Mysticons--Prophecy of Evil

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Mysticons--Prophecy of Evil Page 5

by Sadie Chesterfield

  They turned and saw a cloaked figure at the edge of the circular platform. At some point he must’ve swooped in and stolen the rings when they weren’t looking. Probably when they were fighting.

  “After him!” Zarya yelled.

  They took off down the stairs, running as fast as they could.


  THE CLOAKED FIGURE was always just a little in front of them. Arkayna tried to blast him with magic from her Dragon Staff, but he was moving too fast. She kept missing him.

  Just when they were gaining on him, he stopped and spun around. He wielded a giant sword. That’s when he let down his hood.

  “Dreadbane?” Arkayna said, staring at the giant skeleton warrior. The last time they’d seen him, he was trapped behind Necrafa’s portal. She’d banished him to a desert dimension—even after he’d stolen the Codex for her. He was blinded by his love for her, even though she was just using him to destroy the realm.

  “In the flesh,” he growled through his skeletal jaws. “So to speak…”

  “He escaped the prison dimension?” Zarya asked as she drew back her bow.

  “Give us the rings,” Arkayna ordered. “It’s the only way to destroy Necrafa.”

  “Which is why she must have them,” Dreadbane said.

  “She tried to abandon you,” Zarya shot back.

  “Our love is … complicated.” With that, he hurled his sword at them. It landed on the stairs just below them and exploded, destroying a huge chunk of stone. The force of the blast threw Arkayna backward, and in an instant she was plummeting off the tower.

  “Long live Necrafa!” Dreadbane yelled as he ran away.

  “Hang on!” Zarya shouted as she shot a magic arrow at Arkayna. She was able to grab the rope trailing it and swing onto the side of the tower. But she was still thirty feet below Zarya and Choko. They pulled her up inch by inch until she was back on the stairs.

  Arkayna struggled to catch her breath. When she was certain she was safe, she turned to Zarya. Zarya had always been one of the bravest and strongest people she knew. She never hesitated in the face of danger. And she would do anything for the people she loved.

  “Thanks … sis,” Arkayna said.

  “Don’t mention it,” Zarya said, turning to go.

  “Wait … I’m sorry I didn’t seem happy that you are my sister,” Arkayna said. “It’s just … with the prophecy and Proxima and everything else, it’s been so confusing. But I’m happy. I am.”

  Zarya still seemed unsure. Her shoulders were slumped and she wouldn’t look at Arkayna.

  “No, for real. I love you,” Arkayna said. She punched Zarya in the arm, then gave her a noogie. “I love you, I love you!”

  “Okay!” Zarya finally said. She was smiling. “That’s more like it.”

  But Arkayna wasn’t done. She wrapped her arms around Zarya, enjoying how good it felt to be close to her. “I love you, sis.”

  “Right. The ‘sis’ thing is kinda annoying,” Zarya laughed. “Now let’s get that bone dome and save the realm.”

  They took off on their griffins, swooping down across the city. It was clear Necrafa had already been there. Bridges were destroyed and buildings had collapsed. There were giant patches of black, scorched earth. As they got closer they could see the other Mysticons on top of a roof. They were with the Sky Pirate captain named Kitty, her trusted lieutenant (and little brother) Kasey, and the rest of her crew. It was clear Em and Piper had called them in for help.

  Necrafa was hovering in the air high above them. She rode the Spectral Dragon and had a whole army of spectres behind her.

  Arkayna’s stomach sank. She was more powerful than all of them combined, and they hadn’t returned with the rings. How much longer could they hold off her army? Were they already doomed?

  “They’re back!” Piper yelled when she spotted them. She turned to Necrafa. “You’re in trouble now! Hit her with the rings, girls!”

  Arkayna and Zarya jumped down onto the roof. “We don’t have them,” Arkayna confessed.

  “If you don’t have the rings, who does?” Em asked.

  Dreadbane swooped down right on cue. He was riding his vulture. He held the glowing rings up in his hand.

  “I do!” he yelled. “They belong to my queen!”


  “VERY GOOD,” NECRAFA said as she gazed down at Dreadbane. She waved him toward her. “Bring me the rings.”

  Arkayna knew this was it. If she didn’t get the rings back now, the whole realm would be destroyed. She jumped back onto her griffin and flew up in the air to talk to Dreadbane. “Don’t,” she pleaded. “She doesn’t love you, Dreadbane.”

  “Lies!” Necrafa snapped. “Together we will purge the realm with the dragon’s rage.”

  “You have to fight for the things you love,” Arkayna urged. “Your home. Your friends. Your starmates. Your sisters. But there’s nothing you can do to make them love you back.”

  “Tell me you love me,” Dreadbane said, looking up at Necrafa.

  “I love you,” she lied.

  “Don’t listen to her, Dreadbane!” Arkayna begged.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you!” Necrafa grew angrier each time she said it. Dreadbane stared up at her, his eyes sad, like he wasn’t sure what to do. “Now, give me the rings!”

  Dreadbane clutched the rings in his hand. He didn’t move. He looked up at Necrafa, then back at Arkayna. He seemed confused.

  Necrafa couldn’t take it any longer. She blasted him with her dark magic, letting him wither in pain.

  “I hate you, you worthless pile of bones!” she snapped. “Give me the rings!”

  She blasted Dreadbane again. When he sat back up, he had tears in his eyes. “Alas, Necrafa…” He held the rings away from him. “It’s time for me to let go.”

  He released the rings and they fell toward the ground. Necrafa grabbed them with her magic, drawing them up toward her in the sky.

  But Zarya acted fast. She aimed up and shot an arrow at Necrafa. It sailed past the rings and high into the air.

  “Ha! You missed!” Necrafa laughed.

