My Immortal

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My Immortal Page 11

by Anastasia Dangerfield

  We all look at her frowning, not sure what she's talking about here.

  At least I'm not sure and it doesn't look like Kaia or Gabe or Wraith are either.

  Shadow's expression of shock however, now seems to be more like an "uht-oh, oopsies" expression.

  Jezebel huffs indignantly and continues on for all of us morons. "It means that a demon has chosen her as his life mate. Now he can only live off of her blood and they will both have the same sym….." she frowns, thinking about something unpleasant. "symbol…" she finishes quietly.

  "I'm sorry, but what?" Kaia hisses.

  Man, (heavy pause) if looks could kill! I would so be dead right now. Deader than dead. I would be undead, I would be so dead. Moving on.

  She stomps over to Shadow and grabs his arm with her hand and yanking it hard to make him turn around.

  I stomp over there towards her and tell her that this has nothing to do with him, whatever it is, and to chew her out for yanking/touching him that way/at all because he is my man. Mine.

  However, before I really even make it all the way over to them, I notice the looks everyone is directing at me now, and she turns around and slaps me through the face.

  The bitch slaps me through the face!

  Rage is not a word I would use to describe the power bubbling into my blood stream right now. No, it would be something a lot worse and more powerful, but there isn't a word for it yet. It would be along the lines of KILL though.

  "Oh, crap," Gabriel says.

  My hand forms a fist so tight that my nails make little crescents into my palm, possibly even draw blood at this point, and I pull my fist back, so ready to knock her blonde head off of her shoulders but Gabe saves her by leaping between us.

  "Gabriel!" I yell, irritated beyond belief that he lets her slap me and I don't get anything in return?

  "Gabriel!" Shadow yelled at the same time, sounding angry at him for the same thing.

  "Stop it! All of you!" Gabe huffs. He is between me and the soon to be dead shifter, facing her, back to me, with his hands on her shoulders! "Am I the only adult out here?"

  "Pft. Hardly," Shadow returns.

  "Well it seems that way to me! Whatever the heck is going on, we are out here being hunted by the authorities, the Hell-Horde, and maybe even the Guard. Can we not stick together and get a move on? Can we not discuss things like adults?"

  I cross my arms. I really don't like him right now. How can he be lecturing me when this whore shifter just slapped me?

  My glare turns to an expression of betrayal and hurt.

  "Come on Alexia, don't do this to me. I-"

  "Whatever," I cut him off.

  He shuts his mouth and blows his cheeks up with air. He looks more funny than frustrated and I really fight my laughter. This pisses me off because I want to be mad at him and I also have the right to, it's not fair that he's about to make me smile, because then he will think everything is okay, and everything is certainly not okay.

  "I am so confused right now," Wraith offers, finally deciding to join the party.

  "Someone had better explain why that bitch just slapped my best friend before I go nuclear!" Kaia hisses hysterically.

  "Yes, let's discuss this thing on Alexia's neck and the deal between her and Jezebel and Shadow like mature adults and then get on our merry way. I doubt we can go another night out in the open without the Hell-Horde finding us."

  "Yes, let's discuss the demon's mark on Alexia's neck," Jezebel purrs. She has her arms crossed and her foot is tapping.

  Shadow makes his way towards me but everyone else fixates on her as if she is telling a story. Which, she probably is. As in the lie-type-of-story.

  "It just so happens that she has the same symbol, or mark, as Sh-"

  "As me," Shadow declares proudly right before he plasters his sinful lips against mine hard, and in front of everyone.

  Just staking my claim, for everyone to see, Bayla.

  Yes, Shadow, in more ways than one I can see. A mark? Really?

  "Yes, turn around let me see it," he replies out loud, leaving everyone a bit confused.

  "I never thought my mark would be so sexy on someone," he rumbles. His light touch traces the back of my neck across my back to my shoulder and I shiver.

  "Let me see yours."

