My Immortal

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My Immortal Page 7

by Anastasia Dangerfield

  "Wow, you have an amazing memory then," I say.

  His drawing hand pauses and he glances at me smirking.

  Even though he didn't remember me when I finally found him.

  He sighs. I knew you were familiar, but I had chosen to erase you from my memory…

  My stomach drops painfully as his words dawn on me.

  …not because I wanted to forget you, Alexia, it was for your own good! You're killing me here! How am I supposed to save you when you won't let me!

  I scoff through mind-link, hoping I figured out how to do it and rolled my eyes just in case he didn't get it.

  A noise from Jezebel's direction draws our attention to her and she is finally waking up. She rolls to her stomach and pushes up with her hand until she is sitting on her bottom with her back to the wall adjacent to us.

  I thought my day couldn't get any worse…and that's what I get for thinking.

  Her eyes land on us with a look of confusion in them and then in a split second her expression changes to realization. Her eyes dart from me to Shadow, then to the proximity between us, landing on me with an evil glare.

  Shadow clears his throat and her attention leaves me for a second, thankfully. I really don't want to deal with this right now. Her jealousy and my jealousy are just the same. Plus, I couldn't deal if he chose her in any way over me. She already has more of him than I have ever had, even if it was just a little piece of him, it was a piece for her and only her. He gave himself to her in a way he will never and has never given me and the knowledge hurts like hell.

  And I press that back into the little black vault inside my mind where I am going to store all memories of Shadow and I and keep them locked away, hopefully to be forgotten forever.

  He glances at me with an unfamiliar expression that looks a lot like…pain? But it was gone just as fast as it was there.

  "How do you feel?" he asks her suddenly, voice deep and gruff.

  She smiles sweetly at him and I want to tell her to just save it. Save her breath too because if I can't have him surely she can't either.

  "I feel good mentally, but physically I'm drained." She crawls over to her clothes and finally gets dressed.

  "Can…you help me…stand up?"

  He stands and dusts his hands and knees off. "Of course."

  In a flash he appears next to her, hand offered for support.

  I guess he can't just move normally now that he's figured out his new skills, but who am I to complain over something so miniscule.

  Just an observation.

  She sets her dainty hand in his and he easily pulls her up. However, instead of standing she falls into him, arms around his ribs.

  He seems to be holding all of her weight and she seems to be enjoying him in her hug-like position as they walk back to me and ease down to sit beside me. She tries to keep her arms around him and rest her head on his shoulder but he wiggles out of it and then pats her head awkwardly before he moves to stand in front of us.

  He glances from me to her and then does it over again.

  His arms are crossed and it puts his biceps on display as well as his amazing stomach and broad shoulders. I do not appreciate that she gets to enjoy this view as much as I know she is.

  He is finally about to say something, and just as he opens his mouth the cell door explodes inward. I watch in slow motion as it heads straight for me. I distantly hear Shadow roar and then he is there, arm around me with the other extended to knock the door away. It splinters into a thousand tiny pieces as he covers me in the safe protection that only he can offer me.

  Shocked and scared only one thought enters my mind: I told you I would never let anything hurt you.

  And it wasn't even my thought.

  Before I can even form a reply, the dust clears from the explosion and to my amazement a very familiar figure is standing there.



  "Aw look, lover-boy has come to save you," Shadow snarls, loud enough for Gabe to hear.

  "Yes, someone had to do the saving. Didn't look like you were getting very far so I thought I would, lend a hand."

  At the mention of lending a hand, Gabriel's hand extends down to me. I take it and he pulls me up into his arms.

  My heart speeds up with joy and excitement at seeing my best friend and official angel husband. I am also elated that he is here to break us out.

  "How did you find us?! How did you blow up the cell? How are we getting out?"

  He laughs deeply at all of my questions. "I'll explain later, but we have to hurry now. Who's that?" He tilts his head towards Jezebel who is still leaning on Shadow for "support".

  "Oh, no one really," I reply in sing-song voice.

  That's funny, Shadow sends my way.

  "You'll tell me later?" Gabe asks hopefully.

  I want to curl my lip up at his curiosity over her but instead I manage to nod my head choppily.

  "Well if Shadow's girlfriend can't stand on her own he will just have to carry her because we have to leave now. Follow me."

  He didn't give any of us time to agree or disagree to that little statement but he darts out of the cell and I follow him fighting the urge to look back.

  "Gabe," Shadow calls. Just one deep, velvety word and Gabe stops dead in his tracks and turns around in response.

  And so do I, of course.

  "If you want the girl to come, you will carry her, not me."


  "You've got to be kidding me! You would leave the girl behind before carrying her, even though she is wounded?" Gabe asks unbelievingly.

  "She's not wounded and I don't like to be touched. Take it or leave it if you care about her so much."

  Part of me rejoices in the fact that Shadow doesn't really give a damn about her but part of me can't believe he is being so callous, especially since she could possibly be carrying his child.

  "She is not with my child, Alexia. I would be able to smell the change in her blood with my new "skills" as you call them."

  Everyone's mouths just drop and the situation becomes extremely tense.