  “I never miss,” Zarya said. As the arrow came back down, it took the two rings from Necrafa and brought them down to the roof. Arkayna and Zarya raised their hands up and a golden ring slipped onto each girl’s finger.

  “The prophecy was right,” Arkayna said. “The realm will be purged by the dragon’s rage.”

  “But not your dragon,” Zarya said.

  “Ours,” Arkayna and Zarya said together. “Unleash the twin dragons!”

  Powered by the energy of their rings, Arkayna and Zarya shot into the night sky in a swirl of energy. Together they transformed into two fierce Dragon avatars. They spun around each other, soaring up toward the moon, and let out a fearsome roar.

  Then they set their sights on Necrafa. She charged toward them on the Spectral Dragon and they zoomed down to meet her. They collided in a huge explosion of light and sound.

  “No!” Necrafa screamed. “Noooo! Noooo!”

  Arkayna couldn’t see a thing. The light was blinding. Her and Zarya’s powers had never been stronger, and the energy surged through them, creating a glowing green orb. Then the energy around them exploded, sending a ripple of magic through the city. In seconds, Necrafa and all of her spectres were gone.


  “BY THE HAMMER of Harmon!” Em yelled as Arkayna and Zarya dove to the ground, now transformed back into their Mysticon identities. They landed on the roof. Arkayna’s hands were still trembling.

  “That was fab-tacular!” Piper cried.

  “Did we get her?” Zarya asked, looking around.

  “Did we destroy Necrafa?” Arkayna couldn’t believe it was true.

  “Did we ever!” a familiar voice called out. The Mysticons turned to see Gawayne, Arkayna’s stepbrother, who ruled the city now that their parents were trapped in bone. He was hanging out of the top of a limo, his butler right beside him. Hundreds of grateful cit
izens surrounded him.

  “Get in here, girls,” he called out to them. “Come on, hug it out. Butler, prepare a victory party—no, wait—a victory fiesta for the entire city.”

  He leapt out of the limo at the Mysticons, then threw his arms around them in a hug. Arkayna closed her eyes, already annoyed with her stepbrother. He hadn’t done a thing and he was trying to take all the credit, as usual.

  “We make a great team,” Gawayne sighed.

  * * *

  That night, the sky exploded with fireworks. The balcony of the Royal Tower was packed with people. The Sky Pirates danced and sang to the music, and even Choko busted a move. Arkayna hated to admit it, but Gawayne had thrown an incredible party. He could at least do one thing right.

  “Oh my goblin, this is going to be amazing,” Arkayna said to Zarya as they considered their new sisterhood. They were sitting beside each other on a couch, hanging out with Kitty and Malvaron. Arkayna kept thinking about how cool it was that they were in the Royal Tower together, the same place their mother had lived for so many years. There were so many things she and Zarya still had to do and say to each other. “We can stay up all night and tell each other secrets! We can start sister diaries together! Oh, I have to get you your own quill!”

  “Quills … I love quills…” Zarya said skeptically.

  “You wanted her to be happy,” Kitty said to Zarya as Malvaron invited Arkayna to dance. “She’s happy.”

  Arkayna pretended she hadn’t heard them as she twirled around the dance floor with Malvaron. It never felt so right to be back in the Royal Tower, where she grew up, with the twin sister she never knew she had. As confusing as the past few days had been, she was grateful for everything that had happened. And most of all, she was grateful that she didn’t have to worry about the prophecy coming true.

  Arkayna spotted Proxima at the far end of the roof. She’d looked so hurt when the truth came out, and everything had happened so fast Arkayna hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her yet. The secrets Nova Terron kept had been devastating for all of them, but finding out you aren’t who you think you are? Arkayna would have to find time to make sure Proxima was all right.

  But for now, Arkayna was determined to enjoy the moment. She spun around once, then again, letting the music cheer her. She looked up into Malvaron’s sweet brown eyes, and for the first time in a long time she felt safe and happy. The realm of Gemina was finally at peace. She wanted this feeling to last forever.

  Was that too much to ask?

  Malvaron, the Mysticons, and Nova Terron hold the Dragon Disk at the Celestial Forge.

  Mysticon Dragon Mage and Proxima face off.

  Mysticon Dragon Mage shows Nova Terron just how angry she is.

  Tazma and General Tibion confront the Mysticons.

  The Mysticons look through the portal into Mrs. Sparklebottom’s sanctuary.

  Em kneels to talk to de-aged, toddler-sized Zarya.

  The Mysticons sneak around Mrs. Sparklebottom, who’s distracted by her television.

  The Mysticons are caught in Mrs. Sparklebottom’s webs.

  Half-spider Mrs. Sparklebottom confronts Arkayna.

  Auntie Yaga steps out of her van at the stronghold, to pass on a desperate message.

  Arkayna and Proxima are held captive, with the dragon egg between them.

  Necrafa is displeased with Tazma.

  The Mysticons discover the truth about Arkayna’s sister at the Astromancer Academy.

  Necrafa rides the Spectral Dragon toward Drake City.

  Arkayna and Zarya navigate spinning energy shields that protect the two golden rings.

  Arkayna and Zarya rise into the sky, powered by their twin rings.


  Sadie Chesterfield is the author of dozens of novels for children and teens. She lives in California. When she isn’t writing, she loves traveling the world, eating delicious food, and hiking in the mountains with her pit bull mix, Ralph. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  About the Author


  Mysticons characters, designs, and elements © 2018 Nelvana Limited. Mysticons is a trademark of Nelvana Limited. All rights reserved.


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  into a pen of angry griffins

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  Imprint logo designed by Amanda Spielman

  First paperback edition, 2018

  eBook edition, August 2018

  eISBN 978-1-250-16511-4




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