Templeton, Julia

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Templeton, Julia Page 20

by The Bargain

  And now, Adelstan, Renaud, Galeran, and the rest of the men were fighting, and all because of her.

  If something happened to any of them she would be devastated. She pressed a hand to her stomach, wondering if a child grew in her womb. The chances were great that she carried Renaud's babe, considering all the times they had made love.

  She caught Elena's sidelong glance and turned.

  "Are you with child?" she asked, unable to hide the smile that came to her lips.

  "I do not know."

  "Have you had your menses?"

  Aleysia shook her head. "Nay, I am late."

  "And your breasts? Are they sore?"

  They indeed had been sore of late, and when Renaud had touched them last, they seemed more sensitive. "A bit."

  Elena clapped her hands together in joy. "I believe you are with child. Does that not please you?"

  Aleysia bit her bottom lip. "I do not know. What if I am to marry another? What if I leave Braemere and never return? What of my son or daughter then?"

  "You should tell Renaud."

  "But I do not know for certain."

  "Our bodies do not lie, Aleysia. Also, if King William knew you carried Renaud's babe, mayhap he would not be so quick to marry you to another."

  Hope flared within Aleysia. "Do you think so?"

  "Aye, I do."

  "I shall tell Renaud the first chance I get."

  Elena squeezed her hand. "He will be thrilled. My brother has always wanted a child of his own."

  "And I have always wanted a child. I just did not think it would be so soon."

  A loud scream sent them once again into companionable silence. She could not bring herself to look out the window for fear of what she might see. To hear it was bad enough.

  "Come, let me brush out your hair," Elena said, motioning for Aleysia to take a seat before the fire.

  She did as asked, sitting before the hearth, while Elena pulled up a stool behind her and began to brush. Aleysia's eyes began to close with each stroke. She smiled to herself, remembering the times her mother had done the same.

  Time passed and they waited—until silence fell over Braemere. An eerie silence. Elena grew sullen as well, pacing the floor of the chamber, no doubt just as anxious to hear any news.

  She heard footsteps on the stairs outside the door and she stood. "Aleysia, open the door!"

  It was Adelstan. "Thank God," she cried, racing to the door just as he pushed it open. He no longer wore chain mail, but his hair was matted to his head, and blood splattered his face, neck, and hands. She ran into his arms and he held her tight. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

  He shook his head. "I am fine, but you must come."

  She put him at arm's length. "What is it?"

  Fear consumed her seeing his worried expression. "Renaud has been wounded."

  "Sweet Jesus," Elena said behind her, grabbing hold of Aleysia for support. "Where is he?"

  "The men have taken him to the great hall, along with the rest of the wounded. I am afraid it is not good. He asks for you."

  Sick with fear, Aleysia followed Adelstan down the steps, and into the hall where men lay on cots, all wounded—perhaps some were even dead, for they moved not at all. In the far corner she saw Galeran and knew that's where Renaud was. The younger man glanced at Aleysia and she saw concern in his eyes.

  She released Adelstan's hand and raced to Renaud. Her heart gave a hard jolt. His face was a deathly white, almost gray. His eyes were closed, and his breathing shallow. His thigh had a huge gash in it, and blood flowed freely, soaking the blanket beneath him. "Renaud?" she said softly.

  "He sleeps deeply." Galeran took Elena's hand within his own, kissed it. "He's said not a word since asking for you, Aleysia."

  "Where's the healer?" she asked.

  Adelstan looked equally nervous. "On her way."

  Her hand moved to Renaud's forehead. He was so warm. Too warm. Sweat beaded his brow, and drenched the front of his tunic.

  He opened his eyes and his gray gaze settled on her. Slowly, the sides of his mouth curved a little before his eyes closed again.

  She had never been so afraid. She could not lose him. Surely, God would not be so cruel.

  Aleysia bent down and kissed him tenderly. "You will be right as rain soon enough. Even now the healer comes."

  "I am so tired." Even his voice sounded weary.

  Her heart lurched. "Do not sleep, Renaud. We need you awake."