  He smiles a sweet smile at me and then turns around so that I can examine it as everyone but Jezebel joins me. They look at his and mine, comparing them and she just stands there with her arms crossed, seething.

  "Wow, they really are identical," Kaia whispers in awe.

  Wraith just grunts in agreement, tracing Shadow's mark with his eyes.

  I notice Gabe's gaze keep darting over to Jezebel and it doesn't escape me that this has been going on since he saw her in the cell with us.

  "Gabe, can I talk to you for a second?" I don't even wait for his to reply as I walk a safe distance away from everyone trusting that he follows.

  When I turn around it's no surprise that he is there and for the first time in a long time as I stare into his pretty blue eyes I see the anger in them that is directed towards me.

  I sigh and sag my shoulders. Is wishing for a happy ending to all of this even a feasible thing to do anymore?

  "I just wanted to talk to you about whatever is going on between us."

  He shrugs it off and turns his head away back towards everyone else and I am left staring at his profile.

  "Look, Gabe, I love you. You are my best friend. I can't stand it when you look at me the way you have been and you won't even tell me why. Please just be honest with me."

  He chews on his lip for a second and looks back at me. He drops his head towards the ground just when I thought he was going to talk.

  "I guess that it's just harder than I thought it would be, actually seeing you with someone else. Especially him."

  I nod with understanding. "But, I thought you said that you understood and that you weren't in love with me anymore."

  "I know what I said," he says a little harsher than he intends. His tone changes back to placating. "I guess I thought wrong. I mean, I don't feel the jealousy and the longing over you that I did. For some reason it's turned into…anger and bitterness towards you and I just don't know how to change that."

  "I guess it's too much to ask to have both of you? My best friend and my boyfriend. I always knew I would have to choose."

  He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "I never said that, Alexia. You asked me to tell you what was on my mind and I did. You still have me, I am still here and I am not mad at you. I guess I just feel shunned and I don't feel like I deserve it. I think I treated you well and I am not ugly. I just think it's more of how this whole situation has changed the way I view myself, and I don't like it."

  "Well, I am sorry for putting you through all of this."

  He nods and purses his lips. His hands find his hips and his gaze lingers back towards everyone.

  I watch him and then follow his eyes back to Jezebel. While I am watching her she covertly glances back at Gabriel, fully aware of exactly where he is over here with me. Hmm.

  "And I also never thanked you for saving us and planning the escape. So, thank you Gabriel. You probably saved my life."

  "You don't have to thank me, Alexia. It was mostly my fault that my Guards took him away, and it was time to make it right. I couldn't lose you for forever just because of my jealousy."

  He glances back at me and then back to her. I nod, speechless.

  "Do you, ah, do you think she's pretty?"

  He snaps his attention back to me with a surprised look on his face and if I'm not mistaken he is blushing for the first time in history.

  "No," he says.

  I know that she is probably listening to our conversation with her shifter hearing but I doubt Gabe is aware of all if her abilities. He isn't exactly studied up on other kinds, other than knowing that they exist. Until now I thought he would never even take notice of a girl if she wasn't an angel.

/>   Glancing at her after he says this, I see her frown as she examines her fingernails.

  "I think she is beautiful…" he admits in a whisper, looking deep into my eyes. It's as if he is trying to gage my reaction and read deep into my soul at the same time.

  I break away from his inscrutable stare to check Jezebel's expression now and sure enough she has a sweet looking smile on her face that she is trying to hide, and for once I realize that maybe she can be nice and normal somewhere deep, deep, deep down.

  I sigh. "Most guys do," I mutter. "I don't know her that well Gabe, but be careful. What I do know isn't my business to share, but I can tell you that it's not good…and I don't want to see you get hurt again."

  He frowns at me and then nods. "Thanks for the warning. I'm gonna head back and check on her. We should get on the move soon."

  I follow behind him, my eyes scanning for my dark Shadow. A feeling of ease washes over me when I spot his red eyes watching me walk towards him. And when he smiles and I see his fangs my heart stutters.

