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Boss Woman

Page 17

by Victoria Quinn

  “He said he would get my products into retailers all over the world, not just China. And in exchange, he wants five percent of profits.”

  Thorn’s eyes widened again. “What?”


  “Five percent?” he asked incredulously. “That’s insane. The bare minimum he should be asking is twenty percent—and even that’s a little low.”

  “I know. He said I had until tomorrow to think it over. And if my answer is no, he’s going to offer the deal to Kyle Livingston.”

  “Who’s your contact to get into China…”


  Thorn was fiercely intelligent and connected the dots the second they were drawn. He shifted his weight to the other foot then rubbed his jaw. “His offer sounds too good to be true.”

  “I thought the same thing.”

  “It’s an incredible opportunity. If Kyle had the offer on the table, he would have taken it in a heartbeat.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t see any downside to this…which concerns me. It doesn’t seem like Vincent Hunt is getting much out of this…just a partnership with you.”

  I didn’t see any advantage for him either. The fact that he threw Kyle Livingston into the situation told me he was doing everything he could to make sure I said yes. “It seems like he wants me more than the partnership.”

  “Exactly. It must have something to do with Diesel.”

  “I agree.”

  “Does he know about the two of you?”

  “I don’t think so. Hunt wouldn’t have told him. They don’t speak.”

  “Could he have found out some other way?”

  “I don’t think so,” I answered. “But Hunt went to the media about their relationship the second the newspapers talked about my past with Jeremy. Vincent probably figured out the two instances were related, that Hunt was trying to bury my story and get me out of the spotlight.”

  “So he knows you mean something to him.”

  “But he must know I’m seeing you.”

  “Maybe he just thinks Hunt is fond of you, then,” he said. “Maybe he thinks you’re good friends. You are doing business together.” Thorn rubbed his chin as he considered all of this. “Maybe this is an attack on Diesel. He wants to sabotage your relationship and partnership.”


  “He doesn’t care about the money at all. He just wants to give you something you desperately want so it’ll be a betrayal of Hunt. Maybe he has more plans, like persuading you that Diesel isn’t a good guy.”

  “That’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  “But whatever his reason is, you have to take that offer.”

  I nearly did a double take. I looked into Thorn’s face and realized he was being dead serious. “What?”

  “Titan, this is exactly what you want.” He dropped his arms to his sides, the excitement entering his limbs. “It’s even better than what Kyle Livingston can offer you. Vincent Hunt is one of the wealthiest people in the world, and he doesn’t do business with just anyone. You’re opening the door to untapped potential. This is huge. This is big for both of us. You’ll move up on the Forbes list within a year, and once we’re married, we’re going to skyrocket to the top.”

  It was exactly what I wanted, but I couldn’t share the same enthusiasm. “Thorn, I can’t do that to Diesel.”

  “You’re joking, right?”’

  My Hunt and his father would never get along. They were sworn enemies. They weren’t even family. They just looked alike in appearance, but they had nothing in common underneath the skin. “Not because I’m sleeping with him. He’s my partner. He’s my friend.”

  “It’s just business, Titan. It doesn’t have to effect Stratosphere. You don’t even need to talk about it.”

  “It’ll definitely come up.”

  “And he’s the one who betrayed you first, in case you’ve forgotten. He sold your story to the entire world. He had your files in his desk drawer. Let’s not sugarcoat his crimes just because you’re in love with him.”

  After our conversation with Bruce Carol, I believed Hunt’s innocence even less. “We talked to Bruce Carol tonight. That didn’t go anywhere. He denied everything.”

  “Of course he did,” Thorn said. “Because Hunt is the one who did it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hunt regrets it and is a different guy now. But he can’t take back what he did, and the fact that he won’t just own up to it makes it worse. Men admit their mistakes. And men learn from them.”

  I bowed my head so I could take in his words. There was no going back now. Hunt’s loyalty would always be questioned. I couldn’t trust him, and neither could Thorn. I could enjoy him as much as I wanted, but I had to shut off the possibility we could ever be anything more. Thorn was my future. He was the only person I could truly count on.

  “You don’t owe him anything, Titan.”

  I would be stupid not to take Vincent Hunt’s offer. It was a great deal that I wouldn’t find anywhere else. To make matters worse, if I didn’t take it, Kyle Livingston would reap all the rewards. It would make it a million times harder to reach my goal.

  “You’re taking this deal, Titan. Another opportunity like this isn’t going to come up.”

  “I know…”

  “Then say yes. Meet with him tomorrow and say yes.” He gave me a harder stare, turning aggressive. Thorn was brutal when it came to business. It was one of his many strengths, turning into a ruthless opponent until he got what he wanted. He was the perfect person to have on my side of the ring. “You’ll regret it if you don’t. Don’t let another man hold you back. Don’t let another man take something away from you, Titan. This is yours. You earned it.”

  * * *

  When I entered my penthouse, Hunt was sitting on the couch. He was in the same clothes he’d been wearing earlier that evening. After seeing Carol, the car had pulled up to my penthouse, and I got out without saying a word to him.

  He didn’t follow me.

  But now he was here, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his thighs.