  Renaud blinked time and again, as though his lids were too heavy, and finally they closed.

  "Who did this?" Aleysia asked, full of murderous rage toward the man who had wounded her beloved.

  Galeran cast her a worried look. "MacMillan's brother... and after the bastard had offered his hand in truce, promising to leave Braemere and never return. Instead of shaking Renaud's hand, he cut him through. Thankfully, Adelstan was quick enough to knock the Scot aside, or Renaud would not be with us now."

  "And what of MacMillan's brother?"

  "Galeran finished him off, so he will no longer be a burden to us ever again," Adelstan said. "His men surrendered and asked to take his body back to Kilraney, to rest beside Duncan."

  "Thank God he is dead!" Elena blurted.

  The healer came in and spread out her things. She fingered the wound. Renaud's face paled and he grit his teeth. "'Tis deep," the old woman said unnecessarily.

  "You there," she said, nodding toward Adelstan and Galeran. "Hold his legs and arms." She handed a stick to Aleysia. "Have him bite on this."

  Henry rushed into the hall. "Let me take care of him."

  The healer shook her head. "Nay, he is my patient now. As you squabble, he bleeds that much more. If it continues, he will surely die for lack of blood."

  Henry nodded, and helped hold Renaud's legs down.

  Renaud had just bitten down on the stick when the healer poured wine on the wound.

  A loud curse reverberated throughout the hall, Renaud's body arching against the men who held him down. A lump formed in Aleysia's throat, and tears slipped down her cheeks. How helpless she felt.

  "The wound bleeds too much. We must cauterize it," the healer said, sopping up the blood that continued to flow from the deep gash.

  Adelstan looked at Aleysia. "Mayhap you should wait outside?"

  "Nay, I will stay." She winced as the healer took hold of the red-hot iron and placed it on the wound. A sizzling sound followed.

  Renaud grit his teeth, his body shaking from the pain. The smell of his burnt flesh permeated her nostrils and she covered her mouth to keep from crying out. Elena hid her face against Aleysia's shoulder and squeezed her hand tight.

  The wound was so large the healer had to take several swipes of the iron to it. She blended a mixture of raw egg whites and smeared it over the burnt skin, along with a thick salve. "It is important to keep the wound as clean as possible. We do not want it becoming infected. He will be in much pain, but the draught will help. It will be best if he can sleep. Better for the wound, too, if he does not move."

  Sending the healer off to help others, Aleysia lifted Renaud's head and forced the draught down. He drank greedily and she smoothed back his dark hair. "When can I move him to our chamber?"

  "Let him sleep first, Aleysia," Adelstan said, concern in his voice. "We will move him as soon as possible."

  Elena stood and held out her hand. "Come, my dear, we will ready the chamber for him."


  Renaud heard singing.

  His eyelids were so heavy. Sleep lulled him, yet he felt restless, the music calling to him.

  Light spilled into the room. The singing was louder now, and he turned his head a little to the right.

  His heart missed a beat.

  Sitting in the tub, her long hair falling over the edge was Aleysia, singing softly.

  She lifted a shapely leg and washed it, her fingers sliding over the calf. He smiled.

  How beautiful she was.

  He move
d a little and winced, instantly remembering the wound. He vaguely recalled the angry Scot who said he was Duncan's brother, on the battlefield. Renaud had been shocked by the size of the Scot. When his clansmen had fled, he had approached Renaud, calling a truce. And right after Renaud had turned his back, he had felt a searing pain. He should have known better.

  A second later, the man had lashed out with his sword. Had it not been for Adelstan, who had pushed Renaud out of the way, he would be dead, the wound fatal instead of a dull ache in his thigh that would no doubt pain him for the rest of his days. He vaguely remembered Henry saying the wound should have been mortal, so close it was to an artery.

  But he had lived. Thanks be to God!

  As though sensing his presence, Aleysia glanced his way, and she sat up abruptly, her glorious breasts bouncing. Heat filled him, settling low into his groin.

  Grinning ear to ear, she stood, the bath water running down her body, over her full breasts and nipples, down her stomach and the tight curls that covered her womanhood.

