Adam: Braddocks, Book Two

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Adam: Braddocks, Book Two Page 7

by Starla Kaye

  Caleb, usually the more calm and easy–going of the Braddock brothers, turned to level a sour look in his direction. “I don’t appreciate you two butting into my personal business. Sending for a bride for me was…well, damn wrong.”

  “Now, preacher boy, you shouldn’t be cussing like that,” Daniel chastised. He turned from the window and shook his head sadly at his younger brother. “You were being too darn picky about choosing a woman from the ones available around here. We just wanted to give you more choices.”

  “What you’ve done is cause a whole lot of problems. You’ve brought all of these women out here hoping to find a husband–in specific, me–to settle down with.” He eased away from the window, clearly worried one of the women would spot him. “Even if I chose one, there would be a couple dozen other women gravely disappointed.”

  Daniel perked up. “So one of them has caught your notice?”

  Caleb rolled his eyes. “You are missing the point. You’ve brought women here with no means of taking care of themselves, with false hopes. And no, I haven’t found myself a bride. Because I am not interested in looking for one right now.”

  “You don’t have to get all hostile.” Daniel looked annoyed.

  “I ought to pack up and move away. Don’t think I haven’t been seriously considering doing just that.” Caleb glowered at his oldest brother.

  In a way, Adam felt sorry for him, even if he’d had a part in this situation. He didn’t want anyone pushing him to get married again, not that his brothers hadn’t tried. He was trying to hide out from the women, too. It wouldn’t take long for them to learn he was available as well. His thoughts turned to Faith, as they did far too often. She was the worst of the whole lot of husband–hungry females. She’d been after him for too long, fought against accepting his refusal to court her.

  Just as he was working up a good mad, he recalled her quiet “Adam, I love you” spoken even as he’d burned her bottom with the hairbrush a couple of weeks back. Hell. The words had haunted him ever since.

  He shifted in the chair, couldn’t quite find a comfortable position. Again, he’d tried to convince her to give up on him. He remembered exactly what he’d told her: ‘But I cannot love you back.’ He meant it, too. He couldn’t let himself love her.

  “Did you get some letters to the driver?” Caleb asked and pulled Adam from his musings.

  “I figured Adam would take too long writing them up, so I did it. Gave them to my deputy to give to the driver.” Daniel looked from brother to brother, clearly pleased with himself.

  Adam inwardly groaned. Sure they had an abundance of single women running around Dry Fork now. But given time the single men living in the area on the various ranches would probably take care of the problem. He hadn’t been serious when he’d mentioned they should send off for some grooms. If Faith ever found out…

  Naturally, with his luck of late, she came bustling in the open doorway. She shot Daniel and Caleb withering looks before striding over closer to him. Her green eyes sparked with annoyance. Her normally pale complexion was pink with temper.

  “You are such a hypocrite!” she accused, planting her small hands on her shapely hips.

  He sat up straighter, annoyed that his brothers were listening avidly. “What are you talking about?” Of course he was pretty sure why she was angry.

  “My letter. You had the nerve to tear it up, not let me send off for a mail–order groom.” She stretched to her full, still short height. “Yet you decide to send off for grooms for those women.”

  Daniel foolishly stepped into her view. “Actually, Miss Paddington, it was Adam’s suggestion. But I’m the one sending those letters off today.”

  She pinned him with a look that clearly told him what an idiot he was. “Does Jennie know it was you who wrote them, who’s posting them? Oh, she knew about the lot of you talking about this plan…and to say she’s more than a bit annoyed with you would be putting it far too lightly, Sheriff Braddock.”

  Adam was giving some thought to easing from the chair and seeing if he could escape out the back door. Chicken, yes. But he really didn’t want to have another verbal war with Faith right now. But her focus darted back to him. Oddly she looked calmer now and that worried him more than her anger.