  Oh my gods, you did not just say that out loud!

  She needed to hear it. She's hooked on me like a leech and she is going to drain the life out of me soon. I can't handle it. She annoys me. I am extremely relived that my child doesn't grow within her, and I am betting you are relieved as well.

  Well, yes of course but…

  Quiet Sweetling. We must move, we are about to have company.

  Gabe remains quiet as he scoops her up and since I know him so well, I know that he decides to just talk to me about this later instead of embarrassing the poor girl even further. His manners are impeccable, being raised with such class and sophistication and all.

  And he has a really good heart, too.

  Just as Gabe turns with her secured in his arms, Shadow and I follow behind him and we hastily make our way through the underground maze. We make rights and lefts and take certain tunnels and veer off of many forks in the path. Just as I think I cannot run this fast for a second longer, I am lifted off of my feet and carried on.

  I look into my savior's bright red eyes with confusion and a thankful heart.

  He glances down and winks at me before looking back up to pay attention, following Gabe.

  But I thought…

  Just don't think, Sweetling, it gets you into trouble.


  A deep, very sexy, male laugh echoes through my mind, and it feels so good to hear him laugh again, that I cannot stay frustrated with him.

  What seems like an eternity later, the darkness starts fading into light, the farther down the tunnel we run. Finally, we reach the end and pause to walk up the steps slowly. Gabe is in front still carrying Jezebel and he gently sets her onto her feet. Before either of them can turn and see Shadow holding me, he drops me unceremoniously and I barely land on my feet in a crouch.

  I shoot him a glare and he has the nerve to wink at me again!
/>   The boy makes my blood boil!

  …and my heart fracture into tiny little, irreparable pieces.

  Shadow frowns, suddenly and I desperately hope with what little pride I have left that he didn't hear that last part…

  "All clear," Gabe whispers and proceeds up the stairs with us close behind.

  "I had the Guards called to another location so we have a very small window of opportunity to fly over the wall in the East sector, near the training cliff."

  "Okayyyy," I drag out, seriously doubting this plan. "So am I correct to assume that the archers won't be on the wall?"

  He checks his watch. "I think so. That's the East sector over there," he point straight ahead about four hundred yards. "I'm not sure exactly how long the window will be once they realize it was a rouse and head back to their posts. But they should have rushed to the emergency about five minutes ago."

  "So we probably have no time left," Shadow informs.

  "It's likely, but what other choice do we have?"

  No one answers.

  "We just have to figure out how to get the girl over the wall. I could carry her but not that far and there's a risk we wouldn't clear the wall without getting an arrow," Gabe says.

  "My name is Jezebel," she says. "And you don't need to carry me again." She then shifts into an exotic female demon form, winking at Shadow.

  "She's a shifter," I inform him, with not too little venom in my tone.

  And she's stupid. She thinks Shadow is a demon, but she really has no idea. I like it when she embarrasses herself and she doesn't even realize it yet, because I can savor it until she does realize it in the very near future.

  "Questions now…" Gabe says.

  "Answers later," I reply and earn a condescending look from Shadow.

  Without accepting that stupid look from Shadow any longer, I mount my wings and take off behind Gabe and I fly as fast as my wings will take me.

  It's so good to see the sky again, with the beautiful blue and the fluffy white clouds. The wind is a familiar caress to my skin and I didn't realize how much I missed flying. Even the colors of the green grass and the gray wall coming nearer and nearer are a relief to see after spending so much time below ground in a dirty cell.

  And man I can't wait to take a shower.

  Gabe is in front of me and I can't help but appreciate his strong, white wings and the power they exert as they flap up and down straining to fly as fast as he is. His back muscles glisten in the sun and flex with every motion. He glances over his shoulder at me and for the first time I notice that something isn't right.

  He has a panicked expression on his face and my attention moves to the wall where I see two men with crossbows aimed at us.

  I cringe because my first thought is not about my safety or Gabe's or Shadows.


  My first thought is that I hope Jezebel gets hit.

  I really hope you know who didn't hear that.

  My second thought brings me to my safety and what to do.

  Gabe starts a zigzag pattern and I follow suit. I look over my shoulder and only see Jezebel as she frantically zigzags behind us, struggling to keep up.

  Where the hell is Shadow?

  Watching over you, of course. Literally and figuratively speaking.

  I search the open air above me and see my bright red eyes.

  "Your bright red eyes?"

  "Stay out of my head," I reply tersely.

  We're upon the wall now and the arrows are whizzing past us. Unfortunately Gabe and I are zigzagging at opposite times so when an archer locks his crossbow on Gabe and fires, it misses Gabe on his zag to the right and heads straight for me on my zig to the left.

  It's inevitable that it's going to hit me so I just squeeze my eyes shut and cringe.

  Mmmph," is the only clue I get that instead of hitting me, the arrow hit the infuriating object of my affection.

  Before I know what's happening yet again, I am grabbed and tucked below Shadow in one smooth move as we sail over the wall.

  "Don't look back," he tells me.


  In answer, a plethora of more arrows whizz past us and I know that it's not over until we are way beyond the reach of the arrows.