  I hung my jacket on the coatrack and slipped off my heels.

  He rose to his feet and walked toward me, wearing a mask of restrained anger. The conversation with Bruce Carol didn’t reveal anything besides Hunt’s guilt. There was nothing that could save us now. There was no hope for either one of us. We needed to move on with our lives. I had a destiny to fulfill, and so did he.

  His deep brown eyes moved to my face, and they were much gentler than his father’s. While they were hard and authoritative, they retained a distinct softness that his father didn’t possess. I assumed he got that from his mother—a woman I never met. “I know you don’t want to talk about it anymore. I don’t want to talk about it either.”

  I was disappointed in Hunt for doing this to us. I’d found a man I loved with all my heart, but now I had to shut down all my emotions, never to let them emerge again. My life would go back to what it was before, just sex, work, and Thorn. I had to accept the fact that Hunt was my enemy at some point, even if I believed he really loved me now. I couldn’t forgive that kind of treachery.

  “I just want to be with you.”

  Conversations were exhausting, especially when they were repetitive. The pain in my chest had no effect on my desire for this man. I wanted him as much as I ever had. I wanted to get lost in the lust that swept over both of us. I didn’t want to think about tomorrow or the future that lay ahead. For now, I just wanted to slip away into another world—to a place where I didn’t have to think.

  My hands slid up his chest and to his shoulders, and I pushed the black jacket off his body and onto the floor. I moved onto my tiptoes and pressed my mouth to his, feeling the stubble that had started to grow back. “Then be with me.”

  He took the invitation greedily and devoured me insatiably. He moved his hand into my hair, and he wrapped his other arm around my waist so he could lift me into his body. He carried me into my bedroom before he
dropped me onto the mattress. Clothes came off, and shoes were kicked away. After a lightning-quick strip, he was on top of me, all over me, and deep between my legs.

  The world felt right again.

  He breathed against my mouth as he shoved himself inside me, sliding through my slickness until there was no room left for him. His hand anchored into my hair, and he took me with powerful thrusts, fucking me without a hint of gentleness.

  My fingers slid into his hair then clawed down his neck to his shoulders. I clung to him and locked my ankles together, feeling him ram me farther into the mattress. Sweat smeared across our skin. Our pants turned to moans. Our moans turned to screams. My nails scratched his skin until I nearly broke through and drew blood.

  Hours passed, and we kept moving together, reaching our mutual pleasure before we started over again. Not a word was said. Only moans and breaths were shared. The trust that I once adored between was long gone, but the passion would never die. It was uncontrollable, unquenchable. It was something that would always bring us together—time and time again.

  * * *

  I felt deceitful not telling Hunt about the deal I was about to take from his father.

  But it was business, and my business was none of his concern. He didn’t tell me about his other companies, ever share insights into things he encountered. I did the same because there was no reason to discuss it. We were only involved because of Stratosphere. Outside of that, there was nothing to discuss.

  But I felt terrible anyway.

  I felt like I was hiding something from a friend. Withholding information from someone I cared about. Thorn was right in his argument, but no amount of logic would sway the guilty feelings inside me.

  Jessica spoke through the intercom. “I have Mr. Hunt on line one.”

  Now that I had two different men in that family to deal with, she needed to be more specific. “From now on, include the first name as well.”

  “Of course, Titan. It’s Vincent Hunt.”

  I was hoping it was Diesel instead. But I knew Vincent would expect his answer before three o’clock. I stared at the light on the receiver before I picked up the phone and took the call. “Hello, Mr. Hunt.” It felt strange to address his father by the same name I addressed Diesel in public. They had the same last name, but they were nothing alike.

  “Titan, it’s great to hear your voice. I hope we can meet to finalize the contract later this week. I can only assume your answer is yes.”

  I’d have to be stupid to say no.

  Thorn was right about everything. I didn’t owe Diesel anything. He’d betrayed me. Just because he regretted it later didn’t excuse his actions. He couldn’t be trusted, and I had to do the right thing for myself as well as Thorn. Not taking this deal would hurt me in the end. Just because Vincent had a personal vendetta against his son didn’t mean I should be concerned about it. Diesel might end up resigning from Stratosphere, and that would only work out in my favor. “I’ve thought a lot about it. Sounds like a great opportunity.”

  “That’s wonderful to hear. I’m glad you’re on board.” He even sounded like Diesel, just a little older. He carried the conversation in the same way, had a masculine tone that was deep and profound.

  Something in my gut tightened. The guilt ate away at me. I pictured Diesel’s face once he knew about this deal. I knew he would be hurt, not because his own father was out to hurt him, but because I took his offer.

  That would hurt him most of all.

  I pictured that hard face softening in a vulnerable way. The way his chin dropped slightly as he moved his gaze to the floor. I pictured the disappointment in his eyes, the kind of heartbreak he rarely showed.

  That’s when I knew I couldn’t do it. Even though Diesel had hurt me, I couldn’t hurt him.

  I couldn’t hurt the man I loved.

  Even if I had every right to. “I really appreciate the offer, Mr. Hunt. I think it’s a great opportunity, and I’m flattered you extended the invitation to me. However, I have to decline.”


