. “Yeah…it was always ‘wow’ with you.”

  Arianna grinned, then looked up and down the empty hall. I almost told her it didn’t matter if we were being watched or not, we still being monitored. “Have you and I…back when we were a couple…did we ever…go all the way?”

  I knew my cheeks had just turned bright red, and I also knew that all the vampires had just tuned out whatever conversation they’d been engaged in to listen to my answer. I even heard Hunter let out a soft laugh and Nika tell him to stop it. Damn it. Why did Arianna have to ask that here, now?

  Knowing my parents would love this, I shook my head. “No…we talked about it, but we never… we never took it that far.”

  “Oh, well, I guess that’s good. It would be really weird to not remember losing my virginity.” She let out a laugh, and I suddenly didn’t care about any of the eavesdroppers. Even Halina snorting didn’t faze me. Arianna was so beautiful. I leaned in to kiss her again, grateful that I could now. I would cherish every minute with her.

  When it started to get intense again, my mom’s voice broke through my fog of bliss. “Julian, I think it’s time you and Arianna parted ways for the night.”

  Breaking apart from Arianna, I chewed on my lip. “Ummm, my mom wants us to go to bed now. In separate rooms.” I added that last part for Mom, so she’d know I knew the rules.

  Arianna looked confused as she searched the hallway. “Your mom…?” Her cheeks flushed with color when she realized how I knew that. “They can hear us?” I nodded. “All of them?” she asked, clearly stunned.

  I again nodded. Damn our supernatural hearing. It was annoying being spied on all the time.

  “Oh wow,” she quietly intoned. “Guess I better keep my steamy thoughts to myself.” My jaw dropped, and I instantly wanted her to ignore my family and tell me every single thought in her brain. Arianna laughed at my expression, then tilted her head. “Can you hear as well as they can?”

  I nodded, then shook my head. “I can hear…a lot, but the rest of my family can hear much better.” Even now, I knew some of them were having conversations but they were being too quiet for me to make out the words. Like not having glowing eyes, that was a side effect of my generation. We were just a little more human than the rest.

  With a curious smile, Arianna barely breathed the words, “I’m glad I’m going to remember that kiss.”

  I was grinning like an idiot when she finally slipped inside Nika’s room and shut the door. When I trudged into my room, I was still smiling like a person who needed psychiatric help. It worked. I saved her. No one could ever separate us again.

  Trey was sprawled across my bed, snoring, so I grabbed a blanket and walked over to a stiff chair in the corner. It was going to give me a crick in the neck to sleep there, but I didn’t care. I doubted I’d even sleep tonight. I was too wired. Closing my eyes, I replayed Arianna’s kiss over and over and over.

  I was lost in the memory, listening to Arianna’s light breaths as she slept, when I heard a commotion downstairs. I didn’t want to be pulled from my fantasy, but something serious was going on and every vampiric nerve in my body went into overdrive as I concentrated on my family.

  “Slow down, Ben…what?” My dad was on the phone with my pseudo-uncle. I couldn’t hear what Ben was saying, but Dad’s words were coming through loud and clear. While other vampires gasped, I heard Dad asking, “Gone? What do you mean they’re gone?” Another pause as Dad listened to Ben, then Dad said, “Did you check Starla and Jacen’s?” Dad was silent again and I sat up straight in the chair. Ice started filling my veins. Gone? Who was gone?

  I blurred from the room and down the stairs. When I stopped in the entryway, I could hear Ben’s frantic answer, and I suddenly wished I hadn’t. “Yes, I checked everywhere, even the meeting place for the League. Starla, Jacen and my daughter are gone! They’re gone, Teren! They’re just…gone…”

  MOM AND DAD headed back to our house after Ben’s frantic phone call, but it was no use. There was no scent in the air they could follow, no clue in the home that gave them any indication where Starla, Jacen, and Olivia might have gone. There was nothing left behind but more questions, although, it was pretty clear to everyone that Henry had taken them.

  While I waited out the sun with Hunter and Halina, the search for our missing family members began. I prayed that everyone was okay,
Olivia especially. Ben and Tracey would never recover if she wasn’t. None of us would.

  When the sun finally went down, Hunter and Halina joined their futile search. Mom and Alanna went with them. I wanted to go as well, but I was asked to stay behind to guard the ranch with Julian, Imogen, Grandpa Jack, and Malachi, who was well on his way to being fully recovered; the worn vampire had become nearly inseparable from Imogen since she’d started taking care of him.

  All I heard all night long was Tracey crying, and begging us to go to the police, to start a statewide manhunt. We couldn’t though…not with Starla and Jacen being a part of the search. We had to keep this as contained as possible. Low-key, even. But Tracey didn’t understand, or else she just didn’t care about the exposure risk. Her daughter’s life was on the line, and there was nothing she wouldn’t do to get her back. If only my imbecilic brother hadn’t snuck a vaccine home, and Trey hadn’t accidentally set it off near Tracey, then we could have eased her mind. And it would be really nice if one mind in the house was at peace.

  Everyone was freaking out in different ways. Mom had made Ashley take Christian back home. She’d also made Ashley take Grandma Linda with them, to keep her safe from this latest round of unpredictable chaos. Arianna and Trey were taken home to their parents as soon as they woke up, but they both returned not long after nightfall. A fact that overjoyed my brother.

  “What are you guys doing back here?” he said, swinging the front door open wide.

  Trey shrugged as he entered the house. “We want to help find all the missing people. Seems wrong to just sit at home while they’re out there…somewhere.” By the look on his face, he seemed as clueless on how to find them as we were.

  “What about your parents? What did you tell them?” I asked.

  Trey just shrugged again. He didn’t have the most attentive parents. Arianna turned to Julian. “I told them I was hanging out with my boyfriend for a few hours…” She blushed after she said it, and Julian grinned like he’d just won the lottery. If the situation weren’t so dire, I would have found it cute.


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