  His cock jerked in response.

  She stepped out, grabbed a drying cloth, and wrapped it around her body. "You are awake!" she said, running to him, her gaze wandering over his face like she hadn't seen him for years. "You have slept so deeply for so many days. How do you feel?"

  "Better now," he said, amazed that every time he saw her she seemed to grow more beautiful. Her long, thick lashes framed her gorgeous eyes, her full lips curved in a lovely smile that showed her small, white teeth.

  She kissed him gently, as though he were fragile. "Did I wake you with my singing? I am sorry."

  She did not sound sorry in the least.

  He reached out, his palm caressing her jaw, before his fingers sank into her hair, weaving through the wet tresses. "I have missed you."

  "And I you." Her brows furrowed. "You scared me. I thought you might die. You even took to fever."

  "But you nursed me back to health?"

  She nodded. "The healer as well. She has taught me much. I think you will be pleased with all I have learned."

  "As long as you do not take to giving me sleeping draughts... or poison."

  She laughed under her breath and kissed him. "Nay, not unless you betray me."

  "I will never betray you."

  "I will hold you to that, my lord."

  "How long have I been abed?"

  "A fortnight."

  "That long?" He tried to sit up, but she pushed him back down. "Nay, Renaud. In bed is where you will stay until you are well and healed." Her expression was stern, yet her lips curved as he watched her. "The healer demands you follow her instruction, as does Henry. Two against one, I am afraid."

  "I am well enough."

  "Your skin is still the color of paste."

  "You do not fancy me, then?"

  Her brows lifted. "On the contrary—I fancy you very much, my lord."

  His heart lurched, because he clearly saw the desire in her eyes as she watched him now. Fortune had truly smiled upon him to give him such a prize as this woman.

  "Climb into bed with me," he urged, his gaze shifting to the soft swell of her breasts.

  She frowned. "I do not think that is wise. The healer and Henry would not approve."

  "The healer and Henry need not know."

  With a halfhearted sigh she let the drying cloth fall to her feet.

  His cock reared against his belly.

  She pulled down the blanket and climbed into bed, cuddling beside him.

  He held her tight, savoring the sensation of her soft body flush against his own. Her fingers lightly traced circles on his chest.

  "Do you know how fine you are to me?" he asked, and she glanced up at him.

  Her gaze searched his. "Am I?"

  He nodded, his thumb brushing along the edge of a high cheekbone. "Aye."

  "And do you know how fine you are to me?" she asked, her grin widening.

  "Why don't you show me?" he asked.

  She bit her bottom lip, and he saw the indecision in her eyes. "You are not well enough. The healer says—"

  His hand found hers, and he guided it to his hard cock. She smiled as her fingers slipped around him. His blood pumped thickly in his veins, sending a fire throughout him as she stroked. He cupped her breast, rolling a nipple between finger and thumb. She released a low moan and arched against him. His other hand trailed down her stomach, over the soft curls of her womanhood to find her wet and ready for him.

  So hot.

  He groaned as he slipped a finger within her and she parted her thighs further.

  He slipped another finger in her, brushing his thumb over her hidden pearl. In response, her grip on his cock tightened, her pace quickening as she pushed toward release.

  He could not wait.

  He lifted her so she straddled his thighs, and guided his cock inside her snug sheath. She stared down at him, love shining in her eyes. She kissed him, the taste so sweet he groaned with satisfaction.

  For a moment she did not move, and he savored the feel of her heated sheath hugging him. So tight, like she had been made just for him. She kissed him passionately. "I love you, Renaud," she said against his lips, and for a moment he wondered if she'd really said the words, or he'd imagined them.

  He sat up and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking it.

  She squirmed against him, her hands moving up along his sides, then brushing over his nipples, circling them, then pulling them lightly.

  She groaned again, and reached behind and played with his sac. Her teasing caused him to thrust deep into her, triggering her climax. She cried out his name as she came.

  He followed behind, with an orgasm that had him fighting for breath.

  She fell on him, her heart pounding hard against his chest. "We should not have done that," she said. "'Twas too soon."