  “However, as Angelica pointed out when I was going to write a new letter, I needn’t bother.” She gave him a smile as if she’d won this battle. “When these men start coming to town, all I need to do is make known that I’m available as well.”

  He curled his fingers around the arms of the chair and ground his jaw. “The hell you will!” This was actually why he’d changed his mind about this latest plan. He glowered at Daniel. This was all his fault!

  Of course she ignored his outburst and concentrated on Daniel again. This time she flashed him a smile. “So, Sheriff, it appears you have actually done me a favor. Perhaps I’ll even put in a good word to Jennie for you.” With that she went sailing back out of the shop.

  Adam climbed out of the chair and strode in front of his older brother, eye–to–eye with him. “Now look what you’ve gone and done,” he fumed.

  “What has he done?” Caleb challenged as he walked closer. “You’re always complaining about Faith chasing after you. Complaining that you don’t want anything to do with her, that she needs to find someone else. Now she’ll have a good chance at that.”

  Daniel had the gall to grin. “But it isn’t what he wants at all, don’t you see. Adam is just too pigheaded to admit he’s in love with her.”

  Before he could think about his words, Adam blurted out, “Maybe I am in love with Faith Paddington. But I’m not ever going to do anything about it. Ever.”

  More frustrated than he’d ever been, he strode toward the back door, kicked it open, and stormed out.

  * * *

  Sunday morning Faith walked grimly to her parents’ home, not to have breakfast with them even though she’d been invited to do so. No, she needed something from her father. As it turned out, he answered the door when she knocked. Good, bad, a bit of a relief in truth.

  He took one look at the determined expression on her face and sighed. “What now, daughter?”

  “I need to have a word with you…in private.”

  He stepped aside to let her walk by him. “Your mother is making breakfast. We could talk after we eat.”

  She shook her head. If she didn’t follow through right now with what she’d decided, she would change her mind. “I’m in need of a spanking, Father.” Never would she have thought she’d beg him for one. But lately she’d felt like she was caught in a whirlpool of making bad decisions.

  “I’d have to agree,” he said and closed the door. “Although my reasons and yours are probably different.” He headed toward what had been her room. “Let’s take care of this unpleasantness and we’ll both feel better.”

  Faith followed him, her stomach roiling. She was pretty sure physically she wouldn’t feel better once he’d taken care of this task. But, hopefully, some of the guilt weighing on her would be lessened once she paid for what she considered her indiscretions.

  The small room seemed so much bigger now that the only piece of furniture remaining in it was a single, straight–backed chair. One he’d often used when he’d taken her to her room for a spanking. A chair she definitely had not wanted moved to her new place.

  He moved directly to the chair and sat down while she softly closed the door. “There isn’t a lot of time, so don’t dilly–dally, daughter. Come over here and take the position.”

  Take the position. Suddenly faced with the awkward moment, she wondered what she’d been thinking to come here like this. What sane woman would go to her father and ask to be spanked? But she was so confused about things, about her decisions, about her unruly thoughts. At the time she’d come up with this idea it had felt like the right answer. Spankings, although painful, always seemed to straighten her out. Still, she had trouble making her feet move.

  “Come here. Now.�
� He patted his knee and looked grim.

  She felt her face flaming and moved to stand beside him. The instant she stopped, he helped her bend over his lap. She flattened her hands on the wooden floor, her toes didn’t quite reach. Nerves twisted in her stomach and she dreaded what would come next. But she didn’t have more than a second before he shoved her skirt out of the way. She’d held a faint hope that he wouldn’t bare her bottom, a useless hope. He quickly parted the slit in her drawers and her face heated even more.

  “Shall I bother listing my grievances with you, Faith Paddington? Or will you take the discipline I feel necessary without that?” He placed his arm over the small of her back in readiness.

  “I…I…” She swallowed down her nervousness. She could imagine some of the issues that he felt were spankable offenses. But it was her own wrongdoings that she felt needed to be dealt with today. Yet she wasn’t going to tell him those for fear he would decide to bring out that awful strop. “No explanations are necessary,” she finally got out.