  He plants a kiss on the top of my head as he encloses me in an affectionate hug and not for the first time I feel his love seep into my pores.

  "I missed you," he whispers into my ear, causing me to shiver.

  "Mmm, I missed you too."

  We all stand around discussing various things amongst ourselves when Gabe clears his throat, then we all become quiet at his innate ability to command.

  "Let's move, we can't stay here any longer. Everybody good with that? We need to fly as far as we can before nightfall and find shelter."

  We all mumble our agreement and I glance up into the deep, dark depths of my lover's eyes as I brace myself for a long, fast flight.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two days later…

  I am leaning up against Shadow's chest in between his legs and he is leaned up against the wall of a small cave. There is no waterfall in front of this one and it is much dingier.

  We couldn't get the fire to start in here even though we all gave it a try until our hands were so tired we could hardly flex our fingers.

  So yeah, it's a little chilly in here since it's finally night time.

  Everyone has long since closed their eyes and from what I can tell from the light snores and steady breathing everyone is asleep except for me and Shadow.

  I shift sideways and look back at him straining my eyes to make out his features in the dark even with my face only inches from his. "Why aren't you asleep?"

  He smirks. "Why aren't you?"

  "Do you always answer a question with a question?"

  "I don't think so, do you?" He winks at me.

  My gaze flicks to his the shadow of his luscious lips, watching his tongue slip out to wet them. A peep show of his fangs has my stomach clenching and suddenly I am aware of my body pressed so closely to his. "If you weren't so cute, I wouldn't like you," I say jokingly.

  "So you just want me for my body?"

  I roll my eyes indignantly. "At least you think you're funny."

  "Thanks!" He laughs.

  “Gabe spoke to me privately...” whispers.

  This gets my attention. “Really? When?” Because I didn't notice that.

  “This morning before anyone else was awake. He said that Jezebel had a miscarriage the night before...”

  I gasp quietly. “Oh gods....” I don't really know what else to say. Is everyone okay with this? I am sad for the unborn child, but also a little relieved. “Um...are they okay? Is she alright...are you?”

  He sighs. “Well, it turns out that she admitted it probably wasn't my child. She told him that she was used a lot in the dungeon and that she had noticed signs of pregnancy before I came along.”

  I nod and he rubs my shoulder.

  'I think it's best for everyone in the long run, Gabe does as well,” he says.

  I just nod again. I am afraid of saying the wrong thing and afraid to speak at all.

  We sit in silence for a long while.

  I want to kiss him but when I lean forward to touch his lips with mine, his body jerks and he groans in pain as his eyes cringe shut.

  I frown. "What is it? Did I touch your arrow wounds?"

  He shakes his head. "They've been healed for a day or so. I think maybe it's…"

  He trails off and I don't want to hear him say it as much as he probably doesn't want to hear himself say it. If we just don't acknowledge that he will probably have withdrawal symptoms then maybe he won't. Haha. Fat chance.

  "Maybe you should feed," I whisper. "Maybe we can fight this using your blood hunger."

  He groans again and hugs his stomach tighter. His skin is starting to get clammy and I know the trembles and shivers are next.

  Gods I don't want to watch him go through this again. And I refuse to think of the fact that no one has survived without the Black Poison drug after they have started using it.

  He will not die from withdrawals after everything he has been through. We just found each other!

  His gentle touch on my neck as he moves my hair over to one shoulder makes my skin break out in chills and my eyes shut on their own. "Stop analyzing everything, baby. I know you're already thinking the worst. I can beat this with your help." He smiles sweetly and the pessimistic part of me notices that he doesn't even believe that.

  "I will do whatever you need, you know that. So will everyone else," I whisper, hoping that is true.

  As I stare into his eyes I can see the pain behind them…and the hope. You only hope when you are unsure and hope is a thin straw to grasp. Suddenly and surely I realize that I have to keep that hope in his eyes through this, because once his hope is gone again I don't think I will ever get him back.