  How beautiful she was with her cheeks flushed from their love-making, her light green eyes shining brightly with love.

  "How can you expect otherwise when you wake me from a slumber to find a nymph in the tub, singing softly, lulling me."

  She smiled at him, her eyes still bright with their shared passion.

  He kissed her, and whispered against her lips, "I love you, Aleysia."

  Her gaze searched his, and her grin widened. "I love you, too, Renaud. More than life itself."


  Aleysia's heart pounded nearly out of her chest. They sat in the great hall, a first since Renaud had recuperated from his wound.

  In his hand he held a letter from William.

  Elena took her hand as Renaud read the letter.

  He closed his eyes and the letter fell from his fingers.

  No one moved, even though Aleysia felt compelled to pick up the letter and read it herself. As it was, she could barely breathe, so scared was she.

  Renaud opened his eyes a moment later, and turned to Aleysia. He lifted her in his arms and held her tight.

  "My woman. My bride."

  Exhilaration washed over her in waves, and she cried in happiness. "It is true?"

  He set her on her feet. "Aye, William has granted me a full pardon. He has given me Braemere. Even more, he has granted me your hand."

  Relief, the likes Aleysia had never known, nearly brought her to her knees.

  "Will you be my bride, Aleysia?"

  She nodded. "Aye, I will."

  He kissed her softly, gently. "I am the luckiest man alive to not only have you, but a sister who would write the king and plead my case."

  Aleysia glanced at Elena, who wiped tears from her cheeks. "You did that for us?"

  Elena nodded. "I could not stand to see you lose each other or this fief that you both love so much."

  "So you sent a courier to William, telling him that I deserved Braemere, but more important, that I deserved Aleysia. You see, King William has always been fond of my sister, as has his wife, Matilda."

  Elena smiled past tears. "And I am so happy that you have gotten what you so ri
chly deserve, brother."

  He kissed each cheek and hugged her tight. "I shall never forget it either. Forever I will be in your debt."

  "I will remember that, brother," Elena said, a wide smile on her face.

  "Come, let us celebrate this evening. Let us eat, drink, and dance."

  "My lord?" Aleysia blurted, unable to hold the news from him any longer.

  "Aye, my love."

  Aleysia smiled at the endearment. "I have more news."

  His brow furrowed as he lifted her chin with gentle fingers. "What news is that?"

  "I am with child."

  His gaze searched hers, and a smile came slowly to his lips. He lifted her in his arms, kissing her fiercely.

  "I cannot breathe, Renaud," she whispered against his ear.

  Startled, he set her back on solid ground. "Forgive me. Are you all right? I did not hurt the babe, did I?" he asked, his hand going to her stomach.

  Pleased at his reaction, she shook her head. "Nay, you did not hurt us."

  He bit his bottom lip and hugged her again. "I am so happy."

  "As am I," Aleysia replied.

  He turned to the others. "I am to be a father!"

  "Congratulations, sister!" Adelstan said, hugging her tightly to him. "I am to be an uncle!"

  "Come, let us celebrate our good fortune!" Renaud said, kissing her once more.

  "I hope that entertainment does not include gypsies."

  He tried to frown, but failed miserably. "Why is that?"

  "Because I do not want anyone dancing for you."

  He pulled her to him. "I want no other dancing for me, but you. My lady. My bride."

  Elena sat in her chamber, writing her sons a letter. She told them of their uncle's upcoming marriage, and how happy he seemed. She said she hoped the same happiness for both of them. Indeed, they would be lucky if they met women like Aleysia.

  Knowing she had played a small part in her brother's happiness made all of her effort worthwhile. It also served to remind her that she, too, sought that kind of love.

  She had told Renaud this afternoon that she would be leaving by month's end, and he had tried to change her mind. Little did he know the true reason of her departure. Earlier, she had seen Galeran in the great hall, a young serving woman at his side. The girl had been on her tiptoes and whispered something in his ear. He had grinned, then patted her behind. Elena's heart had sank to her toes. What was she doing, pining for a man more than ten years her junior? Most would find it ludicrous.


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