  He hesitated and she worried that he would press her for why she believed she needed this spanking. Fortunately he didn’t. Instead he sent a sizzling smack down across her right cheek. It got her full attention. She hissed and kicked her legs out. ‘That was for not telling your parents about how you’d gotten injured while they’d been gone,’ she thought.

  “Legs down,” he demanded.

  She hadn’t realized they were still out and lowered them again. “Sorry.”

  Six brisk swats, three to each cheek, echoed around the nearly empty room. She tensed at the biting sting. ‘Those were for lying to mother. When she asked you about Adam being seen going up to your apartment to check on you every day, you told her it wasn’t true. Lying is unacceptable.’

  “Do you wish to tell me your reasons for being here today?” her father asked.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Then I shall assume they are serious enough to make you realize you needed disciplining.” His hand fell sharply another time. “I shall spank you sufficiently to take care of that and what I believe necessary.”

  “Yes, Father.” That didn’t sound particularly good, but at least he hadn’t decided to go get either the paddle or the dreaded strop.

  His hard hand fell rapidly for at least a dozen times until he let her have a moment. She sucked in a breath and fought back tears that were ready to fall. ‘That had been because you wanted Adam more and more during those days he visited you. Wanted him in wanton ways. Dreamed wickedly of the two you together.’

  Her father tucked her closer, held her down more firmly. She knew this meant the worst was coming and braced for it. He spanked her steadily, briskly for a good five minutes… although it seemed like an hour.

  She was kicking her legs, squirming from side to side, sobbing when the door opened and her mother looked worriedly into the room. Faith was mortified, although she’d known at some point her mother would realize what was happening.

  “Go away, Sarah,” her father said sternly. “I’m disciplining our daughter.”

  “But…” her mother started in concern.

  Before her father could respond, Faith looked at her sadly. “This was necessary,” she gasped and lowered her head again.

  Her mother walked out without another word and closed the door.

  By the time Faith left the house, she’d been soundly spanked and would have a miserable day ahead. More so because in the end her father had pulled off his belt and given her six terrible licks while she’d bent over the chair. Her fault. She’d been standing in front of him crying, recovering, when he’d asked her flat–out if she’d finally stopped chasing after Adam. She’d foolishly said No when she should have said Yes. He’d lectured her for a minute about how improper it was to keep chasing after a man who didn’t want her. Then he’d pulled off his belt to make sure she understood the importance of proper behavior.

  She sniffled and walked gingerly until she came into view of the first of the town’s buildings. Not wanting anyone to suspect anything, she stiffened her spine and proceeded toward her store with her head held high. But each step, with her drawers and skirts brushing her tender bottom was awful. She wanted nothing more than to get up to her apartment and flop down on her bed. She wanted a good cry while the worst of the burn faded. And then she would carry on about her business.

  “We can give you a ride to church, if you’d like.”

  Faith froze, heart pounding at the sound of Jennie’s voice. She’d been too lost in her thoughts. She forced a smile and avoided meeting her friend’s eyes where she sat in a buggy next to Daniel. “I’m not going today, but thanks for the offer.”

  “But you’re dressed for church.” Jennie sounded confused.

  “I went to visit my parents, but I’m not going to church.” Faith looked at Jennie for a brief second, and then down at the dirt road.

  She’d caught Daniel studying her, hoped he hadn’t noticed her eyes, probably still a bit red. To her annoyance he said, “I believe you and your father… had words, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Words.” A glance at his face and she knew he had a feeling what might have happened. At least he didn’t come out and say something, and, fortunately, Jennie seemed clueless. She raised her chin at Daniel and went back to walking across the road.

  To her relief, Daniel flicked the reins and drove the buggy off before Jennie could question her further. Faith silently thanked him for that favor. It was humbling enough having been spanked; she didn’t need word to spread around town about it.