  I also notice that Gabe isn't in front of us anymore.

  I panic because there's no way we would have gotten free if it weren't for Gabe, and I love him. Just, not romantically.

  "He's with Jezebel, they're above us, and they're fine so far, Sweetling."

  "Wow, Shadow, I've never known you to take anything but the high road," I say smartly.

  "Well, I'm injured and carrying you, maybe you can forgive me just this once," he says and grunts again as I notice a strange noise and he jolts a little.

  My idiocy knows no bounds apparently.

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I sigh. I look up and notice the cords in his neck and shoulders are straining with my weight and his fangs are at their longest point.

  This is usually not a good sign with him, but I have no idea what it truly means.

  "I'm good to fly now, Shadow…"

  His eyes meet mine and he gives a swift nod and releases me. I immediately flutter my wings until I am gliding along beside Gabe and Jezebel, who are…holding hands?

  When Gabe notices my arrival he drops her hand and redness colors his face and neck.

  I smirk.

  "We should stop just over that ridge," Gabe suggests.

  I look behind us and can still see the wall in the distance. That ridge is not far enough for my peace of mine.

  "I prefer to get as far as we can, that ridge doesn't seem far enough…"

  He glances below me, and then behind us as if looking for someone that he lost, so I follow his eyes until mine set on those beautiful black wings that make my heart stutter.

  "Your boy got hit pretty badly…I don't think he can make it any farther. I may have to drag him to that ridge as it is…"

  "Lexi!!" Someone yells my name and it sounds familiar in the back of my mind but I just can't place it in my panicked state.

  I look around for the source and am jostled to my right when arms are wrapped around me in a mid-flight hug just seconds later.

  "Oh Lexi, I saw Shadow and I was so afraid you were hit too. Gods, I missed you…"

  Realization dawns on me. My best friend is here.


  "Yes, it's me, who else?"

  "H-h-how did you…?"

  "Gabe set the whole thing up, and there was no way I could live inside that stupid wall without you for the rest of my life. So, Wraith and I snuck over the wall at a different spot while all the crossbows were pointed at you guys."

  I frown, thinking how much Gabe did for me when I literally broke his heart and betrayed him and this marriage.

  "Alright let's take it down here, he can't go on any longer," Wraith announced suddenly from next to Gabriel.

  We all turned to Shadow waiting on him to deny it and when he doesn't argue I know he really can't continue.

  We all start angling down for decent and I put my wings in parachute position to drop down to Shadow's side.

  For the first time since we left the dungeon, I see that he is not hit just once with an arrow, but five times. And one is through the middle of his wing. I have no idea how he is still flying.

  Blood streams down his side, back, and legs in little rivulets caused by the wind.

  He looks more feral than ever with the streaks of blood, bright red eyes of the same color, and black wings of midnight.

  I reach out to grab his hand but he refuses, even pushing mine away.

  I land in a crouch and he sort of just falls into the ground collapsing.

  "Stop taking the hits for me if you are going to be such an asshole about it," I bite out.

  I kneel beside him and brush his hair off of his forehead examining the damage to his body and contemplating what to do.

  He just shakes his head in exasperation.
r />   "You just feel guilty," he says as everyone else gathers around and examines his injuries.

  "Yes! I do! And you just make it worse when you slap my hand away and won't talk to me! It's like it's my fault or something…"

  "I just don't want you to touch me!" His voice level is rising and my friends have the manners not to acknowledge us.

  "Well you sure let Jezebel touch you back in there!" My stupid voice breaks while trying to yell at him.

  "Gods! Really? Don't ever mention that to me again, Alexia, I don't want to think about it."

  My lip wobbles and I bite it as hard as I can just to cause myself more pain, somewhere other than my aching heart.

  I turn away and run to the woods surrounding us.

  He sighs in my mind-link as I bend down at a little stream winding through the forest.

  Please don't hold that against me. Or do. I deserve it. But just know…that I thought she was you…


  My past shouldn't burden the both of us, please just let me deal with the pain. Now come back over here and get these arrows out of me. Please.

  I slurp mouthfuls of water, quenching the dry mouth I have had. Wetness slides down my throat and refreshes my mouth.

  When I have had enough water and time to let everything he to me sink in, I decide to head back to him and get those arrows that should have been in my body, out of his.

  The fast that he said, "please'" is the driving force that gets me back over to him.

  Shadow saying please is equivalent to him begging, and I never want him hurt bad enough to beg, in any way.

  Chapter Eight

  Everyone watches me expectantly as I walk towards them. They surround Shadow, but no one has gotten any of the arrows out yet.

  Jezebel is on her knees next to his head and Wraith, Gabe, and Kaia are beside his torso.

  I throw my thumb over my shoulder. "There's a stream right back there if anyone is thirsty…"

  They nod and all get to their feet with looks of excitement and anxiousness on their faces. As they pass me for the stream, Kaia stops with a hand on my shoulder and leans in whispering in my ear, "Don't give up and you will win him back."

  We make eye contact and I smile at her as she takes off skipping after Wraith.

  They seem to be getting along really well. Obviously in love, their marriage worked out perfectly, I think.


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