  Long, heavy silence.

  Hostile tension.

  “Kyle Livingston is a great partner to have. He’s as familiar with this space as I am. I think he’ll be a great partner to take on.”

  He still didn’t say a single word.

  I’d never heard someone sound so livid without uttering a syllable.

  Finally, he spoke. “That’s too bad, Titan. A shame.”

  I could feel all the anger, all the rage. He kept himself composed and polite, but there was no masking his complete disappointment. He was certain I would say yes because I’d have to be stupid to say no. He never saw this coming.

  I didn’t see it coming either. Thorn would be pissed. I knew I would regret this later. Diesel didn’t deserve my loyalty when he hadn’t been as loyal to me. But something in my heart stopped me from crossing the line. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt Diesel.

  Because I loved him with all my heart. “Take care, Mr. Hunt.”

  “You too, Titan.”

  * * *

  If we weren’t in a public restaurant, Thorn would scream.

  Which is why I purposely told him at lunch.

  “You said no?” He kept his voice low, but he couldn’t keep his tone under control. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”

  Our plates were in front of us, and we’d both eaten most of our green salads. A basket of bread was in between us, but we’d each only had a single slice. “It didn’t feel right, Thorn.” I wanted to apologize, but I didn’t owe him an apology. It was my business, not his.

  He shook his head, his jaw clenched so tight it seemed like it would snap in two. “I hate that asshole. Ever since he came into our lives, it’s been a goddamn circus.” He rubbed his temple like it was all he could do without flipping the table over.

  “I’ll find another way. Based on what Hunt described, his father doesn’t seem like someone I want to do business with anyway.”

  “Because he treated Brett like shit?” he asked incredulously. “That has nothing to do with his business. That’s his own issue. That’s like saying you aren’t a good business partner because you drink like a horse at a trough.”

  “Not the same thing…”

  “It is the same thing,” he hissed. “This was a great opportunity for us, and you blew it.”

  “For me,” I corrected. “This is my business. I don’t interfere with your business decisions.”

  “But we’re going to be one entity very soon, Titan. Your wealth affects my wealth. That’s one of the reasons we agreed to do this in the first place. You only said no because of Hunt, despite everything he’s done to you. How can your judgment be so impaired?”

  “I know it’s hard to understand, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t live with that decision.”

  He rolled his eyes and threw his napkin on the table. “Unbelievable…”

  “Vincent Hunt isn’t the only way to get what I want. I assure you, I’ll figure it out.”

  “Or you could have just taken the easier route.”

  I ignored the comment. “Let’s just move forward.”

  “Can we?” he asked incredulously. “Hunt is still a problem.”

  “No, he’s not. He’s just a guy I screw. I don’t want anything else from him.”

  Thorn’s jaw hadn’t unclenched yet. “You’ve said that before…”

  “I mean it this time. He knows that. We’ve come to a dead end, and we can’t move forward anymore. I can’t trust him, and he knows he can’t convince me otherwise. It is what it is.”

  “If that’s true, why didn’t you take the deal?”

  It might be too complicated for him to understand. “Hunt and I do have something now. It isn’t much, but we are friends. We are business partners. I don’t think he would ever betray me again. That’s enough for me to remain loyal to him. I don’t have any urge to hurt him, to get revenge for what he did to me. I know my love for him clouds my tho
ughts…but I still wouldn’t change my decision.”

  Thorn was still angry, but he slowly drifted back down to calm. My decision was final, and there was nothing he could say to reserve it, so he accepted it. The tightness in his jaw released, and he finally looked at me again. “He’s a very lucky man to have the love of a woman like you. Hope he appreciates it someday.”

  I grabbed a piece of bread and tore off the edge before I placed it in my mouth. I needed something to do with my hands, something to deflect the intimate observation he’d just made.

  Thorn must have known he made me uncomfortable because he changed the subject. “I was thinking of proposing this Saturday. I’d gather all our friends and family to a nice dinner, and once they bring out the dessert, I’d get down on one knee. What do you think?”

  I refused to think about Hunt. That possibility was long gone. Now he was just a friend and business partner, someone who fulfilled my fantasies behind closed doors. I wiped him from my thoughts and looked at the man I was going to spend my life with, the man who’d always been there for me. He would be the father of my children, the man who stood beside me when my body was no longer beautiful and I was frail and old. We’d be buried together, our ashes becoming part of the earth. Hunt could be in my life as long as he wanted to be, but he would never be anything more than a secret. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  Thorn’s anger was gone, and a smile replaced his previous frown. “Perfect. I’ll make the arrangements.”



  My life seemed to hit a brick wall.

  The path I wanted to take was blocked. There was no way around it. All I could do was turn around and go back the way I came. I’d have to settle for being Titan’s bedmate. I could be the only man in her life between the sheets—but I would never have anything more.

  She’d give everything else to Thorn—her husband.

  I wasn’t the kind of man who ever gave up, but I didn’t see any way out of this mess. All of my leads turned into nothing. I had no evidence to prove my innocence. Titan wanted to believe me, but she just couldn’t. For a woman who had already suffered so much, I didn’t blame her from refraining from taking a risk.


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