  She’d almost made it to the bottom of her stairs when another familiar voice called out, “Stop! I want a word with you.”

  Sighing, resigned, she turned to face Adam. “I really don’t have anything to say to you.”

  “Well, I have some things to say to you.” He took her arm and tried to pull her along with him.

  She attempted to dig her heels into the boardwalk. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Into my shop. You will sit in one of the chairs and listen to me.” He frowned in disgust as she continued to struggle against going with him.

  She’d just gotten a licking from her father for not giving up on her foolish desire to be with Adam. She’d promised him that she was going to start letting other men court her. “I am not going anywhere with you. Let me go.”

  He stopped but maintained a firm hold of her arm. Then in the next instant, he tugged her closer and swatted her bottom.

  She yelped and danced away.

  “That couldn’t have hurt through all those layers of clothes.”

  “It wouldn’t have if…” She slammed her mouth shut, but her face had heated.

  He blinked and then asked bluntly, “Did you just get a thrashing from your father?”

  She narrowed her eyes and lowered her voice, but they were alone on the boardwalk. “A spanking.”

  His lips twitched. “A spanking, huh? Must have been a good one to make you jump like that.”

  “All right, there were a few licks of his belt, too.” She tried to step around him and go back to her stairway. Why on earth did she tell him that?

  Suddenly he grabbed hold of her again and this time pulled her against him. Even through the layers of skirt and petticoat she could feel his erection pressing between them. Her heart pounded. Warmth spread low in her body, distracting her from her sore bottom.

  His head lowered toward her and she squeaked, “We shouldn’t…we can’t…”

  But his mouth found hers anyway. There, in front of God and anyone who might happen by, he cupped her aching bottom to lift her higher. And he kissed her exactly as she’d dreamed of him doing.

  Chapter Six

  He was ignoring her. Faith was doing the same. But hardly a second of the day passed without her thinking about their kiss two days ago. She’d been appalled… and at the same time didn’t want it to stop. At least her father hadn’t heard about the incident. Still, this little game of pretending the other di
dn’t exist was wearing on her nerves.

  She swiped the dust off the middle showcase with a flour sack rag and fought back a sneeze. Just as she started for the case in front of the window she heard Adam’s deep voice outside on the boardwalk. Her heart raced and she immediately reached up to make sure her hair hadn’t slipped into disarray. Would he finally come inside and speak to her? Could they act like nothing had happened and go on from here?

  Then she realized he was talking to someone and he sounded different. Not strained, like when he usually talked to her. Not cool and distant, as he’d seemed to act more and more lately with just about anybody who crossed his path. No, he sounded… pleasant.

  Puzzled, she put down the rag and grabbed the broom to hurry over to sweep the floor near the open door. She knew eavesdropping was wrong, but she couldn’t resist.

  And then she wished she had.

  “Would you like to take a walk with me, Miss Tamberline? It’s a fine morning.”

  Faith nearly dropped the broom as she listened to the casual question, spoken so… well, enticingly. He was asking another woman to stroll the town with him? Who?

  Unable to resist, she inched closer to the window just as he moved to stand in front of that stunning redhead who had come to town last week. Angelica had told her the woman hadn’t shown any interest in getting Caleb’s attention. The woman hadn’t flirted with or taken any real notice of any of the many men who frequented the Tumbleweed. Yet her friend had thought the woman had her eye on someone, but she didn’t know who.

  To her annoyance, Miss Tamberline gave Adam a soft smile, a clearly flirtatious one. It made her look even more beautiful, drat it all. Then Adam straightened, seeming to preen as she smiled at him. “I would love to, Mr. Braddock.”

  “Adam,” he countered and moved next to her, holding out his arm.

  Faith gritted her teeth in irritation. Not once had he ever acted the gentleman with her. Never had he asked to take her for a stroll. Nothing had happened between them that came anywhere close to courting.


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