  I will not lose him to this after everything else.

  He lays his head back against the wall and I can tell that he is working his jaw as another wave of pain wracks his body.

  "One day we will be free of all this crap," I whisper, reaching up to put my hand behind his head.

  His red eyes flare brighter as I lovingly bring his head to my pounding vein.

  Expecting the initial sharp sting of his fangs my skin twitches where he lands a sweet kiss instead.

  I smile to myself and my heart swells with love. I wish I could show him how much I love him but I don't think he will ever grasp how much.

  He finally pierces my vein and starts drinking.

  I snuggle closer into him and bask in the pleasure of being in his arms and giving him something that he needs and can only get from me…to survive.

  It is an overwhelming rush to know that his survival depends on me and that he literally couldn't live without me.

  It' exactly how I feel about him, whether there is anything physical tying me to him or not.

  We were one when we mates but now it really feels like he is an extension of me. Now I share not only his love but also his pain and sorrow.

  Hopefully he can pull through this if he feels some of my strength and encouragement.

  After a few minutes, I notice Shadow stiffen and he stills completely as the hand over my stomach clenches. Just as I open my mouth to speak he cuts me off.

  Shh! Don't move….

  My heart accelerates. You're scaring me.

  He is so still and quiet that I don't even hear the breaths he takes through his nose despite his fangs still in my vein and close to my ear. He is swallowing ever so slowly so that my blood doesn't just spill over and run down my neck, being wasted.

  I'm not trying to, Bayla, but there is something close. I can feel it. I just can't tell if it's evil or not.

  I gulp and close my eyes, inhaling a quivering breath.

  Don't make a noise, I'm going to close the wound and pull my fangs out.


  Just as soon as my neck is free, a noise draws our attention towards the dark cave entrance and we both sit a little straighter staring intently.

  "Who are you?" Shadow's voice booms right next to my ear, startling me.

Confused and wondering who he is talking to I look over my shoulder at him, noticing his intense gaze directed at someone in the darkness of the cave entrance that I can not see.

  Why can't angels see in the dark? I think.

  Because angels aren't meant to be out in the dark, wondering around. demons are from the dark. He answers at the same time a voice replies from the entrance.

  "P-Please don't hurt me! I'm just from the village on the other side of the mountain."

  I cock my head at the mysterious voice and what I just heard.

  A village!

  I knew there were others! Ones that weren't confined to that prison that we were born into.

  Shadow stands up and motions for the thing to come closer. I stand up next to him.

  "What's going on? Who the hell are you talking to?" Gabe shouts, jarring everyone else from sleep.

  I glance at Gabe and notice Wraith igniting the fire again with expertise and two flints.

  When did they wake up? I wonder.

  They have been awake since I fed from you, baby.

  Embarrassment floods my senses, thinking back to our private moment.

  Looking back at the entrance, I notice two things: the mysterious being looks like a kind that I have never seen and two: he is looking at Shadow like he knows who he is and like he is extremely disbelieving of it.

  "A village? How many live there? What kind?"

  Gabe stands to join us and Wraith and Kaia huddle closer to the fire. Jezebel eyes Gabe as he stands beside me.

  "Yes, ah…ah about three thousand live there, it's the largest village around with wraiths, humans, faeries, demons, angels, spirits, shifters, nymphs, and of course hybrids."

  Hybrids? I hear Shadow's excitement at the possibility.

  Shadow frowns. "What are you doing here?"

  “Wraiths?” Kaia says, looking at Wraith at the same time Jezebel gasps and says, “Humans?”

  He holds up his hands in a placating gesture. "I mean you no harm. I swear. Our scouts have seen large movement of the Hell-Horde out lately and they sent me to check it out…to see what they were tracking…."

  Gabe nods and Shadow crosses his arms. "You mean that they are after us?"

  He nods and chews on his lip. He walks closer, slowly until the full amount of light from the fire reaches him.


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